My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 28 - Nigerundayo!

"Listen here you little shit, I know I said that it was my job to protect the students with my life but you're a exception. I don't want to die so go over to her and die for me, I'll even give you extra credit for saving an innocent mans life, mine." Aizawa's monotone voice was gone, he was being somewhat serious.

"You shameless bastard, all you have to do is fight her. I'll escape while you're distracting her and I'll even visit the hospital she puts you in, do you want me to get you some flowers or bake you some cookies?" Yahiko questioned, causing Aizawa's eyebrow to twitch when he heard him though.

Just as he was about to respond, they heard some yelling coming from the classroom. They took a quick peek inside and saw that Himiko was being held back the girls while poor Midnight was trying her best to not use her quirk and put Mirko to sleep, not that it would work.

"Let me at her, your ȧss is grass! Just you wait, I will have my revenge!" Himiko shouted at the rabbit hero dramatically.


"...Let's leave while we still can." Yahiko suggested, getting a nod from Aizawa.

"You know, you're an ȧsshole for leaving your girlfriend behind with a woman like that." Aizawa said as they hurried down the corridor and made their way to Aizawa's car.

"Himiko can handle herself just fine, but you know, you're an ȧsshole for leaving Midnight behind with a woman like that and a room full of annoying kids." Yahiko retorted, he already had a headache just from dealing with Mirko.

"I swear to god Yahiko, you make me want to call Mirko here." Aizawa replied angrily as he took out his keys and unlocked his car.

"If you do that then we'll both suffer, so just sacrifice yourself like a good hero to save me and face danger with a smile on your face." Yahiko said as he got into the passenger seat.

"Do I look like All Might to you? Why don't you just fight her like she wants? I know that you can last a minute or two against her so just fight her so she can leave me alone already." Aizawa replied as they drove out of the school's parking lot.

"I know about her personality, she will get right back up and ask for another fight after I beat her. She's amazingly persistent, I was hoping that she would lose interest after the sports festival but here we are. I don't want to face her since she will come back whether I lose or not."

"And why's that?"

"Like I said before, she's persistent. If I lose, she will ask for a rematch after I'm healed, if I win, she will ask for a rematch after she gets healed. She will most likely follow me home as well, and I really don't need that in my life right now."

"You're not wrong, I'm actually starting to get deja vu. All Might went through the same thing when Mirko started her debut as a hero, she constantly challenged him and would return for more after she lost. But what makes you think that she will challenge you again if she wins?" Aizawa asked curiously, he wanted to see how Yahiko thinks.

"You saw my battle with Todoroki, she will probably ask me to do that move in our match. If I do it halfheartedly, she will think that I'm looking down on her. If I do it seriously, I might accidentally kill her." Yahiko stated, causing Aizawa's eyes to widen for a split second.

"Are you that confident in your own abilities? I know that your 'quirks' are destructive but to say that you might kill the number six pro hero if you fought her is a bit much."

"Is it though? It would be a shame if one of the top ten heros was killed during a sparring session with a student of U.A. The same student that won the sports festival after he declared that he would win. The-"

"Okay, I get it you damn brat. You're strong, happy now? I know that you're stronger then most pros but you're still a teenager, Mirko has years of experience and you don't. Even if you could kill her, there are others far stronger then her. Don't get arrogant like Bakugo, I'm tired of listening to him rant about becoming the number one hero. It's a good thing that he's determined but I wish that he would keep it to himself like Todoroki."

"So... what will you teach me during our internship?"

"Since I'm an underground hero, I can teach you how to stay out of the spotlight if you want. I will also have you help me take down an illegal quirk fighting ring in a few days."

"Oh? Is it really a good idea to let a inexperienced student like me to participate in something so important?"

"Stop being a smartass, I know that you're capable enough to do this so don't betray my trust. I was thinking about asking other pros to help me out but with you as my intern I wont have to worry about firepower. I will only say this once, please try not to cripple any of the villains."

"Fine, I'll try but no promises."

*Sigh*"Hm? Midnight sent me a message, it says 'You ȧsshole! Why did you run away? Where's Yahiko? Mirko keeps on asking for him and she's getting impatient. She said that he's her intern so bring him back here already!', how do I respond to this?"

"Just tell her no."

"Okay, if I get in trouble I'm blaming you."

"Whatever you say, where are you taking me anyway?"

"You're just realizing that you willingly got into a car with a stranger? Kidnappers will just love you. We're heading over to your apartment so I could drop you off and I can sleep for the rest of the day. I'm still pissed that you almost got me killed."

"You were literally telling me to go with a battle junkie for my internship."

"Touche, by the way, you're surprisingly talkative. I always thought that your girlfriend was the type to talk to her hearts content, but you can actually keep a conversation going."

"Only conversations that I find enjoyable, I don't like talking to my classmates for a reason. Take Izuku for example, he's constantly trying to figure out my strengths and weaknesses. It's incredibly annoying, and I don't appreciate him mumbling about my quirk whenever I demonstrate it. Don't get me started on the way he breathes heavily like some sort of pervert whenever he comes into contact with a girl."

"That does sound annoying, I know I wouldn't like being constantly analyzed. The part about him breathing heavily whenever he's around a girl is rather concerning, I'll be sure to keep an eye on him. Ah, we're here." Aizawa announced.

"Thanks for the ride I guess, I'll see you tomorrow."

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