My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 188: Using Apparation For The First Time

The holiday life is always so pleasant, Richard lives from 11 to 11 every day, a muddle-headed life.

Well, I just get up at eleven o'clock every day, and then I don't go to bed until eleven o'clock in the evening.

As for the early exercise, because the effect is not very obvious, he was ruthlessly abandoned by him. It is more appropriate to extract it from magical animals, and the effect is more significant, but the chance is smaller.

It was a day in the first week of August when Richard was playing with little Ariana in the living room after dinner.

Suddenly there was a sound of thunder and explosions coming in from outside, Richard ignored Ariana's babbling dissatisfaction, and handed her back to Olivia.

He walked out of the room with Phoebe who had teleported over.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Richard for coming here without telling you." Dumbledore's voice came over.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you here for dinner so late? I'm sorry we just had dinner, how about some leftovers for you?"

While teasing, Richard came to Dumbledore's side and hugged him.

"What a bad boy, can't you just watch your poor professor do it all over again at his age?"

Hearing Dumbledore's tone was not in a hurry, I knew it shouldn't be a big deal.

Sure enough, Dumbledore then said to Richard in a playful tone.

"Harry, he accidentally blew his aunt into the sky at home, I hope you can go and see him."

"I'm not his nanny, why run away from home, won't it be fine in two days?" It's such a late day, Richard doesn't want to wander around and suck babies at home, isn't he good?

"Oh, by the way, Richard, you may not know that Sirius Black has escaped from prison, and there is evidence that he came after Harry. He is in danger now." Dumbledore said with a serious face.

"Okay, okay, you really know how to squeeze me, why don't you go by yourself." Richard reluctantly agreed.

Hearing that Richard agreed, Dumbledore also showed a relaxed expression.

"You have to be considerate of your professor, he is already over a hundred years old, and he is about to die soon, this world will belong to you sooner or later.

Looking at Dumbledore's energetic face, Richard was also speechless.

"Yes, yes, the world is yours and ours, but in the end it is still Smecta's."

"Do you need me to take you there?" Dumbledore asked directly, ignoring Richard's complaints.

"Wait a minute, I'll go back and tell you, do you want to come in?" Richard walked into the room.

"No, I'll wait for you here."

After Richard got home, he talked to Olivia and Wilson.

After Wilson greeted Dumbledore through the window, he agreed. After all, it was more reassuring to have the principal with him.

After Richard came out, Dumbledore didn't say much, and directly prepared to apparate with Li Suo.

"Wait, professor, I want to try to apparate myself, please guide me~"

Hearing Richard's words, Dumbledore agreed without thinking too much. After all, he already had Richard's magic power, and it was unreasonable not to apparate.

"Remember, the three D principles, purpose, determination, and calm." Dumbledore said to Richard.

Richard nodded, and tried his best to recall the appearance of No. 4 Privet Drive.

Then he made up his mind that he must move to No. 4, Privet Drive, and must go there. This idea flooded Li Jian's brain to his whole body.

Finally, Richard turned around in a circle calmly, at this moment, a crackling sound sounded out of thin air, and Richard also disappeared in place.

Dumbledore checked it carefully, and yes, there were no parts left in place.

and then moved over

"Very good. Even I, apart from being more proficient than you, I can't do better in other aspects."

Dumbledore paused and continued,

"However, the Ministry of Magic stipulates that only those who pass the assessment of the Ministry of Magic after the age of seventeen can use Apparition.

"I didn't use it. It was Phoebe. That's right, Phoebe used the spell to bring me here." Richard said nonsense.

Dumbledore didn't say much, after all, this rule is also to protect little wizards, so can Richard be counted among the little wizards?

"Okay, you can look for him, I'll go back first, and after I find him, take him to the Leaky Cauldron, where Fudge is waiting for him."

After saying that, Dumbledore left directly.

Richard looked at the dark street, his brows were wrinkled, and then relaxed again.

Forget it, just look for it, remember that in the original book, Harry got on the Knight Bus by himself and then went to the Leaky Cauldron.

Well, just look for it in ten minutes, if you can't find it in ten minutes, go directly to the Leaky Cauldron and wait.

Thinking of this, Richard wandered aimlessly while admiring the blooming words around him.

Ten minutes later, Richard originally planned to leave directly, but he didn't think that fate would trick him.

On the street in front of him a three-decker bus pulls up on the side of the road.

Richard could also hear the voice of the chatty conductor Stan in the back.

"I'm here to salute, you get in the car, hurry up."

"Harry," Richard called to the thin, bespectacled wizard.

When Harry heard someone calling him, he quickly turned his head and looked over.

"Richard!!!" Seeing that it was Richard, Harry immediately ran over, "Why are you here?"

"I said, can you come up and chat, if you stop here, you will be seen by Muggles." Stan said to the two.

Richard pulled Harry onto the bus.

All the seats on the first floor have been removed, and several beds have been replaced.

Urged by Stan, Richard and Harry walked straight inside and sat down on two empty bunks.

"Where are you going?"

"The Leaky Cauldron, eleven silver Sickles, no chocolate." Richard took out a gold Galleon plus five silver Sickles.

"How do you know? No, I seem to have seen you. Yes, last year, you were the last passenger who took the Knight Bus during the day. Right Ern, do you remember?" Stan turned to the old driver and said.

"I think we should go." Richard said to Stan, pointing to the lights in a nearby house.

"That's right, that's right. If you are seen again, you will be fined. Do you hear me, Ern, London, the Leaky Cauldron." As soon as Stan's voice fell, the bus rushed out like a rocket.

Richard and Harry sat on their respective beds and chatted.

"It's over this time, I'm definitely going to be fired." Harry said to Richard in frustration.

"Why? Is it because you blow up your aunt?"

"I used magic outside of school, by the way, how did you know." Harry looked at Richard in surprise.

"It was Dumbledore who told me that he specifically found me and asked me to come and watch you."

"What? The principal also knows, he must have asked you to watch me so that I don't cause trouble anymore, right?"

"What are you thinking? Of course not. The main reason is that a Death Eater escaped from Azkaban. They all agreed that the Death Eater escaped for you."

At this moment, Stan seemed to have heard something, walked over, took a copy of "Daily Prophet" and said to the two of them.

Death Eaters? Are you talking about this Sirius?"

Seeing Stan approaching, Harry quickly brushed his hair back, trying to cover the scar on his forehead with his bangs. There were enough things to do this night, and he didn't want to be visited like an animal in a zoo.

Harry looked at the newspaper in Stan's hand. There was a big picture on the front page of a man with a sunken face and long, tangled hair. He blinked slowly at Harry. He looked familiar.

"That man, the Muggle papers also featured him," Harry said.

"Of course, this is Sirius Black." Seeing Harry staring at the newspaper in his hand, Stan simply tore off the first page and threw it to Harry.

While Harry was carefully watching the relevant reports, Stan kept staring at the two of them and said suddenly.

"I know you."

Harry was taken aback immediately, and when he hurriedly refuted, he didn't expect Stan to say it to Richard.

"You are Richard Harris, the most recent recipient of the Order of Merlin's Second Class Medal, Ern, look at our car today, there is a big man here."

Ern, the old driver in front, turned his head when he heard the words. At this moment, an elderly woman staggered towards the middle of the road (by De Nuo).

Richard quickly and firmly grasped the armrest beside the bed, and then said to Harry.

"You had better....

Before Richard could finish speaking, the bus stopped instantly, and the huge inertia caused Harry to fly onto the windshield unexpectedly.

"Hold it up." Richard slowly said the remaining two words.

"What did you just say?" Harry limped back to Richard's side.

Richard saw that Harry still had some scrapes from just getting in the car, and a hole in his trousers.

First a Healing Charm, then a Restoration Charm flew at Harry.

"It's nothing, just sit down, I'm going to drive again soon."

Hearing Richard's words, Harry quickly sat down, firmly grasped the armrest, and continued to pick up the newspaper and read it.

Soon, Harry finished reading Sirius' report, then swallowed dryly, and said to Richard.

"You said this person came after me?"

"That's right, they say that Sirius is Voldemort's most loyal subordinate, and you are the one who stopped Voldemort, and now he escaped from prison, and most likely he is targeting you.

Oh my god, Harry felt like it wasn't such a bad thing to get caught using magic outside of school, at least there were worse things waiting for him, a super murderer

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