The short break was over and Midnight showed the contestants the results. Yahiko was in first place, Himiko in second, Shoto is third, and Bakugo fourth.

"The top forty two contestants will be moving on to the next round, the contestants that didn't make it will have plenty of chances to shine in different courses. Now then, it's time for the next course for the ones that made it. The next course will be... a cavalry battle!" Midnight said while seductively ŀɨċkɨnġ her lips.

She went on and explained the rules, like how you can use your quirk to grab other people's headbands that were worth a different amount of points depending on how well you did on the obstacle course. She also revealed that the person who arrived in first place gets ten million points, which made everyone stare at Yahiko eagerly.

But it's not like it matters, they won't even be able to get close to him. Not even bothering to look back, Yahiko waited for her to finish.

"That's right, even if you're in last place you have a chance to get straight into first place in an instant! You all have fifteen minutes to form a team of two to four people, good luck everyone!" Midnight announced excitedly.

'I really want to join Yahiko's team but Deku needs my help, what should I do!?' Ochako thought as she looked at Yahiko and back to Izuku.

Soon after she said that, Himiko went over to Yahiko. She was about to talk to him, but was interrupted. She looked over to see who talked over her but only scowled when she recognised her.

"Yahiko! There you are, I've been looking for you. Now then, let's team up! If I team up with you then I'll be able to show-off my babies!" Mei shouted into Yahiko's ears, completely ignoring his personal space and Himiko entirely.

"Hey, don't you think you're a bit too close to him? And do you really have to pick Yahiko? Aren't there other people that still have some leftover spots available?" Himiko questioned her with a strained smile.

"Of course it has to be Yahiko, the third and fourth place winners already have four people in their teams. Yahiko also has the most points, which means all attention will be on him. If I team up with him, then I'll be able to demonstrate all of the uses and functions of my babies!" Mei explained surprisingly fast.

"Tch, I guess if you're joining him then I have no choice but to join as well. But! No more girls Yahiko! The three of us is more than enough, don't you think so Mei?"

"It doesn't really matter how many people we have, as long as I get to demonstrate my babies then I'm fine with it." Mei said as she got her babies ready.

"Then it's decided, Yahiko gets to team up with some cute girls. Aren't you happy? I mean, look at Mei. She looks pretty, don't you think so?" Himiko said with another strained smile while trying to set Yahiko up.

"Are you setting me up?"

"No, but we will be your teammates. Banzai!"

"Do I have a even have a choice in the matter?" Yahiko asked tiredly, the round hasn't even started yet but being around those two made him feel like he ran all the way over to the other side of the world and back.

"No, so can you answer my question now?" Himiko asked again, slowly inching closer to Yahiko.

Before he could answer her deathtrap of a question, Midnight announced that they only had a minute left. Everyone got into their formations and looked over at Yahiko's team. Himiko was sitting on his and Mei's shoulders but it was rather difficult for Yahiko. He had to bend down a little to balance Himiko because of his and Mei's height difference.

"I hope everyone ready, because the match is starting in ten seconds." Midnight announced as Present Mic started to countdown.

As this was happening, the other teams prepared to grab Himiko's headband before their enemies do.

"Three, two, one, START!!!" Present Mic shouted into his microphone, causing the students to dash towards Yahiko's team.

"That headband is mine!" Shoto, Bakugo, and Izuku shouted at once as they made their way towards Yahiko.

"Looks like everybody wants the ten million points, but will they be able to get it? It all depends on what Yahiko's team does next!" Present Mic commented.

Yahiko easily predicted what they would try to do, it was pretty obvious. Yahiko came up with a simple and effective plan, none of the other teams would've never guessed what he did next.

Taking Himiko off his shoulder, he grabbed the collar of her uniform and threw her over fifty meters into the air.

"...Huh?" Mei and everybody else said simultaneously.

"Wheeeeeee!" Himiko's voice entered their ears as she started to fall down.

"Yahiko, what are you doing!?" Mei yelled out as she watched Himiko fall.

Yahiko didn't answer her, instead he clasped his hands together and slammed his palms to the ground while shouting "Summoning jutsu!"


After his hands touched the ground, a black symbol that looked like a circle with several black lines came out of where his hands were. A large amount of smoke came out of the symbol, temporarily blinding everyone.

"This bastard!"

"Is he trying to hide?"

"This wont save you!" The other contestants started to curse Yahiko.

Several students shouted one after the other, but when the students of class 1-A saw what Yahiko was doing, Izuku shouted "RUN!"

"What is Yahiko doing? Is this a smoke screen that's suppo-" Present Mic was about to make another comment, but what he saw shocked him and a everyone else in the stadium, again.

When the smoke dispersed, a giant creature was revealed. It had green feathers, a jagged yellow beak, three feet, three wings, a chakra receiver going through its neck and another going through its body. The most distinguishing feature about it was the purple ringed eyes that were identical to it's master. Himiko had safely landed on the giant drill-beaked bird's head, enjoying the feeling of it's surprisingly soft feathers.

It took a few moments for everyone to realize what had happened. After doing so, they immediately started panicking.

"What is that thing!?"

"It's a monster!"

"The heros are here, but why aren't they doing anything!?"

The people in the crowd and the other contestants were afraid of the giant beast before them, it made them all feel uneasy when it looked in their direction.

"Jeez, that kid brought out one of his bigger monsters this time." Aizawa said dully, he was bȧrėly surprised at all. He had seen the video of Yahiko's entrance exam and Yahiko's fight with Izuku. He figured that Yahiko might have more creatures up his sleeve, but he was a little startled when he saw the sheer size of it.

"You knew he could do that? And did you just say 'one?' He can make more of those things?" Present Mic asked, visibly confused.

"Yes, he has made different monsters in the past. From what I can tell, they are under his control. I don't know how many monsters he has in total, but I do knew that all of them are incredibly strong, stronger than most pro heros." Aizawa finished as his smile grew even bigger. He just realized that Yahiko has already won the match, making Aizawa one step closer to becoming a rich man.

"E-everyone please stay calm! I've been informed that this creature belongs to student Yahiko Bubaigawara of class 1-A, it is under his control and follows his commands." Present Mic shouted, getting everyone to slowly calm down.


"S-sensei! Are you seeing what I'm seeing!" Tomura nearly shouted out of surprise.

He had every reason to do so, since this is the first time he has seen a quirk like this. He wasn't the only one that was surprised, Kurogiri was speechless when he laid his foggy eyes on the beast.

"'s beautiful."

"What!?" Tomura was surprised a second time. He didn't expect his sensei to say something like that, especially since it looked so ugly.

"Don't you understand! Once I take that quirk for myself, I will be able to control that thing! I wonder if he has any more tricks hiding in his sleeve?" All For One began to laugh, as if he had heard the funniest joke in his entire life.


'Is he just going to stay on that 'thing' the entire time?" A person from the crowd asked his friends.

"Is this even allowed?" Another asked.

"Don't you guys think that this is pretty unfair, having someone as strong as him in this festival?" A someone else asked.

"What do you mean 'unfair?' Life is unfair, take me for example. I don't have a quirk but you do, but does that give me the right to complain about it? Crying isn't going to help, quirkless people know this better then anyone." A different civilian started arguing with the stupid one.

"How...pitiful. One second, they were cursing me like their lives depended on it. The next second, they're running away with all of their might. I thought they were supposed to be heros, always facing danger head-on while their hearts were filled with courage. But I don't see any courageous heros here." Yahiko said as he looked down on the other contestants from atop his summons head.

Soon after he summoned it, he grabbed Mei and flew up to it's head. He then ordered his beast to hover in one spot, causing large gusts of wind to push back nearby contestants. Nobody is able to get close to them, which has made it difficult to compete with other students. Yahiko was in the middle of the stadium, his presence there has forced other students to compete near the boundaries. If they get closer to the middle, then they could fall over from the powerful wind the beast has been creating.

Yahiko stood up there with Mei and Himiko sitting beside him, fluffing up the giant bird's feathers like there was no tomorrow.

"So soft! I want to sleep on it!" Himiko said as she made feather angels.

"Haaah... wait a minute! I'm supposed to be showing off my babies!" Mei exclaimed after she reluctantly pulled her face off of the very comfortable feathers.

"Do you have a microphone?" Yahiko asked her.

"Yep, never leave the house without one!"

"...Okay, well why don't you just start explaining what they do while we have everyone's attention?"

"But everyone's focused on you, not me! How will I keep their attention on me long enough to show everyone my babies?"

"I have an idea." Yahiko said as he grabbed a feather off of his summon and used transformation jutsu on it to make it look like the ten million points headband. (I'm so tired that I forgot if they could actually do this or not, if they can't then plz go easy on me)

"What! How did you do that?" Mei asked, she was completely awestruck.

"That isn't important, just go down there and demonstrate your babies already."

"You got it!" Mei replied as she put on a jetpack that came out of nowhere and flew above the other contestants.

"Hello everyone! My name is Mei Hatsume and I have been given the ten million point headband by my team leader, but that's not what is important right now. What's important is the various babies I have made!" Mei said into her microphone enthusiastically while pointing at the headband in her hand, not realizing how strange she sounded.

Everyone's attention has been on her ever since she said 'ten million point headband.'

'If she has the headband, then what's the point of having that monster over there? Yahiko has been sitting up there with Himiko the entire time, so it must be a duplicate or a fake, but how?' Aizawa thought to himself as he stared at the headband in Mei's hand.

Mei began to demonstrate her babies while avoiding the endless horde of greedy students. It was pretty funny to watch them try their hardest to grab it but fail at the last second while Mei talks like nothing is happening.

But Mei was struck down during the last minute by Bakugo, who flew up to her and damaged her jetpack.

"What a shocking development! Mei Hatsume has been struck down by Bakugo and lost her headband, which means Bakugo is in first place!" Present Mic commented while getting everyone hyped up.

"Fuck yeah!!! Take that you purple eyed bastard! I won!" Bakugo shouted excitedly, he was almost like a kid that was given Disneyland tickets.


The headband he was holding in his hand was temporarily covered in smoke. When it quickly dispersed, all that was there was a large green feather.

'Uh oh' Bakugo's team thought when they saw the feather in his hand.

"..." Surprisingly enough, Bakugo didn't curse, scream, or tell anyone to die. Instead, he was silently seething with rage. His hand burned the feather he was holding as he looked up at the monster that just landed in the middle of the stadium. Yahiko was sitting cross-legged on it's head with his left hand supporting his own head. He was wearing the ten million point headband and silently watching Bakugo, wondering what he would do next.

"The cavalry battle is over! Let's see who's in the top four. In first place we have team Yahiko!" Present Mic announced, getting the crowd to cheer.

"Our second place winner is team Bakugo, team Todoroki is in third place, and for fourth place Midorya?"

After he said that, Izuku cried his eyes out. He, and a lot of others, didn't think he would make it to the next round.

'You've got to be kidding me. He bȧrėly got by in the anime even with Mei on his team, how the hell did he get all of those points without her?' Yahiko was amazed at the powers of plot armor, it truly is a mysterious anomaly.

Yahiko de-summoned his giant bird while carrying Himiko in his arms, she actually fell asleep on his bird.

"Well there you have it folks! The participants for the next round all came from class 1-A! Bit since we need sixteen contestants we will choose two members from the fifth team." Present Mic announced, getting cheers from the audience and glare from the other students that didn't make it.

"We will be taking a hour long break, so enjoy your free time!" Present Mic yelled out.

'He beat the first two courses so easily, can I get to his level?' Izuku thought as he stared at Yahiko.

'He's stronger than I anticipated, but I won't let him beat me without a fight!' Shoto thought as he placed his hand over his left eye.

'So he thinks it's funny to send a fake headband my way huh, I'll fuċkɨnġ kill him!' Bakugo thought as mini explosions crackled in his hands.

'This was a rather boring... chakra!?' Yahiko thought as he looked into the crowd. He felt someone with a chakra signature hiding in the crowd, only for a brief moment.

'So there's someone with chakra here that's hiding in the crowd, but how? And more importantly, are they a friend or foe?'

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