My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 43 - It's a bird, it's a helicopter, no it's...

"Almighty Push."

Hundreds of security robots are sent flying through the air and crash into each other, they easily break apart when they make contact with the wall. Despite the wide spread attack, more security robots appear almost instantly.

"This is so fuċkɨnġ annoying! These damn robots just won't stay down, I'll blast them all to bits!" Bakugo shouted as he destroyed a few security bots.

"At least you have it easy! My quirk isn't made for taking on hordes of enemies, do you know how tiring it is to punch these things over and over again?" Eijiro complained as he punch a hole through a robot.

'Maybe I should get myself a gun, a cute one with some designs on it. It won't be as fun as stabbing people but it would be nice to have a long ranged weapon.' Himiko was thinking about what type of gun she wanted as she threw her knife through the head of a nearby security bot.

"I swear to god, when I get my hands on those vill-" Bakugo was about to go on another rant but was suddenly interrupted.

"Shut up, you're annoying. If these security bots are too much for you to handle then what makes you think you can take on villains?" Yahiko jeered at him, not even bothering to pay attention to the multiple bots he just thrashed in front of him.

"What did you-"

"I will throw you off this tower if you don't learn how to shut your fuċkɨnġ mouth, we probably would've caught up with the others by now but your constant complaining is giving me a headache." Yahiko massaged his forehead as he watched Bakugo's face turn red from anger.

Bakugo was about to retort but quickly stopped himself when he realized that Yahiko's hand was transforming into a cannon. Bakugo didn't notice it but he silently sighed in relief when he saw that it wasn't aimed at him.

'I should've went with Shoto's group, the atmosphere here is tense!' Eijiro was sweating bullets when he saw Yahiko destroy the security bots with ease. He hasn't had many conversations with Yahiko, but he could tell that he wasn't a person that you shouldn't mess with. He's never seen the orange haired boy smile or laugh, and he gives off a dangerous vibe.

The small group of four fought their way up the tower, the amount of security bots in their way seemed to be endless. They have encountered a few broken robots that were partially melted, destroyed, or electrified. The shutters are back, the villains were trying to keep us separated from the other group. Destroying the shutters over and over again as they climbed the tower was the most tedious thing Yahiko has ever done.

"We're getting closer to Shoto's group, we need to move faster." Yahiko muttered to himself.

"But we're only on the 160th floor, it's going to take-"

"Asura Attack." Yahiko shot a incredibly large hole through the ceiling, the attack went all the way through the tower.

"Summoning Jutsu." In an instant, a giant green drill-beaked bird appeared out of a puff of smoke. It was much smaller then the one at the sports festival, it's size will allow it tp fly through the freshly made hole.

"WHAT!? You want me to get on that thing! I-I think I'll pass." Eijiro stuttered slightly, he was was honestly fine with taking the stairs.

"There is no "pass," let's go." Yahiko grabbed him by his collar and threw him over his shoulder, Eijiro tried to resist but Yahiko's grip strength wasn't something that you could just brush off.

"Do I have to force you on too?" Yahiko asked Bakugo, who was quite hesitant to go near the giant bird.

"Are you calling me a coward! I don't need you to do anything, I'll get on this stupid bird by myself!" Bakugo yelled out as he tried to climb on, but he ended up falling on his ȧss when the giant drill-beaked bird suddenly ruffled it's feathers.

Himiko was giggling like a child that had just got off a rollercoaster and Eijiro was completely petrified, he wasn't responding to anything that was said to him. Yahiko wasn't fazed by the sudden movements and continued to look at Bakugo, who was cursing angrily.

"You fuċkɨnġ did that on purpose! I'll deepfry that oversized chicken of yours and all of your other stupid animals!"

'Universal Pull.' Having heard enough of Bakugo's bullshit, Yahiko just forced him on as well. The second Bakugo was on the bird, it took off and flew straight up and out of the holes in the ceilings.


(A few minutes earlier)

"I'm sorry David." Samuel didn't say anything else and handed the quirk amplifier over to Wolfram.

"Well done Samuel, I suppose that I should give you your reward now"

Wolfram pulls out a gun and tries to shoot Samuel, but David pushed Samuel out of the way and gets shot instead.

"Dad!" Melissa ran over to her father, but Wolfram touched the floor and metal spikes appeared next ro her.

"Melissa! Get down!" Izuku quickly pushes Melissa out of out of the way as the spikes transform into metal wire and pin him to a wall.

'A feint!' Izuku was briefly surprised but immediately started to struggle against his restraints.

"Ho? You are quite the wannabe hero, did you really think that this was the part where you beat the bad guys, save the hostages, and everyone has a happy ending? You are a fool if you believe that, possibly the biggest fool I've ever met." Wolfram taunted Izuku and quickly carried a wounded David Shield to a helicopter.

"Let's get out of here, we got what we needed." Wolfram commanded the white haired man.

"What about the others?"

"W-what are you going to do to me?" David asked.

"You're still awake? Well if you want to know so badly, then I'll tell you. You are going to make more quirk amplifiers, these things are going to be a hit in thr black market. They will also be in high demand, so I hope you're a workaholic." Wolfram chuckled to himself.

"...What if I refuse to make them." David hesitated slightly before speaking, he didn't want his new invitation to be used by villains. It was intended to help his friend keep his title as the symbol of peace.

"Hmm... Your daughter doesn't have a quirk right? She sounds pretty defenseless to m-"

"Mr. Shield!"

Izuku had burst out the door and dashed towards the helicopter, he increased his speed when he realized that it was about to take off. Jumping towards the the helicopter with his arm outstretched, he tried to gran the scientist but Wolfram had other ideas.

"You're still trying to play hero? I guess that I have to teach you what it means to give up." Wolfram put his hand on the helipad, several pillars made out of metal launched themselves at Izuku, who dodged desperately. He eventually gets hit in the stomach by a metal pillar and is thrown back a few meters.

"I won't let you escape!" Izuku screeched and dashed towards the helicopter again.

"Hahaha, you can't defeat me kid, give up."

'That sound, isn't that...'

*Sigh* I know I can't, but he can." Izuku quickly runs over to Melissa to protect her.

"What are you tal-"



In a matter of seconds, a hole had opened up in the floor and a strange looking green bird flew out of it. Four figures had jumped off the bird, which was heading towards the chopper.

"What the fuċk is that!" The white haired man tried to maneuver the helicopter out of the way.

"You guys! We have to save Mr. Shield, I have a plan, first we-

'Universal Pull.'

"Yeah, that works too I guess." Izuku sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"That was so much fun! You have to summon that bird more often, it's like have your own personal plane!" Himiko was jumping up and down excitedly.

"FUCK! I wanted to beat the shit out of the villain that put us through this mess but your pet is already going after him, I won't let you steal the spotlight next time!" Bakugo shouted angrily as he watch the giant drill-beaked bird approach the helicopter.

Eijiro was no longer petrified, the reason he wasn't saying anything was because he was too busy kissing the ground.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" The white haired man couldn't say anything else, he couldn't avoid the giant bird anymore and ended up losing the tail rotor. The helicopter spins several times before crashing back down on the helipad, the students and scientist quickly move out of the way.

'The quirk amplifier, I hope it didn't get damaged, I must take it for myself.. Wolfram is definitely still alive as well, I still have to find a way to bring his corpse back to Japan.'

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