My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 26 - Love-Hate relationship

"You can't be serious." Midnight sighed as she heard Present Mic's explanation. She found it unbelievable that someone like Aizawa would do something as unexpected as this completely out of nowhere.

"That's what I thought to myself too when I heard what he did." Present Mic also sighed, he didn't think that his friend would just buy a personal cat cafe right after he won the bet.

"I wonder how the kids would react when they hear what he did, especially the winner of the sports festival. Aizawa-san did make the money off of him." Midnight said to no one in particular and walks out the door, she would have to visit Aizawa's cat cafe with a few other teachers later.


"Why is this place so shady?" Aizawa questioned himself as he walked through the more rundown section of the neighborhood. He was looking for Yahiko's apartment, but he didn't think he would be living in an area where the crime rate was surprisingly high.

'If I take his appearance into consideration then he looks just like these thugs, he practically blends right in. I better be careful as well, my arm isn't fully healed so it would be a pain in the ȧss if anybody tries to mug me.' Aizawa thought as he glanced at the street thugs that were hanging around the alleyways.

Aizawa was looking for Yahiko for a reason, to ask him what type of favor he has in mind and what else his quirk can do. From what he knows, Yahiko must have some sort of telekinesis quirk or possibly a gravity affecting quirk, a quirk that either makes or summons monsters, and the one that allows him to modify his own body. That one was partially explained to him but he had a feeling that Yahiko wasn't showing them everything he was capable of.

'Maybe his monsters have their own unique abilities, that would be quite terrifying to fight against. Oh? Looks like I'm here.' Aizawa thought as he looked at the three story apartment, it was actually in good shape compared to the nearby buildings.

"Shut up already, I'm trying to concentrate."

'Hmm? That sounds like Yahiko.' Aizawa thought as he approached the door.

"Yeah, let him focus for once! It must be hard on him with all of you laughing at him!" Himiko also screamed, not really helping Yahiko.

'Himiko? So they live together, or is she just visiting him? But is it really a good idea to let some teenagers stay so close to each other, especially with all these teen moms that are popping up left and right. But Yahiko's responsible, I hope.'

"It's not my fault, I can't help but laugh. It's kinda your fault to begin with, you got yourself into the situation in the first place." A deep voice that Aizawa didn't recognize responded to the two teenagers.

'Who's that? I know that isn't Himiko's father since I've met him before and it can't be Yahiko's father either, if I remember correctly then Mr. Bubaigawara was quite timid. Is this a distant relative or a family friend?' Aizawa didn't knock on the door and decided to listen to their conversation, he didn't know what compelled him to do it but he blames it on his curiosity. He knew almost nothing about Yahiko, this was a good opportunity to see what his life at home was like.

"Settle down now, let Yahiko-sama concentrate... pfft." Another unkown man added in, he sounded rather calm and mȧturė despite not being able to hold back a laugh.

'Sama?' Aizawa was getting more intrigued by the second.

"C'mon boss, just do it later. Just have a fight with me to keep yourself distracted for a bit. A good fight always made me feel better." A fierce sounding voice chimed in, he sounded like he was readying himself for a brawl.

"A fight is the last thing Yahiko needs, and do you ever think about anything other than fighting? Go find a girlfriend or something." A uncaring feminine voice reprimanded the fierce one.

"I don't want a girlfriend, I want to FIGHT!"

"If you keep on yelling then I'll just mummify your dumbasses." A cold voice threatened the fierce one.

"Wait, me too?"

"I'll bash ya fuċkɨnġ head in before you get the chance you kinky bondage freak!"

"What does bondage mean?" A rather young and curious voice asked.

"Cover your ears Eri."

"Alright everyone, just take a deep breath and relax/JUST TEAR EACH OTHER APART ALREADY!"

'Things just went from zero to one hundred real fuċkɨnġ quick. That last one must be Mr. Bubaigawara, but why is he trying to instigate the rest of them?.' Aizawa thought, he accidentally made the door creak by leaning on it too much. This did not escape Kon's excellent hearing, so he silently signaled to the others that someone was eavesdropping on them.

'Did they realize that I listening? Or-'

He couldn't finish his thought since the door suddenly flew inwards, causing Aizawa to fall forward. He was about to break his fall with his good arm but a large clawed hand suddenly grabbed the back of his shirt, keeping him suspended in midair. Aizawa was about to fight back but quickly stopped when he heard his student.

"Set him down gently Kon, he's my teacher." Yahiko said calmly, but he was actually incredibly annoyed.

Kon let Aizawa down gently, making sure not to hurt him in any way. Aizawa quickly glanced around the room, they were in the apartment's main lobby but no one else was around, they are actually the only ones in there. There wasn't any employees around, no receptionist, nothing!

"Why are you here Aizawa-sensei? School hasn't started yet and you're stalking me, did I do something that requires you to monitor me?" Yahiko questioned him, never taking his eyes off of him.

"Besides the fact that you destroyed a stadium and possess multiple quirks, nothing else comes to mind. But I'm not here to monitor you, I actually want to ask you some questions and no, principal Nezu did not send me. I also want to thank you again as well, I made a lot of money during the sports festival." Aizawa explained himself.

"You may ask me some questions, but I hope you will answer a few of mine first. I would like some privacy with Aizawa-sensei, you may come back after we finish talking." Yahiko told the others.

They reluctantly went upstairs, most of them wanted to see Yahiko get frustrated again. He couldn't find a temporary candidate for the paths since he kept on getting stopped by police. He even had to change his scouting areas just to avoid the police.

"Now that we're alone, please answer my questions truthfully. First question, if you aren't here to monitor me then why were you eavesdropping on my conversation?"

"I will be truthful like you asked, I was curious about your life. I am terribly sorry that I spied on you."

"It's fine, you can ask a question now. I'll ask a question after, we will continue this until we get the answers we need."

"Alright, can I ask what your favor is or what you have in mind?"

"Sure, I was planning on having you take me as your intern."

"That will mess with my teaching and hero schedule, you do realize that right?"

"Of course, but that's all I want from you. Don't you think this is a rather small favor considering the fact that I saved your life and made you a bunch of money off of me? And you asked me two questions in a row, so I will ask you two in return."

"I would appreciate it if you don't bring that up anymore, and you also asked me a question in your sentence so you only get one."

"You're being really stingy with these questions here Aizawa-sensei. Anyway, you said something about having kids before, what are they like?"

"Hmm, they eat, sleep, and shit all the damn time. I still love them though. My turn, why do you want to be my intern so badly?"

"I have a feeling that a certain rabbit hero will try to kick my ȧss just to satisfy herself."

"Ah, I understand now. I hope you don't drag me into it, I would prefer to simply observe your well deserved ȧss kicking."

"If she does something crazy then I'll definitely drag your sorry ȧss along for the ride. So, are you apart of any agencies that do underground missions or do you just work solo?"

"Fuck you too, I'm not apart of an agency but I used to be apart of a team back in highschool called purple revolution with Midnight. I work with random heros for most of the underground missions I do. Can I ask why your quirk isn't properly recorded? It's obvious that it isn't just telekinesis and why did you name it rinnegan?"

"Because I didn't know that I had other abilities at the time and I named it rinnegan since I'm secretly a chuunibyo, doesn't it sound cool?"

"It's really hard to tell if you're lying are not, and you really don't strike me as the chuuni type. You're more of a 'I want to sacrifice my firstborn to the devil' type."

"Thanks ȧsshole, you know that you look like the kind of guy that thinks 'I will to stab anyone who even thinks about touching at my coffee' daily."

"You basically just described me in a single sentence, wait, who's turn is it?"

"I don't know, we really went off track there. Let's just ask each other a final question since school will start tomorrow and I know you want to sleep, agreed?"

"Agreed, can you tell me who those people are and why they called you sama? And what were you concentrating on earlier that made them laugh so hard?"

"That's three questions, they're just my bodyguards. I hired them after the sports festival since some idiotic villains might try to target me after my display of power. I will not answer your last question since it's rather pointless."

"That does make sense but can I ask why you won't answer my last question?"

"No. What will we be doing in class tomorrow?"

"...You'll be choosing your hero names, don't tell your classmates or any of the staff that I told you this or else I'll get in trouble, and I'm definitely taking you down with me. But I probably wont have to worry too much considering your lack of friends, you just hang out with your girlfriend right?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you're almost as insufferable as the rest of the class."

"Good to know, I guess this is my time to go. I'll see tomorrow."

"Do I have to? I'd rather stay home instead."

"If I have to go to that hellhole then so do you."

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