My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 19 - Akatsuki day off

"So this is where the league of villains is hiding, it's a pretty good spot for thugs and lowlifes to hang out at." Chimera said to himself as he looked down at the hideout from the roof of a nearby building.

After Yahiko delt with the Nomu and his class, he immediately called Chimera. He didn't want Tomura to slip out of his grasp, so he handed Chimera the knife and let him do his thing. Chimera was happy to help, he would've been happier if the knife didn't smell god-awful. Since it was grabbed by Tomura, it had his scent all over the handle. The handle smelt like rotten meat, rotten fruit, and death. It reeked if death, so the hideout wasn't that hard to find. His excellent hearing picked up the sounds of someone cursing a 'purple eyed, facial pierced, robot freak', so it only got easier from there.

"This was easier than expected, I'll just text everyone the address and tell 'em to keep an eye on this place." Chimera said to no one in particular.

He jumped off the building and landed in an alley with a loud thud, waking up some sleeping thugs in the process.

"What are you doing over here big guy, you lost? Who the fuċk do ya think you are, waking us up with your heavy ȧss footsteps."

"Yeah this is our turf, you looking to get your ȧss kicked? And what's with that weirdly shaped mask of yours, is that your little vigilante mask or something?"

It's honestly surprising that anyone would willingly mess with someone as big as Chimera, he's bigger than the Nomu but slightly skinnier in his normal form. These guys must have really strong quirks, really smooth brains, or just too drunk and can't think straight. Chimera didn't smell any alcohol from their breaths, so it's possibly arrogance or stupidity.

"What are you hiding your face for, got something behind there that not even a mother could love?" One of the two thugs tried taunting the large, strangely dressed man that was obviously dangerous.

'So it was stupidity.' Chimera thought as he approached the one that taunted him.

"Oh, did I strike a nerve? I'll strike your face ne-"

His head was completely enveloped by Chimera's large claw-like hand before his head was crushed like a grape. Chimera let the headless body drop to the cold cement, it will stay there until the police find it.

Realizing how bad the situation is, the other thug pulled out a shiv and foolishly ran towards Chimera. He attempted to stab the large masked man, who grabbed the shiv with his bȧrė hand and crushed it easily. The thug immediately turned around to run but something popped out of his ċhėst, he slowly looked down to see what impaled him. It was the same hand that killed his friend, crushed his shiv, and now it was the hand that killed him.

Pulling his hand out of the thugs ċhėst, Chimera quickly left the scene. He knew that he was being petty but he doesn't like to be discriminated against, all because he was born different from others. He would change that, it was the reason why he joined Yahiko in the first place. Yahiko promised him that he would change the world, by making it into a world where everyone would be the same. No matter what gender, race, age, quirkless or not, everyone would live without the fear of being discriminated. A world without discrimination, that is what he wants.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a spider. A pure white spider that had two hollowed out eyes, instead of the usual eight that were made of flesh and blood. It's abdomen was strangely large, like it was filled with something.

'A bug with a quirk? Don't see those very often.' Chimera didn't think much of it and left.


"I'm back." Chimera called out, a young girl rushed over to him and jumped towards his leg.

"Welcome back!" Eri said happily, she already got used to everyone in the group. She sees them as her new family now, no matter how strange and different everyone was. Everyone treated her kindly, they felt bad for her. Nine hung around her the most, he knew what it was like to be experimented on.

"Where's the boss little lady?" Chimera asked while picking her up in a hip hold.

"He's in his room, he looked pretty tired." Eri replied while climbing up Chimera's waist.

He simply nodded and went towards the kitchen to get a drink, only to smell smoke.

'Is Kiruka trying to cook again?' He thought to himself, his suspicions were correct when he heard her cursing the stove.

"WHY CAN'T I COOK!?" She screamed out of frustration. She wanted to make something for Nine, but the kitchen was the bane of her existence.

"That smells awful/ DELICIOUS!" Jin shouted as he watched her fail.

"Shut up Jin! At least I'm trying to cook something, you just sit on your ȧss all day." Kiruka chided him, but it didn't make her feel any better.

"Keyword 'something.' I have no idea what that thing on the stove is." Jin replied while covering his nose.

Deciding to stay out of the kitchen, Chimera and Eri went to the second floor. He heard Yahiko and Nine, they were talking about the USJ incident. Not bothering to knock, he burst through the door, breaking it in the process.

"You do realize that simply opening the door is the easier and less expensive way to enter a room?" Mummy said sarcastically.

"Good to see you too." Chimera replied, taking a seat on the couch after he put Eri down.

"Good job on finding their hideout, did any complications happen?" Yahiko questioned, he decided to ignore the fact that his door was broken again.

"Some thugs tried to mess with me but I delt with them, besides that nothing else happened." Chimera lazily replied, he already got comfortable on the couch.

"Of course something happened, did anyone see you?" Mummy was the one that asked this time.

"The area was practically empty, and if anyone saw me then I would've known. Unless they got a quirk that erases smell, invisibility, and affects hearing, nobody could get near me without me knowing." Chimera replied, a little annoyed this time.

"Have a little faith in him Hoyo, he's the best when it involves sensing enemies." Nine attempts to stop the two from bickering with each other.

As they were talking, Eri was watching a Disney movie on Yahiko's phone. He was watching it with her since he didn't want to talk about the villain hideout any longer. Noticing that Yahiko wasn't following the conversation any more, Hoyo went to see what he was watching. They were watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Hoyo got interested and decided to watch it as well, which caught the attention of the other two in the room.

"What are you watching?" Chimera asked.

"Shhh, Kon you're too loud!" Eri replied, focusing on the movie instead of him.

Nine quietly chuckled to himself when he saw Kon's dumbfounded face, now he was interested in what the three of them were watching. He went behind the couch and leaned in to watch the movie. Kon just gave up and watched it with them.

As time went on, the number of people watching the movie increased. Rappa was the first of many, he wanted to spar with Yahiko but saw that everyone was watching a movie on a tiny screen. He took a chair and joined them since Yahiko wasn't going to get up anytime soon. Next was Himiko, she wanted to cuddle with Yahiko but decided against it when she saw how entranced he was. She figured that watching a movie was good enough and took a seat on his ŀȧp. Jin arrived after Himiko, he had gotten bored of messing with Kiruka so he wnet to go look for the others. He couldn't find anyone on the first floor so he went up, only to find them all huddled around Eri. Wanting to join in on whatever the group was doing, he watched it with them after finding a free spot.

"Nine-sama! I cooked dinner for you!" Kiruka called out happily as she carried her 'food' and put it on the kitchen table, the poor table started to corrode, almost as if Tomura had touched it.

She got worried after she didn't hear him respond, in fact it was dead silent! Fearing the worst, she quickly ran to the different floors of the apartment complex. She checked every room, and she still couldn't find anyone. She eventually reaches Yahiko's room and gets pissed, she was worried for nothing. When she was about to tell them off, Nine calmed her down and convinced her to join them.

Now here we are, two teenagers, six ȧduŀts, and one child are watching a movie while Kiruka's 'food' gains sentience downstairs.

"Why did she eat that apple from that creepy old lady so willingly?" Eri questioned, only to get no reply. Everyone was so busy that they didn't even hear her speak.

When the movie ended, everyone finally snapped out of it. They enjoyed watching the old movie, they didn't think anything could possibly ruin the moment.

"I'm pretty sure Snow White was fourteen and the prince was like thirty or something?" Jin asked curiously.


Nevermind, the moment is ruined.

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