My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 48 - Can't seem to have a day to myself

"Wait a second, why do I have to train too? It's not like I'm an actual student." Mirko questioned Aizawa with a confused look on her face.

"You came on this trip as a student, you do the training as a student. Go find yourself a spot to train and don't bother me for the rest of the day." Aizawa replied tiredly, she had only asked him one question but it was enough to drain all of his remaining enthusiasm.

Mirko grunted as a response and reluctantly walked into the woods, much to Aizawa's relief.

"Hey Aizawa-sensei, how should I train my quirk?" Himiko asked a bit nervously.

"...Just drink someone's blood and work on your acting skills, I don't care who so just leave me alone already."

"Ah, okay then, thanks for the meal!"


Aizawa couldn't react in time to dodge the sudden attack, Himiko had pounced on him and bit his hand like a rabid dog. She bit him hard enough to cause him to bleed and jumped away before he could retaliate. Himiko quickly swallowed his blood and released a beautiful smile and crazed laughter, which was enough to send everyone running.

"And I think that's it for me, I'm calling it a day. Tiger, you're in charge for now. Good luck, I hope my students don't kill you." *Stares at Yahiko*

Watching Aizawa's retreating figure in the distance, Yahiko saw Himiko strip nȧkėd and transform into the man he despises the most.

'I almost pity him, but I don't since he's an ȧss.' Yahiko thought as he chuckled to himself.

"Hey, help me train my quirk." Yahiko called out to the overly muscled man.

Tiger quickly stopped training with Izuku and looked at Yahiko, who had a giant boulder sitting beside him.

"In a minute, I'm busy trying to whip this green bean into shape! Focus on your posture, stop trembling and hit me already!" Tiger yelled sternly as he flexed, he only received a meek "yes sir!" from Izuku though.

Yahiko simply nodded his head and took a seat on top of the boulder, he enjoyed watching Izuku getting his shit rocked by a man in a cat outfit. Every mistake Izuku made only made the cat man even more dissatisfied, which in turn, made his training even harsher. Tiger only stopped when Izuku eventually collapsed from exhaustion.

"Alright, take a five minute break. You there, you said you needed help right? Just tell more what you need help with." Tiger shouted as he struck a pose.

"I would like to work on my awareness and reflexes, so you will be throwing rocks at me while I'm blindfolded. If I can't block it then I'll dodge it, don't worry about me." Yahiko explained quickly.

"Understood, I'll have Izuku here gather some rocks for you." Tiger immediately agreed and was about to yell at Izuku again but Yahiko stopped him.

"No need, I already have them right here." Yahiko patted the boulder he was sitting on.

"I don't know if you know this but that's not a rock kid, that's a boulder. I don't think I can carry that..."

'Almighty Push.'

The boulder immediately exploded into thousands of little pebbles which flew a few feet across the air, scattering in front of Yahiko.

"Amazing..." Izuku muttered to himself before he brought his hero book out and began scribbling something in it.

"We have enough rocks now, I'm ready to train my quirk." Yahiko said the same amount of enthusiasm of Aizawa on a Monday morning.

"FUCKING SHOWOFF!" Bakugo screeched in the distance as he dumped his hand in boiling hot water.

'I can't wait for him to get kidnapped.'




"Stupid Aizawa, this is what I'll do to that damn sleep deprived face of yours!" Mirko talked to herself as she kicked another tree in half.

'I want to have a rematch with Yahiko, not kick trees apart. This is such a waste of time.' Mirko complained in her mind, even though there's nobody to watch her train. That means she could've just done something else in her own time but decided to do some deforestation instead.


Mirko's rabbit ears twitched slightly as she heard something explode in the distance. She immediately turned her head towards the direction the sound came from and smirked to herself.

"Surely he won't mind if I ask him for a little rematch, right? I am his favorite hero after all!" Mirko lied to herself as she sprinted towards the explosion.


While Mirko was complaining to herself, Tiger was chucking rocks at Yahiko in order to help his young junior. He was very impressed with the young man, even though Aizawa had told him that Yahiko was a special case. He had watched the sports festival with the other pussƴcats a while back and was surprised at the incredible amount of power he had.

'It looks like he's full of openings, but that's not the case at all. It seems as if it doesn't matter if I try to stay quiet to surprise him, he reacts subtlety and quickly. It's almost terrifying how well he's able to react.' Tiger praised Yahiko silently before he chucked another rock at him.

'Almighty Push.'


At least, that was what he was hoping for.

A wild Mirko has appeared, she took Yahiko by surprise and crashed into his back, sending them both flying a few feet into the air. They flopped around on the ground a few times when they crash landed, with Mirko sitting on the young man's back.

"YAHIKO! Are you ready for our remat-"

"Almighty Push!"

And the bunny eared woman had already made her way across the training field by now, she received a few pitiful glances from the other students as she was flying and a murderous glare from another.

"I can never catch a break around that woman." Yahiko sighed to himself as he dusted himself off, he suddenly lost his motivation to continue with his training.

"Yahiko! Was that a yes or a no? I'll take it as a yes for now, you better prepare yourself for the ultimate ȧss whooping!" Mirko was already back up and sprinting towards Yahiko.

"Um, do you... need a minute? We can continue your training later if you want." Tiger asked a bit awkwardly, he was more surprised by the behavior a professional hero was showing towards a student then the fact that the student treated it like an everyday annoyance rather than a problem.

'Asura Attack.'

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