"I hate this." Yahiko grumbled to himself as he put on some fancy clothes. He wore a black blazer, a white buŧŧon up shirt, and some black dress pants.

"But you look so handsome though, you should definitely dress up like this more often." Himiko teased him as she slipped into a frilly red dress, she obviously made sure to slip some knives into her little purse.

"So, what's the new guy going to be like? What's his quirk? And how did he get onto this heavily guarded island anyway?" Himiko questioned Yahiko repeatedly.

"He's selfish and arrogant, his quirks are metal manipulation and muscle augmentation, it's dangerous to fight him in close range. He got into the island by tricking a scientist that works here, I have to find a way to transport his body back to the apartment after I kill him though." Yahiko explained briefly.

"I see, will he be a problem?"

"Not unless he uses the quirk booster on himself, things will get a bit messy if he's given the opportunity to use it. I'll see if I can steal it for myself, if it amplifies my abilities then it'll be incredibly useful. If it doesn't, then I'll just give it to one of the others, they'll make good use of it." Yahiko said plainly.

"How do I look?" Himiko asked as she spun around in her dress, letting Yahiko examine her from different angles.

"You look beautiful, are you sure you want to go dressed like that though? You said that the dress was expensive, yet you're willingly wearing it when you know we're going to be fighting later." Yahiko asked.

"I don't really care if this dress gets ruined or not, it's not like I get to wear it that often. I can bȧrėly remember the last time I dressed up this nicely for an event." Himiko replied.

"We should get going, it's almost time for the meet up. We'll be late if we talk longer than necessary." Yahiko ushered Himiko out of the room and made their way to central tower.

"She's gorgeous."

"She must be heading towards the I-Expo event if she's dressed that nicely."

"Who's the thug next to her?"

Yahiko wrapped his arm around Himiko's shoulder, bringing her closer to him. Many men looked disappointed while others were cursing him with hate filled eyes. Himiko giggled slightly, she quickly stopped when she heard her ringtone going off. She quickly checked her phone and answered it. Her once smiling face morphed into a serious frown, she thanked whoever was on the other side and ended the call.

"What's wrong?" Yahiko asked, it was rare to see Himiko suddenly turn serious.

"Slice just called me, it's about us and U.A. Do you remember when you told me that there was a traitor in U.A that leaked information? Slice was surfing through the deep web and found a certain website. It used hidden links to avoid suspicion. That website had lots of information about multiple controversies surrounding U.A and it's students. Like the sludge villain incident involving Deku and Bakugo, or the USJ incident. It goes into a lot of detail about the students and teachers that go here, it even has descriptions on personalities."

"Does the school know about this?"

"Most likely not, they're too focused on finding the traitor and are completely ignoring the fact that they don't even know how the traitor leaked the information in the first place. We have to check out this website after this is over."

They had arrived at central tower, the elevator ride was silent and uncomfortable. Himiko had somehow managed to put a grin back on her face, Yahiko didn't bother to smile and looked more indifferent than usual. When the doors opened, they saw that Iida, Momo, Jiro, and Shoto were waiting for the others.

"You two are ten minutes late! You must be sure to stay on schedule for important events like this one!" Iida immediately yelled at them the second they stepped out of the elevator.

"We got a little caught up in a important phone call, right Yahiko?" Himiko made an excuse right away.

Yahiko simply nodded, he couldn't keep his mind off the website he'd just learnt about. He quickly snapped out of it, he knew that he shouldn't be getting distracted now of all times.

The elevator was called down and was brought back up again. The doors opened and revealed a pissed off Bakugo in a suit with Denki and Eijiro right behind him.

"I fuċkɨnġ hate suits!" Bakugo shouted out.

"Yes, yes, we know. You've been shouting that the entire elevator ride up." Denki replied lazily, his lazy attitude quickly disappeared when he saw Momo, Himiko, and Jiro in some dresses.

After those three, Ochako arrived shortly after them. Izuku was after her, and finally, Melissa.

"Hello everyone! I'm so glad that you all could make it but we should probably go to the I-Expo event now. It could start at any minute!" Melissa said hurriedly.


Before All Might could say anything, an announcement goes off. Immediately after it goes off, masked, armed men rush i to the room while everyone was still confused.

All Might was about to fight them, but the leader said something that made him think twice.

"Don't even think about trying to take us down, if you do, then all of the innocent people on this island will ripped to shreds by the security robots."

The screen behind All Might changes, revealing a countless amount of security robots roaming the streets, simply waiting for any kind of order.

Blue restraints fly out of the ground and capture all of the pro heros attending the party. The leader walked over to the crowd of civilians and grabs a man with short blonde hair. He was about to leave but one of the civilians intervene.

Wolfram immediately recognizes the man as David Shield, one of the head scientists that works here. Wolfram grabbed David as well, he took both of them out of the room and let his henchmen watch over the pro heroes.


"W-what's going on!?" Izuku squealed when he saw several shutters closing and the red lights flashing brightly.

Yahiko calmly observed his panicked classmates, they check their phones, tried to use the elevators, but nothing helped in the end.

"U-um, guys?I think we should go to the party, All Might should be there. We will be safe there." Izuku said quietly.

"We should use the emergency stairs, we won't get to the party but we'll be near it." Melissa spoke up.

They made their way up the stairs and found themselves a floor above the party. There was a round glass skylight that allowed the students to see the situation below them.

"Those bastards! I'll kill them all!" Bakugo grunted angrily.

"Don't do anything rash, is there any way for us to get All Might's attention?" Shoto asked.

Izuku didn't reply and took out his cellphone, flashing his light at him in hopes of getting his attention. It works eventually, so Jiro puts her earphone jack into the floor to try to hear him. He briefly explained the situation, Jiro started to sweat nervously when she heard him. They head back down the emergency staircase and Jiro told them what All Might told her.

"Let's listen to our superior and find a way to escape from here." Iida said as he waved his hands around.

"Agreed, we can't fight against these guys. We don't have our hero licenses." Momo sided with Iida.

"Yahiko, you have that giant bird thing right? Can you let us ride it out of here?" Eijiro suggested.

"That could work, but the security here is in total lockdown. They would probably try to shoot you down if you get near the walls, the large size of your... creature is also a disadvantage since it would get spotted immediately." Melissa said.

"You! You fuċkɨnġ cowards! I don't care if you guys are trying to escape, I'm going after those masked bastards!" Bakugo yells at the group before storming off.

"Ah! W-wait a second ka-chan, it's dangerous to go alone!" Izuku said.

"Shut up! I'm going to fight those bastards head on!"

"I'll come with you, you need to have someone to watch your back." Eijiro said as he walked over to Bakugo.

"I'll go too, if anyone wants to go with us then now will be the best time." Denki also joined them.

The other students were hesitant, Izuku wanted to go with them but he was worried about Melissa. Momo and Iida still believed that they should find a way to escape, while Jiro was deciding what side she should choose.

Sighing to himself silently, Yahiko got up and walked over to Bakugo's group before pausing.

"We got Yahiko to join us? We definitely stand a chance now!" Denki celebrated when he saw that Yahiko was walking over to them.

"You purple eyed bastard, we don't need your help! Go away!"

"Melissa, is there a way to disable to security system?" Yahiko asked as he walked past Bakugo's group, completely ignoring them.

"The security room is on the top floor, if you take me there then I can disable the security bots. If that's what you're planning then I'll be right behind you." Melissa said with a determined look on her face.

"Wait! Our teacher told us to find a way to escape! This is the exact opposite of what he told us to do! Bakugo, sit back down! Yahiko, don't walk out that door!" Iida shout while waving his arms frantically.

"No! I'm not going to sit around while the entire island is being held hostage by an unknown group! I haven't heard from my father, he could be in danger! Yahiko, please take me to the top floor, I promise that I won't get in the way!" Melissa said as she lowered her head.

"Let's go, make sure to hide when the villains show up." Yahiko said plainly.

"What? What do you mean when the villains show up?" Melissa asked, completely confused.

"We're going to the one room that these villains definitely don't anyone to go to, they have control of all of the security cameras on this island. When they see us going up the tower, they will send someone to deal with us."

"Change of plans, I'm going with you! I'm not going to let you hog all of the glory for yourself." Bakugo said as a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"S-so am I!" Izuku said loudly, before apologizing for being too loud.

"I'm going too." Ochako was hyping herself up.

"Count me in." Shoto, who hasn't said a word the entire time, walked over to Yahiko's group.

Momo and Iida sighed before walking over to them, of you can't beat them, join them.

'I just wanted Melissa to disable the security systems, how did it turn out like this?'

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