My Hero Academia: The Ajin Gamer

80 Endeavor's fury

We welcome UH-60 Black Hawks as well! [Had to google it though]


Izuku left the infirmary and took a deep breath. He knew that it was because of him that Shiro suffered so much today and he felt that he had to make it up to her. Seeing that she was in danger, he immediately grabbed the chance and helped her.

"That Mineta almost committed one of the worst crimes. I want to see what will happen to him. would be his first offense and he is still underage, but his parents will be loaded with problems." Izuku sighed.

He was about to return home when he saw Nezu walking up to him with a smile.

"Took you long enough...I was wondering when you were going to stop what was happening but you weren't coming so I stepped in." Izuku said.

Nezu nodded and replied, "I was about to shoot him with a remote controlled tranquilizer gun, but once I saw that you were still in the room I just watched the show."

Izuku laughed and replied, "Yeah well...Seeing that one of your students was suffering at the hands of another student sure brings you joy, right?"

"From the moment he wanted to assault the girl I regarded him as a parasite. He won't be allowed on this school nor to any other hero academy. I can't let someone like that become a hero. What would people think of heroes if I let him study at my school? Besides, I love when humans try to kill each other." Nezu shivered in excitement.

Izuku knew that it had to do something with him, being experimented on by humans. He noticed his relationship bar a long time ago and it called him a Subject 427. He could see where his sadistic tendencies came from. You could say that Izuku was the same. He also had a sadistic personality which he developed by experimenting on Himiko multiple times.

"So...What is going to happen to him?" Izuku asked.

"As he committed a crime and we have evidence, Endeavor might appeal for a lawsuit which could potentially get him into a school prison. I should have listened to you from the very beginning. I should have kicked him earlier." Nezu frowned.

"It doesn't matter, he will get what he deserves. By the way, what is a school prison, I never knew that there was something like that in Japan. Is it some kind of a new project?" Izuku asked with curiosity.

Nezu knew that he will ask him about it so he said, "Yeah, we created school prisons for kids who misuse their quirks and teenagers who are violent and commit crimes."

"Well, that's interesting. Seems like the government finally cares about its people."

"Well, actually...I was the one who proposed it to them and they agreed. I didn't expect that it would pass but somehow, it did." Nezu replied.

"Is that so. Okay, I should be going home. It's quite late already. I might come and check on you tomorrow, see ya." Izuku waved at him and left.

"Enjoy the rest of your day." Nezu said and pulled out his phone.


Todoroki household.

Endeavor was sitting on his giant throne and drank wine.

"Where is she? That brat should have been here already. We don't have much time to spar anymore. It seems like she wants to miss her dinner tonight."

Just then, his phone rang and he picked it up.

"What is it Nezu? Do you have some news for me regarding Izuku Midoriya?"

Nezu sighed and replied, "Endeavor, like I said, his situation is a bit special and I can't reveal much about his quirk."

Hearing him Endeavor clicked his tongue and said, "Then why are you calling me? Is it an emergency? I am quite busy." he drank the last glass of wine and stood up from his throne to get some more.

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"Well, actually, your daughter had collapsed from training." Nezu said.

Endeavor dropped his glass and angrily shouted, "What do you mean collapsed?! She isn't a weakling what happened to her?!"

"She went past her limits on today's exam."

'I see. It looks like she was trying to compete with Izuku Midoriya and she lost again. How weak.'

Endeavor snorted and replied, "What place did she end up getting? Don't tell me she was third?!"

Nezu took a deep breath and said, "Your daughter... Ended up... Second to last."

Endeavor kicked flipped his table and shouted, "What did you say?! Second to last?! Were there only 3 students participating today?!"

Nezu sighed and prepared himself for the worst, "No. Out of 20 students, she ended up in the 19th place. She had a bad day Endeavor. Student Mineta Minoru was kicked out due to him ending up, in the last place."

Endeavor roared and burned everything around him to ash. "Trash! She is trash! This isn't how I brought her up! 19th place out of 20?! She is just as bad as the guy who's got kicked out of the class! I've never felt this much humiliation in my life!"

"Endeavor, there is more..."

This time, Endeavor was shocked, "What do you mean more?! Don't tell me she was kicked out too!?"

"After collapsing, your daughter was resting in the infirmary, when the student Mineta Minoru sneaked into the infirmary and wanted to take advantage of your daughter."

Endeavor's fury erupted, "Did... That... Little... Twerp... Do something?!"

"You don't have to worry, luckily, Izuku Midoriya, the guy who carried your daughter into infirmary, saw what happened and stopped him in time. He also gave him good beating and broke most of his bones in the process."

Endeavor smiled and said, "Good! Good! I will be there in a few minutes. But don't think I will let this slide! That little brat will pay for this!" saying that, Endeavor hanged up the call and took a quick shower to calm his nerves.

'Midoriya Izuku. It looks like her plan is working... Whether she is aware of it or not.'

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