Two years have passed since I've met Toga, we've learned a lot about each other. A week after our first meeting, she used her family's resources to find out where I live. That's right, Toga is a rich girl that was forced to suppress her quirk because her parents found it disgusting. Thus the poor girl had to pretend that she was a normal quirkless girl. Her dėsɨrė to drink blood to transform into someone else only grew larger as time went on, she eventually started sneaking out and started killing people to satisfy herself.

During this time, someone came to the orphanage looking for a child to adopt.

That child ended up being me. The one who wanted to adopted me was none other than Twice, or Jin Bubaigawara.

'Guessing by the stitches on his head and the way he's acting, the traumatic event happened recently.'

"Yahiko please stay back, this man is asking for you and he keeps saying he would like to adopt you, but he appears to be dangerous. I'll tell him to leave immediately."

"It's fine, let him speak. If he is dangerous, then I'll deal with him."

"Hey wait! I'm not dangerous I promise.Little man, you seem very mȧturė for your age, I can get you into a good school if you want. If that's not your thing then I could buy you some games to play with. What do you think?"

'Toga must've sent him, it looks like he'll break down and start crying if I reject him, he must be desperate for human intimacy. I could use this to my advantage.'

"I accept. I'll be your son for now on."

Jin immediately perked up upon hearing his words.

"Really! You don't know how happy I am! You won't be disappointed, I promise I'll get you anything you want."

Yahiko gave him a simple nod, he wasn't expecting him to get so worked up.

"I'll go get my belongings together, it may take awhile.

"That's fine son, please take your time while I wait out here. Oh right! I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jin Bubaigawara, but you can call me dad!"

'He really was desperate, I'll just call Himiko and tell her that I got adopted.'

The first time he met Toga, she gave him her phone number and home address so he could find and contact her. He just went along with it since it ment that she trusts him already, or that she's planning to do something with him. The second one is more likely now that Twice is involved.

He starts calling her on the house phone, and waits for her to pick up.

[Hello Akatsuki-kun! Did something interesting happen?]

"I got adopted." He says bluntly.

[Eh? You got adopted? Congratulations! I'll throw you a party when we meet up again.]

"That won't be necessary, I already know that you're the one that sent him."

[!? How did you know? Did he tell you? I told him to keep it a secret!]

"He didn't tell me anything, I knew because of how obvious it was."

[I almost forgot that you were a party pooper, so lame. Would it kill you too play along with it once?]

"You can't kill god. I'll see you soon. Goodbye for now."

It was rather strange how the two of them interacted with each other. One was blunt and emotionless, yet he sounded condescending to anyone he spoke too. The other one was playful and cordial, despite all this she was actually quite shrewd. They were complete opposites, but they were so similar at the same time.

When he finished getting his stuff together, he went back to the entrance to see if Ito was there.


'Please lord Kenobi have mercy on my soul.'

Looking at the entrance of the orphanage was like looking at hell for Yahiko. Almost every kid in the orphanage was standing in front of him, sad to see that their purple eyed friend was leaving them. Knowing they couldn't do anything about it, they decided to say their goodbyes to him while Ito was completing the adoption papers.

'Why do they like me so much? I bȧrėly talked to any of them. *sigh* I'm going to end up getting annoyed to death if this keeps up.'

When Jin was coming back, all of the kids that were once clustered together like a bunch of sardines started dispersing one by one to slowly make room for the approaching ȧduŀt.

'Finally free, I never thought that living in an orphanage would be so tiring.'

"Looks like someone's pretty popular, what'd you do to get so many people to like you anyway?"

"It's most likely because of my quirk."

"Your quirk? Oh! That's right, Toga said that you have telekinesis right?"

"Yes, they thought it was cool so they kept on asking me to make things float."

"That's a pretty cool quirk, mine is called Double, I can clone myself and other's but I need their measurements first. Want me to clone you?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I refuse.

They had short discussions, Jin asking him his likes and dislikes while Yahiko kept his answers short and simple. He didn't even try too add anything to the conversation. Eventually they've arrived at their destination.

'So this is where I'll be living, it doesn't look like much but it's a lot better than the orphanage.'

"Sorry that it's a little shabby, I'll get it fixed up immediately. Your room is upstairs, first door to your left."

'So he owns the whole apartment building? How interesting.'

Yahiko went upstairs to check out his new room. It was in pretty good shape considering the sorry state of the rest of the apartment. His room had a queen sized bed, one window, a desk, a 55inch tv, and a medium sized dresser for his clothes. The room was big and spacious since it had so little in it.

'Now I have perfect control of my chakra, paths of pain and my living situation, all I need now is swordsmanship classes, a few chakra receivers, and some piercings, then I'll be ready for canon.'

'Just three more years, that's how long I'll have too wait until the league of villains show up, deku gets One For All, and All For One returns. I wonder how different things are going to be when I interfere with the original story. I already now that I changed it when I killed one of the Eight Bullets and met Himiko. It's only going to get even more messed up when I apply for U.A. But first...'

"Hey Jin, I want to get some piercings, can you afford it?"

"It depends on how many you want. I can probably get you one or two but I'll have to ask Himiko-chan for some money if you plan on getting any more than that. How many do you want anyway?"

"About forty."


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