My Hero Academia: The Ajin Gamer

54 Izu Birthday Part Three

Seeing that Itsuka returned without Katsuro, the sinister duo shook their head in disappointment. Other than them, pouring sake for Katsuro, they also drank some themselves.

[Lilian: See? Look at my daughter! What a buzz kill! She just doesn't know what's fun!]

[Nemuri: Leave her alone Lily. She will understand once she gets older. I am sorry Itsu-chan, but we need to let go once in a while. You should also drink some.]

Itsuka sighed and replied, "I do understand. However, this is Izuku's party and three of you are already wasted. Aren't you being a bit rude?"

Lilian looked at her daughter and couldn't help but comment, "When I was your age, I already pounced on your father. He had no chance to resist. Childhood friend always wins! That Katsuro girl has a bigger chance of getting him than you. If I were you, I would just jump him today and seal the deal. Moreover, that Katsuro girl is asleep and won't be waking up anytime soon. I am really disappointed that you are struggling for so many years.."

Itsuka turned red in shame and quickly took a look in Izuku's direction. Seeing that he didn't hear them, she calmed herself down.

'God, my mom sure is embarrassing when she is drunk.' Itsuka thought.'

Lilian looked at Nemuri and continued, "You girl, are even a bigger disappointment than my daughter. You've been single your whole life and you are calling yourself R rated hero, but you have no experience. How stupid."

Nemuri jolted in shock and quickly put her hands on Lilian's mouth.

"S-She is lying! I-It's just a lie of a drunk women. D-Don't trust her!"

Seeing that Nemuri was desperate, Itsuka pretended as if she didn't hear it and went towards Izuku instead.

"Hey, you are back. How did the talk go."

Itsuka put on her poker face and nodded, "It went fine, but I feel bad for you, since you are the person celebrating, but you are sitting here, completely alone and you are eating in silence."

Izuku waved her off and replied, "Oh, I am completely fine. I am glad that they are enjoying themselves. I didn't really need a party like this anyway."

"Oh! Come to think of it, we still didn't give you your presents! How about we go an-" All of a sudden, Itsuka stopped talking.

"Hmm? Are you okay?"

Itsuka nodded but in reality, she was thinking about something dangerous.

'If I were you, I would just jump him today and seal the deal. Moreover, that Katsuro girl is asleep and won't be waking up anytime soon.'

'No. I can't do something like that... Or can I?'

'Think about how Kacchan would feel, you will lose your friend.'

'But, I will gain a lover.'

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'She had a headstart, but now, my chances are bigger.'

While Itsuka was having an inner battle with her thoughts, Izuku was confused the whole time.

'What is up with her, she is acting really weird.'

"Izu! Come with me. I've got all of your presents prepared!" Itsuka smiled and grabbed his hand.

Walking hand in hand, they arrived in front of Itsuka's room.

Seeing her room Izuku couldn't help but frown.

'Why would she have all of my presents in her room?'

She opened the door and surprisingly, all of the presents were on the her bed.

Izuku walked in and looked at the gifts in anticipation. He never got so many gifts from people.

He went ahead and opened the first one.

It was a tutorial on how to make the cake he ate today. From Nemuri. ❤️

His second gift was from Kacchan, it was a t-shirt of his favorite metal band.

His third gift was from Lilian, she gave him a 50 years old bottle of wine.

There was also a small paper that read.

[The older the wine is, the better it is. I hope that one day, we will be celebrating my daughter's wedding with you, while drinking this wine! From Lilian!]

Izuku chuckled at that. Even though he was embarrassed, he thought that her message was funny.

"The next one is mine, I hope you like it." Itsuka said.

Izuku looked at the last present and carefully opened it.

Inside of the present, was a small hero figure of All Might with his old hero costume.

Looking at the All Might figure, Izuku had mixed feelings.

"Do you like it?"

Izuku lightly smiled and replied, "Yes, thank you. I love it."

Izuku didn't want to disappoint Itsuka, so he told her that he liked it, but in fact, he already thought about his fan boy hobby and felt that he had to stop.


3 months ago.

"Izuku, what's that noise?" Inko asked from the kitchen.

Izuku walked into the kitchen and said, "I want to renovate my room and I think its pointless that there is a wall which leads right to the guest room, how about we just remove it."

'If we remove the wall, Himiko will have an easier path that would lead right into my room'

Inko smiled and said, "What for? Do you want more space for your All Might collection? If that's so, we can put your stuff somewhere else. You don't need to remove the entire wall."

"No, I am planning on removing all of the All Might stuff. I think it's too childish."

Inko thought about it and agreed with Izuku's plan.

"Alright, in that case, I will have to buy you tons of new stuff into your room. Also, if you really want to take that wall down, we will need to call someone to help us."

Izuku smiled and replied, "There is no need, I can take care of it myself."

Following which he went back upstairs and summoned his ghost.

The control over his ghost was superb at this point. Alle he needed to do, was to give him instructions and the ghost would do it.

Ghost took a basic stance and pierced the wall with his hand. Following which he delicately cut the wall in front of him to create an ideal shape for person to walk through.

"Perfect Blackie, all I need to now, is to take care of the plaster."

Just like that, Himiko had a free way into his bedroom every night for her daily dose of blood.

It was really awkward for her to go all around the house just to get into his bedroom. She was seen by Izuku's mom a few times and she couldn't help but blush every time.

Inko was a master of misunderstandings and she still thinks that her son Izuku and Himiko are making love every night.

While it's a good cover up for her, it's still really embarrassing when she gets lectured about safe sex every time.

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