My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 25 - Plotting rabbit

Present Mic looked at the destruction in the center of what used to be the stadium, then he looked at the one that caused it. He couldn't comprehend it, how did the boy in the center of it destroy almost everything in just a few seconds? He quickly snapped out of it and declared him the winner since Todoroki stepped out of bounds. But nobody cheered for him, they were afraid of him instead.

Humans are afraid of the things they don't understand, they react to it negatively. No one thought of him as a hero, everything the boy did screamed villain in their eyes. From the way he looks, to the way he speaks, and how he didn't even hesitate to destroy the center of the stadium to win. He was evil in their eyes, but nobody knew why. They knew that he was taking the hero course in a school that was ment to be for future heros but he seemed like someone that would do more harm than good.

The U.A personnel with construction type quirks worked fast, they estimated that the stadium would be rebuilt within an hour. The award ceremony would have to wait until then, meaning that Present Mic would have to find a way to entertain the audience in the meantime.


"..." Tomura was rendered speechless after he saw the destruction Yahiko caused. Everything happened so fast that he could bȧrėly understand it.

All For One and Kurogiri on the other hand, were silent for another reason. They were trying to understand Yahiko's abilities and his drawbacks, but they didn't see any type of drawback. None at all, with concerned them greatly. Now they knew why he was so arrogant, no, they understood why he was so confident.

'He doesn't look tired at all, but if he is then he's doing a great job at hiding it. This boy, is he really a hero? He certainly doesn't seem like one, and that's coming from me of all people.' All For One thought as he watched Yahiko walk back to the hallway he came from.


While the villains were ȧssessing Yahiko, Mirko was having an internal conflict. She did everything in her power just to resist the urge of jumping into the destroyed stadium and fighting Yahiko. All she wanted to do was duke it out with him while using their abilities to the fullest, but she realized that would just lower his opinion of her and she definitely made herself look bad in front of him when they first met. I mean, she did try to kick his head off.

So she restrained herself and decided to make him her intern. It didn't matter if he said no, everyone had a bad impression of Yahiko because of what he did to the stadium so he shouldn't get many internships. This is what she hoped for.

'Yahiko Bubaigawara, I look forward to our next meeting.' The rabbit hero smiled creepily.


The stadium was finally fixed, meaning the award ceremony could start. The third place winner is Fumikage, even though many people think that he shouldn't be up there for giving up immediately but nobody blamed him for doing it either. The second place winner is Todoroki, he held his head down in shame. He was so confident that he could beat Yahiko, but in reality he never had a chance. Yahiko took first place by a landslide, he easily won all three challenges. He stood on the final podium and scanned the audience once again, he hasn't felt the chakra signature in a while now so they must've left.

"It is time to present our winners their medals, the that will do so is none other than All Might himself!" Midnight announced, causing the nervous audience to cheer wildly when they heard his name.

Immediately after she said that, All Might jumped down to the platform with the medals in his hands. This caused the audience to cheer even louder, they felt safe in his presence. He walked over to Fumikage and put the bronze medal over his bird head.

"Young Tokoyami, congratulations on getting third place. You have a amazing quirk and can definitely become a hero but remember this, you must always face your challenges no matter what. Even when things are getting dangerous, never give up." All Might said to the boy and pulled him in for a hug.

"Young Todoroki, congratulations on getting second place and don't feel down for losing. Your battles were admirable and I understand that you have your reasons for not using your fire. This loss means that you have room to improve, you can get stronger because you have have what it takes to be a hero." Shoto just nodded as All Might put the silver medal on him and hugged him.

"Yahiko shonen, congratulations on first place. It's not an easy thing to achieve but you declared that you would earn it and you did exactly that. Not only were your battles were quite amazing, they were also a bit frightening. You will be a amazing hero one day, don't let what anyone says about you get to you. To tell you the truth, I don't really have any advice to give you. Just go a little easier on your classmates, and Nezu said that he's sorry about Mirko again. I just hope she doesn't do anything crazy." All Might put the golden medal over Yahiko's neck and pulled him in for a hug, but it was pretty uncomfortable for the both of them.

'Something is poking me, no, many things are poking me! What is he wearing under his uniform?' All Might thought to himself.

'Why is he hugging me so tightly? I can feel him pressing against my body piercings, Himiko is definitely going to make fun of me for this.' Yahiko thought as he was finally free from the hug.

"Well, there you have it! These three are the winners of this year's event but remember this, anyone could've been up here. It's just as you saw... Competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of heros is definitely sprouting! So, I have one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me! Ready, go... Thanks for your hard work!/Plus ultra!"


And that concludes the sports festival. Yahiko and Himiko quickly went back to the apartment, Himiko was begging Yahiko to summon his bird so she could sleep on it but was denied. When they arrived at the apartment, the other members were waiting patiently for them with some cake.

"We need to talk." Yahiko said after he closed the door and windows.

"We can talk after we have some cake." Jin said as he was practically drooling at the sight of the cake.

"It will get dangerous in the near future since I don't know what I'm up against right now." Yahiko responded as he looked at them with a serious expression on his face.

"What happened? Did the league make a move?" Nine asked worriedly, he was concerned since this was the first time he has seen his leader act like this.

"No, all I can tell you is that someone or multiple people will most likely interfere with our work, they were watching me during the festival. I know all of you saw when I got distracted during my fight with the red head, that was because someone intentionally tried to distract me with a ability similar to mine." Yahiko stated, getting everyone's full attention.

"A ability similar to yours? Which ability?" Chimera asked.

"It's the one called chakra, I believe I have told you all about it before." Yahiko said as he received a few nods in return.

"If it's only one person then it wouldn't be so bad but the possibility of multiple people with chakra isn't out of the question. For all I know, there could be an army wielding chakra and they could be waiting to take us out. I will have to gather the remaining paths quickly, I can't be picky about who I choose. I will send out the asura path to find suitable hosts that will do for now, at least until I find who I actually want to be them." Yahiko said as he awoke Shuradõ.

Eri visibly flinched when she heard him mention the asura path. She knew that Kai and Yu were dead but she couldn't help but remember the awful things they have done to her. Nine saw this and went to calm her down before she has a panic attack. Yahiko looked through the eyes of Shuradõ and didn't waste any time, he made the corpse get up and walk downstairs. The others saw the asura path and moved out of its way so it could leave.

Shuradõ was currently wearing a long sleeve shirt and a blue unzipped jacket and facemask. He wore a beanie to hide his head piercings and sunglasses to hide his eyes.

'That looks incredibly suspicious.' The others thought in union, but they didn't tell their leader that. They were curious to see how frustrated he would get with the amount of times he will get stopped by the police.. It was going to be a long day.

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