My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 20 - Clearing suspicions

The next day was pretty uneventful, the school was closed due to the villain attack and Yahiko spent it with the other members of the akatsuki. He can't say the same for the day after though, when he and Himiko got to the classroom, everyone just stared at them.

This surprised Yahiko, he thought they were going to swarm him again but this is a lot better in many ways. He didn't care if other people stare at him, since people stare at him all the time he built up a resistance to it.

His classmates were thinking completely different things though, they had so many questions but were too afraid to ask. They somehow heard a conversation about the Nomu, and how it was supposed to kill All Might but their classmate defeated it by himself. This made many of them curious, they wanted to ask him how he did it and how can they get to his level of strength.

They were hesitant because of what he showed them yesterday, when his arm changed into something you see in sci-fi films, the villains with several crippling injuries, and a dead monster that he killed. Everyone was so high on adrenaline that it somehow affected their way of thinking, making them forget that he killed a somewhat humanoid creature.

But nobody blamed him for killing it since it would've made the fight for their lives a lot harder if Yahiko wasn't there. Nobody had the firepower to take on the Nomu, all of them are aware of this and that made some of them extremely frustrated. Specifically speaking, Bakugo was the most angry. He wanted to go down and help Aizawa but the man with the teleportation quirk stopped him from doing so. But he didn't even think about killing anyone, even though he tells everyone to die all the damn time.

The room was eerily silent, everyone wanted to say something but no words came out of their mouths. The atmosphere in the room made everyone uncomfortable, even the unusually energetic students like Mina and Toru stayed quiet. The silence was broken when the announcement speakers suddenly activated.

[Yahiko Bubaigawara, please come to the principal's office. Thank you.]

Yahiko got up and left immediately, he didn't want to waste any time. He knew it was going to be a annoying meeting but he had to sit through it. He found his way to the office and knocked a few times before he heard a "Come in."

He opened the door and saw that All Might, Nezu, and Aizawa waiting for him. Aizawa had a cast around his right arm instead of being covered head to toe in bandages like a mummy. Yahiko took a seat opposite to the pro heros, patently waiting for them to speak.

"Hello Bubaigawara-kun, I'm sorry for calling you in here before class but I'll get straight to the point since you seem like that type of person from the reports I've read about you. We thank you for saving Aizawa-sans life and defeating the creature that was made to kill All Might, but that's part of the problem. You've crippled the villains you fought against and I doubt they can live without needing help from others, you've killed the Nomu instead of capturing it, even if it seems unreasonable you should've at least attempted it. You didn't listen to your teachers that tried to protect you by challenging the villains head on as well, am I missing anything?" Nezu said while eyeing Yahiko to see his reaction. Yahiko has shown villainous tendencies, not only by doing everything he did but by doing it so without hesitation. Who's to say that he won't just kill any random thug without batting an eye? He didn't want to raise a future villain in his school, especially a powerful one. If he boy responds to his questioning violently, than they would have no choice but to send him to Sir Nighteye in an attempt to see his future behavior.

"Quite a few things actually, one of them being that the people who invaded your school came here with the intent to kill not only All Might, but the students as well. I was simply defending myself from the people that tried to kill me my way, not yours. I didn't kill any of them, I just crippled them because if you just send them to prison for a few years and let them out again, they're not going to change. Once a murderer, always a murderer. I simply took away their ability to murder, since I have a gut feeling that even if I were to knock them out, they would wake up and try to kill me regardless if they're beaten or not. They're like heros in a strange way."

"Can you elaborate please." Nezu said sternly, he didn't like the way Yahiko compared villains to heros. It was extremely concerning.

"Heros and villains are dedicated to what they do for a living, like the Nomu. It was made to kill All Might, so it wasn't going to stop until it killed him or you kill it yourself. When I first engaged it in battle, I blew it's torso apart. But it got right back up and kept trying to kill me. It was made to do so, I'm aware of that. But humans are the same, they do what they want and don't stop unless someone with authority stops them. But they still want to do it and whether it is good or bad is up to the public. Take Stain for example, he kills 'fake heros' because that is what he believes is right. Some of the public has agreed with his point of view, they even praise him for killing them. But even if you catch Stain and throw him into prison, I know that he would stick to his ideals and even attempt them regardless if he has the power to do so or not. Even if he was crippled, he would still try to kill heros. He is dedicated, just like you All Might. I have a feeling that if you were extremely injured, you would continue to protect the people and remain as the symbol of peace, am I wrong?" Yahiko said while staring at All Might.

Hearing the word 'injured' and 'All Might' in the same sentence made All Might flinch, he also began to sweat a little. But his smile didn't falter and answered the question honestly.

"Yes Yahiko shonen, I would protect the citizens of Japan even if I was injured. But as you can see, I am completely fine." All Might said his part, still sweating a little.

Yahiko nodded and continued "And you principal Nezu, wouldn't you try to do the best for your school even if it takes heat from the media? Wouldn't you try to give your students the best experience here even if you didn't have the power to do so? And isn't the fact that I saved Aizawa-sensei's life enough proof that I can become a hero regardless of how I do it? I killed the Nomu before it killed him and Aizawa-sensei most likely would've died if I wasn't there. Don't forget the fact that the villains almost killed Thirteen, I hear she's recovering as we speak. There wasn't any time to hesitate either, it isn't very 'hero like' right? It's do or die, a lesson the kids here will have to learn eventually." Yahiko finished, he patently waited for them to soak in what he said.

*Sigh*"You are correct in several ways, I obviously want the best for my students. Saving Aizawa-sans life isn't something to scoff at either, and you're right about the 'do or die' as well. Heros are thrown into life threatening situations nearly everyday, so they do what they must regardless of what the public think. This incident has gained the media's attention and they are now questioning the security measures we take. And you're correct again, I wont let what the media says affect the school or the students going here. I don't agree with your statement of 'heros and villains are similar' though, I believe that villains can change for the better."

"Like the Nomu?" Yahiko questioned sarcastically.


"He got you there, y'know. I don't think we could've done anything to change it since it was literally made to kill All Might." Aizawa, who has been silent the entire time, spoke his thoughts on the matter.

*Ahem*"Thank you for your time Bubaigawara-kun, Aizawa-san will be going with you back to class now." Nezu ushered both of them out of his office.

'I truly don't think Bubaigawara-kun is the traitor, since he could've just sat back and relax as Aizawa-san fought the villains by himself. Instead he rushed in and saved Aizawa-san while putting himself in danger. The way he handles his opponents is concerning but that's just him, his girlfriend goes here as well so I doubt he would willingly put her in danger considering how they always stick together. I must find out who the traitor hiding in our staff is immediately.' Nezu thought while full of countless worries.

'He didn't even try to put up a counter argument.' Yahiko thought to himself as he walked back to class with Aizawa.

They walked in a comfortable silence for a while, until Aizawa broke it by saying "Thank you for saving me, I definitely would've died if you weren't there. I have kids at home, and it would be heartbreaking if thay just stayed at home waiting for me to return when I can't."

'Woah, Aizawa has kids!? I don't remember anything like this in the manga.' Yahiko was genuinely surprised, he wanted to know more about them.

"It's nothing, but you still owe me a favor." Yahiko replied dully, he couldn't let his curiosity show.

"You're still on about that? Fine, I owe you a favor, now what? Are you going to ask for no homework for a week?" Aizawa said as sarcastically as he possibly can, which still sounded monotone.

"I'll save my favor for later, let's just get back to class. I don't want to deal with anybody else today, especially after the little interrogation principal Nezu put me through. The three of you wanted to check if I had villainous tendencies right?" Now that I explained the way I view things, you guys will leave me alone right?" Yahiko asked hopefully, not that anyone could tell.

'He's quite sharp for his age, it makes sense considering how mȧturė he is compared to the other students. It's probably better to give it to him straight than just hide it from him. He'll most likely find out on his own anyway.'

"Nope, Nezu still has some questions for you. He must've forgotten to ask you since you practically embarrassed the poor guy by showing him how optimistic he was being."

"What are the questions then? It couldn't have been too important if he forgot about them that easily."

"On the contrary actually, he wanted to ask you about your quirk, or would you prefer if I say 'quirks?' Especially the most recent one you've showed, that one is the most interesting."

"Can I use my favor to avoid answering your question?"

Yahiko's ringed purple eyes temporarily made contact with Aizawa's baggy black eyes for a split second before Aizawa smiled and said "No."

"So annoying, the quirk you saw me use is what I call the asura path. It allows me to augment my own body with mechanical weaponry."

"There's definitely more to it, isn't there?"

"You're not going to get any more information out of me, and don't put it on record either. I don't trust the security of your databases so I would prefer if my quirk stayed as 'telekinesis' okay?"

"Understandable, but I will tell Nezu about your 'asura path' to keep him off your back for awhile."


The two of them continued walking until they arrived at the classroom, which was somewhat loud. Yahiko opened the door to see what was going on, except the class immediately became quiet the second the door opened. When he looked inside he saw his poor Himiko being questioned and surrounded on all sides. Now the majority of the class was staring at him, completely unmoving like some deer in front of headlights.

"Go to your seats already." Aizawa called out from behind Yahiko.

They immediately went to their seats while avoiding Yahiko's gaze, they already knew that he was overprotective of his girlfriend from the locker room incident. Nobody even said anything when they saw that Aizawa was there despite his injury.

"Wow, none of you wasted any time getting back to your seats, a big improvement from the first day in my opinion." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice.

"Alright class, we have some important things to talk about. To be more specific, the sports festival."

Most people weren't paying attention since they were too busy trying to avoid a certain someone's murderous gaze, but they started listening after he said that.

"Is it really okay for us to host the sports festival even though we were attacked by villains a few days ago?" Eijiro asked, completely confused.

"If we were to cancel the sports festival just because of a few villains, than our school reputation would fall. We're doing this to show that the school can safely hold events like this without worrying about villains. There's also the fact that the one who attacked us in the first place is still out there, if we don't hold the festival than he will think that he delt some damage to the school and get confident. If he gets confident than he'll get even bolder and possibly do something that could endanger the lives of civilians. We can't show weakness, not now." Aizawa finished his little speech, getting some of the kids excited.

He also explained other details about the sports festival, like how heros use the festival to scout sidekicks and how big the event actually is.

After Aizawa finished explaining the sports festival they went back to being a normal class. Yahiko felt a few eyes digging into the back of his head but nothing else really happened. When class was dismissed everyone went towards the canteen to fill their empty stomachs. The rest of the class was following Yahiko and Himiko to their table though, which greatly annoyed the both of them.

"How long have they been pestering you?" Yahiko asked while looking back at his little entourage.

"Ever since you went to Nezu's office, they kept on asking me stuff like 'are you dating a robot?' and the classic 'does your boyfriend come in bundles?'" Himiko replied with a smile on her face, it obviously wasn't a friendly one.

Much to their displeasure, the two of them had to deal with annoying classmates for the rest of the day. Yahiko was able to scare them off by saying that he was a government cyborg and his job was to find the next best human candidate to replace him since he's an older model. Almost everyone immediately started doing stupid shit to make themselves look bad, Himiko almost threw up laughing too hard.

At the end of the day, Yahiko and Himiko started getting ready to leave until they heard a commotion at the door. The hallway was filled with students that were trying to sneak a peak at the famous class 1-A that survived a villain attack.

"Move out of the fuċkɨnġ way already! If you shitty mob characters think that you can scope out the competition so easily than you're all way over your fuċkɨnġ heads!" Bakugo was pissed at the fact he couldn't get past the human barricade.

"Wow, who knew that class 1-A was so arrogant. Are all the kids enrolled in the hero course like this?"

The one that spoke had indigo coloured hair, small bags under his eyes, and a bored expression on his face. His name is Shinso, one of the better characters of MHA.

"I'm getting really sick and tired of everyone's bullshit today. I recommend moving the fuċk out of my way before you regret it." A cold yet feminine voice entered everyone's ears, and they were surprised when they saw who said those harsh words.

Himiko was pissed, she had to deal with her classmates that were bombarding her with questions, no alone time with her Yahiko, and now this! She couldn't control her anger and snapped at Shinso. She looked at the students that clogged the hallways like they were the embodiment of filth.

Shinso was surprised as well, he came to their classroom to tell them his 'declaration of war.' But he wasn't expecting to get insulted twice in a row. When he was about to say something back to her, everyone froze. Everyone felt a pair of malicious and malevolent purple eyes staring right at them. Nobody could say anything, nobody could hear anything, nobody could feel anything, it was like they all died at once.

Yahiko was the source of all of this, but he was doing it for their sakes. If he just did nothing at all then Himiko definitely would've stabbed whoever was closest to her. To stop her, he just released a little bit if his killing intent. Anyone can do this, everyone just has different amounts of it. The amount someone has depends on how much they want to kill something and how long they've been harboring these intentions. Even if the amount of killing intent you have towards someone is small, it's bound to grow somewhat large over time. Yahiko has been holding a very large amount of killing intent for deku ever since he saw him in anime form in his past life, so his intent rivals All For One's hate for All Might.

Now that everyone froze up, Yahiko took this opportunity to leave. He grabbed Himiko's hand and pushed the students in the hallway aside.

'The sports festival is in two weeks, I should prepare what I'm going to say on stage beforehand.'

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