My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 22 - 200,000 yen

The sports festival has finally arrived and everyone is bursting with excitement. They trained like crazy just so they could do good in the festival, but waiting for it to actually start is what most of the students here find even more challenging than training.

The students of class 1-A are inside of a waiting room, talking about how they cant to go out there. They were in their U.A gym uniforms instead of their costumes. Even though they're excited, most of them are incredibly nervous. This is one of the largest events in Japan, so it makes perfect sense for them to be nervous.

"Get ready everyone, the festival is starting soon!" Iida shouted to get their attention.

Not long after he said this, Shoto tells Izuku that he thinks he's stronger than him and that he doesn't care about his relationship with All Might. After he said his piece he turns and looks at Yahiko, who was listening to Himiko explain how people with blood type A taste slighter better than people with blood type B.

"Yahiko, I think that you are the strongest person in this class. But I won't let that discourage me, I will surpass you and claim the number one spot in the sports festival." He finished his little speech and walked away.

Yahiko didn't really care about too much about it, so he just tuned him out. Bakugo, who heard Shoto's speech only scoffed in annoyance.

"If an army of villains and a monster made to kill All Might cant beat the purple eyed freak then what chances do you have?" Bakugo muttered to himself as he waited.


"I don't understand sensei! I find any information about that brat's quirk! All that's written down is the name and that it's telekinesis, which is only half right! First he humiliates me, now he hides his information from me... I hate him sensei! I want to tear him limb from limb!" Tomura ranted as All For One listened silently, he was extremely curious about the boy that defeated most of the villains and the Nomu with ease. He must get his hands on his quirk!

"...Tomura, I understand that you're upset but you must calm yourself. The sports festival will start soon, I want you to show me who ruined your plans. You said that his quirk was written down as telekinesis, but he was able to make black stakes and grow an extra arm that transformed? What if he's hiding more abilities up his sleeve Tomura, this is why you must remain calm at all times." All For One lectured Tomura from the other side of the screen like how a parent would lecture their child.

"But sensei-" Tomura wanted to speak out but was interrupted.

"No buts! We must find out more about him, so don't make a move until we can come up with a plan that could counter his abilities." All For One said in a more strict tone.

"Yes sensei." Tomura replied, furiously scratching his neck.

"..." Kurogiri silently watched this unfold and put his attention back to the TV.


When the students of 1-A were called out to the field, their nervousness increased by ten-fold. Slowly exiting the long hallway, Present mic's voice rang into everyone's ears.

"Here's the class that survived a villain attack with will of steel, class 1-A!!!" Present mic stated as he tried to hype everyone up.

"This is really nerve wracking, how are you guys feeling?" Mina said while shaking a little.

She looked around as she said this, only to see a trembling Izuku. He was doing worse than her, especially since this is being broadcasted live around Japan. It certainly didn't make him feel any better when he felt the glares being sent their way, all because most of the people here came just to see the famous class 1-A.

Midnight cracked her whip to get everyone's attention, which was mostly from the male population.

"Everyone be quiet! Representing the students is Yahiko Bubaigawara from class 1-A!" The R-rated hero announced.

This was expected, Yahiko did the best in the entrance exam. This made many of the students quiet down instantly, they were interested in what he had to say.

The people in the stands thought differently though, they were confused as to why someone that looked as threatening as him was giving out a speech. Yahiko didn't care, what they think doesn't matter at all. As he walked onto the stage, all eyes were on him.

Yahiko took a deep breath and stated "All of this is pointless. I will win this festival easily, so the rest of you shouldn't even try unless you want to humiliate yourselves with your little 'pledges', so just give up now. There's no point in even trying to get first place, so aim lower. I will only say this once, don't underestimate me." Yahiko finished his speech, shocking everyone in the process.

The whole stadium was silent, nobody could believe how bold he was. It stayed silent until they heard someone clapping enthusiastically, cheering for the boy on the stage.

"Yay! Go Yahiko! Tell 'em who's boss!" Himiko cheered while jumping up and down in excitement.

As if everyone was just only registering his words now, they started booing. The other classes thought he was being arrogant, all because he was in 1-A. The pro heros thought he was full of himself, the people in the stands didn't take his words seriously. Tomura, All For One, and Kurogiri felt relieved that he was arrogant. It would make him easier to capture if he was so full of himself.

The akatsuki, who were watching the festival on their TV, were laughing their ȧsses off. The people that were booing their leader will come to regret it later. Aizawa was shocked as well, he didn't think Yahiko would say anything as arrogant as that but he knew that Yahiko wasn't just all talk and no bite. He already bet a small fortune on Yahiko, it was the easiest two hundred thousand yen he has ever made.

"Is it really okay to bet that much money on him? I know that he saved your life and everything but the other students are strong too." Present mic questioned Aizawa, he didn't want his friend to lose that much money just because of a bet.

"They're not as strong as him though." Aizawa gave his usual creepy smile, which startled Present mic a little.

They definitely should've took his words seriously, all these people will eat their words when the festival ends. As Yahiko walked off stage, he heard Midnight say "Is this arrogance or confidence? With the way he carries himself, he must be the dominant type in bed." She smiled with a large blush on her face as she watched him walk back to his class.

'If only she knew...' Yahiko thought as the people that were once afraid of him were now angry at him. He honestly doesn't know how their views of him did a complete 180 so fast.

"Did you really have to say all that? We're getting a lot of nasty looks from the other classes now." Momo asked nervously as she felt the hateful gazes of countless students.

"I was only speaking the truth. They will learn to take my words to heart after this, I did tell them not to underestimate me." Yahiko replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Now then, let's start the first course!" Midnight said, she was feeling excited from Yahiko's speech.

It had been decided that the first course was going to be an obstacle course. As everyone moved into position, with Yahiko being in the back and Himiko in the front, the race has begun.

'It would be rather annoying if Shoto freezes the floor, I don't want Himiko to get frostbite. I think I'll just do this... "Universal pull. Multi shadow clone jutsu."

As everyone started shoving each other to get to the end of the hallway, Shoto planned on using his ice to freeze everyone's feet. However, he wasn't able to pull it off as he felt something yank him back with tremendous force. He landed on his back, staring at the ceiling until a shadow loomed over him. It was Yahiko, he had a black receiver in his hand and thrusted it towards Shoto's left shoulder. It effortlessly pierced through his clothes, not him. He was pinned down as Yahiko disappeared in a puff of smoke, as if he wasn't even there in the first place.

Shoto looked around to find Yahiko and to his surprise, he found multiple. Shoto wasn't the only one that was pinned down, this happened to every other contestant. Even Himiko wasn't spared, she had a receiver going through her pants. As Shoto watched the Yahikos disappear simultaneously, the real Yahiko walked pass everyone leisurely.

'He can clone himself!? How many abilities is he hiding?' Shoto thought as he tried to free himself.

"Yahiko!? What are you doing?" A majority of class 1-A asked, only to be completely ignored.

"You bastard!!! I'll fuċkɨnġ kill you!" Bakugo screeched.

"Wow! Looks like the boy that made the pledge is not just all talk! Can the other students escape the hallway? Or will they stay there till the end of the sports festival?" Present mic commented, surprised that Yahiko would pull something like that.

Yahiko walked out of the tunnel, only to here footsteps running after him. He looked back and saw Himiko running at him full speed with a large smile on her face. She broke the receiver pretty quickly, much to everyone's surprise. She has had a few practice matches with Yahiko before, so she knows how to break his receivers. Upon seeing her, Yahiko bolted towards the open field with some zero pointers waiting for him while leaving Himiko behind.

Since he was the first one to get there, their attention was on him. One zero pointer tried to grab him almost immediately, which resulted with it getting sent flying towards another zero pointer with a single 'Almighty push'. The collision destroyed both of them instantly, sending shrapnel flying everywhere.

Another zero pointer tried to stomp on him and Yahiko avoided it easily, while transforming his arm into the same metal wires he used on the Nomu. He wrapped his arm wires around it's right leg and pulled with a bit of his strength, causing it to fall towards where he entered the area and ripping off its leg in the process. The zero fell down with a large thud and successfully blocked the entrance, this will force the other students to climb over it or destroy it just to get past it.

Yahiko transformed his arm back to its original state and 'Almighty pushed' his way towards the next obstacle. Himiko had just made it to the zero pointers and was forced to climb over the one blocking the path while avoiding the few smaller remaining robots.

When the other students finally broke free of the black receivers, they made a their way to the broken zero pointer. Shoto made a ice block and used it to climb over the zero pointer.

'So Yahiko has already delt with most of the robots while making the course even more difficult. With all of the defeated robots blocking the way, I might overuse my right side if I'm not careful.' Shoto thought as he climbed over another defeated robot.


Yahiko made his way to 'The Fall' and passed it easily by flying over it with 'Almighty push.' Himiko was close behind him as she skillfully ran on the tightropes with ease. The others got over 'The Fall' the same way in canon.

Now Yahiko was at the minefield, flying over it without detonating any of them. When he got to the end, he made a few black receivers and threw them in different spots on the minefield. This made all of the mines detonate at once while he crossed the finish line.

"What's this? Yahiko came in first place and detonated the mines behind him. Is this his way of saying 'sorry for trapping you at the beginning of the race'? And he just flew over it! Why didn't he do this at the start? So many questions and so little answers, now let's see who's going to get second place!" Present mic said enthusiastically, getting the crowd to reluctantly cheer for Yahiko.

Himiko came in second place shortly after, she didn't have to worry about the minefield thanks to Yahiko. She was able to get second place thanks to her small headstart at the beginning. Shoto arrived next, followed by Bakugo who just looked at Yahiko angrily. Izuku was nowhere to be seen, until he popped up and took last place, meaning the sparkle kid didn't make it in.

'How the hell did he get past people with quirks? I destroyed the minefield and everything, must be that protagonist bullshit that he pulls out of his ȧss.' Yahiko thought as he looked at the fatigued Izuku.

"The winner of the obstacle course is Yahiko Bubaigawara, please give a round of applause!" Present mic announced again, trying get a stronger reaction out of the crowd.

"His quirk is rather strange but destructive, and it looks like he can control it pretty well for his age. I will send him a application to become my intern, I hope he accepts it." A random pro hero said, causing others to agree with him.

"That's right, he was incredibly fast, faster than the kids that use quirks to boosts themselves. He doesn't even look tired as well, so he must be taking some sort of stamina training" Another pro hero added in.

"Don't forget about his physical strength, he ripped off that robots leg with ease. His face is rather stoic as well, now that I think about it, has his facial expression ever changed?" A different hero questioned his peers.

"I don't think I have, he has a pretty good pokerface. Even though he ain't smiling, his pierced face will definitely be stuck in my head for awhile."

"Since most if the contestants look completely worn out, we're gonna let them take a short break!" Present mic said loudly into his microphone.

A few students from 1-A congratulated him, while the rest of the students just glared at him. Himiko was talking to the other girls so he just patently waited for the next course to start.

While this was happening, Aizawa's creepy smile grew larger and larger. He knew it was a good idea to bet that much money, and after Yahiko's performance in the first match, he regretted not betting more.

'I guess I really do owe him a favor, well as long as it isn't unreasonable I'll do it for him.'

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