My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 205 Sirius’ First Visit

At dusk, the little wizards who went to Hogsmeade returned to Hogwarts.

After talking to Hermione, Richard went back to his own dormitory, ready to change into clothes and wash up for the evening dinner.

Hermione and Ronald returned to the common room of Gryffindor, and they wanted to give the candy to Harry as soon as possible to soothe his broken heart.

"Look," Ronald said, "we've brought you so much candy, we can't take any more."

A handful of candy rained down on Harry's lap.

"Thanks," said Harry, picking up a bag of little pepper urchins. How's Hogsmeade? Where have you all been?"

"Nowhere, I went to Zoko's Magic Joke Shop, and then went to Honeydukes Candy Shop."

"Why then you only went to two places, isn't the other place not good?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"No, I've been to other places, without you, it wouldn't be interesting for me to go alone?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Harry's heart was full of love, "What about you, Hermione?"

Hearing Harry's inquiry, Hermione tirelessly told him where she and Richard went.

Just listen to it and you'll know, it's gone everywhere. Deweys and Bance's, Literary Habitat Quills, Zoko's Magical Joke Shop, The Three Broomsticks that serve foamy butterbeer, and many others.

"The post office, Harry! There are about two hundred owls, all sitting on shelves, all color-coded, depending on how fast your letters need to travel!"

"Honey Dukes has a new fudge they're giving out free samples, and here's a little bit, look,"

"We thought we saw an ogre, really, and the Three Broomsticks had all sorts of them in there.

"Want to bring you some butterbeer, it really warms you up."

Seeing Harry's increasingly ugly face, Hermione also knew that she had talked too much, so she hurriedly asked him.

"What about you? What did you do at Hogwarts? Did you do any homework?"

"No," Harry said, "Lupine made me a cup of tea in his office. Then Snape came in."

He told them all about the goblet.

Ronald's mouth fell open. "Did Lupine drink? Is he crazy?"

Hermione glanced at her watch. "Let's go downstairs, you know, in five minutes, the dinner party will start.

They hurried through the hole in the portrait and joined the crowd, talking about Snape all the way.

"But if he, you know," Ronald lowered his voice, looking around nervously, "if he's trying to, poison Lupine.

"No, it's not like that, although Snape..., but he's a professor at Hogwarts, and he couldn't have done it in front of Harry."

"He didn't know I was there at first," Harry said.

While they were talking, Richard had changed and was walking from the Ravenclaw lounge towards the auditorium.

Hundreds of jack-o'-lanterns hung in the auditorium, as did a swarm of fluttering bats and many flame-breathing orange streamers that floated lazily below the ceiling like brilliant water snakes.

The food was excellent, and even though Richard and Hermione had eaten a lot in Hogsmeade, they still had to order a second serving of everything.

The dinner concluded with entertainment provided by the ghosts of Hogwarts.

Ghosts appear suddenly from walls and tables to do a sort of parade slide, and Nearly Headless Nick manages to recreate the circumstances in which he was decapitated.

The happy time is always short, and soon the Halloween banquet is over, Richard and Penello are talking and laughing while walking towards Ravenclaw's lounge.

After returning to the dormitory, Richard had just changed into his pajamas. At this moment, Professor Flitwick's voice resounded throughout the Ravenclaw lounge.

"Everyone, everyone, go to the auditorium, go now, come on."

After hearing the sound, all the Ravenclaws walked out of the dormitory door and walked towards the auditorium, discussing one after another as they walked, obviously they were a little confused, is there any special program for Halloween?

Ten minutes later, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin students came to the auditorium one after another. These students are all confused.

Richard saw that Hermione and the others were already in the auditorium, so he walked over directly.

Dumbledore's voice sounded in the auditorium, "The faculty and I will conduct a thorough search of the castle," at which point Professor McGonagall and Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium, "For your own safety, I Thought you might be spending the night here. I'm asking the prefects to stand guard at the entrance to the hall, and the Head Boys and Girls to stay in charge of the hall. Report anything to me right away," he added to Percy. , Percy looked proud of an important person, "Find a ghost to bring me a message."

Professor Dumbledore paused, and was about to leave the auditorium, and said: "Oh, yes, you will need... He flicked his wand casually, and the long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium, and stood against the wall, With another wave, the ground is covered with hundreds of purple sleeping bags." Sleep well. said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him as he went out.

Immediately, the auditorium was buzzing with excitement, and the students of Gryffindor House were busy telling other students what had just happened.

"Everyone in sleeping bags!" cried Percy. "Quick, nobody's talking for ten minutes!"

"Come on," Richard said to Hermione, Harry and Ronald, and they grabbed four sleeping bags and ducked into a corner.

"What's going on?" Richard asked Hermione in feigned confusion.

"It was Sirius Black, who attacked the fat lady in the Gryffindor lounge. Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Hermione whispered anxiously.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks so," Ronald said.

"It's our luck that he chose to come tonight, you know?" said Hermione, as the three of them, except Richard in his pajamas, got into their sleeping bags "and put the clothes on."

Talk on your elbows.

"Tonight is when we are not in the Tower..."

"I guess he's lost his mind because he's been on the run," Ronald said. "It's Halloween. He wouldn't have barged in otherwise.

Everyone around them was asking each other the same question.

"How did he get in here?"

"Maybe he knows how to stealth," Miles said from a few feet away, emerging from thin air. you know. "

"Probably came in under disguise," said a fifth-year student at Hufflepuff House.

"Or it flew in," Dean Thomas said.

"Honestly, haven't they all read Hogwarts, A History?" Hermione said grumpily to Harry and Ronald. "Probably," Ronald said, "Why?"

"Because the castle isn't just protected by walls, you know," said Hermione, "it's also bewitched with all sorts of magic to keep outsiders from sneaking in. Optical stealths can't get in. And I'd like to see See what kind of disguise can fool those dementors. These guys guard every entrance. If he flies in, they will see it. And Filch knows all the secret passages, they will seal them all ....

0 looking for flowers......

"Lights out now!" Percy yelled, "I want everyone in a sleeping bag and stop talking!"

All the candles were extinguished at once.

The only light now came from the silver ghosts, who wandered about talking gravely to the prefects.

The enchanted ceiling, like the sky outside, is full of stars.

Under the circumstances, and with the still whispering voices in the auditorium, one felt as if one were sleeping in the open air with a breezy face.

Richard carefully stretched his hand into Hermione's sleeping bag, and then held Hermione's little cold hand. Hermione was also a little frightened tonight.

Feeling Richard's hand, Hermione turned to her side, wrapping Richard's arms around her chest with both hands.

At this moment, Richard couldn't help but feel distracted because of the soft touch on his arm.

Every hour a teacher shows up in the auditorium to see if all is well.

Around three o'clock in the morning, when many students finally fell asleep, Professor Dumbledore entered.


Richard watched him look around for Percy, who tiptoed between the sleeping bags, snitching on anyone who spoke.

Percy was not far away from them, and they quickly pretended to be asleep.

At this moment, Dumbledore's footsteps were getting closer.

"Any sign of him, Professor?" whispered Percy.

"No, how is it here?"

"Everything is under control, sir."

"Fine. There's no need to ask them to change places now. I've got temporary guards for the portrait cave in Gryffindor Yard. You can send everyone back tomorrow."

"And what about the fat lady, sir?"

"Hiding inside the Angel County map on the third floor. Apparently she wouldn't let Blake in without asking for the password, so he did. She's still in a tizzy, but once she's calmed down, I'll tell Filch to put the She fixes. 11

At this moment the hall door rang and opened again, and there were more footsteps.

"Headmaster?" It was Snape's voice. "The entire fourth floor has been checked, and he's not there. Filch has checked the keep, and he's not there either."

"Where's the Astronomy Tower? Professor Trelawney's room? Where the owls roost?"

"I've checked everything."

"Very well, Severus, I didn't really think Black would linger."

"Do you have any insight into how he got in here, Headmaster?" Snape asked.

"Many, Severus, but none of them are possible."

"You remember our conversation, Headmaster, just before the new term started?" Snape said, his lips barely parted as he spoke, as if he didn't want Percy to be part of their conversation.

"I expressed concern when you appointed Professor Lupine."

"I don't believe anyone in this castle is going to help Black in," said Dumbledore, his tone making it clear that this was the end of the matter, so Snape didn't answer.

"I must go to the dementors," said Dumbledore. "As I said, let them know when we've searched."

"Are they going to help, sir?" Snape said.

"Oh, yes," said Dumbledore dryly, "but I'm afraid as long as I'm Headmaster I won't let them cross the threshold of the school.

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