My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 195: Opening Dinner

Britain, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Great Hall

Richard and they went up the stone steps, past the huge oak door, and into the deep vestibule, brightly lit by torches. In the hall there is a magnificent marble staircase leading upstairs.

The door on the right leading to the auditorium was open, and several people followed the crowd towards the hall, when they heard a voice shouting: "Potter! Granger! I want to see you two!"

Harry and Hermione turned around, surprised.

Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House, was greeting them across the crowd.

She was a stern-looking witch, with hair pulled back in a tight bun; square glasses over sharp eyes. Harry squeezed in front of her, feeling that something was about to happen, Professor McGonagall always made him feel like he was doing something wrong.

"Don't be so sad, I just want to talk to you in the office." She told them.

After Richard bid farewell to the two, he went directly to his college's dining table, leaving Ronald alone in a daze, not knowing what to do.

When Richard came to Ravenclaw's table and sat down, there was a burst of fragrance, and Penelope sat beside Richard.

"Are you okay just now?" Penello asked Richard.

"Me? Sister, you should worry about those dementors."

"Yes, Richard is the best." Then Penello glanced at Richard charmingly.

Just this one look made Richard's heart itch.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick's voice came from the professor's chair.

"Because Professor McGonagall has something to do, I will preside over the sorting ceremony this year."

At this time, a group of first-year wizards, led by Filch, walked into the auditorium, and then handed over the list of students to Professor Flitwick.

"Little wizard whose name I read, come to the front, make this chair, and put on this wizard hat."

"First, Alan Brett."

A ignorant little wizard stumbled to the front, put the Sorting Hat on his head, and soon the Sorting Hat shouted loudly.


In this way, the little wizards came to the top one by one and were sorted.

Richard was bored and casually chatting with Penello.

At this moment, a name familiar to Richard was called out from Professor Flitwick's mouth.

"Wednesday Adams."

From the few remaining little wizards, a little loli with black hair and smoky makeup stepped out.

Seeing Richard's attentive eyes, Penny asked curiously.

"You know her?"

Richard told Penello everything about the relationship with the Adams family. After listening to Richard's story, Penello almost couldn't help laughing out loud. This Pugsley is really miserable.

At the same time, Wednesday sat on the high chair and put the worn-out Sorting Hat on his head.

At this moment, a voice sounded from Wednesday's head.

"What a troublesome little wizard, calm but not ambitious, Slytherin is not for you, brave and stubborn, but not adventurous, and neither is Gryffindor

Well, how about Ravenclaw?"

Ravenclaw? Isn't this the academy where the sinister Richard is?

"No, don't Ravenclaw, you can go anywhere." Wednesday accidentally said it, although the voice was not loud, but it was heard by Professor Flitwick next to him.

What's wrong with this? Is my own academy so unpopular now? They don't even go to Ravenclaw anywhere. Professor Flitwick was in a bad mood for a moment.

"What? You're going to Ravenclaw? All right, then."

"Ravenclaw," the Sorting Hat yelled.

Seeing such a cool little witch assigned to their academy, the little wizards of Ravenclaw applauded happily.

"Okay, kid, it's time for you to go down." Seeing that Wednesday was still there, Professor Flitwick urged, and silently thought, it seems that there is something wrong with this little wizard, if not, let Richard pay more attention her.

At this time, Wednesday, who didn't know that he had been targeted by the dean, was still arguing with the Sorting Hat.

"Didn't I say I'm not going to Ravenclaw."

"Really? I thought you wanted to go to Ravenclaw. You must have a great development in Ravenclaw."

Knowing that there was no hope, Wednesday could only walk down helplessly, walking towards Ravenclaw's dining table.

At this time, the voice of the devil came from the dining table.

"Come here, Wednesday, I promised Mr. Adams to take good care of you at Hogwarts.

Wednesday didn't dare to refute Richard, so he could only walk towards Richard dilly-dally.

"Richard's has no seats left, you can sit here."

An ethereal voice sounded, and Wednesday looked over, at this time a little girl with silver eyes, dark golden brown hair, pale complexion, very pale eyebrows, a pair of turnip-shaped earrings and a necklace made of a butterbeer cork. The witch is watching her.

Wednesday looked at Richard expectantly. To be honest, she definitely didn't want to do it with Richard, but she didn't dare to make a claim.

"It's Luna, do you have an empty seat? That's fine, you can follow Luna on Wednesday."

Seeing that Luna actually spoke up, of course Richard agreed.

"I think she's afraid of you." Penello whispered to Richard, covering her mouth.

"How is this possible? If it weren't for me, there wouldn't be a magic riot on Wednesday."

"It seems that she is really scared. How can there be a magic riot without extreme mood swings." Penello said to Richard speechlessly.

Richard touched his nose in embarrassment, then glanced at Wednesday.

It was this glance that made Wednesday, who was still excited about staying away from Richard, immediately dare not move.

At this moment, the sorting ceremony was over, and Professor Flitwick took the sorting hat and controlled the high stool and walked out.

Just in time, Professor McGonagall led Hermione and Harry through the door and walked in.

Seeing that Professor McGonagall had sat down, Professor Flitwick had returned to the auditorium, and Professor Dumbledore stood up.

Professor Dumbledore, despite his age, always gave the impression of being energetic. .

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore, his beard sparkling in the light of the candles. "Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year! I have a few words for you all.

One of these things is very serious, and I thought I'd make it clear before you get confused by this delicious meal. "

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued.

"After they searched the Hogwarts Express, you must have known. At present, our school is receiving a number of dementors from Azkaban, and they are here on official business of the Ministry of Magic.

0 looking for flowers......

Having said that, Dumbledore glanced at where Richard was, and then continued.

"They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds," continued Dumbledore. "During their stay here, I must make it very clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. Dementors should not be subject to trickery." Or disguised deception, not even an invisibility cloak." He added this sentence without expression, which was clearly meant for Harry.

"Dementors don't understand pleas or excuses by nature. So I warn each of you, don't give them any excuses to hurt you. I count on the prefects, and our new Head Boys and Girls Chairman, you must ensure that no student will have a conflict with a dementor."

"More pleasingly," he continued, "this year, I am delighted to welcome two new teachers to our team.

"The first was Professor Lupine, who graciously agreed to fill the gap in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

There was some sporadic, less enthusiastic applause in the auditorium.

Only those students who had been in the same car as him on the train clapped hard, and Harry was one of them.

Sitting among all the well-dressed teachers, Professor Lupine looked very shabby.

"As for our second faculty appointment," said Professor Lupine after the half-hearted applause died down. Dumbledore continued, "Well, I regret to inform you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired late last year in order to spend more time with his remaining little rascals. However, I am glad To say, no one but Rubeus Hagrid to fill his vacancy, Hagrid has agreed to be a teacher in addition to being a gamekeeper."

At first, only the Gryffindor table erupted in applause, and soon, under Richard's leadership, the Ravenclaw table also erupted in warm applause.

Richard looked over to Hagrid's place on the professor's bench, and saw him flushed, staring at his big hands, his smile hidden in his shaggy black beard.

When Professor Dumbledore started talking again. Richard vaguely saw Hagrid wiping his eyes with the tablecloth.

"Well, I think the important things have been said," said Dumbledore, "let's start the meal."

The golden plates and goblets before them were suddenly filled with food and drink.

Richard, who was not hungry at first, looked at the food and suddenly felt a little hungry, so he took some food that he could reach and started to eat.

It was a sumptuous meal, and the auditorium echoed with laughter and the clash of knives and forks.

Until the last piece of pumpkin pie disappeared from the golden plate, Dumbledore said that everyone should go to bed, at this time Harry came over [pull quarter prison came


"Congratulations, Hagrid!" Hermione screamed as they walked towards the teacher's table.

"It's all thanks to you guys," Hagrid said, looking up at them, wiping his glowing face with a napkin.

"Couldn't believe it, what a man, Dumbledore. Professor Kettleburn came straight to me after he said he'd had enough, and of course that's what I've always wanted." He was emotional, covering his face with his napkin.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick came over and called Richard away. .

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