My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 35 - Summoning Jutsu

Yahiko stared at the battle junkie before looking back at Aizawa, who avoided his gaze. Himiko already had her hands on her knives and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The other students and teachers tensed up when Mirko called out to Yahiko, they started to to regret their decision.

Nezu was also affected by the tense atmosphere and decided to continue on with the exam.

"Due to a disagreement with the selection of a few teams and the constant trespassing caused by a certain pro hero, we decided to make a single team of three students." Nezu explained.

"Eh? How is that fair?" Denki complained.

"Let me finish please, we were originally planning on having two students going against one teacher. Since one group will have three students, they will have to go against a teacher and the pro hero Mirko. Also, please remember that this is a exam Mirko, don't kill any of my students." Nezu warned her sternly.

"So as long as I don't kill him anything I do is fine... Nice!" Mirko exclaimed happily.

"Wait, no!" Nezu was about to lecture her but he realized that she already started ignoring him.

"Anyway, the teams that have been chosen will face off against a specific teacher that has a quirk that exposes the weaknesses on yours. They will use your weaknesses against you so make sure your ally helps you cover your weak spots. This exam will help you grasp the aspects of teamwork and working with other heroes on the fly." Nezu gave another brief explanation.

"Tch, teamwork is for weaklings." Mirko muttered when she heard Nezu.

Nezu ignored her comment and continued to explain.

"Shinso will be joining you in this activity since he has applied for the hero course at the beginning of the semester and now has the chance to move into class 1-A. He will be something like a transfer student since he was originally apart of general education but he has been given the opportunity to change courses. He will be able to join 1-A if he passes the exam, and he has already passed the written exam so please help him pass this one as well." Nezu explained why Shinso was here.

'This is... different. My presence here has changed so much, I can't even imagine what the what the future will be like if it keeps on changing from canon.' Yahiko thought as he looked over at Shinso. He wore the U.A gym uniform and had a smaller version of Aizawa's scarf. He also wore a mask with some speakers on it.

"I will now announce the teams and the teacher that will play the villain in the exam."

Most of the teams were the same, with Himiko and Jiro against Present Mic. Then there's Shinso and Sero against Midnight, and then there's us. Izuku, Bakugo, and Yahiko are up against All Might and Mirko.

"Are you fuċkɨnġ kidding me!" Bakugo screeched when he learned that he was going to be paired up with his childhood 'friend' and his 'rival.'

Izuku didn't say anything and looked at Bakugo with worry written all over his face. He was smart enough to realize that Kacchan didn't want to be paired with him. He also realized that Bakugo's personality would get in the way of any plan making, so he looked over to Yahiko with hope in his eyes, only to see him having a stare-down with Mirko. Her imposing red eyed locked onto his intimidating purple eyes. Izuku shuddered at the thought of working with these two.

The exam started shortly after that and the teams that were the same as canon did the same as canon.

Then there's Jiro and Himiko, Jiro let Himiko drink some of her blood and had her act as a distraction. Himiko covered her ears and stealthily approached Present Mic as he screamed wildly in a attempt to force them to come out. He was forced to stop his screaming when a knife flew right at him, he dodged it and turned his attention to where the knife came from. Jiro took this chance and slipped past Present Mic when he was distracted with Himiko. Present Mic was shocked that they slipped past him so easily, he let his guard down a second time. Himiko used this opportunity to run up to him and kicked his dɨċk.


Present Mic clutched his poor balls and fell over, while Himiko smiled sadistically. Most of the men watching this scene unconsciously covered their manhood and shivered slightly, they just lost a good man today. Himiko took out the cuffs and cuffed Present Mic, he couldn't really defend himself after that.

Since Shinso took Mineta's place during the exam, he was actually able to form a plan to help them counter Midnight. He asked her a few questions about her personal life while covering his mouth with his scarf, but she didn't respond. He then asked her if she wanted him to set her up for a blind date with a handsome young celebrity and she immediately agreed. He was able to make her sit still and cuffed her easily after that. Shinso is now apart of class 1-A.

Most of the other students congratulated him for getting him into 1-A while Aizawa was wondering about the seating chart.

Now it's time for the one exam that everyone has been looking forward to, three students are facing off against two heroes that are in the top ten. It seems really ridiculous when you think about it but considering the circumstances of why one of the heroes is there in the first place and the destructive power one of the students displayed at the sports festival, it wouldn't seem so far fetched.

The three students and two heroes made their way down to the replica city, they were waiting for the battle to start.

"I finally get to fight you YAHIKO! Don't disappoint me now! I hope you put up a good fight!" Mirko shouted excitedly. She finally has her chance to fight the only student that caught her eye during the sports festival.

"Mirko, we should work together to take down these students. I'm not worried about Midorya or Bakugo, it's Yahiko that concerns me. We-"

"No. I refuse to work with anyone, that's a sign of weakness. Even if it's you, the symbol of peace, I refuse to work as a team." Mirko cut him off.

"Mirko, listen to me. I want to strike a deal with you." All Might said seriously, he was trying his best to reason with her.

"A deal?"

"Yes, you get to face Yahiko alone. I merely wish to fight against Midorya and Bakugo, while you get to fight him. Do you agree?"

"I fight Yahiko while you fight the other two brats? Sounds like a good deal for me! Just don't get in my way then we're all good."

"Okay, let me do the first attack then. They won't expect it at all, and remember, the only reason we haven't kicked you out of here is because we're short on manpower."

"Team Midorya, Bakugo, and Bubaigawara, practical exam. Ready, go!"


Three boys were walking down the street of a large and empty city, one looked pissed, another looked afraid, and the last one looked indifferent. It was a strange team that they were forced into but none of that really mattered, they had to focus on the real objective. Defeating All Might and Mirko.

"Kacchan! Please wait a second and listen! We are going up against two pro heroes! Powerful ones too! We need to make a plan to slip past them and escape, I'm thinking we use Yahiko's beast as a way to distract them while-"

Izuku was rambling on about a plan while trying to keep up with Bakugo, who sped up instead.

"Wait Kacchan!"

"Stop following me! That goes for you too freak!" Bakugo yelled as a response.

Yahiko didn't listen and simply continued walking forward, which pissed off Bakugo even more.

'He's fuċkɨnġ ignoring ME!'

Izuku paused briefly out of surprise but kept on trying to reason with Bakugo. Yahiko didn't pay any attention to them and kept his eyes open in case Mirko decides to pay him a visit.

"If we keep going in a straight line then we'll run into All Might and Mirko, they'll be waiting for us! We should find another way around them-" Izuku was cut off again, but this time he was bitch slapped by Bakugo.

He was on the ground and clutching the right side of his face, he looked up at Bakugo in fear.

"Shut the fuċk up already! Why should I run away from them? It'd be better to just beat them up!"

"We should avoid combat! Yahiko, please help me convince Kacchan!"

Yahiko stared at him for a few seconds, which made Izuku mildly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"I think we should fight, we have destructive quirks so we should use them. All Might won't go easy on us and Mirko will only target me, the best thing you could do if you want to escape is wait for All Might to fight Bakugo. That is, if you want to run away so badly, but I'm staying here with Bakugo. I've got a score to settle anyway, and don't try to drag me into your arguments either." Yahiko replied as he put one of his hands in front of him, it looked like he was preparing for something.


A large gust of air suddenly struck two of the three boys, sending the two of them flying backwards. Yahiko had already formes a barrier with 'Almighty Push' so he wasn't affected at all. Once the dust settled, Yahiko took a good look around him. The buildings that were once standing tall were now cut in half. The streets were no longer there, instead all that was left was dirt.

'This power, it really is different when you look at it in person. Well then, my turn.'

'Almighty Push.'

The poor building weren't able to survive this attack, they were ripped out of the ground and flew towards All Might. The dirt got kicked up again and covered the area, which surprised All Might. He wasn't expecting an attack as powerful as that, he hurriedly used his arms to block all of the incoming buildings. From his perspective, it was literally raining buildings.

Yahiko noticed something approaching him from above, it was speeding toward him in a zig-zag pattern. He looked up and saw Mirko using the buildings he launched as springboards, her powerful legs crushed the buildings each time she jumped forward.

"Luna Fall!" Mirko shouted when she reached him.

"Too predictable." Yahiko said as he dodged to the right.

Mirko didn't stop her attack there and sent a kick to his kneecaps.

He dodged.

She attacked him again, sending a kick to his stomach.

He dodged.

Quickly growing frustrated with Yahiko's constant dodging, she used another technique.

"Luna Arc!"

Yahiko unsurprisingly dodged to the side again and watch the ground tear apart from the amount of strength she put into her kick, she was actually trying to hurt him.

"Stop dodging already!" Mirko shouted angrily.

"Fine, Universal Pull."

"Luna Tijeras!"

Mirko was able to dodge Yahiko's receiver in mid air and collided with Yahiko. While he was unbalanced she quickly wrapped her legs around Yahiko's head and tried to bring him to the ground. Yahiko sent chakra to his feet to keep himself stabilized, which surprised Mirko since she wasn't expecting him to stay standing.

"Give up yet?" Mirko taunted as she squeezed Yahiko's head with her thɨġhs.

While all of this was happening, Izuku and Bakugo had finally recovered from All Might's attack. Izuku saw the condition that Yahiko was in and tried to rush over to him to help but All Might grabbed him.

"Oh no you don't! Your fight is with me!" All Might yelled as he flashed them a menacing grin.

"Die!" Bakugo yelled as he leaped forward and sent a explosions towards All Might's face.

All Might used Izuku as a shield and threw Izuku at Bakugo after the attack. The two of them crashed into each other and flew backwards again.

"You will have to do a lot better then th-"

All Might nearly fell over when something collided with his back. He turned around and saw Mirko on the ground next to him with a large smile on her face, she was clearly enjoying the fight. He then looked at Yahiko, who had six arms and a bored expression on his face.

'This will be harder then I thought.' All Might thought to himself.

Yahiko started making some hand signs and slammed his hands onto the ground, which made All Might tense up.

'Summoning Jutsu.'

A large cloud of smoke covered the area, All Might immediately jumped back because he's seen the technique before and he knew that whatever comes out of the smoke was a force to be reckoned with.

Once the smoke cleared, a large figure with purple eyes made its presence known. It immediately charged at All Might, who got a really good look at it. It had grey and black skin, a single horn on its head, two small wings on its back, and a single receiver in its head. It was a giant rhino, and it was heading straight towards the two pro heroes.

Mirko had already jumped out of the way but All Might was too slow, he was forced to grab onto its horn and hang on for the bumpy ride it was going to put him through. They crashed into a building, and another one, and another one after that as well. The giant rhino showed no signs of stopping, instead it actually started speeding up! All Might had trouble stopping it, his feet had already sunken into the ground in a attempt to slow them down but they constantly crashed into buildings. All he could do was grit his teeth and bear with it.

"All Might! Why would you do that to him!?" Izuku shouted in confusion.

'...Is he serious?'

"You do realize that I just saved you two, now hurry up and go to the exit if tou want to escape. I'll hold both of them off, that should make it easier for y-"

Yahiko moved his head to the side to dodge a kick from Mirko, she still had a large grin on her face.

"Stop talking to those weaklings and pay attention to the fight!" Mirko shouted as she casually disregard Izuku and Bakugo.

"You bitch! Who are yiu calling a weakling!" Bakugo shouted as he used all of the sweat he had in his gauntlet on both her and Yahiko.


Mirko jumped out of the way while Yahiko used the preta path to absorb the giant explosion. This surprised a lot of people, especially Bakugo.

'This guy! He can fuċkɨnġ absorb my explosions!? He didn't use this skill at the sports festival, which means that he was looking down on me even more then I expected! Bastard!'

'That brat, he was hiding more abilities from me. I'm not even surprised anymore, I just want to know what else he's hiding.' Aizawa thought as he pondered the possible abilities that Yahiko might have.

"What type of quirk is that? He absorbed Kacchan's explosion with ease, does that mean he could absorb other types of attacks too? What if Shoto used his fire against him during the sports festival? Could he absorb that? What if-" Izuku mumbled to himself before something flew at him. He was somehow able to dodge the debris that sped past him and sunk into the dirt.

He looked over and saw that All Might was riding on the back of the giant rhino, he was clutching onto its wings which made it furious. It started to run wild and crashed into several buildings in a attempt to get him off.

Bakugo quickly ignored All Might and focused on Mirko. He wasn't going to let her ignore him ad focus solely on Yahiko.

"Eat shit!" Bakugo yelled as he sent a explosion towards her.

Her body was covered by the smoke, but when it dispersed she was gone. Bakugo quickly looked around and held his gauntlet up so he could attack her the second she reveals herself.

"Up here dipshit!" Mirko shouted.

Bakugo quickly brought his gauntlet up and looked into the air, she wasn't there either.

Kacchan! Look out!"

He suddenly felt immense pain shoot up his spine, he screamed out in pain before he was flung a couple meters forward. Mirko had snuck up behind him and kick his back with a little bit of her strength, which was way too much for Bakugo to handle.

Mirko was about to attack him again but Izuku rushed in before she could.

"Kacchan!" Izuku squealed when he saw Bakugo get his ȧss kicked by Mirko.

He quickly ran up to him and grabbed him. He put him over his shoulder and ran away, ignoring Yahiko and Mirko completely.

'Did he just leave me here to fight these two on my own just so he could save Bakugo?'

"What's his deal? It's not like I was going to kill him, amd he just left you here too. Is that his boyfriend or something? Oh well, no more distractions I guess. Prepare yourself Yahiko!"

Yahiko didn't respond and simply desummoned the giant rhino, making All Might fall down. Mirko ignored this and charged right at him.

'Almighty Push.'

Another large scale attack hit Mirko, All Might, and a large portion of the city. The ground shook with tremendous force, making nearby buildings that weren't even hit with the attack fall over. All of the debris started to pile up, so much so that it started to pile up and spill out into the surrounding forest. The replica city was practically falling apart, which reminded All Might of his fight with All For One.

All Might looked around himself and only saw destruction, he was glad that Yahiko decided to become a hero. He didn't want to imagine Yahiko as a villain, the very thought of him becoming a villain scared him slightly.

'This amount of power, should a student really be this strong?' All Might thought.

Yahiko had made another crater, except this one was a lot bigger compared to the one at the sports festival. He just destroyed the center of the city like it was nothing, only the buildings near the walls are still standing.

"You're resilient, no wonder why you're the best hero in Japan." Yahiko commented.

"Young Yahiko, you are rather strong for your age. I think that we should tine it down a little, don't you agree?" All Might said in between some coughs. He had some scratches and bruises but he was fine. However, he wont be able to hold his form any longer. The fight was longer and more taxing then he anticipated.

"Fuck that! Why didn't you tell me that you were this strong? I would've kidnapped you at the sports festival if you did!" Mirko said as she pushed some debris of of her. She wasn't any better then All Might, she had some blood dripping down her face and had a deep gash wound on her thɨġh. But she had a large smile on her face, she was like a little kid going on a famous rollercoaster.

'You did try to kidnap me though.' Yahiko thought to himself as he made some more hand signs. He used all six of his hands to make some signs, he would be summoning multiple beasts.

The two pro heroes realized what he was doing and quickly tried to stop him, but they were too late. He had already slammed all of his hands to the ground, the strange black symbol started spreading. Three large puffs of smoke appeared simultaneously, three large figures were towering over the two heroes. The smoke cleared and revealed a dog, a chameleon, and three centipedes.

The dog was the largest out of all of them, it had brown fur, a long tail, two wings on its back, and multiple heads. Each head had a giant receiver sticking out of it, which only made it look more fearsome.

On the left side of the giant multi headed dog, was a chameleon. It had green scaly skin, two wings on its upper back that are badly ripped, a two oddly shaped horns, one was broken and wrapped in bandages while the other one was curved and had multiple receivers sticking out of it. It's tail had the head of a snake at the end of it, and it had a mind of its own. The giant snake-tailed chameleon was missing its right eye, only its left eye remains.

The last summon was a bunch of giant centipedes, each of them had fully black bodies, only their heads and legs were orange. A single giant receiver went through each of their heads.

All of the beasts looked very different from each other, but they all had one thing in common. The rinnegan, each of them have the same eyes as their summoner.

Yahiko stayed back and walked over to his chameleon, it opened its large mouth like it wad going to eat him. He calmly stepped inside of its mouth, which closed immediately after. The giant snake-tailed chameleon started to crawl away while camouflaging with its surroundings, it was there one second and gone the next. It was practically invisible, which means the people watching quickly lost track of Yahiko.

The giant centipedes crawled over to Mirko while the giant multi headed dog slowly approached All Might.

"Now then, it's time to find the two stars of the show. Where are they hiding...."

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