My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 33 - I'm fast as fuċk boi!!!

The Hosu city incident that happened in canon was prevented thanks to Yahiko, but the civilians thought that Stain was still out there. The fight between the akatsuki and the league didn't go unnoticed though, the remains of the different Nomu were still on the street in Hosu. The heroes knew that the league attempted something but was stopped by a unknown vigilante group. That was all they needed to know, and Stain's story didn't get released but Chimera told me that he smelled more people going in and out of the league's hideout.

'The possibility that Tomura was still able to recruit some of the original league members was low since villains like Dabi or Spinner only joined because of Stain. But with Kakuzu being here, I think that they're most likely apart of the league since anything could happen now.' Yahiko thought.

Yahiko decided to tell Chimera to stay away from the league's hideout since things just got a lot more dangerous with Kakuzu on the league's side. Events like the training camp arc will be difficult to deal with since Kakuzu is way stronger then almost every other member in the akatsuki. He can definitely beat Nine, Kakuzu was strong enough to tank a attack from the two tails after all.

Deciding to solve these problems in the future, Yahiko walked to U.A with Himiko. She was back to her normal self now but her skin was still slightly tanned. When they arrived at the classroom, it didn't go completely silent like usual but it was still pretty quiet. Eventually they went back to talking about their experiences at their internships. Yahiko looked over to Iida and saw that he looked like he was going to flip out any time now. But he's lucky that he isn't injured like canon, maybe he will do better in the race.

'He's definitely mad that he couldn't face Stain and get his ȧss whooped by the hero hunter, but he still looks determined to find him. It must be awful to go out and look for someone while not being aware that their already dead.'

Yahiko merely shook his head and waited for Aizawa to arrive while wondering who he would fight during the first term final exam. Aizawa walked in the room and sent Yahiko a glare before telling them to get their hero outfits and go to ground gamma where All Might was waiting for them.

"Yahiko, come here for a minute." Aizawa called out.

The other students were interested in what we were going to talk about but one look at Aizawa's face told them it wasn't going to be good.

"The rabbit hero found out where I live, so now she has been knocking on my door everyday and asking me where you were. Be grateful that I didn't give in and tell her where you live." Aizawa said before crawling into his yellow cocoon.

"No wonder you look like shit, well thanks for having my back. I'll be sure to buy you some cat food or something later." Yahiko replied as he walked out the door and saw his classmates looking expectantly at Jiro. She had her earjack in the wall and heard everything we said to each other, the only one that wasn't there was Himiko who was most likely at the girls locker room already.

They quickly dispersed after Yahiko stared at them with his usual blank face, but they were somehow able to tell that he wasn't happy about their awful eavesdropping. Things got pretty awkward in the boys locker room after that, none of the other boys were able to look at Yahiko without feeling some sort of pressure.

"Welcome back from your internships I hope you enjoyed your time-eh? Why is the atmosphere so tense around you guys?" All Might questioned before he went on yo explain what we were going to do.

"For the first race, the participants will be Izuku Midorya, Yahiko Bubaigawara, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, and Tenya Iida. They will be competing against each other and try to rescue me, whoever rescues me first is the winner. The other students will wait for their turn as they watch the others perform on the screen over there. Also, I want the students with the more destructive quirks to keep the damage to a minimum." All Might explained as he looked at Bakugo, Yahiko, Shoto and Izuku.

The other students sighed in relief when they learned that they didn't have to go against Yahiko while the ones that were going against him already knew that they can't win. Yahiko went over to the starting line with the other four and waited for the signal to start. The light breeze caused his cloak to sway slightly, this caused him to look even more intimidating then usual to the other students for some reason.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Denki asked the other students.

"Yahiko." Himiko and a few others answered immediately.

"I think that Iida might win, he's pretty fast too you know." Ochako said.

"Don't forget about Mina, she's quite athletic so this should be easy for her." Tsuyu said.

"What about Sero? Isn't this the perfect environment for him?" Eijiro pointed out.

"Start!" All Might yelled out.

Yahiko immediately dashes forward and started to weave through the many obstacles in front of him. He flew up, he ducked down, he dodged left and right, none of the pipes in front of him could slow him down. It was like they weren't even there in the first place.

His sudden burst of speed stunned the other four competitors for a few seconds before they snapped out of it and started running. The students that were watching unconsciously compared their speed to Yahiko's and it was honestly kinda sad, Yahiko was literally halfway through the race. Not even a full minute has passed and Yahiko had already amazed his classmates once again.

Yahiko could already see the finish line, the race wasn't difficult at all. He suddenly flew up and looked over ground gamma, he saw that Izuku using the full cowling while copying Bakugo's moves while the others also tried their best to catch up. They felt his gaze land on their bodies and looked up and saw Yahiko looking down on them in a relaxed manner. Since Izuku got distracted by Yahiko he lost his footing on a pipe and fell down to the ground, but not after hitting a few pipes on the way down.

The next competitors were Momo Yaoryorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mashiro Ojiro, and Ochako Uraraka.

"Who do you think will win this one?" Mina asked.

"I think that Todoroki-kun might win." Toru answered.

"Maybe Momo will make something that will help herself move faster?" Shoji said.

"Who do you think will win Yahiko?" Jiro asked him curiously.

"Shoto." Yahiko answered.

"Eh? What about Himiko-chan? Don't you think she has a chance?" Toru asked.

"I'm a realist, not an optimist. She's stronger then most ȧduŀt men but her physical abilities are still human. She can't punch down walls or jump at incredible heights but she could probably snatch third place if she plays it smart. That doesn't mean I won't cheer for her though." Yahiko stated as he looked at the massive screen.

He saw them take off as soon as All Might said start. Shoto made some ice to skate on while Momo made a grappling hook to help her move through the pipes. Ojiro used his tail to propel himself forward and Ochako tried to remove the gravity on herself to move faster, but it didn't help much. Himiko sprinted and used her flexible body to her advantage to quickly move through the course. She was a few feet behind Ojiro before he grabbed onto a loose pipe with his tail and fell down. Himiko passed him and was closing in on Momo.

Shoto had finished first, Momo got there second, Himiko third, Ojiro fourth and Ochako came dead last. If Ojiro hadn't slipped then Himiko would've came in fourth place.

When they came back to the platform, they were congratulated by their classmates. Himiko went towards Yahiko and rested her head on his ċhėst as they sat down on the ground together. She eventually made Yahiko give her a ŀȧp pillow, which earned him a few snickers from his classmates but he could care less. Himiko was far more important to him then his reputation is.

The rest of the races weren't too interesting, Bakugo won his easily by using his explosions to propel himself across ground gamma. The others didn't really have mobility quirks so it was really boring to watch. Soon, they were lined up in front of All Might. He congratulated them on finding new ways to use and improve their quirks. He then told them to change out of their hero costumes and tried to discreetly tell Izuku something important.

'Could they be anymore obvious? Or are my classmates just that oblivious?' Yahiko thought to himself as he went back to the locker room.

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