My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 29 - Gender equality-kun strikes again

"That stupid rabbit is trying to get close to my Yahiko, I'll get my revenge." Himiko muttered to herself as she prepared to leave.

After Yahiko and Aizawa ran away, Mirko asked Himiko for Yahiko's address. The rest of the class had to take action and held Himiko back before things get worse. Himiko was only able to calm down after Mirko left, but she was still pissed. Himiko saw Mirko as a thief, someone trying to take away something special to her. She was worried since Mirko has a nice figure, while her own is somewhat childish. She just realized that she doesn't know her boyfriend's preferences when it comes to women, does he like muscular ladies like Mirko or does he prefer cute girls like herself? Or maybe he like sėxy and mȧturė women like Midnight, these thoughts ran amok in her head.

'I have to ask him what his type is, I can't let anyone take him away from me! If only he was more open about his preferences, I wouldn't have to do this if he was a loudmouth like Jin.'

At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. Midnight had to take over Aizawa's class since he just dipped without telling anyone, not to mention the fact that she had to get rid of Mirko. Mirko left after she found out Yahiko wasn't there anymore, so her trip was a waste. She did say that she would come back but didn't tell them when, now Midnight has to worry about Mirko coming back and attacking one of her students. Then there was Himiko, who suddenly turned rabid and tried to attack Mirko. It was obvious as to why she did it, but it still concerned her on how attached Himiko was to Yahiko.

'If she's concerned about the women around her boyfriend, does that mean she's not confident about her own body? I can't have a student as cute as her feel ashamed about herself, I know how to make her feel better though~.' Midnight thought to herself as she heard Himiko mutter something under her breath but chose to ignore it.

"Himiko-chan, please wait a moment." Midnight called out to her.

"Hm? What do you need sensei?" Himiko asked.

"It's about your internship, did you pick a agency yet? Or did you choose to work with a underground hero?"

"I haven't looked through them yet, why?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me for the internship."

"Wouldn't it be better for me to choose a stealth themed hero instead? My quirk is more suited for infiltration then support or fighting out in the open. I know how to fight but compared to people with combat quirks like Bakugo then I fall short."

"Don't say such things, you were able to beat Mina pretty easily and she has a strong quirk. But the hero stuff can wait, the reason why I want you to be my intern is to teach you."

"Teach me? Teach me what?"

"How to use your cute body to your advantage of course!"


"Think about it! if you use your body correctly, you'll have powerful men wrapped around your fingers! But I know that you're not interested in other men, Yahiko is the only one for you right? Oh youth... Anyway, you're worried about the women around you right? You don't want them to try to steal your boyfriend do you? Then show off your sėxy side! Women will give up if they see how sėxy you are! When those vixens see you walking around with Yahiko then they will think twice before approaching him!"

'Most normal women avoid him though... Wait! I'm not dealing with normal women! And everything she has said does sound appealing.'

"Where do I sign up?" Himiko asked, she was feeling confident now that she had someone like Midnight by her side.


When Himiko got back to the apartment she told Yahiko that she was interning for Midnight, which surprised him greatly. He even changed his expression, which delighted Himiko. When he asked why, she simply told him that it was a secret. She did tell him that she would be staying at the pro hero's apartment for the time being, she was reluctant to stay over there but she somehow resolved herself.

The next day Midnight took the students to the train station since Aizawa called in sick, which was obviously bullshit. He and Yahiko were on a nearby building, watching the class go into separate train cars. They were waiting for Mirko's appearance, and she unsurprisingly did show up. She was disappointed that Yahiko wasn't there so she left, which made Aizawa and Yahiko go in the opposite direction.

Aizawa told Yahiko that they would make their move in two days and taught Yahiko how to properly subdue someone so he won't have to cripple them.

On the second day, Aizawa asked Yahiko if they could meet up so they chose a small coffee shop as their meeting place. Yahiko had arrived first so he just took a seat at a nearby table and waited for Aizawa to arrive. The people around Yahiko recognized him from the sports festival and whispered amongst themselves, it didn't bother him since he was used to it.

"Not a fan of coffee?" Aizawa asked as he walked through the door and made his way over to me.

"Let's just get straight to the point, why did you ask me to come here?"

"To tell you how we should approach the fighting ring, I have experience and can guide you properly. Since my quirk doesn't work on mutant type quirks I'll be depending on you to subdue them WITHOUT crippling them, sound good?"

"Do you really have to keep reminding me? I only did it once and they were trying to kill us so they deserved it."

"I'm reminding you so it doesn't happen again, also you should come over to my place so we can be ready. I'll drive you home so you can get your hero costume."

'Cats, everywhere I look there's a cat. I knew that he liked them but is he trying to raise an army?' Yahiko thought to himself as he looked at the cat infested living room.

"These are my kids, I'm not going to introduce you to them since I don't know which one is which anymore." Aizawa sighed, his place was a mess since the cats decided to wreak havoc while he was gone.

"There's so many..." Yahiko mumbled to himself, he was still surprised at the seer amount of cats he had. He doubted that he could count them all.

'So this is why he's single, everything makes sense now.'

"Hey, I know you're thinking something bad about me but hurry up and find a place to sleep."

"What do you mean 'find a place to sleep?' Where's your guest bedroom?" Yahiko asked.

"That room is already apart of my children's territory, if you go over there then whatever happens to you is not on me. Goodnight." Aizawa replied as he turned off the lights, leaving Yahiko standing there in the dark with a bunch of cats.



"You look pretty tired, were you texting your girlfriend all night?" Aizawa asked with a shit eating grin on his face.


"You probably shouldn't do stuff like that when you know that we're supposed to be doing hero work the next day."


"Don't look at me like that, you're the one that stayed up all night. I-"

"Just tell me what I should do, I don't want to deal with you any longer." Yahiko said through gritted teeth, he was wearing some casual clothing. He had his hero costume in his backpack.

"The feeling is mutual, anyway I want you to cause a distraction while I take care of the guys behind the scenes. Make sure no one escapes, good luck." Aizawa said as he climbed up a nearby building and made his way to the fighting ring rooftop.

"Whatever." Yahiko said as he approached the entrance of a club that was actually a secret fighting ring, only to get stopped by a bouncer.

"You can't go in there, it's a private club and only people that know the boss or participants can go. I ain't seen you around before so are you going to participate?"

'No wonder why it was so easy to discover, they really don't know how to keep a low profile.'

"Yeah, I would like to participate. Where do I sign up?" Yahiko asked.

"Go around to the side of the building and enter through the red door, you'll see the other participants but just ignore them and talk to the guy with a bunch of chicks fawning all over him." The bouncer instructed while secretly texting someone on his phone.

Yahiko simply nodded amd walked over to the side of the building, but not before 'Universal Pulling' the bouncer into the air. Yahiko let gravity take over from there and the poor guy broke his fall with his legs, it was not a pretty sight. He passed out from the pain pretty quickly.

Yahiko continued walking like nothing happened and was confronted by a woman in a skimpy dress that just 'happened' to be standing there.

"Ara-Ara, look at you~ What brings you here handsome? Why don't you play with this nice onee-san for a while? I promise that I'll make it worth your time~" She said seductively as she tried to cling to Yahiko's arm, only to quickly back off and massage her big brėȧsts.

'So Himiko is the only one that can do that...'

'What the hell is poking me? Is he some sort of porcupine?' The onee-san thought but quickly forgot about it, the young hero that she tried to seduce will be knocked out soon.

"Eat this!" A thug yelled out as he tried to hit him in the head with a metal pipe.

'What's the point in being sneaky if you're just going to yell anyway?' Yahiko thought as he sidestepped out of the way.

'Looks like I cracked his head open, well he was trying to do the same to me and I don't really care either.' Yahiko thought as he looked at the remaining thugs.

There was two of them left but the 'nice onee-san' grabbed onto the pipe that the once conscious thug had. Yahiko didn't pay any attention to her since the two other thugs charged at him, one of them enlarged his legs significantly while the other one grew an extra arm from his forehead.

The first one sent a roundhouse kick towards Yahiko's face, which Yahiko ducked under it and made a receiver. He stabbed his attacker in the calf, making him kneel down from the pain. Yahiko grabbed the back of his head and kneed him in the face, breaking his nose along with his jaw.

The second thug tried to uppercut Yahiko, but he couldn't hit him due to Yahiko dodging his attacks nonchalantly. The more he tried to hit him, the more frustrated he got. Yahiko wasn't even trying, he just wanted to see how long it takes his new friend to realize that he can't win. After a full minute of dodging the thugs attacks with ease, Yahiko found himself getting bored already. The thug was tired and out of breath, so Yahiko grabbed the arm on his forehead and threw him over his shoulder. He stomped down on the thugs forehead arm, which made the man scream in pain. He then kicked the man in the face, knocking out a few teeth in the process.

Yahiko turned around and quickly dodged to the side. The onee-san from earlier was trying to attack him with the pipe, except the pipe was a lot longer. It looked more like a bo staff now, but she didn't really know how to use it. All she did was swing it around in hopes of hitting Yahiko, but he grabbed it and yanked it from her hands.

"Um, y-you wouldn't hit a pretty girl like me, w-would you?" She asked as she cowered slightly.

"I support gender equality."

That was the last thing she heard before her head started to ache, she fell unconscious shortly after Yahiko whacked her in the side of the head.

Deciding that he had wasted enough time with them, Yahiko got dressed into his hero outfit in the alleyway and went inside the red door. When he stepped inside, he saw that some more people were waiting for him. To be more specific, all of the fighters that were supposed to be in the ring right now were patently waiting for him. Most of them had mutant type quirks so Aizawa definitely wouldn't have been able to do this on his own while the rest of them were armed to the teeth. All sorts of weapons were facing Yahiko's direction, but he remained unfazed.. I mean, it's not like they were going to be able to touch him anyway.

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