The rest of the day was pretty boring, the rest of the classes were just subjects like math and science, a few others that nobody really cares about as well. None of this matters anyway, right now Yahiko's getting Himiko and Chimera ready for tomorrow. He know Himiko can handle herself but that's not what he's worried about. He doesn't want her to go overboard and kill any of the villains in front of the rest of the class.

The damn school is too strict about that no killing villains policy, even though everything would be much better for everyone involved if they just kill All For One and Tomura.

Chimera is getting ready to track down the league of villains hideout with that powerful nose of his. This is what Yahiko is hoping for, since he wouldn't want Tomura to slip away like he does in every fanfic ever. Chimera will be ready when they come back from the USJ incident, so Yahiko wont have to worry about him for a while.

'All I have to do is rip off some of his clothes or limbs than I'll know where his little group likes to hang out, than I'll be able to wipe him out anytime I want. I obviously can't kill him immediately since I wouldn't be able to know where to find All For One, unless he just decides to walk around and cause destruction like some cliche villain.' Yahiko has a almost unnoticeable smile on his face, most wouldn't even be able to tell that he's smiling but lo and behold, Himiko immediately takes notice.

"Something good happen to ya Yahiko?" Himiko asks with an questioning look.

"No, well not yet at least." Yahiko said dully.

"Hmm." Responding with a simple hum, Himiko goes back to being the naive and strange hyperactive girl that everyone knows her for.


Today is the day that All Might goes up against the Nomu, Aizawa turns into a mummy, and the students get a taste of what the hero world is like. Except some of those things aren't going to happen, just some.

"Get to your seats already, we'll be doing your basic hero training with three instructors. I shall teach you along with All Might and another hero. We will teach you to adapt to different environments with some rescue training. You guys can also wear your hero costumes if you want, it doesn't really matter to me. The training will be off-campus, so up and go to the bus already." Aizawa announced sleepily.

When everyone heard 'costumes' they immediately went to the shelves to grab them. They hurriedly went to the locker rooms to v

change into their costumes as quickly as possible.

"Guys look at this! I just found a peephole!" Denki loudly whispered to the others.

'Wait a minute, why is this happening so early and isn't the purple pervert supposed to be the one peeping?' Yahiko questioned himself.

"This is it boys! Today is the day we see some beautiful women that are half nȧkėd! Hagakure's floating undėrwėȧr, Yaoyorozu's ample yoayoro-boobs, Ashido's slender waist, Uraraka's fine uraraka-body, Asui's unexpected boobies, and To-"

"If you say or try to do anything to my girlfriend I'll crucify you and feed you to one of my summons." Yahiko said while putting pressure on him with the deva path.

Denki froze on the spot, like he had been petrified. He wasn't the only one that froze, all of the boys in the locker nearly stopped breathing from the pressure that was radiating off of him. Yahiko stopped using it and proceeded to put his cloak on.

Eijiro decided to try to ignore everything that just happened and said "Man I'm so excited! I can hardly wait to go out there and start the rescue training, what about you guys?" Eijiro said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, we'll be able to see All Might again as well! Aren't you excited kacchan?" Izuku said while beaming.

"Shut up you shitty nerd! All Might will acknowledge me, not you! Same goes for you, you creepy eyed bastard!" Bakugo screamed at Izuku and Yahiko.

"So annoying, just get ready so we could leave already." Yahiko said plainly as he walked out the locker room.

"What did you just say to me! I'll fuċkɨnġ kill you!" Bakugo screeched as Sero and Eijiro held him down.

As Yahiko approached the bus, he could see that Aizawa and Momo were waiting for the rest of the class.

"Hey Yahiko-kun, how are you? I hope you're doing good since I'll be needing your help with the class today. Let's give it our all at the rescue training okay? Also, thank you for stopping Kaminari-kun from peeping on us. The rest of the girls asked me to thank you for them since I needed to talk to you anyway." Momo continued to carry the conversation as Yahiko started to regret voting for her.

'She's still better than Iida though.' Yahiko thought to himself as he stared at her while she kept speaking.

Momo suddenly stops talking and covers her brėȧsts, while staring at Yahiko with a flushed expression.

"I-um know that my costume is rather revealing but please don't stare so intensely." Momo practically whispered the last part.

'Huh? She thinks I'm staring at her ċhėst? I know she looks good and everything, but if I were to look at her with ŀustful eyes I would most likely die mysteriously in my sleep.'

"So I can't give up my position to someone else?" Yahiko said to Aizawa with a bit of urgency in his voice, he felt like something bad will happen to him eventually if he sticks around Momo any longer.

"Don't even try it, you're stuck with that position so just deal with it." Aizawa said nonchalantly, he was totally unaware of what happened in the locker rooms.

"Bastard." Yahiko said under his breath.

"I heard that you little shit, just man up and make sure everyone is in line when they arrive." Aizawa said as he leaned on the side of the bus.

After Yahiko cleared up the misunderstanding with Momo, the other students started to arrive in clusters. Yahiko was forced to do his job and helped Momo out while keeping his distance from her.

"Hahaha!" Himiko suddenly burst out laughing when she saw Yahiko.

"What's so funny Himiko-chan?" Mina asked curiously.

"It's just the face that Yahiko's making." Himiko said while trying to contain her laughter.

"...Huh?" When the rest of her classmates heard her, they couldn't help but be confused. No one has seen Yahiko with a different expression on his face, not even once! Even Todoroki's expression changes from time to time, but Yahiko? Nope, not at all.

"I know his facial expressions like the back of my hand, right now his eyebrows are lowered by a couple of millimeters, that means he's angry."

'How can you tell!?' They all thought simultaneously.

Once everyone was piled inside the bus, they started to talk to each other immediately. Izuku was talking to Iida and Ochako while Bakugo was cursing at Denki and Eijiro. Himiko was resting on Yahiko's shoulder, thinking about how much blood she could potentially get. Eventually, the frog girl says that Izuku's quirk is like All Might's, which makes him panic and become incredibly nervous.

'It's so obvious, I'm amazed that it took one person so long just to figure out something as simple as this.' Yahiko thought to himself.

We arrive a few minutes later and follow Aizawa inside. The dome shaped building is much larger than most we anticipated.

Thirteen was waiting for us to settle down so she could speak, but Aizawa asked her "Where is All Might, he should've been here by now."

"He told me that he got pretty tired after stopping crime left and right this morning, so he's taking a break." Thirteen responded.

Thirteen went on to explain that quirks can save people and kill them. She used her quirk 'black hole' as an example, since it's a rather dangerous quirk it fits perfectly in today's subject.

"No quirk is evil, it's the people that use them that makes them have a poor image. Imagine if someone else had my quirk, they could cause a lot of destruction with it. They could also save a lot of lives as well, so remember this class. It's the person that is evil, not the quirk."

Everyone got excited when they heard her little speech, they wanted to use their quirks and move on to the lesson.

That was until the lights started flickering, then shut down completely. The class was confused but Aizawa narrowed his eyes and did a quick head count.

"There's something in the plaza!" Thirteen exclaimed.

A large blackish-purplish portal opened up in the middle of the plaza that was below them. It was in front of the fountain, and it slowly expanded as seconds passed by.

A head popped out of the portal, he had a white hand covering his face and light blue hair. As soon as he stepped out of the portal the class of young heros were able to get a good look at him. His arms and neck were covered with white hands. He wore a black V neck shirt with black pants and red sneakers, several people followed him out the portal. They were low class villains, street thugs and gangsters made the majority of the group. The Minority was a large black creature that had a beak, small eyes, and an exposed brain. It's body was quite large, easily over six feet tall but its large frame made it look even bigger.

When the portal closed a man that looked to be made out of shadows appeared and stood next to the man covered in hands.

"Stay behind me!" Aizawa yelled out, never taking his eyes off the villains.

"Is this apart of the training?" Someone asked.

"No, those are real villains." Yahiko calmly stated.

As the students stared wide eyed at the villains in the plaza, Aizawa stepped forward.

"Thirteen, you must protect the students and get them to safety as quickly as possible while I hold off the villains. Iida, go get the rest of the staff here immediately." Aizawa said as he put on his yellow visor.

"B-but we can help you!" Izuku stuttered, letting his hero complex get the best of him.

"Midorya, now is not the time to play hero! Follow Thirteen and get out here!" Aizawa said more sternly this time, getting a yelp out of Izuku.

Before anyone could say anything else, everyone heard a bloodcurdling scream. They looked around for the source of the scream, until their eyes landed on someone they never expected. It was the man with the hands.

He had a large black pole sticking out of his left knee, it was a meter long. He quickly grabbed it with his hands and it started corroding, he sent a glare to the one that threw it. His red bloodshot eyes made contact with ringed purple eyes.

"Yahiko-kun?" The class exclaimed, they didn't expect him to do something as brash as that.

"I'll help you out sensei, now you owe me a favor."

Before Aizawa could respond, Yahiko jumped down to face the villains with Himiko jumping down after him.

"My fuċkɨnġ leg, what are you fuċkers staring at? KILL THEM ALL!" The man yelled out, causing the rest of the villains to rush forward.

Aizawa jumped down and laned next to Yahiko, shooting him a glare.

"You're going to get in trouble for this, you're aware of this right?" Aizawa questioned, getting a nod as a response.

*Sigh*"You kids really love giving me headaches don't you?" Aizawa questioned again, only to receive a small smirk from Himiko.

As the villains got closer and closer, the three of them sprang into action. Aizawa used his scarf as a weapon and started ensnaring them, knocking them out, and repeating this process several times.

Himiko moved more swiftly when villains came close to her, she pulled out several knives out of nowhere and began to slaughter them. She would stab their legs and torment them, as they pleaded for mercy. It almost looked like the yakuza raid incident all over again, except these guys were lucky they had an audience. If the class weren't looking, they would be dead the second they stepped out of the portal.

When multiple villains came close to Yahiko, all he said was "Universal pull." The villains went straight up into the air, before they were hurled back down. Most of the were embedded in the floor, unable to do anything at all. The lucky ones landed on their ȧsses, they probably had a broken tailbone and some crunchy legs but they got off easy. The unlucky ones that landed on their heads most likely fractured their skulls. A few of them landed on their necks and fractured their spines, meaning they might not be able to move their limbs anymore.

'Toga is rather sadistic, she's collecting the blood from them while they're immobilized. She already stabbed their legs so they cant run but she's taunting them while doing it. Yahiko on the other hand is incredibly brutal, most of the injuries he placed on them will cripple them for the rest of their lives. And to think that he did all of this with one attack, was he holding back the entire time? This is concerning behaviour for future heros...' Aizawa thought while staring at his two students that were taking care of the villains with ease.

Yahiko didn't bother to spare the rest of the villains a second glance, he had his purple eyes locked onto Tomura. He needed to grab something that has his scent on it for his plan to work. He took a step forward, causing all of the villains to take a step back.

"Dammit dammit dammit dammit! What the fuċk are you all cowering for? He's just a student!" Tomura yelled out once again while furiously scratching his neck, but the villains didn't move.

This pissed off Tomura, not only did he get stabbed, he was also having trouble controlling his lackeys.

"Fine, if none of you have the balls to move forward I'll send out something that does. Nomu, kill the teacher and leave the orange haired brat alive, Sensei might want him for himself." Tomura commanded his oversized bird.

The previously motionless Nomu suddenly screeched loudly, as if accepting his command. The large Nomu sprinted towards Aizawa, getting close enough to grab his right arm. Aizawa wasn't able to escape, the creature's grip was too strong! The Nomu increased its gripping strength, causing an audible *CRUNCH* to be heard throughout the battlefield.

Aizawa grunted in pain, but he continued to fight back. He had to make enough time for his students to escape and look for help, so he must endure for their sakes. The Nomu raised its right hand and attempted to grab Aizawa's head, only for a black receiver to impale its wrist. It screeched in pain and dropped Aizawa, who fell into Himiko's arms.

"Geez sensei, you're so heavy. Ever thought about joining a weight loss program?" Himiko asked as if she was genuinely serious.

"Himiko, drag him to safety while I take care of this thing." Yahiko said while preparing another receiver.

"You think you can handle Nomu kid? He was made specifically to kill All Might, do you think you have a chance now? Change of plans, Nomu, go kill the arrogant brat." Tomura said to Yahiko with a sadistic grin on his face.

The Nomu yanked the receiver out of it's arm and crushed it before it charged at Yahiko, who stood completely still.

'Wait a minute, where's Kurogiri?' Yahiko thought as he stuck his receiver into the Nomu's foot.

His question was quickly answered when he saw the man reappear next to Tomura. He teleported the rest of the class to different locations.

The Nomu was stuck in place as it tried to remove the receiver from it's foot, only to get another receiver thrown at it. It lifted its large arms to defend itself, leaving its lower body exposed. Taking the opportunity to deal massive damage, Yahiko made another receiver and plunged it into the Nomu's stomach. He kept pushing until his hand was lodged in, and then he said "Almighty push!"

The upper body of the Nomu was completely obliterated, it's torso was basically a few lumps of meat on the ground. The bottom half of the Nomu already started regenerating, slowly but surely. Aizawa, Tomura, and Kurogiri were obviously shocked, the monster that was meant to kill All Might was destroyed just like that.

Yahiko ignored the regenerating Nomu and dashed towards Tomura with a receiver ready in his hand. Tomura quickly got out his shocked state and prepared to grab Yahiko. When Yahiko was a few feet away, he lunged at him while aiming for his neck. Yahiko predicted this, so he ducked underneath the outstretched arms and attempted to pierce Tomura's stomach. A small foggy portal encased his hand and sent it towards his own stomach! Yahiko let go of the receiver and was forced to dodge to the left side of Tomura, who was busy trying to balance himself after missing so badly.

'Kurogiri is rather annoying but easily forgettable, I should take care of him now before he starts meddling with my fights again.' Yahiko thought as he stared down Kurogiri.

"Young master, this student is dangerous! I recommend retreating before All Might gets here." Kurogiri wisely suggested.

"No! I want to kill this brat right now!" Tomura replied, he basically threw a tantrum.

As Yahiko was preparing to deal with Kurogiri, a large shadow loomed over him. The Nomu was back up again, surprising Yahiko since he thought it would stay down longer. It only had it's left arm, while the rest of it was busy regenerating. Yahiko quickly made a receiver and was about to throw it at the Nomu's exposed brain, only for his right arm to get caught in it's grasp.

Noticing the sudden development between the Nomu and the brat, Tomura yells out "Yes! Rip his arm off Nomu! Cripple him Nomu!" He finished while scratching his neck excitedly.

The rest of the class arrive all at once to see several crippled villains, Aizawa getting carried to a safe distance by Himiko, and Yahiko fighting three villains at once. They see him attempt to stab the man covered in hands, the one made out of fog save his leader, and Yahiko getting his hand caught by the Nomu. As they were about to rush in and help him, the creature's arm suddenly exploded, like a bomb went off in its palm . When Yahiko's right arm was revealed, everyone gasped out of shock. His arm looked like some sort of cannon, his fingers were around it. His arm cannon was smoking, like it had just been fired. Yahiko surprises everyone again when another arm pops out next to the cannon arm.

"That quirk is kinda like mine!" Shoji exclaimed out of surprise.

"What is happening!?" Everyone yelled out of disbelief.

'This'll be annoying to explain, I didn't want to use 'Asura Attack' put I'd prefer to keep my arm over keeping secrets.' Yahiko thought as he changed his extra arm into several thick metal wires that he used to wrap around the Nomu's waist and neck, trapping it so it cant break free.

The armless Nomu kept struggling, trying to free itself. Yahiko kicked it's legs off, forcing it to stand on the stumps it use to call it legs. He than put the chakra blaster to it's head, preparing for another 'Asura Attack.'

"No! This wasn't supposed to happen! All Might was supposed to come here to see his precious students torn to pieces! He was supposed to die at my hands! And you ruined it! I'll KILL YOU! I'll KIL-"

Before he could finish his second tantrum of the day, he was hit by a knife that sunk deep in into his left arm. Himiko giggled to herself as she watched him scream in pain before he ripped it and throw the knife towards the ground.

Another large explosion was heard, the Nomu and a very large chunk of the ground was completely destroyed. The Nomu couldn't regenerate from that, so after realizing that shit hit the fan Kurogiri teleported himself and Tomura back to their hideout.

'He escaped, but we can find him easily now.' Yahiko reverted back into his original form and thought to himself as he stared at the knife that was covered in Tomura's blood.

"Yay! I got so much blood! We did it Yahiko, we fought off all the bad guys! Praise me!" Himiko said excitedly as she tackles Yahiko to the ground.

"Good job." Was all he said as he was used to soften her fall.

"Yahiko!" A few annoying voices called out to him.

'Fucking hell, I just cant catch a break.' Yahiko thought to himself as he watched his classmates approach him while he's still on the ground.

Himiko reluctantly gets off him, much to her displeasure. Yahiko gets up and dusts himself off, as his classmates swarmed him again.

"Are you okay?"

"How did you fight them all off?"

"What happened to the villains in the ground?"

"Are you a robot?"

"I am here!"

All Might comes out of nowhere and yells out confidently with a few pro heros behind him, only to see a bunch of crippled thugs stuck in the floor and some of his students with minor injuries while Aizawa has a major injury.

"Aizawa-san are you okay? Don't worry, I'll take you to recovery girl. You really pushed yourself to the limit just to protect the students here. I'm proud and concerned, where is Thirteen?" All Might asked.

"I'm going to be fine, but I wasn't the one who protected the students. Yahiko took out over half of them with a single attack. I don't know where Thirteen is though."

"Ahh! We almost forgot about her, Thirteen got heavily injured by one of the villains!" Izuku yelled out.

"Go treat her immediately, I'll have to contact everyone's parents and tell them their kids are safe. Yahiko shonen, thank you for protecting Aizawa and defeating the villains. Aizawa's life was im danger and protected him from receiving any fatal injuries, his career as a hero could've ended today if it weren't for you. I also wish to speak with you along with principal Nezu tomorrow, if that's alright with you?"

"I'm fine with that, I'll see you tomorrow." Yahiko said as he grabbed the bloody knife and gave it to Himiko for safe keeping.

"Lets go Himiko." Yahiko said to get her attention.

"Sure, bye-bye everyone." Himiko waved goodbye before heading towards the exit with Yahiko.

'Now then, it's time for me to call Chimera.'

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