My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 201 Hermione Is Afraid Of Professor Mcgonagall?

Britain, Hogwarts, staff room.

Neville stood at the front in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"Professor Lupine, respecting your colleagues is also respecting yourself. I don't think your behavior just now is what a Hogwarts professor should do, or are you planning to finish what you didn't finish when you were in Hogwarts?" matter?"

Richard looked at Professor Lupine blankly.

Hearing Richard's words, Lupine was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Richard thoughtfully.

"It's true that I was abrupt, I'm sorry for bringing you a bad class experience, after class, I will apologize to Professor Snape.

Hearing Lupine's sincere speech, Richard nodded and went back to the students directly.

Harry looked at Richard and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw didn't have any special feelings about Richard's speech, while the little wizards of Gryffindor, who were taken care of by Snape, had some opinions. They haven't seen it clearly yet, but they also chose to be silent about the strong Richard.

"Okay, I didn't think clearly just now, let's continue now." Instead, Lupine acted as if nothing happened.

"Parvati, step forward!" Five Eight"

Parvati walked forward with a straight face.

The cabinet was reopened, and a blood-stained mummy wrapped in bandages appeared in front of the crowd. Its blind eyes turned to Parvati and began to walk towards her, very slowly, shuffling, stiffly. raised his arms.

"Funny funny!" Parvati exclaimed.

The bandages on the mummy's feet were untied, and as it stumbled from the unraveled bandages, it fell face forward on the ground, its head rolling off.

"Seamus!" Professor Lupine called.

Seamus hurried forward past Parvati.

Crack! The place where the mummy stayed is now a woman with black hair dragging to the ground, a skeleton face, and a green ghost. She opened her mouth wide. An inhuman voice filled the entire room, and a long and shrill cry made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Funny funny!" Seamus yelled.

The female ghost made a tearing sound, grabbed her throat, and her voice was gone.

Crack! The ghost turned into a mouse, circling around to find its own tail, and then, Crack! turned into a rattlesnake, slithering and twisting, and then, it turned into a bloody eyeball.

"It's out of its head!" Professor Lupine exclaimed, "We've gone one step further! Dean!"

Dean hurried forward.

Crack! The eyeball turned into a severed hand, and the hand jumped up and down and began to crawl along the floor like a crab.

"Funny funny!" Dean exclaimed.

With a crisp sound, the hand was clamped by the quilt.

"Great! Ronald, you're next!"

Ronald leaped forward.

Crack! Several people screamed. A huge, hairy spider, six feet tall, was crawling towards Ronald, waving its claws menacingly along the way. For a while. Harry felt that Ronald was too scared to move.

Then, "Funny funny!" Ronald yelled, and the spider's legs disappeared. The spider kept rolling, Lavender Brown screamed and dodged, the spider rolled and stopped at Harry's feet.

"Stop!" Professor Lupine shouted suddenly, and Higashi rushed forward.

Crack! The spider without legs disappeared. For a second everyone looked around to see where it was. Then they saw a silver-white sphere hanging in the air in front of Lupin, and Lupine almost lazily said, "Funny funny!"

"Richard!" Lupine said, as the boggart fell to the floor, turning into a cockroach.

Richard came to the front, facing the Boggart.

But he was very disappointed, the Boggart in front of him obviously couldn't break through the storage's own protection, and he couldn't close the storage, so the Boggart still looked like a cockroach without any change.

"Occlumency?" Lupine said, "So you need Occlumency."

"Professor, I don't know Occlumency, it should be my talent."

Hearing Richard's words, Lupine gave him a surprised look, "Then there is no other way, let's find someone else."


Hearing Lupin's words, Richard walked back helplessly, while Hermione held her wand tightly and came to the place where Richard was just now.

As soon as Hermione stood firm, the Boggart changed immediately. A witch wearing square glasses, curly black hair in a high bun, and a dark green robe appeared in front of everyone.

"Professor McGonagall??" Harry and Ronald exclaimed together, Hermione is most afraid of Professor McGonagall?

How could it be, since they all thought that in the whole Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall's favorite should be Hermione.

And Hermione standing in front also showed a puzzled expression, at this moment Professor McGonagall suddenly said something to Hermione, and Hermione screamed loudly.

Richard, who hadn't walked back yet, heard Hermione's cry, and immediately turned back, and a blast of purification lightning directly hit Professor McGonagall in front of him.

In an instant, this Boggart completely melted in front of everyone like snow in an oven.

Now the whole room was completely quiet, everyone stared at Richard who was hugging Hermione in front of him.

Professor Lupine was also taken aback for a moment, and then said slowly and calmly.

"Okay, this Boggart is almost done. I wanted to let it rest, but it seems that I have to find another one."

At this time, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

"Good, hi everyone, great lesson. Homework, please read the chapter on Boggarts and write an abstract due Monday. No more.

It was only now that Hermione calmed down, she didn't wait for anyone else, and left the staff room directly, and waited until Richard and others chased them out, but there was no trace of Hermione.

Soon other little wizards also came out, and the whole class chatted excitedly.

However, Harry was not happy. Professor Lupine deliberately kept him from dealing with Boggarts. Why?

Was it because he saw Harry go into shock on the train and thought Harry couldn't take too much panic? Did he think Harry was going to pass out again? But, it didn't seem like he'd noticed anything either.

"Did you see me deal with the female ghost?" Seamus yelled.

"And that hand!" said Dean, waving his own.

"And my mummy!"

"I wonder why Professor Lupine is afraid of crystal balls?" Lavender said thoughtfully..0 "This is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts class we've ever had, right?" Ronald said excitedly, as they Walk back to the classroom to pick up the schoolbag. "He seems to be a very good teacher."

Soon enough, Defense Against the Dark Arts became a favorite subject for most people. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang at Slytherin House spoke ill of Professor Lupine. Look at his robes," Malfoy would exclaim as Professor Lupine walked by, "he's dressed like our house elf.

But no one except them cared that Lupine's robe was patched and stuck in the side. His subsequent lectures were as lively and interesting as the first one.

After the boggart, they worked on the red hats, which are unpleasant little monsters that lurk wherever someone bleeds

In the keep, in the potholes of deserted battlegrounds, they wait to lash out at those who get lost. From the red cap they went on to the kaba, a crawling aquatic creature that looked like a scaly monkey with webbed hands, busily strangling the waders who walked in their ponds without knowing how deep they were.

These days, Snape was desperate for revenge, and it was clear why.

Although it was stopped by Richard at the time, the story of the Boggart manifesting as Snape and Neville making him dress in his grandmother's clothes spread like wildfire across campus.

Snape didn't seem to find this funny. As soon as Professor Lupin's name was mentioned, menacing lights flashed in his eyes, and he even tried to punish Gryffindor's little wizard in different ways.

And Richard's well-chosen ancient runes lesson also let him down a bit.

The professor of ancient runes is Batheda Babling, this is also a very strange professor, she looks even younger than the youngest Professor Snape, and although she is beautiful, she is too cold up.

Even during class, if a little wizard raised her hand to ask a question, she basically ignored it. As for after class, it can be said that no one could find her, and her office was like a decoration.

3.5 At that time, Richard chose this course because of the rune characters subconsciously. From the knowledge Richard has now, the two characters should have no connection. Moreover, Richard did not dare to disclose it to the professor at will. Therefore, he There are also some troubles.

As for Care of Fantastic Creatures, since what happened last time, I'm afraid no one really likes Care of Fantastic Creatures, and it's become quite dull after a very fun first lesson.

Hagrid seemed to have lost heart. Now they learn lesson after lesson how to care for Flobber caterpillars, which must be the most annoying creatures in existence.

"Why would anyone bother to take care of them?" Ronald said as he spent another hour shredding shredded lettuce down the slimy throats of Flobber caterpillars.

Although Richard has persuaded Hagrid many times, but to no avail, Hagrid is still lifeless.

And these Flobber caterpillars brought too little benefit to Richard. Facing tens of thousands of upgrade experience points at this time, a Flobber caterpillar can only bring him 4 experience points, although the number A little more, but if Richard touches all of them, he himself would find it hard to accept. .

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