My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 4 - Meeting Toga

Inside a large cluttered room, multiple people could be seen working hard on some sort of project. Everyone in the room was actively doing their role in this group project despite it being so late at night. They all looked tired, unmotivated, and on the verge of passing out any second now.

"Hey, do we have anymore coffee?"

"If we did I would've drank it by now."

"Well go out and buy some more."

"Are you serious? Who do you think you're talking too? I'm your superior, I shou-

"And I'm yours."

As soon as the two men heard the voice, they instantly stopped bickering and stood up to address the man in charge of them.

"Hekiji Tengai-sama!"

"Our deepest apologies, we didn't mean to disturb you!"

"It's fine, I got a message from Chisaki-sama. He wants to let you all know that the resources we were supposed to receive will be late due to an increase in heros patrolling around this area. You'll have to make do with what we currently have."

The quirk researchers in the room were greatly disappointed by his words. They were bȧrėly making any progress since they've never tried making a quirk canceling drug before, they need resources, time, and sleep, but they didn't have any of these luxuries right now.

'Seriously!? Does this lazy bastard know how hard it is to make a drug like this is? How are we supposed to make it if we don't have any supplies? Do they want us to fail?'

The researchers would never say this out loud, they knew better than to say something like that to a member of the Eight Bullets.

"Of course Tengai-sama, we will show you the results of our hard work!"

As the man in the plaque doctor mask was about to exit the room, something unexpected happened. The ceiling started trembling and forming several spider web like cracks on it, like it was about to cave in any second now.

"Eh!? What's happening!?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"Are we under attack!? Is it a hero or a vigilante?"

"Did the heros find us!?"

While the researchers were panicking, Tengai activated his barrier quirk and pulled out a pistol from his black kimono. The bullets were regular bullets since they haven't had a successful test with the quirk canceling bullets yet.

He pointed his gun at the ceiling and waited for them to crash through, his finger on the trigger. Right when the ceiling looked like it was going to collapse, it suddenly stopped and the only noise that could be heard was the scared whimpers of a few researchers.

"Tengai-sama what do w-

Shut up!"

Tengai quickly snapped at the researcher, he wasn't willing to let himself get distracted when he's facing an unknown enemy without Rappa.

'If only that stupid muscle head had just listened to Chisaki-sama and went with me to check on the damn drug rings, I wouldn't be so worried if he was here.' Tengai thought to himself, never taking his eyes off the ceiling.

Their attention was on the ceiling, they're not going to move out of the building since it could've been some sort of scare tactic that would make them run outside in the open. They all waited for something to happen, whether it's an police announcement telling them to surrender, or a vigilante showing up ready for battle.

Several minutes have passed with nothing but complete silence, nobody has moved an inch. After a few more minutes, Tengai finally put his gun back in his kimono. When the researchers saw this they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it over?"

"Was it really just an earthquake?"

"I thought we were done for"

Tengai sighed, "Let's move to a different drug ring, this one isn't sa-

Before he could finnish, the wall to his left was blasted inwards, flipping over desks and causing a cave in. The lucky ones were killed instantly by having their heads crushed with debris, the unlucky ones were trapped under the rubble, unable to move or breathe with the weight slowly crushing them as time goes on.

'What the hell!?'

'It's completely devastated, everything that we were researching here is destroyed. Whoever did this must've did it with the intent to kill, I highly doubt they would put that much force into the wall if they were simply going to tell us to surrender.'

"So this is the amount of damage I can cause with a single cluster missile, good to know."

Looking back at the broken wall Tengai quickly pulled out his gun and aimed at the source of the voice, only to be shocked to see a young boy standing there. His purple eyes were looking right at Tengai, looking away briefly to scan the room, then landing back on Tengai.

'A kid!? Did a kid cause all this destruction? No that can't be it, he must be checking to see if all of us were killed. It doesn't matter, after I kill him I'll report back to Chisaki-sama and tell him that we lost a drug ring.'

Without much thought, Tengai deactivated his barrier and fired five bullets at Yahiko, only to be surprised a second time when the bullets stopped in mid air.

"Do you really think a simple gun can hurt me?

'Shinra Tensei'

The bullets started flying back at Tengai at incredible speeds. Before he could put his barrier back up, the bullets hit him full force.

One bullet found itself in his right leg, another in his right arm, two passing through his stomach, the last one in his head.

He didn't even have time to react, that was how fast it was.

'Shit. I should've kept him alive, I would've been able to find the remaining Bullets and Chisaki's hideout.I want to take down the yakuza since they seem they can probably put up a decent fight since they have interesting quirks. Oh well, no use in crying over spilt milk. I can always start looking for them if I'm bored.'

When Yahiko was getting ready to dispose of them, he suddenly sensed someone heading towards him.

'A hero?'

Quickly turning around to see who it was, his senses told him to dodge. Slightly turning his head to the right, Yahiko was able to see a kitchen knife flying mere centimeters away from his head. Looking at the direction the knife came from, Yahiko saw a tall skinny man with red highlights in his hair. When Yahiko was preparing to retaliate, the man started looking distorted, like he was melting.

'Is he turning into slime? Wait a minute! I recognize that grey sludge, it's Himiko Toga!'

Yahiko was happy to see her, even if he didn't let it show on his face.Why? Because Toga was his favorite character in MHA. He always thought of her as a interesting character. She was basically Yahiko's waifu before he died. Now he got to meet her face to face.

Where a tall skinny man was once standing now reveals a young girl covered in grey sludge. Despite all of the sludge, the girl had a large smile plastered on her face.

"Wow, you killed all of these people? Amazing! You should've killed them a bit more slowly though, that way they can cherish their final moments with you! Don't you think that sounds great?"

"I was planning on killing them slowly, they were just to weak too stand up against a god."

"If I become your follower, will you help me make some new friends?"

"Didn't you just throw a knife at me?"


"And you're expecting me to act like it didn't happen?"



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