My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 189 Thank You Bsg75 Boss For The Reward

Soon, the Knight Bus stopped at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

Richard used the Levitation Charm to control Harry's suitcase and walked under the car.

"There you are, Harry." A voice sounded from the side.

"Richard? You're here too, did Albus send you?"

"Good evening Minister Fudge, yes, Headmaster Dumbledore was worried about Harry being alone and let me go." Richard said to Fudge.

At this moment, before Harry could turn around, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Stan yelled, "Oops! Ern, come and see! Come and see! I knew it all along! Ern, Ern! He's Harry Potter! I can see his scars!"

Fudge ignored Stan and the others, but increased the pressure on Harry's shoulders and pushed Harry into the Broken Axe.

A hunched figure with a lantern in his hand emerged from the doorway behind the bar.

This is Tom, the wrinkled, toothless boss.

"You've found him, Minister!" said Tom.

"Yes, Tom, is the room ready?"

"Of course it's ready, it's room 11 on the second floor." Tom said to Fudge, "Good evening, Richard, I didn't expect you to come with Harry."

"Good evening, Mr. Tom, as it happens."

"Okay, don't talk about it yet, let's go up first, I have something to talk to Harry about, Richard, do you want to come together?"

Originally Richard didn't really want to go, but Harry kept looking at him with pitiful eyes, so Ji Ying had no choice but to follow them.

Under Tom's guidance, the three of them came to the second floor and walked into a room that had been prepared a long time ago. Tom flicked his fingers, and a fire was lit in the fireplace, and then he left directly.

Fudge was a little dissatisfied with this, he felt that Tom didn't respect him enough, but after thinking about it, Tom was the patriarch of the twenty-eight pure-blooded aristocratic Abbott family, and their family had controlled the Leaky Cauldron, the entrance to London's wizarding world for hundreds of years He didn't dare to offend Tom.

"You all sit down, Richard, you wait a moment, I have a word with Harry." Fudge said while pointing to the chair by the fire.

Richard nodded indifferently, then took a small sip of the black tea he had prepared earlier, it was a bit cold, Richard snapped his fingers directly at the teacup, and took a sip, um, it was not bad.

Harry sat by the fire, watching Richard's behavior, a little worried, after all, this is not Hogwarts, they can't use spells, but for some reason Minister Fudge didn't say anything as if he didn't see it.

Doesn't this minister know that Richard used a spell?

Fudge took off his pinstriped robes, threw them aside, then hastily pulled up the trousers of his dark green suit and sat down across from Harry.

"I'm Cornelius Fudge, Harry. Minister for Magic."

"Okay, Harry," said Fudge, pouring out the tea.

"I'm not afraid you know, you've got us in a panic. Running out of your aunt and uncle's like that! I thought... But you're okay, that's all that matters." Fudge toasted himself Buttered the pie and pushed the plate towards Harry.

"Eat some, Harry, you look lifeless. Richard, would you like it?"

Seeing Richard shake his head, Minister Fudge continued.

"What you want to know most now is how we solved the unfortunate incident of Miss Maggie being inflated. A few hours ago, two members of the Contingency Reversal Department were ordered to Privet Drive. Miss Maggie recovered. , her memory has also been adjusted. She doesn't remember the incident. That's how it is. No harm done.

Fudge smiled at Harry over the rim of his teacup, rather like an uncle looking at a beloved nephew.

Harry couldn't believe his ears, he opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't think of what to say, so he closed his mouth.

"Ah, you're worried about your aunt and uncle's reaction?" said Fudge.

"Well, I don't deny that they are extremely angry, but as long as you stay at Hogwarts for Christmas and Easter, they are ready to let you go back next summer."

To be honest, Harry wasn't worried about the Dursleys' reaction at all, he just wanted to know whether what Richard said was true, whether he would be fired, and whether he would be punished.

"Minister Fudge, I think now Harry wants to know whether Hogwarts will expel him, and what you plan to do with him." Richard said directly to Fudge what Harry wanted to know most.

Hearing Richard's words, Fudge was taken aback for a moment, "Prisoned?"

"Yes, I'm punished, haven't I broken the law!" Harry said, "A law that restricts minors from using magic!"

"Oh, dear boy, we won't punish you for such a trifle!" said Fudge,

Then impatiently waved his scone.

"That was an accident! We don't send people to Azkaban just to blow up their aunt!"

"But last year, last year, I got a formal warning just because my uncle's goblin spoiled a pudding!"

Harry frowned and said, "The Ministry of Magic said that if I perform any more magic there, I will be expelled from Hogwarts!"

Hearing Harry's words, Fudge was instantly embarrassed.

"Circumstances change, Harry, in the present situation. What we have to consider is.. Surely you don't want to be fired?"

I don't know why Fudge stuttered.

"Of course not," Harry said.

"Then that's fine. Well, don't dare to dare so much. Now you live here first, and you can go directly to Hogwarts when school starts." Fudge said impatiently.

"Okay, let's do this first, you have a good rest, can Richard come out and have a chat?"

Hearing Fudge's words, Richard (cafj) shrugged helplessly, what a trouble.

Richard followed Fudge to the first floor of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Tom, give us a private room."

After speaking, Tom took out a lantern and winked at the two of them.

Fudge and Richard followed Tom's lantern down the narrow passage, and they entered a small booth.

Tom still snapped his fingers, and the fire in the fireplace lit up.

"Minister, would you like something to drink, Richard?"

Both of them refused. After all, they had already had a drink upstairs. Seeing that neither of them planned to drink anything, Tom left the box and closed the door behind him.

"Minister Fudge, I don't know what you want from me?"

"Richard, it's just the two of us now, and I won't play around with you anymore, do you know why Harry wasn't punished this time?"

"Isn't it because of Sirius Black? Because he escaped, and this is the first time in years that someone has escaped from Azkaban. It must have affected you, and everyone knows that Black will definitely go to Harry. , if Harry Potter, the savior, encounters any problems, I am afraid that you, the Minister of Magic, will be even more unstable, and I heard that Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, seems to want to run for the Minister of Magic, you know The Crouch family is a twenty-eight pure-blood family, you are under a lot of pressure right now. 17

"Dumbledore told you?" At this moment, Fudge looked rather ugly, and he held his hands tightly.

"The principal didn't say it, but anyone who knows a little bit about the situation knows it.

"Is this already the case?" Fudge said with a gloomy expression.

Originally, he wanted to trick Richard into watching Harry for him, but he didn't expect a little wizard to be able to see so clearly.

"Richard, I know that protecting Harry with your strength must be more than a mistake, can you help me." Fudge struggled to say the last pleading words.

In fact, if Dumbledore allowed himself to arrange for Aurors to enter Hogwarts, he would not be like this, but Dumbledore firmly refused to allow his own people to enter the school, so he had to ask for the help of a little wizard. Shame, of course he didn't involve Richard because of this, he just almost gave up on Dumbledore, and he even thought that Dumbledore was trying to change himself, thinking that he was not the Minister of Magic, Fudge couldn't accept it in his heart.

"Minister Fudge, I can't control Harry Potter outside the school, but I can promise you at Hogwarts, I won't let anything happen to Harry.

"Really?" Fudge was overjoyed to hear Richard's words, but he also knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, so he asked Richard quickly.

"What do you want? As long as I can do it, I can promise you."

"I don't want anything yet, but you have to remember, you owe me one."

Hearing Richard's words, Fudge thought for a while, and said firmly, "I see."

"Okay, Minister, I'll go and tell Harry that I'm going home, it's too late now." After speaking, Richard walked out of the private room, and when he went upstairs, he saw Harry who was still a little nervous.

"Okay, Harry, you're safe here, no one can hurt you, didn't you see that even the Minister of Magic came to comfort you?"

"No Richard, are you saying I really won't be fired?" Harry asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? No, definitely not." Richard covered his head and said to Harry.

"That would be wonderful."

"By the way Harry, it's almost three weeks before school starts, you've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron, are you all right.

"Of course, I didn't expect such a wonderful thing to happen. It's so wonderful not to stay at the Dursleys' house."

Seeing the smirk on Harry's face, Richard didn't want to say anything more, and said goodbye to Harry directly, and went home directly using Apparition.

But before leaving, he still told Harry that the Weasley brothers should be working part-time at the magic joke shop now, and he could go to them if he was bored. .

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