"Fear not, Why? Because I am here!" All Might had arrived at the top of the tower, he was able to break free of his restraints and sent the civilians at the party to safety. He looked over at the partially destroyed helicopter, then over at his students. He was relieved when he saw his friend in Yahiko's arms.

"Is everyone okay? Is the villain in the helicopter?" All Might rushed over to David to see his condition, his worried expression turned into a scowl when he saw the gunshot wound.


Everyone looked at the helicopter, where a scream of agony had caught their attention. All Might quickly ran towards the helicopter and began ripping it apart to find the villains. Most of the helicopter was already destroyed when it crashed onto the tower, making it easier for All Might to find and drag the white haired villain out of the large chunk of metal.


All Might was suddenly hit by a large metal pillar, he and the villain that he was holding were sent flying. All Might was able to stop himself by digging his arm in the ground, it helped greatly as he was able to skid to a stop. The white haired villain wasn't as lucky, he was sent off the tower with no way to save himself.

"T-that's the professor's..." Izuku was stunned when he saw the quirk amplifier on Wolfram's head.

"All Might, you're getting weaker! Haha! You don't have the same destructive power you had back in the day!"

Wolfram touches the ground, making some steel cables appear. He tries to capture David but Yahiko leaped out of his cables range, after making sure that David wouldn't get caught in the crossfire, Yahiko makes his move.

"Everyone, get behind me if you don't want to die." Yahiko called out to his classmates, Himiko happily stood behind him and started ċȧrėssing his hair.

"You bastard, you're planning on stealing the spotlight again aren't you!" Bakugo was about to throw another tantrum but Eijiro held him down and dragged him behind Yahiko.

Making a wise decision and deciding not to question him, Izuku and Melissa stood behind Yahiko with the other two.

"Summoning Jutsu."

A giant panda appeared in front of Yahiko, its wide body covered him and his classmates.


Wolfram looks up and sees the descending bird, it started to dive-bomb him by laying several green eggs near him. As soon as the eggs hit the ground, they started to glow brightly.

"What the hel-"




Several large explosions occurred at once, large chunks of metal and shrapnel flew outwards in every direction. Wolfram was thrown back from the explosions but was able to wrap himself in a metal cocoon to protect himself from the shrapnel. The giant pand had several large pierces of shrapnel sticking out of its body and face, but it successfully protected Yahiko and the others nonetheless.

Wolfram hatches from his metal cocoon and quickly looks for the number 1 hero, he knew that if he wasn't careful then All Might would defeat him.

"Damn, that bird is more dangerous than I initially thought." Wolfram muttered to himself as he sent a glare at his winged attacker.

"Alabama Smash!" All Might charged at Wolfram and was in front of him in the blink of an eye. His fist was only a few inches away from his face, but Wolfram was able to react fast enough and made a metal wall between them. As Wolfram backed away, the metal wall grew several meters thicker and stopped All Might's attack from reaching him.

Watching everything from his summons point of view, Yahiko desummoned his giant panda and calmly walked towards Wolfram. Himiko looked dejected that Yahiko left so quickly and Izuku wasn't sure of what he should do.

"Yahiko! Stay back, it's dangerous! This is a powerful villain!" All Might called out to him, but Yahiko didn't stop walking.

'Almighty Push.'

The metal spike was pushed away by an invisible force, Yahiko wasn't bothered by the attack at all and just kept walking.

'Ah, I almost forgot that he's ridiculously strong for his age. It would be better if I just let him help, he's capable of protecting himself and his classmates.' All Might let out an awkward smile as he remembered how terrifying it was to fight him.

"Oh no you don't! I'm going to be the one to beat that bastard up, not you!" Bakugo broke free of Eijiro's grasp and ran past Yahiko, who didn't even give him a second glance.

"Another ċȯċky kid huh? Eat this you damn brat!" Multiple metal pillars were being thrown at Bakugo, who could bȧrėly dodge most most of them. One of the pillars smashed into his face but he blew it up and kept on running. Another one hit his ċhėst, he was winded and sent flying across the battlefield.

'On second thought, he might not protect his classmates!' All Might quickly rushed over to Bakugo's flying figure, but Bakugo land by himself and charged forward again, ignoring All Might's existence.

"DIE!" Bakugo yelled as he blew up more metal pillars that came close to him, but he was quickly getting overwhelmed.

"Kacchan!" Izuku abandoned Melissa and her injured father to save his 'friend.' He went over to Bakugo's side and helped him destroy the pillars.

"Fuck off! I don't need your help!" Just as everyone had expected, Bakugo refused his help.

"Are you guys alright?" Momo asks with concern when she saw how chaotic the battlefield was. She just hoped that they wont get caught in any of the attacks.

"We're fine, Yahiko's dealing with it. He'll be done soon so just sit back and relax, want a cookie?" Himiko asked while presenting a sugar cookie.

Confused as to where she kept the cookie in the first place, Momo politely declined and focused on making bandages for David.

'These guys are quite the convenient distraction, who knew that their heroic nature would get everyone's attention off me.' Yahiko was slowly getting closer to Wolfram, who didn't seem to notice his presence or forgot it entirely.

Five meters, that's how far apart Yahiko and Wolfram are. All Yahiko has to do is touch Wolfram, then it will all be over.

"As if I would let you get close to me!" Wolfram made a giant hole under neath Yahiko's feet, at the bottom of the hole were more metal spikes.

'Almighty push.'

Unsurprisingly, Yahiko kept on walking like the floor beneath him didn't just open up. Wolfram immediately put all of his attention on Yahiko now, unlike the other brats, this one didn't have a single scratch on him.

'This kid, he's the one that was riding the bird right? He was also the one that grabbed the scientist, I better be careful around him.'

Wolfram immediately jumps out of the way as the bird crashed into the tower, its beak pierced through it easily but since it has a jagged beak, it couldn't pull it out.

Wolfram creates metal spikes all around the bird and launch them all at the same time. The bird was impaled in several places, blood was flying through the air until it disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Did I kill it?"

"Yes, you did."

The kid was right behind him, that's what he thought. He turned his head as quickly as possible, he was sure that if he didn't, he would lose something far more important than this fight. When he looked behind him, nobody was there, he quickly looked around and didn't see the orange haired kid anywhere. All he saw where the other brats and All Might, he didn't like where this was going.

It was in front of him, something moved in front of him. He couldn't see it, but he was sure that something moved just now, something big. That 'something' opened its mouth and revealed the orange haired kid, before Wolfram could process what just happened, Yahiko jumped out of hos chameleon's mouth and put his palm on Wolfram's stomach.

'Almighty Push.'

Wolfram's body bent forward unnaturally, like someone had removed his spine and let his body flop forward. He was then sent flying across the tower, he couldn't do anything to stop himself. He didn't have to, Yahiko had that covered.

'Universal Pull.'

Wolfram was able to recover as he was being pulled back to Yahiko, thinking quickly, he touched the ground and had the metal cover his left arm. Changing the metal around his arm into a blade, he put his arm forward and let Yahiko do the rest.

'He thinks that I'm going to impale myself, fat chance.'

Quickly sidestepping out of the way, Yahiko put his palm on Wolfram's face.

'Almighty Push!'

The entire tower shook slightly as Wolfram was embedded into the ground, his face looked like it was flattened. The dust that Wolfram kicked up covered the the area, making it hard to see where anyone is. Sadly, the quirk amplifier was destroyed along with his face. Wolfram was still alive though, but bȧrėly.

Yahiko quickly made a shadow clone and had it use the transformation technique on itself to look like Wolfram. He stuffed the real Wolfram inside of his chameleon's mouth and had it turn invisible. Yahiko picked up his fake Wolfram and threw him over his shoulder, he calmly walked back to a stunned David.

"H-how is that possible? Even All Might struggled when he was fighting him, but he practically handled it himself!" David was still in disbelief, Melissa did her best to calm him down.

"Damn it! That bastard took the spotlight again!" Bakugo was already throwing a fit, even the only thing he did was get thrown around like a ragdoll.

"Um, good work Yahiko! You defeated the villain, this calls for a celebration!" All Might decided to ignore Bakugo and gave Yahiko a hefty pat on the back.

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