My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 49 - It's raining...animals? Hallelujah!

"I was only gone for thirty minutes, can you please tell me why the training field looks like a warzone?" Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose as he questioned the two responsible for the headache he's having.

"She started it." Yahiko shifted the blame to Mirko as he avoided eye contact.

"Hey! You damn traitor! It was only a little bit of roughhousing, there's no need to get your pȧntɨės in a bunch." Mirko dismissed Aizawa's emotional distress as him being cranky.

"I really, REALLY, don't want to deal with you two right now. Mirko, I implore you to go find something less destructive and dangerous to do. And YOU... go fuċk off somewhere, you're not worth the headache." Aizawa gave them very simple tasks, he simply hoped they would be able to listen to him for once.

"I'm already on it." Yahiko replied as he began walking away to who knows where.

"No! My training dummy!" Mirko sounded depressed for a second before she shifted her eyes over to Aizawa.

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

*Sigh* "I guess you're good enough."

"What are you doing? Hey, cut it out! No, wait, stop! AIEEEEEEEEEEE!"


"Why do I hear crying?" Vlad King asked himself before deciding to ignore it.


"Okay everyone! I hope you're all ready for the test of courage! Consider this a little reward for working so hard these past few days, training constantly isn't good for your bodies you know. Now then, you'll all be getting into pairs so prepare yourselves for the time of your lives!" Pixie-Bob said excitedly as she posed.

"Um, Miss Pixie-Bob, where is Yahiko? I don't think he's with Aizawa, do you think he got lost in the forest?" Jiro asked, slightly concerned for her classmate.

"Oh, the sports festival winner? He said he'd fetch Kota for us, I'm sure he'll be back soon." Ragdoll answered her question for her, calming her down a bit.

"Hey now, it's time for everyone to get into pairs. Please draw a paper from the box to see who your partner is." Mandalay instructed as she presented a box to them, prompting half of them to grab a piece of paper from it.

Eventually everybody was in a pair except Himiko since there was an odd number of students. They began the test of courage nonetheless and enjoyed themselves.

"Well well well, look who it is. You're looking kind of lonely there, aren't you Himiko?" Mirko taunted as she strolled over to Himiko's side.

"Ugh, it's you. Aren't you supposed to be in the timeout corner? Why are you even talking to me in the first place?" Himiko questioned the hero as she watched the other students walk into the forest, there was less than half of the students remaining.

"First of all, I escaped from the timeout corner, second, I'm still participating as a student on this trip so I have to do this test of courage too. It also looks like you don't have a partner so here I am." Mirko had a smug look on her face when she mentioned that she escaped from the timeout corner, but then she started looking around.

"Now that I think about it, it's quite strange to see you alone. Where's Yahiko at, aren't you two supposed to be conjoined at the hip or something?" Mirko asked.

"You're always feisty, aren't ya? At least the test won't be too boring with you aro-." Mirko abruptly stopped in her tracks, her ears were twitching slightly as she stared towards one of the mountains.

"Huh, is something burning?" Mandalay asked her friends if they were able smell what she smelled. This only concerned the few students that were with them, the heroes might be with them now but what about their friends? Who's going to save them?

"What's wrong, is it villains?" Himiko suddenly turned serious, but she couldn't hide the grin that was creeping onto her face.

"...I thi-Watch out!" Mirko suddenly pushed Himiko out of the way as a shortsword came flying at her head. The blade embedded itself into the the bark of a tree behind Himiko, which showed how accurate the throw was.

"Tch! What is one of the top ten heroes doing here? This is going to complicate things." An oversized lizard in a pathetic Stain costume walked through a portal, he had pink hair and green scales. He's carrying a giant weapon made out of smaller weapons on his back.

"Everyone, get back!" Tiger shouted as he moved in front of the students.

"We have to warn the students in the forest! Ragdoll, use-" Before Pixie-Bob could finish, she was suddenly yanked back into the woods by an invisible force and had been struck over the head by a giant magnet.

"Pixie-Bob!" Tiger shouted, but he quickly composed himself, he had students to protect. He quickly scanned the new villain over and took note of the giant magnet they had in their arms. This villain was almost as big as him, they had shoulder length red hair and big lips. They had a small stubble and triangular shades that hid their eyes quite well.

"Well now, isn't this interesting? What are two cowardly villains such as yourselves doing here? Got a death wish?" Mirko asked, but she didn't expect an answer. This was noted by the two villains as they got into battle stances, this was not a fight they could win by themselves.

"Tsk tsk, I'm going back stab you now." Himiko threw a small pocket knife into Magne's arm and charged at her, catching the villain by surprise.

"Damn you! Didn't your parents teach you kids not to play with knives!"


'So it has begun...' Yahiko silently looked at all of the chaos in the forest before turning his attention back to the paralyzed child in front of him. He stood in complete shock as he saw the blue flames burning the forest and multiple explosions going off.

"Do you understand the situation now? If you keep on acting like this, I will leave you out here to die alone. You aren't my problem you know, is that what you want?"

"N-no." Kota replied quickly, almost biting his tongue.

"Alright then, let me take care of this problem quickly then, I'll take you back to the others afterwards." Yahiko simply turned around and looked at the cloaked figure approaching them. His size was nothing to scoff at, he was well over six feet and was quite broad. The cloaked figure got rid of his disguise as he stopped about fifteen feet away from them, letting them get a good look at their killer. The scar over his left eye was his second most noticable feature, the first being the eye itself, which was a prosthetic. His blonde hair and arrogant attitude reminded Yahiko of someone he dislikes, which made him want to kill the villain slowly but he had better things to do.

"Hey now, what are you two doing up here alone? It's like you're asking to be killed. Shouldn't you be playing in the woods with your friends? Hey wait a minute, orange hair, purple eyes, bunch of piercings, you're the kid I'm supposed to capture! Haha! To think you'd be up here of all places, well at least this makes my job easier! Heh, I'm sure Shigaraki wouldn't mind if I bring you back dead, I don't see the point of going through the trouble of restraining you anyway." Muscular finally shut the fuċk up and strengthened himself, his muscle fibers escaped from his skin and a wicked smile crept onto his face.

"...Are you done? Summoning Jutsu." Yahiko quickly slammed his hands town the ground and a giant. puff of smoke which impeded everyone's vision. Muscular had his guard up and waited for an attack, but he set his sights on the giant horned figure towering over him in the smoke.

'Now that Muscular is out of the way, I can go get some new paths. I just have to get dump this kid off to someone else though.' Yahiko thought to himself as he summoned his giant drill-beaked bird, surprising Kota once again.

"Get on." Yahiko ordered.


"Get on the bird." Yahiko spoke as he carved some rocks off the side of the mountain.

Kota sent a few nervous glances at the giant bird before reluctantly getting on like he was told. Yahiko also got on shortly after as he carried a few larges rocks with him, but the extra weight didn't seem to bother the bird at all.


'DAMN IT! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!' These were the thoughts going through Yosetsu's head as he ran like hell while dragging the unconscious Momo along with him. He was trying his best to escape from the chainsaw Nomu that was hot on his heels, but it was impossible for him to get away while carrying another person.

'FUCK! I don't want to die a vɨrġɨn! Please God if you exist, SAVE MY FUCKING ASS ALREADY!' Ask and you shall receive my child.

A large shadow loomed over the three of them, making them stop and look up for a moment. Yosetsu quickly moved himself and Momo out of the was as the large object was approaching, it took the Nomu a bit longer to move out of the way but it still managed to do so.


The large object crashed into the earth, blowing dirt and dust in all directions. It was shortly followed by a smaller and less impactful object, which broke when it hit the ground. The larger object grunted loudly and stood up after struggling a bit, but it knocked over the remaining trees that surrounded them. Yosetsu was able to get a good look at it and nearly shat himself, he had asked god for help but... an ox? Really? Is this some kind of joke? He quickly disregarded those thoughts when he noticed that the large creature was staring at him, as if it was ȧssessing him before it turned it's attention over to the chainsaw Nomu.

The Nomu had bȧrėly gotten back up before it was knocked down again, the giant ox was mercilessly stomping on the Nomu. It's current objective was to turn the small humanoid before it into paste, and it was succeeding.

"..." Yosetsu had no idea what was going on but he's glad that god was real and had sent him an angel from the heavens to save him.

"God is real! I'm going pray to god everyday for a girlfriend!"


'That sounds another satisfied customer.' Yahiko simply nodded in approval as he dropped a crab on a guy who had blade teeth.

'Now then, onto the next.'

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