My Hero Academia: The Ajin Gamer

55 Izu Birthday Part Four

Seeing Izuku's absent-minded state, Itsuka couldn't help but worry, 'Does he already have this kind of figure? I tried to find the rarest I could find. I hope he doesn't have it yet.'

"I hope that you don't own this rare figure yet."

"No I don't, you don't need to worry about such a silly thing. Thank you for your gift I really appreciate it."

At this point in time, Itsuka already decided that she wouldn't take a headstart because of Kacchan. She regarded her as her sister and she didn't want to lose this bond.

If Kacchan didn't like Izuku, or if she had a boyfriend already, she would most likely commit tonight. She didn't believe that Izuku would resist that much.

"I think it's time for me to go, there are people waiting for me at home. Thank you for the party, it was fun."

Itsuka nodded and both of them went back to the living room.

Lilian and Nemuri were peacefully sleeping in each other's embrace on the sofa, so Izuku only said a quick goodbye to Itsuka and went back home with his gifts.

On his way back, he received a call from All Might and both of them talked about tomorrow.

"I expect great things from you my boy. There will be two more students attending the exam, but I am pretty sure I've already told you about that. One of them is a daughter of a multibillionaire couple and the other one is one of Endeavor's daughters. She has a double quirk, just like your girl friend Kendo."

"The curse of Todoroki family huh" Izuku mumbled.

"So, you've heard of it boy.. Out of 5 Endeavor's kids, all of them are females. He always wanted a son. He wanted to groom him, so that he could one day defeat me in his stead. I always believed that him, trying to defeat me, was always childish. We should fight villains, not one of our own, just for the self-satisfaction of becoming a higher ranking hero." All Might sighed before continuing,

"Even though his fifth kid is a girl, he couldn't tolerate having so many daughters, so his rage finally erupted and he started treating his daughter as a boy. In result, he turned his little princess into a cold tomboyish prince. So, I am begging you, her mother and I are old friends. Would you be her friend?

I am pretty sure her situation is similar with yours."

Izuku thought for a while before responding, "Well, I agree that I don't have many friends, but even I wouldn't want to befriend a weirdo. Besides, I have so many female friends and 0 male friends.

The ratio is a bit unbalanced. We will have to see."

"Thank you young Midoriya, look, there is only a slight problem."

"What kind of problem?" Izuku asked.

"She cannot make friends with anyone who is weaker than her. That's her father's wish and she will obey it, even if you were the richest, the most popular and the funniest person." All Might replied.

Izuku smiled and said, "That's good. She better be strong. I am hoping to fight some strong opponents."

They talked for a few minutes before All Might hanged up.

Some time later, Izuku got home. He looked at the clock, it was 20:00.

Hearing that Izuku finally returned home, Himiko rushed towards him and hugged him.

"Why are you so late Izuku~, do you have any idea how long I've waited for you~"

"Himiko, Are you drunk?."

Himiko shook her head and replied, "No~No~ I've been resting till 12am, but you still didn't return so, I just patiently waited for you~ No~ drinking No~ drinking!"

Izuku's nose wasn't as sensitive as his mother's, however, he could still smell the heavy fragrance of alcohol from her mouth.

"Why did you drink?" Izuku asked.

"I dunno, I was bored so I took out a bottle of wine from the fridge and dran- ups hehe."

'What a silly girl.' Izuku smiled.

He could tell that she felt lonely

"Don't worry, next time I attend some kind of party, I will let you come with me, how about it?"

Himiko's eyes lit up and her smile bloomed. "Deal, don't ya forget this! I will kill you if yo-... I will kill you multiple times!" remembering that Izuku was immortal, she quickly changed her sentence.

"Good, let me take a shower first and you can drink my blood in a minute."

After showering, Izuku arrived into his bedroom and Himiko was already waiting for him in her pajamas.

For the past 5 months, Izuku died every day, just to give her enough blood. After a few weeks of trying, Himiko learned a way to suck his blood without spilling the blood on the nearby blanket or clothes.

After having her fill, Himiko laid down on the bed and relaxed.

"Hah, your blood feels so good every time I drink it. It's like some kind of drug and I am already far beyond any treatment." Himiko said with a hint of ecstasy.

"I am glad you like it, but... Himiko.. This is my bed you know?"

Himiko giggled and replied, "I kno~w, but I don't feel like lea~ving, can I sleep he~re?"

Izuku has dealt with a lot of things in his life, he fought for his life multiple times, he died multiple times and he even killed a person. But receiving affection from girls is something he will probably never get accustomed to. He just feels too embarrassed when it comes to things like this. It's the same as with Itsuka, Nemuri and Kacchan too.

Moreover, these girls always liked to tease him like this and now, even Himiko does the same exact thing.

Izuku didn't want to be pushed around by girls anymore. Therefore, he decided that he will tease her back. Little did he know that that, was a big mistake.

"Sure, I don't mind. You can sleep in my bed from now on." Izuku replied.

"Su~re, thank you~" Himiko smiled and Izuku could feel a dangerous glint in her eyes. Sure enough, she immediately wrapped her legs around his, and made a pillow out of his chest.

"Wh-What are you doing Himiko!" Izuku exclaimed in embarrassment.

This was probably the closest he ever was to a girl.

"You said that I can sleep here ri~ght. Come to think of it, I have yet to give you your gift." Himiko chuckled and leaned over him.

Izuku was entranced by her golden pupils which were glowing in the dark and couldn't help but mutter, "How beautiful"

Hearing his words, Himiko gently smiled and whispered, "Here is your gift"

Himiko's face slowly approached his and Izuku already knew that he couldn't stop it.

She gently kissed him and quickly pulled back. Seeing that he wasn't resisting, she tried to do it again, this time, with her tongue.

Izuku was on cloud nine. This was a feeling he has never experienced before.

He enjoyed his first kiss to the fullest. Even though it was a bit short. He felt quite lonely once she stopped, but it didn't take long before she continued and this time, she put her tongue in.

'Even though her tongue tastes sweet, I can still feel some of my leftover blood on her tongue, it's a weird feeling.'

After they exchanged their saliva, as if it was some kind of natural instinct, Izuku held her hand affectionately in his, and imprinted some small kisses upon her lips.

Toga was flushed red, She snuggled in his arms, and received another one of his kisses. Izuku could feel her temperature rising by each passing second.

He knew that she was completely in the mood. However, he held himself back. He knew that if he were to continue, he will regret it in the future.

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'Think about Kacchan and Itsuka...'

Seeing that he stopped with the kisses, Himiko just looked at him and waited for him to make the next move, she was ready to give her all to him. She never thought that she would ever fall in love with her condition, but she did.

She loved his kindness, his appearance, his blood. There was simply nothing she disliked about him. He was even willing to die for her multiple times, so that she wouldn't kill innocent people. How can you not love him?

Before meeting him, Himiko had countless sleepless nights, which were mostly due to nightmares, that haunted her every night. Most of the time, she dreamed about the people she killed. But once she met him, she could sleep soundly.

"H-Himiko.. I-I am glad that this happened, however, I-I am not ready to take the next step yet. I am sorry." Izuku stuttered.

Himiko widened her eyes and smiled, "Sure, I don't mind. But I have two conditions."

"I am listening."

"I want to be sleeping here every night from now on, and I want us to kiss, at least once in a while. Is that okay with you?"

"S-Sure I don't mind." Izuku replied in embarrassment

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