My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 17 - Panic! In the lunchroom

Yahiko was able to successfully escape from Himiko, for now at least. He was able to deceive her with one of Jin's clones, but it was horrifying to listen to it scream.

'I have to start being more careful around Himiko now that I know what she wants to do to me.' Yahiko thought to himself as he stared at the blonde girl with messy buns and a permanent blush.

"I can't believe you tricked me, I'm starting to think that you're some kind of sadist. So Yahiko, does tricking cute girls like me into doing nasty things for you your fetish?" Himiko asked with a sly smile on her face.

"You're not going to touch my pėnɨs if you even think about smashing it with a hammer." Yahiko stated as a shiver went down his spine. He remembered what Himiko did to his clone, he couldn't get it out of his mind to be honest.

"Tch, killjoy." Himiko said in a low voice.

The strange couple were walking to school this morning, it was good exercise since they live pretty far from U.A. That was their cover story, the real reason was because Jin and Rappa got absolutely smashed and started messing with the others. The others weren't very happy, so they went a little overboard with their revenge. Needless to say, Jin has to buy himself a new car and Rappa needs crutches.

'I almost feel bad for those two idiots, welp the only thing I can do is pity them from a distance.'

When they arrived at U.A, they were immediately swarmed by reporters. They were all around the entrance of the high school, making it hard to get in.

"You there, the delinquent boy with the piercings and the blonde perverted looking girl, please tell us what it's like to have All Might as a teacher!" A reporter yelled out as she saw Yahiko and Himiko approaching.

The other reporters turned their heads almost immediately to look at a potential scoop. They ran towards them at amazing speeds for a couple of reporters.

'Yeah, I don't want to deal with that right now.' Yahiko didn't want to get put through any more bullshit for awhile, he still hasn't mentally recovered.

As the reporters were just a few feet away from him, Yahiko used All mighty push to form a barrier around Himiko and himself. They all stopped dead in their tracks, but it wasn't because they wanted to, it was because they had no choice. None of them could move forward and as Yahiko approached them, they were forced to step back. The reporters looked liked a couple of flys that got splattered against a windshield from inside the invisible barrier.

"Huh!? I can't take another step forward!?"

"What is this? Why can't I get close to them?"

"One of them must be using their quirk!"

After Yahiko forced the reporters to part like the red sea, he leisurely walked through the entrance with Himiko by his side.

When they arrived at the classroom, everyone looked like they were uncomfortable. The reporters really did a number on them. I see Izuku talking to Iida and when he notices me, he immediately puts his hands over his crotch.

'You should be more afraid of Himiko instead of me.'

Then Aizawa shows up after I got to my seat and gets everyone to settle down. He tells us that he watched the videos of the combat trial, and starts telling us what to improve on. He told Bakugo to control his anger, Izuku not to be so reckless, and Himiko to be less ėrȯtɨċ when drinking blood. Then there's me, Aizawa looked at me for a couple of seconds before saying "Try to be more approachable, unless you want to scare everyone away. Seriously though, you're too young to be looking like a delinquent."

'This guy...' Yahiko made a mental note as to let Aizawa get roughed up by Nomu a little before saving him.

"Besides all that, we should move on to the main subject. You're all going to choose a class president, I don't care how you do it but just get it done." Aizawa finishes speaking and proceeds to take a quick nap.

A few seconds pass before chaos erupts, everyone is arguing with each other to become the class president. Eventually Iida shuts them up and suggests a vote to decide who becomes president. They agree and start voting.

Yahiko voted for Momo since she's got a good head on her shoulders and is definitely capable enough to take on the role of class president easily. The results are in and the class president is Momo. She got five votes, four most likely came from some of the girls and the last one being him obviously. The vice president shocked everyone though, especially Yahiko.

"It's official, the class president is Yaoryorozu with five votes and the vice president is Bubaigawara with four." Aizawa said in his usual sleepy voice but on the inside he was very surprised.

'I already know that Himiko voted for me and maybe Momo since she doesn't seem like the type that would vote herself, but who are the last two?' Yahiko's questions were quickly answered when he saw a twinkling blonde boy wink at him and a girl with chubby cheeks looks at him with a small blush on her face.

'I know Yahiko wasn't actually the one that mounted me, but I just can't get him out of my head!' Ochoco inwardly cursed herself for liking a boy that already had a girlfriend, and a scary one at that!

'Hopefully this is enough to get on his good side, I don't want to piss him off on accident and end up dying before I become a hero! I haven't seen his facial expression change even once so who knows what he's thinking.' Aoyama thought to himself while shivering in slight fear.

After Yahiko figured out who his secret admirers are, Aizawa dismissed them for lunch. Yahiko and Himiko made their way to a table to eat by themselves peacefully, at least that was what they were hoping for. Momo, Ochoco, Iida, Shoto, Bakugo, Izuku, and Aoyama followed them to the table.

'Why are they here? I can understand Momo since she probably wants to discuss something with me but how come Izuku and his friends are here? What a confusing day...'

"Congratulations on becoming the president Momo-chan, and congratulations on becoming vice president Yahiko-kun" Ochoco said cheerfully.

"Yes, congratulations you two but remember to enforce the rules and blah blah blah ect." Iida started to talk nonstop but Yahiko already zoned out.

"Fucking fuċk! I should've at least been vice president but you purple eyed bastard took it from me! Just you wait, I'll take that position right underneath your pierced nose, than I'll take Momo's position, and than I'll take Aizawa's role as a teacher and fail you so there's no one real competition and I can be the number one hero!" Bakugo ranted at Yahiko, only to get completely ignored again.

The rest of the unwanted visitors were completely silent, with Shoto just glaring at Yahiko. Aoyama was just winking and posing at Yahiko to get his attention while getting an absurd amount of glitter everywhere. Izuku occasionally looked at Yahiko, than back towards his book that had information on his classmates quirk and theories about Yahiko's quirk, not bothering to congratulate him. Himiko had her eyes locked onto Momo and Ochoco, in case they try anything that threatens her position as best girl. Momo just looked at Yahiko, and than the others while looking completely lost. Poor girl just wanted to talk to him so they could learn more about each other, she needed to know his limits as to not be overbearing.

'I just wanted to eat my food in peace.'

Right when he thought things couldn't get any worse, a loud blaring alarm went off.

"Level three security breach in progress, all students please evacuate immediately." A female voice said over the speakers.

"This is strange, who would be stupid enough to invade a hero school in broad daylight? With All Might attending as a teacher here as well, that must mean they're really confident, stupid, or have something up their sleeves." Momo said aloud as she thought of several ways to calm everyone down.

"You're over analysing things Momo-chan, just look over there." Himiko points to a window that allows them to see several reporters flooding through the gate.

"It's good to know that it's just some reporters, but how did they get pass in the first place?" Momo said to herself while over thinking things again.

"Looking at all these people panicking like this when they're supposed to be calm and collected is rather... disappointing. Future heros my ȧss, if they panic everytime something bad happens then they won't have anytime to react or at least form a plan." Yahiko mutters to himself.

Deciding that he has seen enough, Yahiko gets up and walks over to Momo. He picks her up in a princess carry and tells Himiko "I'll be right back so please don't get mad at me."

"Huh? W-what are you doing Yahiko-kun?" Mono asked while getting beet red, she realizes that her pȧntɨės could be seen so she quickly covers her bottom with an empty food tray.

"Can you make a megaphone? I don't want to sit here and watch these people panic for the rest of lunch." Yahiko says with a monotone voice.

"Oh, I understand now. Can you get me to the front of the crowd?" Momo asked hopefully, she was concerned about the other students since it was practically a mosh pit in the lunchroom.

Instead of responding to her, Yahiko starts to float up into the air with Momo. This grabs everyone's attention, they start to calm down slightly but it was still pretty chaotic.

"Now that we have their attention it's your time to shine Momo."

"What!? Me!?" Momo said with a voice full of shock and confusion

Yahiko just stared at her, not in a judging way but in an impatient one. Momo quickly became embarrassed and attempted to look somewhere else, only to find herself looking at the students that were looking back at her.

Momo was able to explain everything to them, successfully calming everyone down. Yahiko slowly descended back down to the ground with Momo, who got a glare from Himiko.

'We will be fighting villains soon, I hope Tomura's Nomu is salvageable. If I can take it and control it for myself it would prove beneficial to the akatsuki, but I would have to inspect it to see if it has some sort of tracking device first.. It would be a pain in the ȧss if Tomura targets the area I live in instead of Hosu city.'

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