My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 190: The End Of The Holiday

Britain, London, inside the Leaky Cauldron.

It took Harry several days to get used to his strange new freedom.

Before, he could never sleep when he wanted, or eat when he wanted.

Now he could even go anywhere he wanted, as long as it was inside Diagon Alley, the long cobbled street lined with the most fascinating magic shops in the world.

The only pity is that the twin brothers do not work part-time in the store.

I heard from the owner of the magic joke shop that the Weasley family won the big prize. They went on a trip in August and gave Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet.

One of the above pages is about the Weasley family traveling in Egypt.

Originally, Harry thought that if he could meet the twins, he could let them tell Ronald that he was currently living in the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry had breakfast every morning at the Leaky Cauldron, where he liked to observe the other residents, the funny little witches from the country who came to do their shopping throughout the day, the vulnerable-looking wizards who talked about Transforming Today Arguing over the latest articles in Art, Wild Wizards, Loud Dwarves.

After breakfast, Harry would often go out into the backyard, take out his wand, tap on the third brick from the left above the trash can, and then step back to look at the archway that opened in the wall to Diagon Alley.

Harry spent his long summer days shopping and eating under brightly colored umbrellas outside coffee shops, where his fellow diners exhibited each other's finds or discussed the Sirius Black case.

Instead of hiding under the sheets and holding a torch to do his homework, Harry can now sit in the bright sunshine outside Florin's Soda and work on all his papers, sometimes with Florin himself as a tutor , Florin, in addition to her extensive knowledge of medieval witch-burnings, also offered Harry a free box of ice cream every half hour.

On this day, Harry finished breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron as usual, came to Diagon Alley, and walked towards the soda shop. When he passed the Quidditch boutique, he saw many people crowded there and didn't know what to look at.

Harry was curious, so he squeezed in.

He asked among the excited witches and wizards, until he saw on a newly erected podium, a broom, the most astonishingly beautiful broom he had ever seen in his life.

"Ireland International just ordered seven of these beautiful brooms!" the owner told everyone, this product is the darling of the World Cup!"

Wait until a tall witch in front of Harry walks away so he can read the instructions next to the broom.

Broomsticks such as the Firebolt represent the highest level of craftsmanship at present. The broom handle is refined from ash wood, which is streamlined and exquisite. It is treated with a polish as hard as diamonds and has a registration number engraved by hand. Every broom twig at the end of this product has been screened for its streamlined perfection, so this product is unmatched in balance and precision. The Firebolt can accelerate to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds, and its braking mechanism is charming. Price negotiable.

At this time, Harry had a strong urge to own such a beautiful broom, but the price would definitely be high, and he had to keep reminding himself that he would spend another five years at Hogwarts, and, to Dursley, What would it be like for the Li family to ask for money to buy magic books.

After barely suppressing his desire to buy, Harry spent a little time every day admiring the flying crossbows in the display case through the window.

Of course, Harry still complained from time to time, did Richard forget himself, why didn't Richard come after sending him here?

What is our main character, Richard, doing now?

Now, Richard basically takes an afternoon every two or three days to go to the Granger's house and bring Hermione to his home.

What? Of course they are practicing spells, what else can they do after all they are still young.

Then wait until after dinner to send Hermione back.

The time in the evening is mainly to play with Ariana for a while, and then to reply to Gemma and Penello. Penello is better, and he has to do internships during the holidays. There is not much free time, and this will be a little less.

But Gemma is different, basically the rhythm of a letter every day, although a little tired, but Richard enjoys it.

As for Harry, Richard didn't think about him, a little boy, what did he think about him, besides, didn't he have twin brothers?

Richard forgot about the Weasley family going on a trip, so he thought that Harry must be having fun with the twins now, and the twins would definitely tell Ronald if they knew Harry was there. According to their close relationship, maybe Ronald is now Both had moved to the Leaky Cauldron and Harry kissed me and I went.

Time slipped slowly along with Richard's fulfilling life.

One day when Richard's family was having breakfast, a Hogwarts owl knocked on the window of Richard's house.

"It must be the book list for next semester." Richard said to Wilson and Olivia when he saw the letter that should have the Hogwarts logo handed over by Phoebe.

Wilson shook his old waist, well, he didn't feel anything, and he still didn't feel anything after increasing it a little bit, yes, yes, it seems that the wizard's healing methods are indeed miraculous.

I forgot to explain earlier, just a few weeks ago when Wilson was doing some adult activities with Olivia, he accidentally sprained his waist, but out of the dignity of a father, he kept it from Richard, and the careless Richard didn't notice either, until the day before yesterday when Hermione came here, she saw Wilson's strange walking posture by accident, and she secretly told Richard about it.

When Richard found out, he couldn't laugh or cry, but he quickly asked Madam Pomfrey for some potion to heal Wilson's back injury.

"I'll ask Harris and the others to make an appointment to go together. By the way, Olivia, are you going?"

"Of course, it's too boring to stay at home all the time. Besides, our little Ariana can also see the world of wizards. Maybe she will also be a little wizard."

Wilson made a call to Mr. Granger's studio, and made an appointment to take the children to Diagon Alley to buy books tomorrow morning. At the same time, he also asked Richard to talk to the red-haired wizard to see if they had time.

The next morning, Harris didn't make breakfast at home. After getting up and washing up, Wilson arranged the work on the farm and brought the family to Granger's house.

After brunch at Granger's, Wilson took the two families to the Leaky Cauldron.

When they arrived, the Masjean family happened to be there too.

Seeing that the twins and Ronald were there, but Harry was missing, Richard asked hastily.

"Why isn't Harry with you?"

"Harry? How could he be with us? We didn't have an appointment. I originally called him. That's what I called him. But as soon as the call was connected, before I could say anything, his uncle yelled at me. Hang up the phone."

"You don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Ronald asked curiously.

"Harry has been staying in the Leaky Cauldron lately, George, didn't he visit you guys? I told you he works part-time at the Magic Joke Shop.

-0 for flowers‥

After hearing Richard's words, Ronald, George and Fred looked at each other, and told Richard that they went to Egypt to visit Bill and travel in August.

Several people looked at each other, and then, led by Richard, hurried to Room 11 on the second floor, and knocked on the door of Harry's room.

Not long after, Harry, in his pajamas [with disheveled hair] rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

Seeing everyone, Harry first screamed in surprise, and then quickly invited everyone into the room.

"How do you know I'm here." It was obvious that Harry wasn't awake yet.

"I brought them here." Richard said to Harry, touching his nose.

"Richard?" Harry saw Richard at this moment, and immediately asked with a resentful expression on his face.

"Why haven't you been here since you sent me here, and George and Fred aren't in the Magic Joke Shop, I'm so bored."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know they went on a trip, I thought Ronald would come back to accompany you, but even if it's boring, this place should be better than the Dursleys' house

"Of course, it's ten thousand times better than the Dursleys."


Then the twins pushed Ronald away from Harry.

"It's wonderful, Harry, you really are a natural prankster, and you even blow your aunt into the sky."

"If we dare not do this, mother will break our legs, you did what we didn't do."

"What? Harry, what did you do?" Hermione obviously didn't know about Harry, and looked at him in surprise.

"You can't blame me. It was Maggie. She was the one who talked about my parents first. I was so angry that I couldn't control myself." Harry's little face flushed red.

"Okay, let's stop talking, have you bought Harry's book for next semester?" Richard asked.

"not yet."

"That's right, let's go down first, come down after you change your clothes, let's go buy books together.

After speaking, Richard led everyone out of Harry's room and went downstairs to wait for him.

At this moment, Harry upstairs hurriedly changed his clothes and met his friends again, which made him feel particularly happy, and ran down the stairs cheerfully.

At this moment, Richard and the others stood at the nearest place to the courtyard and waited for Harry.

And Wilson and the other adults sat together, pushing cups and changing glasses from time to time, "and holding ten "Prophet Youbao" printed with the head of Sirius, I don't know what they are talking about.

Arthur saw Harry walking down the stairs, he quickly talked to the others, and went over to pull Harry aside.

"Harry! How are you?"

"Okay, thank you. Haven't they caught him yet?" Harry asked seeing the headshot in the newspaper.

"No," said Arthur, looking extremely serious. "At the ministry, they told us to drop what we were doing and try to find him, but we haven't had that luck yet."

"If we catch him, will there be a reward for us?" Harry asked. “It would be nice to get some more money.

"Don't talk nonsense, Harry," Arthur said gravely, looking closely at him, you can see that he is very nervous, "Blake will not be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard. It will be Ah who will bring him back." Guard of Zkaban, you mark my words."

"By the way, we'll be staying at the Leaky Cauldron tonight. You'll go to the station with us tomorrow. Well, let's do it like this. They're waiting for you."

After Arthur finished speaking, he went back to the table and continued to chat and drink with Wilson and the others. .

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