Izuku woke up early in the morning. He was full of energy.

Looking around he saw Toga, lying on his bed. She looked like a cute kitten.

'It's still too early for her. It's 4 am. I need to do my jog and I have to be ready by 6 am, since my test begins at 7 am.' Izuku thought.


Some time has passed, and Izuku finally arrived at the U.A. Academy.

'Damn, this place sure is big.'

He looked around, but he couldn't find the right building where the test is supposed to be conducted.

'I should probably ask for help. But who should I ask? There are mostly students around, and I doubt that they will be of any use to me.'


Izuku immediately cringed when he heard that voice. He knew who it was without even turning around, he just didn't expect that he would meet her that soon.

Soon enough, he received a hug from behind.

"Hey! Izuku! I hope you are not ignoring me!"

"Of course I am not, Nemuri, but you should show some modesty when there are so many eyes around." Izuku helplessly laughed.

It was indeed, the R rated hero Midnight! It's been quite a long time since he saw her in her hero suit.

"Tch, who gives a damn about them! Now that you are here, our fun can finally begin. Sadly, I already know who your homeroom teacher is going to be once you pass, and I am quite angry with principal's decision. I wanted to be your homeroom teacher!" Nemuri cried.

'I am pretty sure I know why he gave me to someone else. If I were to have her as my teacher, she would be constantly on me the whole time. She won't have time to teach us anything, but it's not like I can tell her that' Izuku sighed.

He looked around and could see that some of the students were looking their way, and some of them were even whispering. Izuku didn't really want to be a part of someone's gossip, so he quickly pulled himself away from her hug and said, "Look, Nemuri, I know that you are happy that I am finally here. I am happy as well. It's just that I don't have much time right now. I need to conduct my test right now."

Looking at Izuku, Nemuri knew he was ashamed to do stuff like this in public, so she stopped.

Her face turned serious as she said, "Actually, I am your examiner! You will be fighting me! If you pass, you will get admitted! If not, then... You will still have a chance tomorrow."

Izuku hadn't expected this answer from her, he knew that he will be fighting a hero, however, he never expected its going to be her.

"Follow me, the training ground is nearby."

Izuku nodded, and together, they strolled the campus. Izuku couldn't help but notice, that almost every male or female would turn around the moment they went by.

'Nemuri sure is popular. Regardless of gender, people just turn around when she passes by. When I met her for the first time, I felt quite uncomfortable as well, however, as we talked about cooking, that feeling quickly disappeared.'

[Izuku: You sure are popular, Nemuri. Every student acts like they are in love with you. Even some girls couldn't help but look at you when you passed by. ]

Nemuri turned around and chuckled, "Who says those girls are looking at me?"

This answer left Izuku dumbfounded. 'Her answer doesn't make sense, I will just leave it at that.'

Both of them walked into a big stadium and Izuku could clearly see the 2 students who will be taking the exam with him.

One of them was a black haired girl, with a ponytail. She looked like a serious person. But her clenched fists showed that the girl was clearly anxious about something. Most likely the test.

The other one, was interesting. While half of her head was white, the other half was crimson red. She had a cold look on her face and she didn't even bother to look at Izuku when he arrived.

'She truly is an arrogant girl. I am ready to see what you have to offer.' Izuku smiled.

As if sensing his gaze, she turned to look at him. She continued observing him for a while and showed no signs of stopping.

'Oi, Oi I was just joking. There is no way that she can actually read my mind, now can she?'

Looking over at the dumbfounded Izuku, Nemuri poked him with her elbow.

"Looking at something you like? That girl is the princess... prince... Wait... Yeah! Princess! I almost forgot that Todoroki's are unable to have male descendants!"

Nemuri said it out load for the Todoroki girl to hear. In response to that, the girl's red side began to burn. She threw Nemuri one more threatening glance before turning around and walking away.

"See? The whole Todoroki household is annoying. They pride themselves on how strong they are with their flame manipulation, but in the end, they aren't even capable of producing a male heir."

Izuku was quite shocked to hear something like that from Nemuri.

"Why do you hate them? Do you have some kind of personal history with them?" Izuku asked.

Nemuri shook her head and said, "No! They are just a bunch of arrogant antisocial pricks. Just like your childhood friend!"

Izuku could have sworn that he have heard those words before.

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"Izuku, I will now explain the rules of the bout. At first, a random teacher will be assigned to you as your sparring partner. Well, it won't really be all that random since I asked for you."

Izuku just shook his head and let her continue.

"Your goal is to either defeat, the hero, or to show your ability. Students with recommendations were naturally selected as the strongest, or wisest people. Looking at your 2 colleagues, both of them fit into both of those categories. Therefore, it is expected that you will perform well. All of the eyes are on you, since the headmaster personally admitted you through the letter."

Izuku wasn't really listening to her. He was already trying to think of a plan against her. The notebooks which were written by him were a great advantage in fights against heroes and villains.

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