My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 32 - Love=Cringe

"...What happened?" Tomura asked himself, all he could remember was that he got attacked by four masked individuals before he could even attack Hosu city.

He looked down at what used to be his right hand, all that was left of it is a bandaged stump. He remembered that it was easily ripped off by one of the individuals.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to attack Hosu city right? Walked right into that Akatsuki ambush, you're lucky that Kakuzu saved your sorry ȧss." A young voice mocked Tomura, it sounded young enough to be a high schooler.

"You know who those people are?" Tomura mumbled slightly, it was amazing that he was even able to considering that he had knocked out most of his teeth earlier.

"You don't? Great, you're inexperienced. It's painfully obvious who they were, white animal masks? Check. Dark blue cloaks? Check. Appearing out of nowhere? Check mm." Another voice mocked him, but this one sounded pissed. It was obvious that he didn't want to be there just by listening to the tone of his voice.

"Did you seriously just decide to ignore any possible enemies and focused solely on All Might? Do you even know who I am mm?" Tomura looked over to where the mocking voice came from and saw a man staring down at him.

He had blonde hair that was tied into a half ponytail, his long bangs covered his left eye. His only exposed eye was blue while the other was covered by a scope. He wore a blue and grey kimono with a fishnet under-shirt underneath and brown khaki pants.

"You're Deidara, a infamous terrorist. Despite the sort time you've been one, you're famous for attacking multiple well known hero agencies and historical monuments. You've offered your services to other destructive villains before, helping them attack heroes or causing a distraction at prison break-outs." Tomura was able to wheeze out.

"Oh? What about me?" He looked over to the other person that mocked him earlier and saw that it really was a teenager.

He had short red hair and greyish brown eyes. He looked like he wasn't interested in anything at all. He wore a sleeveless jacket and some brown pants. He had white bandages wrapped around each arm.

"No, I've never heard of a red haired teenager doing anything that would catch the heroes attention." Tomura replied.

"Teenager? Oh, I'm not wearing Hiruko. That explains why." He muttered to himself before a large figure suddenly enveloped him.

"Ah, you're the one that was suspected of kidnapping hundreds of men and women for unknown reasons. You've kidnapped so many people that most parents tell their kids that you will come after them if they're being bad. You've also killed a number of heroes that have come after you, their bodies weren't found either." Tomura was able to recognize him now that he put Hiruko on.

"Correct, and I'm older then you brat. *Sigh* Do you know why we're here?" Hiruko's voice was deep and his personality was completely different from the red haired man from before.

Before Tomura could answer, someone did it for him.

"You're here to help Tomura, but so far you haven't done a very good job. Letting him get hurt like that isn't something I would recommend, so do your jobs already." Tomura recognized his master's voice, he sounded displeased.

"I let him get hurt like that so he could learn a lesson or two, stupid brat only ever thinks about All Might. Maybe this will teach him to be aware of all of the other potential threats now, it would be a pain in the ȧss to deal with him if he didn't." Another deep voice responded to his master.

He looked over and saw someone he never expected. Kakuzu, a mercenary that has faced off against All Might before and was strong enough to hold him and several other heros off before escaping. He only picks jobs that have high pay and an even higher fatality rate. Even though he fought against All Might at the beginning of his hero career, Kakuzu looks exactly like his younger self. It was like he hasn't aged at all.

"If you don't do as he says then you won't get paid." All For One said sternly which caused Kakuzu to grunt in frustration.

"I only accepted this job because the pay was good and it sounded easy enough but this kid is making it so much harder." Kakuzu said angrily and received a some nods from the other two mercenaries.

"Let me finish, I will increase your paycheck if you do. Each month that you stick with him I'll add another twenty thousand to you're paycheck, how does that sound?" All For One questioned, which caused Kakuzu's sour mood to completely disappear.

"Twenty thousand each month? Now we're talking!"

"This money will help me buy more parts for my collection, very good."

"...It's a good deal so I'll take it, but you better discipline this kid or something. Two of those akatsuki members had the same energy the three of us have, the one we decided to call chakra. They had a lot of it too, so we better be careful from now on and prepare some counter measures or something." Kakuzu said seriously.

"They have chakra too? I wonder if they're like the thug kid from the sports festival, he had so much chakra that I honestly thought that it was bottomless. I can't wait to turn him into a puppet." Hiroku said in anticipation.

"If our enemies have the same strange energy that you three have then I want you to make sure to proceed with caution, Tomura. Things are starting to get dangerous now, you know that the only reason you're not dead is because the enemy tried to capture you. Maybe for interrogation, maybe to bring you in, I don't know myself but don't go anywhere without Kurogiri, understand?" All For One spoke gently.

"Yes, I understand." Tomura muttered before he passed out.

"Sasori, make him a versatile puppet hand. I want him to at least be able to protect himself in case none of you can. Also, go greet the new members of the league for him, he needs his rest." All For One ordered before turning off his screen.


The internships have are almost over, the students of U.A will be going back to school tomorrow.

Aizawa had come out of the hospital just fine, thankfully there's no permanent scaring. Yahiko didn't go out patrolling during his time with Aizawa or anything like that, Aizawa just told Yahiko about his experience as a hero. He was find with it since he didn't have to go to Aizawa's house so they just talked over the phone.

Thankfully Himiko is supposed to come back today, he had hoped that maybe she can help him keep his mind off of everything that has happened recently. It's been a while since he's seen her so he obviously missed her, but he really didn't expect her to change so drastically in the short amount of time she was gone.

"Himiko?" Yahiko said in bewilderment.

Standing across from him was Himiko, except she had a minor makeover. The two messy buns that were usually on her head weren't there, her hair was let down instead. She had a lot of makeup on, and had the top buŧŧons of her buŧŧoned up shirt unbuttoned. For some reason she had obviously stuffed her bra, which was very distracting for Yahiko. The strangest of them all was that her skin was tanned slightly, like she had used a tanning bed. She looked like a gyaru.

'What the hell did Midnight do to her?'

"Hey Yahiko, long time no see. Did you miss me?" Himiko asked, praying that he would say yes.

"Uh, yeah I did. Um, you look...different I guess." Yahiko said, he was still confused by the whole situation.

"Do you like it?" She suddenly appeared in front of his face, a questioning look was on her own.


"Or do you prefer the old me? What if I buy fancy clothes and make myself look like a classic rich girl? What about the punk look, should I get piercings too? Should I try to be the mȧturė but innocent type? Or maybe you like goth girls? What if I dress up as-"

"Okay, I think that's enough." Yahiko said as he pulled her into his embrace.

She made contact with his body piercings immediately but she has clinged to him so many times that she sometimes gets surprised when she doesn't feel it when she hugs anyone else.

"Do you want to tell me why you look like a gyaru, or why you're asking me as those questions? Did Midnight say something weird to influence you?" Yahiko asked, see her remain silent only confirmed his suspicions.

"So she did say something, did she make you wear all of that stuff as well?"

"...What's your type?"


"Your type! What's your type of girl? That bunny bitch keeps on trying to get close to you and the girl with the chubby cheeks keeps on looking for an opportunity to get close to you. Just tell me what type of girl you prefer so that I can change myself to suit your taste, if you only think of me then I wont have to worry about them or anyone else!" Himiko asked, she was a little worried that her personality or her looks didn't suit Yahiko's taste.

"Himiko, please don't change yourself for someone else's sake, I just want you to know that I don't care about those other girls. As for my taste in women, she has to have ash blonde hair, sharp fangs, yellow eyes, a fetish for blood, and a cute little face." Yahiko slightly smiled at her.

Himiko didn't say anything and just brought her face closer to his ċhėst, he looked down and saw that she was blushing deeply. Yahiko sighed to himself and gently stroked her head, it was possible now that she didn't have the messy buns on her head. She suddenly looked up at him and brought her face closer to his. Yahiko thought that she was going in for a kiss, but she opened her mouth wide and sunk her teeth into his neck. She happily drank all of the blood that gushed out.

"Ah, youth.." Slice, who was watching the entire time, said as she sipped some tea.

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