My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 194 Arriving At Hogwarts

Harry, who was in a coma, felt a burning pain in his face, and this pain also brought him back to consciousness.

By the time he opened his eyes, there were lights above him, the floor was shaking, the Hogwarts Express was moving again, the lights were on again, and just now he seemed to have slipped from his seat onto the floor.

He could see Professor Lupine leaning against him, and Richard, Hermione, Ronald, Neville, and even Ginny were standing behind Professor Lupine and looking at him worriedly.

He felt very uncomfortable, he stretched out his hand to push up the glasses, touched the cold sweat on his face, um, and why did his face hurt a bit, did he just fall and fall on his face.

"What happened just now? Well, where did that monster go? Who was screaming just now?"

"Nobody was screaming." Ronald was still nervous.

Harry looked around the brightly lit compartment. Ginny and Neville were watching him too, both pale.

"But I heard a scream..." The snap made them all jump.

Professor Lupine is breaking a large bar of chocolate into smaller pieces. "Here you are," he said to Harry, handing him a particularly large piece, "eat it. It's good for you."

Harry took the chocolate, but didn't eat it. "What was that just now?" asked Lupine.

"A dementor," he said, handing out chocolates to everyone, a dementor from Azkaban.

Everyone stared at him. Professor Lupine crumpled up the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket.

"Eat it," he said again, "it's good to eat. I'm going, it might be a little troublesome, after all, that dementor just now..." He walked past Harry and disappeared into the corridor.

"Are you sure you're all right, Harry?" Ronald looked at Harry anxiously.

"I don't understand, what happened just now?" Harry said, wiping the sweat that had come back from his face.

"Well, that guy, the dementor, stands there looking around. I mean, I think 560 does that. I can't see the face."

"I think you're scared or something," Ronald said, still terrified. "You go stiff, you fall out of your seat, and you start convulsing."

"Richard woke up at some point, walked towards the dementor, and took out his wand." Hermione said, "He cast a spell, and a silver-white light came out from his wand, forming a It was a snake-like animal. At that time, the dementor was frightened and wanted to escape, but it was pierced by Richard's spell and turned into a black mist."

"It's horrible," said Neville, his voice higher than his usual. "Did you guys feel cold when that thing came in?" "I feel weird," Ronald said, twisting his shoulders uncomfortably, "It's like I'm never going to be happy again, but after Richard's spell was cast , there seems to be nothing wrong."

"Did any of you, uh, fall off your seat?" Harry asked awkwardly.

"No," Ronald said, looking anxiously at Harry again, "Ginny's shaking like hell, though."

Harry really didn't understand, he felt weak and shaking, like he just recovered from a bad flu, he started to feel embarrassed, everyone else was fine, how could he be so scared?

"Okay, it's normal for you to be in this situation." At this moment Richard, who had been staring out of the window, spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean, I'm not a weak person." Hearing Richard's words, Harry became anxious for a moment.

"Okay, be quiet, let me finish my sentence." Richard's voice raised a little, and the car suddenly fell silent.

"That one just now is a dementor, wherever this thing passes, it will suck happiness away, remind (caaf) you of the most terrible things, and the "mouth" under his hood will suck people's souls, be Called "The Kiss of the Dementors". They guard the wizard prison of Azkaban. Only the Patronus Charm can expel them.

Richard paused and continued.

"They should be here this time to capture Sirius Black. As for you, Harry."

Richard thought for a moment, and then said in as tactful a tone as possible.

"You have a tragic memory that none of us have. Although you won't remember it now, it really happened around you. Just now, the dementor sucked these memories buried deep in your heart. Come out, let you relive that night, and the screaming you said is what happened that night.

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione and the others showed expressions of pity.

"Mr. Harris is right. Cowardly people can't be the youngest Seeker in Gryffindor." Professor Lupine came back at some time, and he smiled slightly when he saw that Harry was still holding chocolate in his hand. .

"I didn't poison the chocolate, you know.

Harry took a bite, and to his great surprise, a sudden warmth spread to the tips of his fingers and toes.

"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes." Professor Lupine said, "How are you, Harry?" Harry didn't ask how Professor Lupine knew his name. "Okay." He whispered, although Richard had just explained why he reacted so badly, he was still a little embarrassed.

"Professor Lupine, is the matter settled?" Richard asked curiously while nibbling on a piece of chocolate.

For a long time, Richard felt that his Purifying Lightning was somewhat similar to the Guardian Spirit, so when he cast the Patronus just now, he secretly poured a large amount of Purifying Lightning into it, but he did not expect the effect to be surprisingly good. One dementor was wiped out.

Lupine didn't know how to face Richard now, and it was the first time he knew that the Patronus Charm could kill the Dementors.

"This matter is a bit special. I have already informed Principal Dumbledore. The dementors are all guards of Azkaban. Speaking of which, they can be regarded as employees of the Ministry of Magic. Now you have eliminated one of them. You know, this is terrible. It's not something I can fix."

Hearing Lupine's words, Richard didn't care, but Hermione and the others became worried.

"It was the dementor who attacked us first, it was just self-defense."

"That's right, that's how it is. You see, Harry was so frightened that he fainted." Ronald's words made Harry's head turn red, but he didn't know how to refute, so he could only say something dull, that's right.

"Well, you don't need to worry, with Dumbledore here, he won't let Richard do anything." Lupine reassured them and went out again.

"Tell me, will they consider Richard a fight?"

"Probably not, after all there are so many people watching, and there is also a professor there." Before Ronald could speak, Harry hurriedly answered to prevent him from uttering any stupid words.

On the other hand, the person concerned, Richard, is quite calm. After all, Fudge still needs to protect Harry at Hogwarts, so the Ministry of Magic will not do anything to him. Besides, the dementor ran in by himself. Can he be blamed, Dumbledore It's not dead, he can definitely settle this trivial matter.

They didn't talk much for the rest of the trip.

Finally, the train stopped at Hogwarts Station, and getting off was a hectic process, with owls hooting, cats meowing, and Neville's pet toad croaking under his hat.

The small platform was frozen, and the cold rain was pouring down.

"First grades come here!" a familiar voice called. Richard and the others turned around and saw Hagrid's burly figure at the other end of the platform.

Now Hagrid is beckoning to the panicked new students to take them on a traditional trip across the lake.

"I hear the dementors are on the train, how are you guys doing?" Hagrid called over the many heads to them.

They waved at him but didn't get a chance to speak to him as people around them pushed them along the platform.

After passing the road that had become muddy from the rain, there were at least a hundred carriages waiting for the remaining students.

After Richard and the others picked a carriage at random and closed the door, the carriage started driving automatically, stumbling all the way. There was a faint musty and straw smell in the wagon. Harry felt better since eating the chocolate, but he still felt weak. Ronald and Hermione had been watching him secretly, as if afraid of him breaking down again.

The carriage rolled forward, and in front of it was a pair of magnificent cast iron gates, with many stone pillars on both sides, and a winged wild boar on the top.

Two tall, hooded dementors stood guard on either side of the gate.

Instantly Harry felt as if another wave of cold was hitting him, and he shrank back into the bumpy seat, closing his eyes until they walked through the door.

The carriage picked up speed on the long, sloping drive until it reached the castle. Hermione leaned out the window, watching the turrets and turrets approaching them. Finally, the carriage wobbled to a stop and Ronald got out.

When Harry got out of the car, a drawn-out, slow voice rang in his ears.

"You passed out, Potter? Was Longbottom telling the truth? Did you really pass out?"

Malfoy blocked Harry's path through the stone steps into the castle, his face smug. The pale eyes gleamed maliciously.

"Go away, Malfoy," Ronald said through gritted teeth.

"Did you pass out too, Weasley?" Malfoy called out. "That creepy old guy scares you too, Weasley?"

"What's the matter?" asked a gentle voice. Professor Lupine just got out of a carriage behind him.

Malfoy gave Professor Lupine a haughty look, seeing both the patch on Professor Lupine's robes and the tattered box. There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice: "Oh, no, oh, Professor."

Then he smirked at Crabbe and Goyle, at which point Richard dismounted from his horse.

Malfoy stopped quickly, and even bit his own tongue because he stopped so suddenly.

"Why don't you keep laughing." Richard said to Malfoy blankly.

He faltered and covered his mouth and dared not answer.

"If it's okay, just get out of the way and don't block the way of others."

Hearing Richard's words, Malfoy ran to the auditorium with two little followers. .

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