My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 41 - Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite vs Pain

"Are we there yet?" Denki whɨnėd as he panted heavily.

"No, we're on the 40th floor and the security room is on the 200th floor. Let's keep moving, we shouldn't waste time." Melissa responded, also breathing heavily.

"Please tell me you're joking." Momo wanted to take a short break but she knew that lives were at stake.

"Trust me, I wish I was." Melissa said as she ditched her heels.

The group looked like they were running a marathon, only a few of them weren't out of breath. They sighed heavily before continuing, making their way to the 80th floor.

"Are you kidding me? What do we do now?" Eijiro exclaims as he looked at the giant shutter that was blocking their path. He looks around and spots a door behind the group, his face brightens up immediately.

"I think I can break it, stand back everyone!" Izuku exclaimed as he reeled his fist back.

"No, don't! It will only alert the security system, we need to find a way around." Melissa quickly stops Izuku.

"So we weren't supposed to open any doors, my bad." Eijiro scratches the back of his head and smiles sheepishly.

"What?" This was all they could say before they turned to look at him, he opened the door behind them and had notified the villains.


"Hm?" A man with grey hair looked at the notification he had just received, it said that there was movement in the lower floors.

"What's wrong?" A man with dark pink hair and purple tatoos on his face asked curiously.

"I'm about to find out." The white haired man responded.

He checked the security cameras and saw several high schoolers running through the lower levels.

"I thought that everyone was at the party, how did they get down there?"

"I don't think that they were able to get to the party on time, I'm going to trap them so send Daigo and Nobu."


"Is there another way up?" Iida asked.

"The next flight of emergency stairs are at the end of this hallway, let's keep going." Melissa replied.



Giant metal shutters started to close one after the other. In front of them and behind them, they all started to slam shut, the villains were trying to stop them from going any further.

"Over there!" Jiro pointed at a door on the side of the hallway, but the shutter in front of them was already halfway closed.

Bakugo propels himself forward with his explosions, he tries to slip through the closing shutter. Shoto tried to keep the shutter open by sending a large chunk of ice at it, he almost hits Bakugo. Bakugo shouted profanities at him and dodges in midair, getting in Iida's way, who tried to jump through the shutter as well. They both crash back down and land harshly, the giant shutter crushes Shoto's ice and traps them in the hallway.

"You fuċkɨnġ bastards! What the fuċk was that all about! I was almost through the shutter!"

"You're the one that got in the way, Todoroki was just try to help me get through." Iida waved his arms angrily.

"Guys, now is not the time to be arguing. We're going to be stuck in here unless we find a way out." Ochako tried to calm them down but was ignored.

"She's right, they might send someon-"

"Almighty Push."

Everyone turned their attention back to what used to be the shutter, they saw Yahiko walking over to the door on the side of the hallway and watched as he forced that door open as well.

"Amazing!" Melissa exclaimed.

"Tch, fuċkɨnġ show off." Bakugo grunted.

"So hot." Himiko blushed.

The students decided to ignore the last comment and walked into the new room, it was full of plants and waterfalls. They were about to run forward but Yahiko signaled them to stop moving.

"We got company." Yahiko said as he pointed at the elevator.

"W-we need to hide!" Izuku hid in a nearby bush with some of the other students.

"Fuck that! I'm going to kill these guys!" Bakugo said arrogantly.

"B-but Kacchan-"

"Shut up! I'm going to fight whoever comes out of that elevator!"

Yahiko ignored their lover's spat and walked towards the elevator calmly.

'Daigo and Nobu, if I remember correctly, they were able to give Shoto and Bakugo a tough time. I wonder how long they'll last against me?' Yahiko thought as he slipped his fingers in the elevator door and forced it open.

He looked down the elevator shaft and watched as the elevator approached him slowly. Yahiko grabbed the elevator cables and snapped them, he watched as the elevator plummeted a few meters but the safeties kicked in. The safeties stopped the elevator from plummeting any further.

'I forgot that elevators have this, so troublesome.' Yahiko sighed to himself.

"What the fuċk are you doing?" Bakugo looked at Yahiko like he was crazy.

Yahiko ignored him again and jumped into the elevator shaft, he channeled chakra to his feet and walked on the walls.

The top of the elevator was suddenly ripped apart, a man sized hole was formed and a tall lanky looking man with an oddly shaped head popped out.

"What happened?" A voice from inside the elevator asked.

"The cables snapped, do you think you can hAAAAAAAGH!" Nobu yelled in pain, he looked at his hand and saw some sort of black stake, it pinned his left hand to the elevator.

"What's wrong Nobu, are you okay?"

"What the fu-"

"Summoning jutsu." Yahiko made several hand signs and slammed his hands onto the shaft's walls, making a large cloud of smoke appear. Nobu enlarged his right hand, making some webbing appear in between his fingers. He cut the smoke apart and saw something he would have never expected. He saw a... panda?

The giant panda wore a black sash around its waist, it matched the color of its limbs and the markings around its eyes. Everything else was white, it had several black receivers sticking out of its back. The giant panda hardens its body and Yahiko pushes it, letting it free fall down the elevator shaft.

Nobu couldn't do anything to defend himself or his clueless teammate, he watched as the giant beast collided with the elevator. The sheer weight of it broke the safeties. They fell down several stories, Yahiko merely desummoned his panda when he saw them crash into the ground.

"That was easier then I expected." Yahiko mumbled to himself.


"I spoke too soon."

Yahiko heard someone yell at him from the bottom of the elevator shaft, he looked down and saw a giant purple humanoid with Nobu clinging to his back. He was climbing up the elevator shaft at incredible speeds, but he really shouldn't have let Yahiko know that he was still conscious.

'Fighting the skinny one in a enclosed space like this would be dangerous to most people, it's a good thing I'm not most people.'

Daigo was able to reach Yahiko in a few seconds and immediately threw a punch at him. Nobu tried to turn Yahiko into swift cheese but Yahiko already activated the preta path and absorbed the lethal attacks.

'Almighty Push.'

And just like that, the two villains were at the bottom of the elevator again. This time they had a few chunks of the wall with them, Daigo tried to throw the chunks of metal at Yahiko but he easily avoided it by going up the elevator a few meters.

"Bring them outside the elevator so I can blast them already! I'm getting sick of waiting for you." Bakugo shouted as he paced back and forth in front of the broken door.

"Not happening."

"You little-!"

"Bakugo, we should get out of here while Yahiko handles them. We have no time to lose, let's go." Eijiro tries to convince him to move, but obviously, Bakugo refuses.

"I'm not going anywhere until I kick some ȧss! I'm going down there and I'm going to kill those three bastards!"

'Even Yahiko?' Eijiro thought for a second and sighed.

"I can't convince him, you guys should go. I'm going to make sure Yahiko and Bakugo don't kill each other."

"I'm staying too, I refuse to be separated from Yahiko." Himiko said cheerfully, but it sounded like she was threatening anyone who tries to tell her to leave his side.

Shoto nods and creates a pillar made of ice, he lifts the rest of the group up. They moved on while Eijiro had to hold Bakugo down before he tries to jump into the elevator shaft as well.

'Why do I get the feeling that something bad will happen if we leave them alone together?' Izuku thought worriedly, but quickly focused on getting to the security room instead.

"Let go of me already!" Bakugo shouted as he struggled to break free.

Himiko walked past the two struggling teens and looked down the elevator shaft. She watched the fight with little interest, she already knew the outcome. Bakugo didn't like that outcome and jumped down the elevator shaft when he finally freed himself from Eijiro's grasp.

'Ah, he think he can hurt Yahiko. He should know by now that it's pointless to even try to hurt him, I can't wait to see what kind of pained expression will be on his face later.' Himiko giggled to herself silently as she took out a knife from her purse.

The villains were completely clueless as to what happened on the floor above them, they were too focused on surviving. Nobu's attacks did absolutely nothing to Yahiko, it didn't matter how many Nobu threw at him, none of them reached their target.

'The petra path is quite useful against attacks like Nobu's, the poor fool doesn't even knew what's happening.'

"FUCK YOU!" Bakugo screeched as he came hurtling down the elevator shaft. Once he got close enough, he launched a concentrated explosion at the three of them. Yahiko jumped off the wall and let himself fall out of the attack's range, he flew past the villains, who looked completely done at this point. The villains were completely engulfed in the explosion, for the third time today, they fell down the elevator shaft. It didn't take a genius to realize that the villains wouldn't be getting up this time.

'So he was trying to hit me...' Yahiko thought as he walked up the elevator shaft. He looked at Bakugo, who was using smaller explosions to bring himself back up to the garden floor.

"Did you have fun? Releasing all of that pent up stress in one go? It must've felt really good to cover Yahiko in your hot and intense-" Himiko teased him as he climbed out of the elevator shaft. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"What the fuċk are you-!" Bakugo quickly took a giant leap backwards to avoid the knife aiming at his face. Himiko's knife was mere centimeters away from his left eye, he was bȧrėly able to react in time to avoid it.

"I didn't get a chance to do this at the finals, but I don't lile ot when people attack my Yahiko, I'm the only one that's allowed to do that!" Himiko's sadistic smile sent shivers down Bakugo's spine, even though he didn't realize it.

"Wait! Let's all take a deep breath and calm down, alright?" Eijiro tried to calm them down, but things kept on escalating.

"You crazy bitch! Were you trying to kill me? I-I'll kill you!" Bakugo's palms were covered in sweat, his near-death experience shook him up a bit.

"Not unless I kill you first!" Himiko laughed at him as she tried to make herself sound more threatening by deepening her voice, not realizing that it made her look like she was mocking him.

"Are you done?" Yahiko asked, his voice was full of hostility.

"Control your girlfriend man, she almost killed Bakugo!" Eijiro shouted, from where he believed was a safe distance.

"I was only going to cut his eye open, he can live without an eye. You guys are being overdramatic, making such a fuss over something like that, so childish~." Himiko said with a carefree expression on her face.

"C-crazy bastard! I'll-"

"You will what? I'm already sick of your antics Bakugo, if you're as great as you make yourself out to be, then prove it. I'm standing right here, surely the great and mighty Bakugo will have no problem fighting a useless extra like me, unless he's all bark and no bite of course." Yahiko provoked Bakugo even more.

"Wait-" Eijiro was practically forgotten at this point.

"Have fun Yahiko, beat some sense into him." Himiko gave Yahiko a small peck on the cheek and stood back a few meters.

"You're dead!" Bakugo aimed his palms at the ground and made a small smokescreen out of dust, attempting to temporarily blind Yahiko.

'Too predictable.' Yahiko easily dodged another small explosion that came from behind him by leaning forward slightly.

Bakugo jumped into the air and tried to kick Yahiko in the face but Yahiko easily caught his leg, having predicted this, Bakugo used his momentum to twist his body around and attempted to kick Yahiko with his other leg. Yahiko leaned backwards a bit to dodge the attack, when Bakugo's leg passed by his face he grabbed it. Having control over Bakugo's mobility, Yahiko tried to slam Bakugo into the ground.

"DIE!" Bakugo shouted when he was approaching the ground, he launched a explosion large enough to push himself away from the floor. He twisted his body around again and launched another explosion at Yahiko's stomach, he angry face warped into a shocked one when he saw his explosion get absorbed.

Yahiko let go of Bakugo's legs and punched him in the gut while he was still in the air, sending him a few meters away. Bakugo stood up after gasping for air for a few seconds, and charged at Yahiko.

'If I can't use my explosions then I'll just beat the shit out of you!'

Bakugo sent a flurry of punches and kicks towards Yahiko, but none of them connected. Everytime Bakugo's fist was just a few centimeters away, Yahiko would dodge at the last second with ease. Bakugo stopped attacking and tried to grab Yahiko, who jumped backwards to avoid him. Getting frustrated with Yahiko's constant dodging, Bakugo pushed himself even further in a attempt to touch Yahiko.

Bakugo managed to sweep Yahiko's leg, which made him stumble a bit. Taking the opportunity to attack, Bakugo grabbed Yahiko's collar and headbutted him, and immediately regretted doing so afterwords. Bakugo's head connected with Yahiko's, he underestimated how thick Yahiko's skull could be. He got dazed for a few seconds, this was more than enough time for Yahiko to counter-attack.

Yahiko retaliated by kicking Bakugo in the ribs, breaking one of them in the process. Bakugo clutched his broken rib and lowered his head, Yahiko then kicked Bakugo's face and knocked out a few teeth. Bakugo tried to stand up but he ended up stumbling around, he was disoriented after the last attack. Yahiko kicked Bakugo's shin and forced him to kneel, Yahiko went behind him and put him in a sleeper hold.

The piercings in his arms were pressed against Bakugo's neck, they threatened to tear apart his skin if he moves too much. This made it even harder for the explosive boy to breathe. After a few seconds, Bakugo passed out. Yahiko let go of him and left him on the floor, he walked over to Himiko as he dusted himself off.

"You should've just let one of your summons deal with him, that would've been more entertaining." Himiko smiled when she saw the loud mouthed Bakugo laying on the floor unconscious.

"I just want to know how he'll react when he calms down and realizes that I didn't use any of my destructive moves against him." Yahiko ġrȯȧnėd at the thought of that, an angry Bakugo pestering him for a fight wasn't uncommon, but it will start happening a lot more now.

"H-hey Yahiko! I just wanted to thank you for, you know, going easy on Bakugo. Even though he'll cause problems later, that's really manly of you!" Eijiro did his best to complement Yahiko.


"...I'll deal with him, it would be bad if he tries to fight you again." Eijiro immediately went over to Bakugo and tried to calm him down.

"I'll get my revenge, just you wait and see!" Bakugo immediately threatens Yahiko when he sees him.

"Do I have to put you in another sleeper hold?"

Bakugo shuts up and starts grumbling to himself. Yahiko had to stop Himiko from stabbing Bakugo and Eijiro said some words of encouragement to the sore loser.

'I wasted too much time here, I still have to go and deal with Wolfram.. I hope that they aren't fighting him already.'

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