My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 21 - Death of Saibogu-chan

The next two weeks passed by in a flash, but it was still pretty hectic. After Yahiko scared everyone shitless, people started avoiding him even more. Most of the other students would try to speed walk past him or stay away as far as they possibly can whenever he's around. It surprisingly didn't affect his classmates too much but they still treated him differently.

The rest of class 1-A started giving Yahiko tribute and peace offerings as to appease him. At first, they would give him screws, nuts, and bolts. They thought he would eat it for some reason, but all it did was annoy him.

Then Denki came in and made everything worse, he thought it would be a good idea to give Yahiko some 'porn mags'. During the lunch break, he slipped three of them into Yahiko's bag somehow. When Yahiko went back to the apartment, he opened up his bag to see three unfamiliar magazines in there. The first one was a car instruction manual. The second one was a bunch of pictures of different machines, like fax machines, office printers, manufacturing robots, ect. The third one was just pictures of girls dressed up as robots posing strangely and a bunch of crudely drawn drawings of robot girls.

Yahiko was confused at first until it dawned on him that the culprit was most likely the only open pervert in the class, knock-off pikachu. After he got rid of the magazines he confronted Denki the next day.

"Why did you put a car manual in my bag?" Yahiko got straight to the point, he didn't want to waste his time on something as stupid as this.

"Do you mean the pȯrn mags I gave you? It's to make sure you're growing up nice and healthy! Oh, how did you like my drawings? I didn't really know if you liked the robots more or us fleshy people more so I gave you a bit of both, no need to thank me." Denki said loudly, gaining everyone's attention incredibly quickly.

'Those were pȯrn mags? And did he just say that he 'gave' me those books? I don't remember such a thing, let alone talking to him.' It hadn't even been five minutes since he entered the classroom and yet he's already annoyed.

"I hope you enjoyed them, it's my duty to help out a brother in need." Denki said as he somehow managed to mimic All Might's smile.

When the others heard this, the rest of the boys huddled together and came up with a plan.

"You guys, Yahiko is the only cyborg in our school! Do you think that the reason he doesn't talk much is because he feels like he doesn't belong?" Sero questioned, feeling concerned for Yahiko.

"I don't care about that bastard, and why the fuċk am I huddling with all of you extras in the first place!" Bakugo replied angrily, yet he didn't even try to break out of it.

"Maybe we could ask the support department to make him a friend that he can connect with?" Fumikage suggested while ignoring Bakugo.

"That's a great idea! He needs some man to man bonding." Eijiro happily exclaimed, also ignoring Bakugo.

And this is how Siabogu-chan came to life, a very short life. The boys went to the support department and stumbled upon Mei Hatsume, a girls who's boundless energy can even rival even Mina's. They asked her to make a robot for their 'lonely' cyborg 'friend', and Mei agreed almost instantly. Mei was somehow able to finish making it the very next day, but there was a problem.

"Why is it a girl!?" They exclaimed, all of them were aware of how Himiko acted when a girl came close to Yahiko.

"But you said your cyborg friend was lonely, so I thought he would want some attention from a cute girl." Mei mused as she tried to see what the problem was.

They already bribed Yahiko and Himiko into coming over to the support department, but now they have to find a way to keep them away. But before they knew it, the two people in question were standing right next to them. Both of them were looking at the robot girl, each thinking different things.

Yahiko was thinking about how life like the robot looked, it had blueish-grayish eyes, blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail, and a small glowing circle on the right side of its forehead.(Basically Chloe from Detroit: Become Human)

Himiko on the other hand, was thinking about how to get away with mass murder in broad daylight. The boys in her class bribed her and her boyfriend into coming here just so she could watch a robot snatch away her Yahiko. If looks could kill, the boys would've died over a thousand times.

"So you're the lonely cyborg that everybody's been talking about! It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, my name's Mei Hatsume but you can just call me Mei. Wow, you're even scarier than the rumors say you are. Anyway, can you show me how advanced a government cyborg is! I want to improve my babies so I need to know how advanced government technology is compared to mine!" Mei blurted out as she got only a few centimeters away from Yahiko's face.

When the boys saw how close she was getting to Yahiko, they felt jealous that she didn't do it to them and scared for her safety. They looked over to where Himiko was once standing, only to see that she wasn't there anymore. Their eyes darted across the room in an attempt to find Himiko, only to see her back to where she was when she first came in.

'This isn't going to end well...' They subconsciously thought at the same time.

After Yahiko successfully avoided Mei's personal questions, he asked "So this robot is the reason why I was called over here? What does this have to do with me?"

"Well your friends here said that you were lonely so they asked me to make a baby for you. Now that my baby Siabogu-chan is completed, you can spend time with her and make me some robo grandbabies! Don't worry, I don't mind the age gap between when you two were created but please take good care of my baby for me!" Mei said enthusiastically, not realizing the death glare she's receiving from Himiko or any of the boys desperate attempts at shushing her.

"...What?" That was the only word he could say as he looked over to his 'friends' for some much needed answers.

They instinctively looked away, none of them dared to look Yahiko in his purple eyes. They should've known better, but they still did something stupid anyway.

"Now that I got to meet my son-in-law, why don't you meet Saibogu-chan! Saibogu-chan, activate!" Mei shouted excitedly, not realizing how dangerous the situation is.

Upon saying these words, Saibogu-chan closed her eyes and opened them again. She took a quick glance around the room before they fell upon the one that created her.

"Greetings, I am-am-am-am-" Saibogu-chan couldn't even finish her sentence before she started malfunctioning.

"Huh!? Wait wait wait wait! This isn't supposed to happen! What's wrong with my baby!?" Mei said hurriedly, as she tried to figure out what was wrong with her baby.

"Oh no! Someone spilt water on her! I didn't get the chance to make her waterproof yet!" Mei exclaimed as she tried to fix her baby, only for it to start smoking.

"That looks pretty dangerous, we should probably leave the room." Izuku said meekly as he watched everything unfold into utter chaos.

"Agreed." Shoto replied as he was already halfway out the door.

Sero grabbed Mei as everyone evacuated from the room, only to see some small sparks coming out from the robot girl.

"Is that it? Is this what you made me evacuate for? There wasn't even a explosion! Now let's get the fuċk out of here before something else happens." Bakugo said angrily, he was pissed that he wasted so much time on some lonely and malfunctioning robots.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Saibogu-chan exploded dramatically for absolutely no reason.

"SAIBOGU-CHAN!!!!!" Mei screamed out, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

"...Oh well, I guess I have to start over. I'll call you guys later so I can introduce you to Saibogu-chan 2.0 okay? Also, make sure you come to me if you want improvements on your equipment and good luck at the sports festival tomorrow!" Mei said enthusiastically, not caring about how her workplace just exploded.

As everyone walked away, Yahiko and Himiko stayed put and stared at each other for a brief moment before Yahiko broke the silence.



"Did you pour water on Saibogu-chan?"

"...I don't know what you're talking about."

*Sigh*"Why are you like this?"

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