"I'm going to answer your questions one at a time, okay?" Yahiko said in a annoyed voice, they were asking him so many questions in a short amount of time.

Eventually, everybody was able to quiet down so Yahiko could answer their questions and All Might had Izuku go to Recovery Girl to get healed up. Ochoco (I honestly don't know if it's Ochoco or Ochoko) was a bit scared of Himiko though, I wonder why?

"To answer the first question, the crab is apart of my quirk."

"Is the crab the only thing you can make?" Toru asked curiously, she was hoping that he could make her a giant dog, except Yahiko's multi headed dog would scare her shitless if she were to ever see it.

"I refuse to answer any questions besides the first ones I heard. Moving on to the next question, the reason I was able to take a hit like that and get back up so easily is also apart of my quirk."

"What is your quirk?" Todoroki spoke out, surprising everyone. He hasn't interacted with anyone yet.

'So Shoto is interested in me, it most likely because he sees me as an obstacle to surpass or something like that.' Yahiko thought to himself while eyeing the kid with daddy issues.

"I refuse to tell anyone, you'll just have to figure it out yourself." Upon saying this, everyone immediately got curious. It was strange to see someone that had a powerful quirk hide it instead of showing off. Most young people want to show their friends their unique quirks to get popular, but Yahiko isn't like that.

'Why is he hiding his abilities?' They all thought curiously.

'Why are they bothering me about my quirk? Shouldn't they ask Shoto or Izuku about their quirks instead? I'm not the only one that's hiding my capabilities, so bother someone else for fuċks sake.'

"For the third question, I refuse to answer it because it's a waste of time."

"What did you say you fuċkɨnġ bitch!!! My question is just as important as any of these extras, so answer it already!" Bakugo yelled out, only for him to get completely ignored.

"For the last question, I'm sure Izuku is fine. That's all the questions for today, so let's go back to class. We've wasted enough time already, don't you think so All Might?" Yahiko started directing everyone's attention to All Might in hopes of being left alone.

'He didn't really tell us anything...' Everyone thought simultaneously.

"Huh? Oh yes, that's right. Everyone, we should get back to the battle trials. But first, the best in this match is Yahiko shounen, can anyone tell me why?"

Momo immediately raised her hand, no one seems surprised by this. Everyone already figured out that she is the smartest out of all of them.

"Yes young Yaoyorozu, please speak your thoughts."

"Yahiko-kun did the best out of everyone because he was able to come up with a brilliant plan and put it into action immediately. He successfully guarded the bomb from deku by moving the battle to the second floor and separated the hero team, effectively confusing them in the process with Himiko-chan's quirk.

With Himiko-chan distracting Ochoco-chan in another area, Yahiko was able to use his quirk without being concerned about friendly fire. Deku on the other hand, recklessly used his quirk that he said he could bȧrėly control on his classmate with a bomb nearby, which means he could've seriously hurt Yahiko-kun and detonate the bomb." Momo finished her mini lecture while puffing out her huge ċhėst with pride.

"Uh, very good young Yaoyorozu. Everything you said is correct. Now then, back to the trials."

'I didn't plan all that, but I'll just go along with it to save face. But I guess they more or less figured out Himiko's quirk by know' Yahiko thought to himself while staring at the girl that was clearly overestimating him, but she had every reason to do so. After seeing his performance, class 1-A knew that he is one of the strongest in their class, along with Bakugo and Todoroki.

They were right, Bakugo easily beat the enemy team by knocking them out with his explosions. Todoroki also dominated his match, the hero team couldn't even get into the building since he covered it in ice.

(I'm gonna skip the rest of the trials since they ain't that interesting and sounds like a pain in the ȧss)

Surprisingly enough, the rest of the trials went like canon. When they ended, All Might congratulated everyone for their hard work. He told them to change into their school uniforms so they could go back to class and grab thei bags so they could leave. He then went to go visit Izuku and ran off as fast as he could, which ended up being a bad idea.


It was the end of the day but everyone still had a lot of adrenaline in them from their trials, they were louder than usual because of this. One person started talking to another, which resulted in that person pulling in another into the conversation as well.

This earned the envy of a certain human pikachu, who decided to bring some attention to Yahiko so he couldn't 'hog all the girls to himself' apparently. With more and more unwanted attention being placed on him, Yahiko decided it was time to go home.

Grabbing Himiko's hand, Yahiko made way for the exit. He walked down the hallway with Himiko latching to his arm again, she was slightly pissed off at pikachu but she could talk to her 'friends' later. They continued walking, all was fine and well until they bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" The annoying blonde haired boy yelled out. It was Neito Monoma, one of the more annoying characters of mha.

They didn't bother to pay him any attention, if they did it and apologized, it would only make him act arrogant. But if they ignored him, it would only make him act arrogant and angry, which is significantly worse since they don't want to listen to anymore angry rants today, they have heard enough from Bakugo. They couldn't really get rid of him without the girl with the giant fists to discipline him, so they just walked past him in hopes he would let it go, but they were too optimistic.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Answer m- wait, you two are in class 1-A right? Do you two think you're better than me? Is that why you're ignoring me? I knew it! Class 1-A is filled with people that are full of themselves, so much so that they don't even apologize to-"

Before ge could finish his little rant, Himiko kicked him in his crotch. Yahiko couldn't help but flinch a little and think to himself 'I honestly can't believe there's a fetish for that.'

She didn't stop there, when he keeled over on the floor in pain, she brought her foot down on his crotch again and heard a *POP*.

Monoma had passed out right there, Yahiko almost felt bad for him. He made a mental note as to remind himself not to piss Himiko off when she's in a bad mood.

[Himiko has awakened a new fetish]

Turning her head sharply to face her boyfriend, she gave him a wide grin with a giant blush on her face. To no one's surprise, Himiko is a sadist. She enjoyed every second of her mini torture session with Monoma, and was looking forward to spending the night with Yahiko, but he wasn't as excited as his her. He may be a bit pain numbed from having so many receivers in him, but he could still feel things.

Seeing the look on his girlfriends face, Yahiko knew his life was on the line. If he didn't come up with a plan to escape her by tonight, he could kiss his poor balls behind. He could make a shadow clone, but he can still experience what it experiences when it disperses. He wasn't really looking forward to that and he can't just let his clone be active forever, he doesn't want to experience a few years worth of memories. That's one of the reasons why he had Jin make most of his clones for him, they were a bit more durable than shadow clones as well.

Yahiko had already formed a plan in his mind so he wouldn't end up like Monoma. They continued walking like nothing happened, until they ran into another annoyance. Upon seeing him, Yahiko sighed to himself.

Izuku walked around the corner, only for him to see the person that beat his ȧss in the battle trial. He just came back from recovery girl and was on his way back to class so he could get his bag. He didn't expect to see Yahiko leave so early, but he quickly thought to himself that he wasn't very social. This was very obvious, yet he was going to try to converse with him anyway. Why, why would he do that you ask? To prove himself for some reason.

After gathering what little courage he had, he decided to look Yahiko in the eye and tell him that he will train harder to surpass him and that they had good match when it obviously wasn't. He immediately regretted his decision. When Izuku looked up at him, all he could see was the very pissed face of Yahiko. Izuku continued to look at him with eyes full of fear, not moving from his spot. Now then, why didn't Yahiko walk past him and ignore him you ask? It's because Izuku had somehow managed to block the way to the exit which was conveniently behind him.

Not wanting to deal with him anymore Yahiko said "I can tell that you want to tell me something, but I don't give a shit about what you want to say to me. You're also blocking the way to the exit."

Izuku automatically moved out of the way after Yahiko finished talking, he didn't realize that he was blocking the path to the exit. He wanted to apologize but stopped himself when he saw someone passed out on the floor behind Yahiko and Himiko.. He quickly ran over to him and made a grisly discovery, the poor boy's baby maker was obliterated, smashed to pieces, ripped to shreds, torn in half, ect.

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