My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 200: The First Defense Against The Dark Arts Class Of The New Semester

Britain, Hogwarts.

After Richard and the others packed up the potions classroom and came out,

Originally Hermione was still embarrassed to apologize to Richard, but around the corner Hermione suddenly disappeared.

"Where has she gone?"

Harry turned around. Now they stand at the top of the stairs and watch as the rest of the class walks past them on their way to the hall for lunch.

"She was just behind us." Ronald- said, frowning.

"Maybe there is something urgent, let's go to dinner." Richard knew about the time converter, so he prevaricated the two of them.

But unexpectedly, Hermione suddenly appeared near them again.

"There she is," Harry said.

Panting slightly, Hermione hurried up the stairs, clutching her schoolbag with one hand, and seemed to be stuffing something under the front of her robe with the other.

"How did you do that?" Ronald asked.

"What?" said Hermione, walking with them.

"One minute you were behind us, now you're under the stairs again."

"What?" Hermione looked a little confused, "Oh, I have to go back and get something. Oh, no."

There was a crack in Hermione's bag. Harry wasn't surprised, he could see at least a dozen big, heavy books in her bag.

"Why do you carry so many books with you?" Ronald asked her.

"You know how many classes I have." Hermione said breathlessly, "Bring me a few, will you?"

Richard took what Hermione handed over and asked curiously,

"Didn't I give you a bag last time? Why not use that."

"I put it in the house," Hermione said sheepishly.

Richard was very speechless and took out an ordinary handbag with a traceless expansion spell, first put the books he took in it, then put all the books in Hermione's schoolbag in it, and then handed the handbag to Gave it to Hermione.

"Oh my god, that's awesome, thank you Richard, this solves a huge problem."

At this time Harry suddenly asked curiously, "You don't need to take these classes today. There is only Defense Against the Dark Arts class this afternoon."

"Oh, yes," Hermione said vaguely, "I hope there's something good for lunch, I'm starving," she added, and strode down the hall.

"Do you feel there's something Hermione hasn't told us?" Harry said to Richard and Ronald.

After lunch, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together.

When they got to the classroom, Professor Lupine wasn't there. They all sat down and produced books, quills, and parchment.

Soon as the bell rang, Professor Lupine came to the classroom.

Lupine smiled, and put his battered suitcase on the desk. He was as shabby as he had arrived, but looked healthier than on the train, as if he had eaten a few solid meals.

"Good afternoon," he said, "put your books back in your bag, please. Today is practical, and all you need is your wand.

The whole class put the books back in their schoolbags, and several students exchanged surprised glances. They've never had a practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class, unless you count the memorable one last year where the original teacher brought a cage of goblins and set them free come out.

"Well," said the professor, seeing that everyone was getting ready, "will you follow me?"

The whole class was confused, but also interested. They all stood up and walked out of the classroom with Professor Lupine. He led them down a deserted corridor and turned a corner. There, the first thing they saw was the trickster Peeves, floating head-down in mid-air, stuffing gum into the nearest keyhole.

He didn't look up until Professor Lupine was two feet away from Peeves, and then he twirled his curled-toed foot and sang.

"Stupid and silly Lupin," sang Peeves, "stupid and silly Lupin, stupid and silly Lupin."

Peeves has always been rude and difficult to rule, but he usually has a certain respect for teachers. Everyone quickly turned their attention to the professor to see how he was being treated, and to their surprise, he was still on the verge of a minor case.

"If I were you, Peeves, I'd take the gum out of the keyhole," said Lupine cheerfully, "Mr Filch wouldn't be able to go in and get his broom.

However, Peeves ignored Professor Lupine's words and just blew loudly a wet raspberry.

Professor Lupine sighed slightly, and took out his wand.

"Here's a useful little incantation," he said over his shoulder to the class, "please read it.

He raised his wand, up to shoulder height, said, "Vandi Vasi!" and pointed at Peeves.

The little piece of chewing gum shot out of the keyhole like a bullet, and went straight into Peeves' left nostril, and Peeves immediately spun away and went up steeply, cursing all the way.

"Excellent, sir!" said Dean Thomas in amazement.

"Thank you, Dean," said Professor Lupine, putting away his wand again.

"Shall we continue walking?" They walked on again, and the whole class looked at the ragged professor and increased their respect.

He led them down the second hallway and stopped, just outside the faculty lounge.

"Go in, please," said Professor Lupine, opening the door and taking a step back.

"Now, this way," said Professor Lupine, beckoning the class to the end of the lounge. There was nothing there but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their surplus robes. Professor Lupine walked to the closet and stood still. The closet suddenly shook and hit the wall with a bang.

"Don't worry." Professor Lupine said calmly, because at this moment several students jumped back in fright.

"There's a Boggart in there." Most felt there was something to worry about.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," says Professor Lupine, "wardrobes, voids under beds, cupboards under sinks—I once came across one hidden inside Zu's old clock. This one was Moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the teachers could leave it alone and give my main graders some practice."

"So, the first question we have to ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart?"

Hermione immediately raised her hand. "It's a shape-shifting thing," she said, "that can take on whatever image it thinks most frightens us." "I couldn't have said it better myself.

Professor Lupine said, Hermione gave Richard a smug look.

"So, in the closet, the Boggart sitting in the dark has not yet manifested any form. It doesn't know what can scare people outside the door. No one knows what a Boggart looks like when he is alone , but as soon as I let it out, it immediately becomes the thing that each of us fears the most."

0 for flowers...

"The spell to repel a Boggart is simple, but it takes willpower. You know that what really scares a Boggart is laughter. What you have to do is force yourself into what you think is ridiculous."

"Let's say this spell without a wand first. Please tell me, it's funny!"

"Funny funny!" the whole class said in unison. "Okay," said Professor Lupine, "very well. But, I'm afraid that's the easy part. Saying the incantation isn't enough, you know."

"Who's going to show us now?"

At this time, basically wizards of all sizes became interested, and they all raised their hands.

"It seems that everyone is very confident, so I'll just pick one at random, Neville Longbottom."

Hearing Professor Lupine's words, Neville shuddered and flinched back, "Teacher, Professor, I didn't raise my hand."

"It's okay kid, I believe you can do it, you need to know your parents..." Lupine stopped before finishing his sentence.

And Neville knew what Lupine was going to say, he gritted his teeth and walked out trembling.

At this moment, the cabinet also started to shake, but not as much as Neville. When Neville walked forward, it was like going to the gallows. "Okay, Neville," said Professor Lupine, "first things first: tell me, what are you most afraid of in the world?"


Nacheng's lips moved, but no sound came out. "I didn't hear that, I'm sorry, Nacheng." Professor Lupine said happily. Nathan looked around eagerly, as if begging someone to help him, before whispering, "Professor Snape. Almost everyone laughed. Even Neville himself grinned apologetically. However, Professor Lupine seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Professor Snape, er, Neville, I assume you live with your grandmother?"

"Oh, yes," said Neville nervously, "but I don't want Boggarts to be like her either."

"No, no, you didn't understand me," said Professor Lupine, smiling now, "I don't know, first you think about what your grandmother always wore, what jewelry she wore, and then you imagine Snape The professor is wearing your grandmother's clothes."

"Is everyone ready?" Professor Lupine asked.

"Neville, we're going to back off," Professor Lupine said, "give you a clear space, okay? I'll call the next person up.. Now, everyone, get back and let Neville have a clear space .

"I'll count to three, Neville," said Professor Lupine, pointing his wand at the wardrobe as well. "One, two, three, go!"

A burst of sparks shot from the end of the Professor's wand, and the spark hit the wardrobe door handle. The closet door burst open. Professor Snape, with his hooked nose and menacing expression, stepped out, staring at Neville with piercing eyes.

Nacheng stepped back, his wand raised, tongue-tied and speechless. Snape moved towards him aggressively, slipping his hands into his robes.

"Fucking, funny, funny!" Neville screamed.

There was a noise, like the cracking of a whip. Snape stumbled, wearing a long, lace-embroidered dress and a tall hat with a moth-eaten stuffed old vulture on top, dangling a huge scarlet handbag .

The whole class burst into laughter.

At this moment, Richard couldn't stand it any longer, and snapped his fingers at Boggart under the suspicious eyes of others.

In an instant, Boggart was hit, flew back upside down, and returned to the knife inside the cabinet. .

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