My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 24 - Overwhelming power

(For the tournament, almost everybody from canon will be there except for Monoma and Tetsu)

'That kid... he's strong! Stronger than most pro heros, I know he is! He breezed by all of these stupid courses with ease, but I know he's hiding his true power. I can't wait to meet him.'

Yahiko suddenly felt someone look at him with a amazingly large amount of battle ŀust. It was like they would come down from their position and try to fight him any second now.

'Is this the person who had the chakra signature? No, this is coming from a completely different position. Besides, why would they purposely hide themselves if they were just going to show killing intent? It wouldn't make any sense.'

The students of 1-A went over to the cafeteria to refill their tired and hungry bodies. They had an hour break, so they were going to make every second count. They arrived after a few minutes but when they got there, the other students started to cling to the walls like their lives depended on it.

" I-it's the monster tamer, Yahiko Bubaigawara!"

"Please don't look this way! Please don't look this way!"

"Don't look into his eyes! If you do, then he will steal your soul!"

The students in the lunchroom reacted like this when they saw Yahiko, who was still carrying the sleeping Himiko. This made the other students in 1-A look his way, like they were asking him what he did to get into this mess.

'That last one is oddly specific.' Yahiko thought as he put down Himiko and woke her. up.

"Hey Yahiko, are you feeling excited for the next course?" Ochako said as she inched closer to Yahiko.

"Yeah..." Yahiko was still thinking about the chakra signature from before, it made him wonder if the god reincarnated other people.

After Yahiko excused himself, he tried to remember anyone in the crowd looked recognisable. Everyone in the crowd looked unique thanks to these stupid quirks, which makes it harder for Yahiko to find anyone that looked familiar.

'This will be a problem, they must know something about me if they're purposely hiding their chakra. But, I don't know if there's more than one of them. I'll have to be more careful in case they aren't alone.'

[Yahiko Bubaigawara, please come to the pro hero lounge. Thank you.]

'Hm? Are they going to question me about the bird? I thought they already knew I could summon creatures, well it's either that or the heros want me to give my thoughts on the villains that attacked us.'

Yahiko thought as he looked for the hero lounge. He found it surprisingly quickly, but it definitely would've taken him more time if he couldn't hear All Might laughing loudly every five seconds. Yahiko knocked on the door three times and waited for a response, receiving a "Come in" from who he ȧssumes to be Nezu.

Yahiko stepped inside and closed the door behind him while his eyes took quick glances around the room. He saw several pro heros and most of the teachers of U.A in there, the exception being Present Mic, who was still commentating on the other courses that went on. As Yahiko took a few steps forward, he was forced to bend backwards in an unnatural way to avoid a kick that was sent towards him. It went straight over his head and into the door, breaking it in half.

The kick was incredibly fast, most of the heros could even track it with their eyes. Yahiko was about to make a black receiver and stab his attacker in their exposed leg but Nezu's voice captured everyone's attention.

"Mirko that's enough! I will not sit idly by and watch you attack one of my students just because you want to fight him!" Nezu yelled out at the strongest woman in Japan.

"Be quiet Nezu! This has confirmed my suspicions, this kid doesn't belong here!" The rabbit hero Mirko shouted back while removing her foot from the broken door.

"May I get an explanation as to why I was called here and to why I was attacked?"

Yahiko's voice entered their ears, except it was colder than usual.

"I'm terribly sorry about this Yahiko-kun, but Mirko wanted to meet you personally. She said that she wanted to test something on you so I refused, but she kept on threatening me that she would go onto the stage and fight you in front of everyone if I didn't call you here." Nezu explained to everyone in the room.

"That's right! Now that I know my suspicions are true, I'm taking you out of here." Mirko said with a grin on her face.

"Hold on, why do you want to take my student? And what are the suspicions you keep on talking about?" Aizawa was the one that questioned Mirko this time.

"Isn't it obvious? He's way too strong for your school, I honestly don't know why he isn't a pro hero already. He has shown multiple powerful quirks and amazing reflexes, don't forget about his flexible body that he just demonstrated. But that's not the best thing about him, the best thing I've seen him do is look at me with killing intent! When he dodged my kick, he was preparing to do something to my exposed leg! I felt it Nezu! He shouldn't be going here with all of these weaklings that are so full of themselves just because they got into this school, he should be fighting me!" Mirko explained as she got ready to send another kick towards Yahiko.

"You crazy woman, how did someone like you become a pro hero?" Endeavor questioned while staring at her disapprovingly.

"By beating up bad guys of course." Mirko respond with a grin, causing Endeavor to raise the temperature in anger.

"Take me seriously!" Endeavor shouted at her, causing Mirko to narrow her eyes at him.

"Calm down everyone! We are in front of a student, we are supposed to show a good example of how pro heros should act!" All Might also shouted while trying to calm them down.

"You can't just take my students as you please, Mirko. They enrolled here because they want to be heros, they're not battle hungry like you!" Nezu yelled at Mirko again.

Mirko looked at him and scoffed.

"Don't give me that bullshit Nezu, I know that they are just itching to use their quirks in whatever challenge you have waiting for them. Especially that kid with the explosions coming out of his hands, he practically radiates battle ŀust!" Mirko yelled back, making an endless cycle of yelling.

'Jesus fuċkɨnġ christ, do all heros act like children? They're almost as bad as the kids in 1-A.' Yahiko thought as he looked at them with disappointment, almost forgetting why he was called here.

"Ahh! I almost forgot!" Mirko exclaimed as she turned towards Yahiko.

She walked over to him and grabbed him by his arms. She then threw Yahiko over her shoulder and proceeded to walk out the broken door.

"I got what I wanted so there's really no point in staying here any longer, so bye bye!" Mirko said as she broke into a sprint.

"Wait a minute! Somebody stop her!" Nezu shouted at the pro heros, causing them to finally do their jobs.

"Don't let her get away!"

"He's mine! I won't let any of you ruin my fun!" Mirko shouted back at them as she ran incredibly fast.

"Are you kidnapping me?" Yahiko questioned as he stared at the pro heros ȧss, comparing it to Himiko's.

Before she could respond, Yahiko made a black receiver and stabbed it into an nearby wall. This forced Mirko to stop since Yahiko slowed her down immensely. When she looked back, she saw the that wall next her had a line deeply engraved into it that was a couple of feet deep. She also saw what caused it. Yahiko, who was holding onto a black receiver, stared back at her.

"You have pretty good grip strength, I hope I don't have to pay for the damage you made though." Mirko said as she admired the destruction he caused.

"Can you put me down now? I would also appreciate it if you would stop trying to fight me." Yahiko asked as if nothing was wrong in the first.

"You surprisingly mȧturė and calm, aren't ya? Mirko said as she dropped Yahiko like he was a sack of potatoes.

"Out of everyone in my class, I'm definitely the most mȧturė. The rest of them still act like children even after getting attacked recently." Yahiko responded as he got up and dusted himself off.

"So you want to fight me? You do realize that kick you sent towards me earlier was pretty lethal right?" Yahiko questioned the crazy hero in front of him.

"Don't whɨnė about something as small as that, you dodged it so it's all good." Mirko responded as she heard several footsteps coming towards them.

"Anyway, It looks like I gotta get out of here before the other heros catch me. But I will get my fight, whether you like it or not!"Mirko pledged as she looked at Yahiko with a smile full of bad intentions.

She started running again when she saw the other heros coming around the corner, leaving Yahiko behind.

"There she is! After her!"

The heros started running past Yahiko and chased after the rabbit hero. Aizawa walked up to Yahiko after the rest of the heros left and said "Glad to see you in one piece, now go back to your classmates. I think the next course is starting in a few minutes. Also, can you do me a quick favor and win the tournament? I convinced Present Mic to bet against me and nothing would make me happier then to order some food with his money."

Yahiko merely raised an eyebrow at how straightforward and happy he was being. It really wasn't like him at all, but I mean, who doesn't like money?

Yahiko made his way to where the rest of the winners of the cavalry battle were, all sixteen of them were now gathered in one spot.

"Here we are with the final event! The sixteen students that passed the cavalry battle will participate in the next event! It's a one vs one tournament that will decide the winner of the sports festival!" Present Mic announced, causing the crowd to cheer.

"The pairings will be decided by raffle, will team Yahiko please come to the stage and draw your ticket." Midnight asked as she watched Yahiko, Himiko, and Mei walk up the stage.

Yahiko stuck his hand in first and got a ticket that had the number seven on it. Himiko grabbed a ticket with the number five on it and Mei got a ticket with the number four on it.

'If I remember correctly, Mei should fight Iida and Mina was supposed to fight that annoying blonde kid that Himiko ball busted. I guess Himiko is going to fight Mina and I'm going to fight Eijiro.' Yahiko thought as he walked off the stage.

His guess was spot on since the pairings went like canon, with Eijiro's soul nearly ended up leaving his body when he found out who he was up against.

"The contestants can watch the other fights or prepare for their own. I hope the first contestants are ready, because the match will start soon." Midnight said while cracking her whip.

Eventually, Izuku and Shinso made their way onto the concrete platform in the middle of the stadium. Midnight explained the rules and the match began. Everything went like canon, with Izuku nearly losing but bȧrėly made it to the next round. The next few matches went like canon as well, even Mei since she used Iida to show off the babies she didn't get to use during the cavalry battle. Now it's Himiko vs Mina, both of them staring each other down.

"Who do you think is going to win Yahiko? Ochako asked, taking full advantage of the fact that Himiko is distracted to get close to him.

"Himiko would win if she got close to Mina, she knows how to fight pretty well. But if Mina keeps Himiko at bay then she might win." Yahiko said bluntly.

"Alright girls, I want a clean fight. You already know the rules, so are you two ready?" Midnight asked and received nods in return.

"Three, two, one, begin!" Present Mic shouted.

Himiko immediately dashed forward, surprising Mina slightly. Mina quickly threw acid at Himiko, who easily dodged and kept running forward. Himiko was a few feet away from her in just a few seconds, she sent a punch towards Mina's stomach and it connected. Mina felt some air leave her lungs, she sent some acid towards Himiko and successfully gave herself some time to breath.

'Argh, she hits hard!' Mina thought as she winced at the pain in her stomach.

Himiko charged at Mina again, not giving her any time to recover. She sent punch after punch, forcing Mina to take several steps back. This continued until Mina was near the edge of the platform. Not realizing that she's near the boundaries, Mina sent a punch towards Himiko, who caught it easily and flipped Mina so she was facing the other way. Himiko then kicked Mina's legs, which caused her to fall out of bounds.

"Mina Ashido is out of bounds! Himiko Toga is the winner!" Midnight announced, getting cheers from the crowd.

"Wow! That was fierce fist fight, I guess this serves as a very important lesson. Don't be too reliant on your quirk!" Present Mic commented.

"Good fight Himiko-chan, even if you were a little rough." Mina joked, feeling completely sore from getting her ȧss kicked.

"Yep, you did pretty well." Himiko said as she helped Mina go to the infirmary.

The next fight was Momo vs Fukikage, with Momo losing because she couldn't counter him. Now it was time for the next match, Yahiko vs Eijiro.

"Deku-kun' who do you think will win?" Tsuyu asked Izuku.

"It depends, if Yahiko makes another monster like before then I don't think Eijiro can win." Izuku said while somehow forgetting that Yahiko beat his ȧss, crippled a bunch of villains, killed a monster made to kill All Might, and destroyed a bunch of zero pointers just to block their path.

"Here we have the winner of the obstacle race, the cavalry battle, and possibly the strongest first year in U.A, Yahiko Bubaigawara! Over here we have the manly and passionate hardening, Eijiro Kirishima! Ready? Start!" Present Mic started the match immediately, he was pretty excited and wanted to see what Yahiko would do next.

Eijiro immediately hardens himself and charges towards Yahiko, intending to knock him out before he could do anything.

'What a simple strategy, couldn't he-!!! The same chakra signature from before! Where?' Yahiko got distracted and looked around the arena for the source of the chakra, completely ignoring Eijiro. Eijiro didn't mind being ignored and saw that this was his chance. Eijiro launched a right hook that was heading straight towards Yahiko's face. Yahiko realizes this and successfully blocks with his left arm. Eijiro's fist connects with Yahiko's piercings in his forearm, making sparks fly.

'He's surprisingly tough, but I can beat him!' Eijiro thought a few seconds before he lost.

'This guy, he's not letting me concentrate on the chakra signature. I must deal with him before I can focus on what's truly important, 'Almighty Push!'

The concrete platform in front of Yahiko was destroyed, it was like a bomb was underneath the platform. Everything in front of Yahiko was torn off the earth and flew towards Eijiro. Eijiro also flew off the platform immediately, when the audience looked around and saw where he was they could only pray for him. They saw that he was embedded into the wall, they didn't know if it was possible to remove him from it.

The rabbit hero Mirko, who saw everything, had a large smile on her face.

'He's definitely out of everyone's league, it's honestly a waist that he's here. I'll get my fight soon, I just have to be a little patient.' She tried to calm herself down but wasn't doing a good job at it.

'I got distracted, whoever's in the crowd must be messing with me. They know exactly what they're doing, I can't let my guard down anymore.' Yahiko thought as he scanned the crowd, making them shiver uncontrollably.

"I-is he looking this way?"

"I hope not!"

"He's so scary, almost Endeavor level scary!!"

"...Y-yahiko Bubaigawara is the winner!" Present Mic said, at a loss for words at how fast the match was. After he said that, the crowd let out a breath they didn't know they were holding in.

Yahiko walked off the broken platform after looking around one last time, unable to find any chakra signature. He sighed to himself and walked back to his classmates, who looked concerned for Eijiro.

"Did you really have to go overboard like that?" Momo asked while looking at the heros that tried to get Eijiro out of the wall. The field medics weren't strong enough to pull him out.

"He was distracting me, so I had no choice but to deal with him quickly." Yahiko coldly responded, he was still pissed at whoever was hiding in the audience for distracting him.

His words caused Momo to shiver a little, she thought to herself 'He was distracted? But what could be so important that it distracts him?'

The next three matches went like canon, Ochako lost, Izuku lost, and Ibara lost. Now It was Himiko and Fukikage, but to keep everything short, Himiko lost. She couldn't get past his dark shadow and was eventually pushed out of bounds. Now it's Yahiko vs Bakugo.

"Who so you think will win?" Toru asked, receiving questioning stares from everyone.

"It's pretty obvious at this point who's the strongest in our class is." Denki said with several others agreeing with him.

"Ka-chan can pull it off! I know he can!" Izuku said hopefully.

"Deku-kun, I know that he's your friend but please be realistic." Sero said while watching to two on the platform stare each other down.

Izuku didn't refute him and looked at Bakugo, who was currently preparing to come up with some sort of plan.

"You! I fuċkɨnġ kill you for embarrassing me during the cavalry battle!" Bakugo screeched at Yahiko, who just looked at him coldly.

Seeing that his opponent refusing to talk to him, Bakugo gets even more angry. The second Present Mic told them to start, he propelled himself forward with his explosions. He immediately launched a concentrated explosion towards Yahiko while circling him. Yahiko 'Almighty Pushed' all of the debris that came his way and watched Bakugo try to find an opening. Bakugo kept on circling him while repeatedly launching smaller concentrated explosions in hopes of making an opening instead of looking for one.

"Go Ka-chan!" Izuku yelled from the crowd.

'No chakra signature this time, did they leave?' Yahiko thought as he 'Universal Pulled' Bakugo straight into the air and back down into the ground, forming a small crater on impact.

"This match is pretty intense! But Yahiko hasn't even moved from his spot!" Present Mic commented with a shocked voice.

Bakugo was pissed when he heard Present Mic, because he was right. Yahiko hasn't move a single inch and was completely unscathed, none of his explosions actually hit him!

"You fuċkɨnġ bastard! Make your monsters! Transform your limbs! Go all out already!" Bakugo shouted as he got up from his crater with heavy breaths escaping his lungs.


That was all Bakugo heard from him, and it infuriated him so much that he charged at Yahiko without thinking. The only thing he wanted to do right now was to blast Yahiko to bits! His palms crackled with miniature explosions, he was preparing to use a move similar to the one he used on Izuku from canon. Except he wasn't able to use it. He couldn't move because Yahiko 'Universal Pulled' Bakugo towards his outstretched hand.

"L-let go of me!" Bakugo struggled to speak with the Yahiko's hand wrapped around his throat.

"Ka-chan!" Izuku yelled from the crowd, worried for his 'friend's' well being.

"I told you to surrender, you did this to yourself." Yahiko stated.

Bakugo aimed his palms at Yahiko's expressionless face, preparing to blast it apart.

"Bakugo no!" Midnight yelled as she ran onto the platform.

'Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability!'


Before Bakugo could attack, Yahiko's hand detached itself from his wrist. It propelled itself forward with fire, it looked like a rocket. The hand flew forward while it gripped Bakugo's neck and slammed him into the wall, a large crater forming around him. He was knocked unconscious and out of bounds, making Yahiko the winner.


"Sensei..." Tomura muttered as he watched the scene before him.

'This is... new. Is he human? Will I be able to take his quirk?' All For One thought to himself as he stared at the screen intently.


Yahiko's wrist flew back to him, which caused Bakugo to fall face first into the floor. It looked like there was some sort of magnetic force that brought his hand back. He walked off the platform and didn't bother to look back. The field medics picked him up and went the the infirmary to treat him.

"..." The audience just stayed silent this time, Present Mic was about to join them but it was his job to commentate.

"Yahiko is the winner!" He announced, shocking nobody.

"Hooray!" Himiko cheered from her seat.

'All that money is just waiting for me now.' Aizawa smirked, he would be getting thrice the amount he bet.

The next round was Shoto vs Iida, Iida lost. After that it was Yahiko vs Fukikage.

The Platform was repaired and the two boys were staring each other down. Midnight asked them if they were ready and Present Mic told them to start.

"I surrender!" Fukikage immediately yelled out after the start signal was given, surprising everyone, even Yahiko was a bit surprised.

'I haven't even done anything yet, but it's the smartest thing I've seen anyone do all day.' Yahiko thought as he stared at the retreating figure of Fukikage.

Even though the audience was surprised, they half expected something like this to happen sooner or later.

"Yahiko has won again." Present Mic said in a defeated tone. He just realized that he lost the bet he made with Aizawa, even he lost faith in Shoto.

Speaking of Shoto, the boy jumped into the arena after Fukikage left. He was having an internal struggle with himself, he didn't even want to win anymore. It wasn't like he would anyway. But even if he didn't want to win, he wanted to know how strong he was compared to the 'monster' of class 1-A. His classmates always said that the strongest students in the class were him, Bakugo, and Yahiko. Yahiko easily defeated Bakugo, so he must know if he's above or below the strange boy in front of him.

Waiting patiently for Present Mic to start the battle, the two boys stared at each other.

"...*sigh* Start." Present Mic said reluctantly, he already knew the outcome, everybody did.

Shoto immediately sent a large chunk of ice towards Yahiko, who simply 'Almighty Pushed' it back towards its sender. Shoto was momentarily surprised, but he regained focus and dodged it.

'So he's not going to use his fire, what a shame. I really wanted to use the preta path to see the look of shock on his face when I absorb his fire.' Yahiko thought as he prepared to end the battle quickly.

'He's not even trying, I'm going to to force him to get serious without using my left side!' Shoto thought as he tried to freeze Yahiko's feet to the platform.

Yahiko jumped into the air to avoid it while 'Almighty Pushing' himself off the ground to make himself float. Yahiko looked down on Shoto while Shoto sent a tower made of jagged ice spikes towards him, bit it was easily destroyed when Yahiko 'Almighty Pushed' it away.

"This bores will learn to regret not using your full power against me Shoto." Yahiko said as he flew higher into the air.

"I will beat you without it!" Shoto said as he looked up at Yahiko.

Yahiko decided that he was at the perfect hight, so he spoke out loud, loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"I was kind enough to tell you all to give up on first place, I told you all to aim lower, but I was cursed instead of thanked. Does no one want my pity? I told everyone that they shouldn't humiliate themselves, I told everyone that it was pointless to try to win against me, but I was called arrogant. I even told you all not to underestimate me, but you did it anyway. Am I not benevolent? For all the kindness I have shown you?"

Everyone was just reminded of his speech, he did tell them to give up. People did laugh and mock him for saying such things, but they're not laughing anymore.

"Almighty Push!"

His voice thundered throughout the stadium, and so did the sounds of the ground being destroyed. It started off small in the middle of the platform, a tiny crater that quickly expanded in size. Shoto was the one closest to it, so he knew that he must run. And so he did. Shoto ran off the platform and behind cover, Midnight and Cementos did the same. The crater rapidly expanded while pushing away all of the debris that it came into contact with. The crater grew bigger and bigger by the second, quickly engulfing the platform, but it didn't stop. The crater grew so large that it nearly reached the audience, who also ran away for cover.

It stopped eventually, much to everyone,s relief. It was a miracle that nobody got hurt. All that was left of the center of the stadium was a giant crater, a crater that would be a huge pain in the ȧss to fix.

Yahiko landed in the middle of it, where the platform used to be. He looked around him and saw that everyone was looking at him with visible admiration, fear, ŀust, and anger.

'This is it, everyone will know who I am. This'll make the league of villains stay at bay while I find out who had the chakra signature.. I won't let anything stop me, for they will know pain.'

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