We welcome all genders, even helicopters ????! https://discord.gg/zf87PSe

After some consideration, we will allow furries as well! (I am desperate) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Mineta's face was black due to anger. He couldn't believe that his teacher sided with her. He knew that he didn't have much potential as a hero but he wanted to be a hero ever since he was a kid. While he could still be in class 1B, he will have a much smaller chance to become known in the world. Class B graduates usually become sidekicks or teachers. While some of them shined, they had to work hard to be recognized. Class 1A was perfect for becoming known.

'I know! He must be corrupted! He couldn't just kick Todoroki from his class since she was the daughter of Endeavor. How unfair!' Mineta clenched his fists and glared at Aizawa.

"I am sorry but this is reality. I mostly observed you and Todoroki this exercise and I can say that not only does your quirk not have a good application, it's also defective." Aizawa sighed and continued, "You start bleeding after you pull 5 balls from your head and that's supposed to be your quirk? All it does is stick.

It would be really good against villains but since you have a limit, it's completely worthless. You may go and visit Recovery Girl if you have any injuries. If you have none, go home. You will be attending class 1B starting tomorrow."

Mineta grit his teeth and walked away from the training ground.

Watching him leave like that, some students couldn't help but feel sympathy for him.

"Wasn't that too much teacher Aizawa?" Ochaco asked.

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Aizawa looked at her and said, "It was for his own good. He can't stay like that. Besides, the elite students should have some decency, even I saw that he was just looking at you girls the whole time instead of putting effort into this exercise and he didn't even try to hide it. While I admit that you are teenagers and you have plenty of hormones and stuff...You should still keep them in check."

Iida nodded and said, "I think teacher Aizawa did the right thing. I don't think Mineta should be angry with him. If he wants to stay here, he needs to develop his skills. Sending him into class 1B was the best choice for him to prepare him. Of course, that is if he even wanted to be a hero in the first place."

"Okay... Anyway... This was all for today. Tomorrow, you will have classes with me and Midnight. We will be teaching you about quirks and their applications. You are dismissed." saying that he left.

Katsuro was looking around but couldn't find Izuku. 'Did Deku go home already? Well, that doesn't matter, I need to tell Itsuka that she might still have a chance!'


Mineta just wanted to get home to relax. This day was so tiring for him. Not only did he have to exercise for a whole day, but he also got kicked out of the class.

'Ugh... I don't even want to know what my parents might say. I will most likely receive a beating.'

As he walked through the school halls, he saw a big sign which read "Infirmary".

'Ah, come to think of it, my ex-teacher mentioned that I should check it out.

Thinking that he walked in. The place was empty and it looked like The Recovery Girl was out on an errand.

He wanted to leave but he saw something out of a corner of his eyes. It was Shiro Todoroki, sleeping soundly on the bed.

Mineta frowned and murmured, "It's because of you and Midoriya, that my dream is now harder to achieve."

Mineta had a dream, like every human being. His dream was a bit different though. He always wanted to be a hero, so that people would look up to him. He also wanted to have a harem, full of beautiful girls. Yet all of that was almost destroyed by those two. Having 2 or more wives was normal in society nowadays, while mostly higher-ranked individuals could enjoy this comfort, there were still some who were fortunate enough to find themselves, two wives, even if they were poor.

Mineta looked at the defenseless Shiro and couldn't help but grin.

'Well, she owes me something after getting me kicked. It would only be natural for me to...see something nice.'

Thinking that Mineta slowly removed her uniform and her hoodie. Seeing that she still had a shirt underneath, he frowned, "How many layers of clothes does she still have on her?!"

Mineta wanted to continue but he noticed someone's shadow so he quickly turned around and couldn't help but shiver.

"So, you still haven't learned your lesson. I already warned you twice about your behavior. Denki Kaminari told me you two were friends from childhood. But even if you are his friend... This one will hurt."

Seeing his gentle smile, Mineta knew he was in danger. He quickly protected himself with his arms, but the moment he got hit by Izuku's fist, both of his arms were bent in a weird shape. Even though he protected himself with his arms, he was really weak in close combat and he couldn't defend against Izuku. Izuku's punch went through

Mineta coughed out blood and couldn't move.

'I think my ribcage is broken... I can't breathe...'

Izuku calmly walked to him and said, "Say, do you want to know why you fell that time on the track field?'

Mineta shook his head but Izuku continued, "It wasn't because you were clumsy... It was because of this." Izuku snapped his fingers and Blackie's head appeared right next to Mineta's.

Mineta slowly moved his head to the right and started crying. Was it because of the pain? Or the fear? Maybe both?

A black face with no eyes calmly stared down at him. It didn't have a mouth, yet you could clearly hear its words.

◄█ D̷O̷N̷'̷T̷ W̷O̷R̷R̷Y̷,̷ I̷T̷ W̷O̷N̷'̷T̷ H̷U̷R̷T̷..̷ M̷U̷C̷H̷.̷. █►

It placed both of its hands-on Mineta's neck. Mineta was completely defenseless as his ribcage was broken. There was nothing he could do. He could feel the cold fingers of the monster around his neck.

'Please... Someone...'

"What are you rascals doing here?! This is the infirmary, you can't ju-" Recovery Girl gulped down her words once she noticed how badly injured Mineta was.

"Jeez, you brats don't know where the fun ends. To injure him this badly, what did you do? Ugh... He even pissed himself.. Ah... Kids... " Recovery Girl frowned and quickly kissed his forehead to heal him.

Izuku smiled and replied, "I just punched him."

Izuku was glad that he managed to hide Blackie. It was really close.

'She walks too quietly, I didn't notice her presence at all.' Izuku thought as he looked at the automated camera in the corner of the room.

'That should have caught him in the act. Just how stupid do you have to be to do such a thing in front of a camera. Trash.' Izuku gave him one more glare before he left the room.

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