My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 36 - Planetary Devastation

"Luna Arc!" Mirko shouted as she axe kicked one of the three centipedes.

The centipede recoiled slightly, before it released an ear piercing screech and charged forward again. It's head had rammed its head into the ground where Mirko once stood, she had already jumped out of the way when she saw it had little to no reaction when it got kicked.

"Tch, it's tougher then I expected." Mirko said to herself. The battle was a getting more exciting as time went on, and she enjoyed that. It's been a while since she has had a good fight like this one.

"United States of Smash!" All Might yelled out as he launched himself off the ground and punched the multi headed dog.

Much to his and everyone's surprise, the dog split itself into four. The dogs distanced themselves from All Might and slowly circled him, three of them only had one head while the last one had five heads. The three single headed dogs lunged at All Might, the multi headed dog leaped into the air and split into five smaller dogs. Two of them went for his legs, three went for his torso, and the rest stayed back and watched.

One of the dogs charged forward and tried to bite All Might', but was met with a punch to its snout instead. It was sent flying and landed a few meters away, the other dogs took this opportunity to attack. Four of them lunged at All Might, their jaws were wide open and ready to bite down on his flesh. Two of them sunk their teeth in his legs, another went for his waist but was backhanded. The last one bit down on his shoulder, its teeth were practically chomping down on his collarbone.

"They're not letting go!?" All Might said as he grit his teeth to handle the pain he was experiencing.

The last three single headed dogs charged towards All Might like the others, their snarls and growls made them sound like regular dogs. One of the single headed dogs lunged at All Might's face, who tried to punch it to defend himself. He was surprised to see one of the other dogs bite into the flying dogs tail and yank it back before All Might could punch it. All Might lost his balance slightly, but this was all they needed.

The last dog bit his arm and started gnawing away, the other dogs that latched onto All Might did the same.

'They baited me! Not only are they resilient, they are smart enough to form strategies and have enough strength to tear my flesh apart! These monsters are strong enough to face the other top ten pro heroes! That boy controls these things too? Is he only able to control them within a certain range? Or is h- "AHHH, dammit! Let go of me already!" All Might shouted as he tried to pry one of the dogs jaws open.

"Look out below!"

All Might looked up and saw one of the giant centipedes falling over, it's exoskeleton looked like it was going to break any moment now. He was happy that Mirko was able to defeat one of these monsters, but he wasn't so happy when he saw it fall in his direction.

"This is going to hurt."


"They defeated two of my dogs and a centipede, they're doing worse then I expected." Yahiko muttered to himself as he watched the battle through his summons eyes. He was still inside of his chameleon, looking for Izuku and Bakugo.

He honestly thought that they would put up more of a fight, but he wasn't dissatisfied with this either. It simply proves the ferocity and power of the animal path, strength in numbers is what it does best.

'Where are they? There's only a few buildings left, they don't have many places to hide. Why would they run away in the first place? They didn't even head towards the exit either, what the hell are they doing?' Yahiko was honestly curious, what could be so important that they would purposely waste their time instead of completing the practical exam?

His questions were answered very quickly, he heard Bakugo swearing like a sailor man and Izuku yelping in fear. He went towards their location and saw that they decided to have some low quality bromance stuff going on. Bakugo slammed his hands against a wall, pinning Izuku in between his arms as they crackled with miniature explosions.

'A kabedon?' Yahiko thought to himself.

From an outsiders perspective, it looked like a lot of sėxuȧŀ tension was going on between the two. Izuku was shaking in fear, nervousness, and had some tears threatening to fall out of the corners of his eyes. Bakugo looked like he was some sort of gay rapist and had just found his next victim, this was quite the strange sight.

"What are you two doing?" Yahiko questioned as his chameleon went back to its usual green color and opened its wide mouth, letting Yahiko be seen by the two teenagers.

"Yahiko!? Uh, we, erm." Izuku stuttered as he tried to find something to say to his teammate.

"Why didn't you two go to the exit? Didn't I buy you two enough time? While I was distracting both of the heroes, you two were busy doing... I don't even want to know." Yahiko stated, he was expressionless like usual, but they could tell that he was pissed.

"You! Who the fuċk do you think you're-" Bakugo was about to rant again but stopped dead in his tracks when a receiver flew past his head, bȧrėly missing him by inches.

"Don't say anything, unless you want me to drag you over to the battlefield and hand you over to the heroes. I'll even desummon my pets just to let them have their full attention on you. You know what, I could use you as bait, it only seems fair since I've been carrying this team since the beginning of the exam."

"I tried to form a plan with you two so we could escape but- Izuku yelled back, he was starting to get angry for some reason. But he quickly stopped himself when he looked straight into Yahiko's purple ringed eyes.

"I haven't seen you do anything helpful, unless you want to count kabedons as helpful. All you've done so far is argue with each other and you've even ran away, leaving me behind to fight those two on my own. You say that you wanted to form a plan but at the first sign of danger you immediately tried to save Bakugo and yourself, completely ignoring my presence on this pathetic excuse of a team."

Izuku held his head down, he looked like he was about to cry while Bakugo was still frozen in shock from having a receiver thrown at him earlier.

"Answer my question."

"Huh?" Both Izuku and Bakugo said at the same time.

"My question from earlier, answer it."

"We, um." Izuku tried to remember what Yahiko asked them earlier but he had already forgotten.

"Why didn't you two go to the exit? It's wide open, no one is defending it. Even as we speak, you two could've just walked over to the exit."


"Be quiet." Yahiko shushed them, which confused them again.

"Luna Fall!"

'I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on with my summons, I should keep my attention on the heroes from now on.' Yahiko thought to himself as he looked through the eyes of his remaining summons.

Mirko had defeated another centipede while All Might was able to free himself from the dogs. Mirko decided to leave All Might behind just so she could find Yahiko, who wasn't very happy to see her.

"There you are! I won't let you run away this time! Just get rid of those brats so we can enjoy ourselves, they'll only get in the way anyway." Mirko said eagerly despite the condition that she was in.

"You troublesome woman, why do you want to fight me? Surely there are other people that have caught your attention besides me, so fight someone that actually wants to fight you." Yahiko said as he looked down on her, he was keeping a good distance away from her so she wouldn't try anything funny.

"Car!" Izuku shouted.


Yahiko looked behind him and was immediately hit out of the air by a flying car, All Might had launched it at them. All Might finally got the dogs off his back but ran away when he saw them merge into one giant multi headed dog. It was a lot bigger then before, now it was several stories tall and wreaked havoc wherever it went.

The three boys crashed into the ground and skidded across what's left of the street a few times before coming to a stop. Izuku was doing okay considering he was bitch slapped and hit by a flying car. Bakugo had it pretty bad, his back has been killing him ever since Mirko kicked him and getting hit by a car didn't make it any better.

Yahiko used his six arms and punched each of them into the ground to forcefully stop himself from skidding any further. He looked up and saw that All Might looked like shit, he still had a smile on his face but his summons did a real number on him.

"I am here!" All Might shouted as he made his entrance.

"Not good!" Izuku said as he tried to run away again.

"Where are you trying to go this time?" Yahiko ask him.

"I'm-" Izuku felt all of the air leave his lungs and clutched his ċhėst, desperately trying to suck in some air. Mirko had hopped over to him and kicked him in the ribs, breaking most of them.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouted as he put his hand on his other gauntlet, ready to blast her with a large explosion.

Mirko appeared in front of him the second he blinked, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. She kicked his arm that wad filled with the explosive sweat, breaking the gauntlet and his arm at the same time.

Yahiko saw this and sighed to himself, he turned his attention back to All Might and saw a giant first heading towards his face. All Might's fist opened up and grabbed Yahiko's head, then he slammed him into the ground. Half of Yahiko's face was embedded in the ground, the other half looked at All Might with a bored expression on his face.

'He doesn't even look fazed, seriously what is this kid made of?' Was what All Might thought before he felt a hand grab his ankle, he looked down and saw one of Yahiko's hands had grabbed him.

Yahiko's arm began transforming into several metal tendrils and wrapped around his limbs. Yahiko pulled himself off the ground and dusted himself off, then he looked All Might who was struggling to break free.

'These tendrils! Aizawa said that even the Nomu couldn't break free from these.'

"Luna Arc!"

Mirko kicked the arm that was holding onto All Might, which was the upper right one. Yahiko jumped back and eyed the rabbit hero before looking over to the most useless teammates you could ask for, they were sprawled on the ground. He then looked at his shoulder and saw where his arm once was, this was the first time he's ever lost one of his extra limbs. It didn't hurt, in fact, he bȧrėly felt anything at all when All Might slammed him in the ground.

'Is my body more durable then the original Shuradõ? He did break pretty easily when Naruto punched him, but that was a corpse so it's understandable that he wouldn't stand much of a chance against the protagonist.' Yahiko thought to himself as he transformed back to normal.

"I guess it's time to end this." Yahiko quietly mumbled to himself, but both pro heroes heard him.

They suddenly heard a loud screech, they turned around and saw the giant multi headed dog approaching with the giant centipede right behind it. They then heard someone clap their hands together, they looked over at Yahiko. He had his hands in a praying position, they somehow knew that something bad would happen to them.

"Planetary Devastation."

Yahiko's hands parted slightly, they revealed a small black sphere. It looked like it was suċkɨnġ in the light around it, which made them think that it was similar to Thirteen's quirk. Then, Yahiko let it float up into the air. They looked around themselves and noticed that the dirt was starting to get pulled into it, then the pebbles, next were the debris, and finally, the buildings.

The other students and teachers looked at the scene in awe, while Aizawa sighed to himself in annoyance. He didn't even know what to say anymore, first it was the multiple quirks, then it was the 'peculiar' way of treating villains, and now he just learned that a student is able to go toe to to with All Might.

'I need a vacation.' Aizawa thought hopelessly.

'It's transforming into something, wait a minute, it's starting to pull me in!' All Might had only realized it now, but it was too late, he couldn't escape. Mirko had already jumped away from the black sphere but she felt it's attractive pull drag her closer to it.

Yahiko didn't pay any more attention to them, he simply walked towards the exit without his teammates. They had their chance to leave but they decided to waste their time, they'll just have to take a make up test then if they want to go to the training camp. He walked through the exit, but there was no announcement saying that he had passed. He then realized that everyone's attention was on the miniature satellite in the sky, it was mainly made of the destroyed buildings and it was also the one that had trapped two pro heroes with ease.

Yahiko made his way over to Nezu and cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention to him.

"I went through the exit and trapped the heroes, do I pass?"

"Ah, yes. Um, Yahiko has passed the practical exam. Congratulations." Nezu said nervously, he brought his attention back on to the miniature satellite.

"Is there any chance of, you know, letting them go?" Nezu asked.

Yahiko didn't say anything and clapped his hands together again, causing the satellite to fall apart immediately. All of the rubble and heroes crashed down into the earth, they were alive but unconscious.

'A student beat two pro heroes unconscious, and they were in the top ten! He's not winded either, such power, is it really okay to leave it in the hands of an edgy teenager?' Nezu thought to himself.

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