My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 206 Snape's Defense Against The Dark Arts Lesson

For the next few days, everyone at school was talking about Blake. Theories about how he entered the castle became more and more mysterious.

Hannah Abbott, the future head of the Leaky Cauldron, is only a third-year wizard in Hufflepuff at this time.

According to her it was Black who could transform into a flowering bush, and spent a lot of time in their next potions class telling it to anyone who would listen.

The vandalized portrait of the Fat Lady had been taken down from the wall, and in its place was a portrait of Sir Cadogan and his stout gray pony. No one is very happy about it. Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duel with him. The rest of the time is spent thinking about ridiculously complicated passwords, and he has to change passwords twice a day.

This move made all the little wizards of Gryffindor collapse.

But Neville is an exception. For him, he can't remember whether to change two a day or change one every other day. Even Neville is a little bit happy, because now he is not the only one who is trapped outside the lounge because he doesn't know the password. .

When these things have nothing to do with Richard of Ravenclaw.

Same as the previous two semesters, Richard still had to go to Snape's office every Wednesday night to practice making potions.

On a normal Wednesday night, Richard handed the refined wolfsbane potion to Professor Snape "Seven Six Zero". The potion must be active, and it can only be handed over to a person who needs to take it in the shortest possible time. Its effect will decrease with time.

"I hear you have a good relationship with Potter?" Snape asked Richard as he packed his notes.

"It's okay, what's the matter, Professor?" Richard didn't shy away from his relationship with Harry at all.

"That arrogant little wizard, who doesn't know what's in his head, often violates the school rules, will be expelled from Hogwarts sooner or later.

Hearing what Snape said, Richard curled his lips, he is so arrogant, why can't he just say something?

"I wish you could keep an eye on him from time to time and let me know if there's any problem, especially at night when they practice Quidditch."

Can you break the school rules while training Quidditch? If you want to let yourself protect him, just say it, and play these.

"Alright professor, I'll watch Harry carefully and let him try not to violate the school rules." Richard added a little emphasis on breaking the school rules, which meant that I understood.

Snape didn't say anything further, he just waved to Richard and let him go out.

And on Harry's side this afternoon, Professor McGonagall called him into her office, the look on his face made Harry think someone must be dead.

"There's no need to keep this from you, Potter," she said seriously, "I know this will come as a shock to you, but Black."

"I know he's after me," Harry said wearily. "I heard Ronald's father tell his mother. Mr. Weasley works for the Ministry of Magic."

McGonagall seemed taken aback. She stared at Harry for a moment before saying, "I see, well, then, Potter, now you understand why I don't think it's a good idea for you to practice Quidditch in the evening. On the field, there are only Your teammate, you are very revealing, Potter"

"We have our first match on Saturday!" Harry interrupted Professor McGonagall, furious. "I must train, Professor!"

Professor McGonagall watched him intently. Harry knew she was deeply concerned about the future of the Gryffindor team, after all she was the one who suggested Harry as Seeker in the first place.

"Also, Richard will always watch me train." Harry added hastily.

"Richard? Has he been there all the time?" asked Professor McGonagall. "If he was there, there would be no problem with safety.

Professor McGonagall recalled Richard's performance with Professor Flitwick in the Dueling Club last semester, and Dumbledore's words afterwards, Richard's strength is bottomless.

Professor McGonagall stood up, staring out the window at the Quidditch pitch, which was barely visible in the rain. "Well...God knows, I'd love to see our team take home the trophy, but anyway, Potter, I'd be happier if a teacher was there. I asked Mrs. Hooch to oversee your training."

The first Quidditch match is approaching, but the weather is getting worse.

Under Mrs. Hooch's watch, the Gryffindor team trained valiantly, harder than ever.

Then, during the final practice session before Saturday's game, Oliver delivered unwelcome news to his team.

"We're not playing Team Slytherin!" he told them angrily, "Flint just came to see me, and we're playing Team Hufflepuff.

"Why?" the other players asked in unison.

"Flint's excuse was that their Seeker's injured arm wasn't healed," Wood said, baring his teeth in fury, "but they did it for the obvious purpose of not wanting to play in this weather, thinking it would ruin their chances. "It was a stormy day, and as Wood spoke, they heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

"Malfoy's arm is all right!" Harry raged, "He's pretending!"

"I understand, but we can't prove it." Wood said bitterly, "We have been practicing with Slytherin as the target, and now we are playing against the Hufflepuff team. Their style is quite different. Especially Their Seeker Cedric Diggory became captain this year, and Diggory has assembled a great team! He's an excellent Seeker! We must not underestimate the enemy! We must get to the main problem! Slytherin wants to see us one step Wrong step! We must win..."

Before Wood finished speaking, Angelina, Ellie and Katie suddenly giggled.

"What?" Wood said, unimpressed by the carefree behavior.

"Is he the tall, good-looking guy?" Angelina said.

"The strong and quiet one," Katie said, and they started giggling again.

"In terms of beauty, Richard is prettier than him." Fred pointed to Richard in the auditorium on the sidelines.

Richard, who was chatting with Hermione at this moment, saw someone pointing at him, and turned his face away in doubt.

"That's true." Angelina, Aliya, and Katie started to be nympho again, "It's a pity that it's a little small, otherwise I would have to pursue him."

Seeing that the style of painting was suddenly a little strange for some reason, Wood yelled loudly, be more serious.

On the eve of the Quidditch match, the wind and rain were fiercer than ever.

Harry couldn't think about anything other than the next day's game. Oliver Wood kept running to him between classes and giving him tips. The third time Wood did this, talking a lot, Harry suddenly realized that his Defense Against the Dark Arts class had already started for ten minutes, so he ran off, and Wood shouted after him: "Digory's The swerve is very fast, Harry, so you might as well try to wrap him around."

Harry stopped outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, pushed open the door and rushed in.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Professor Lupine, I,"

But it wasn't Professor Lupine looking at him from the podium, it was Snape..0

"This lesson started ten minutes ago, Potter, and I think Gryffindor deserves ten points. Sit down.

But Harry didn't move.

"Where is Professor Lupine?"

"He said he was too ill to be in class today," Snape said, grinning grinningly. "Didn't I already tell you to sit down?"

At this moment Richard grabbed Harry, dragged him to the seat forcibly, and said.

"Harry, let's talk about it after class. This is where the class starts. You are already late."

Then Richard said to Snape.

"Professor, go to the company."

Snape gave a slight nod, then looked around the class. "Before Potter interrupted me, I was saying that Professor Lupine didn't keep any records of your class's progress.

"Sir, we've learned Boggarts, Red Hats, Kabbahs, and Grindylows," said Hermione quickly, "and we're just getting started...  

"Quiet," Snape said coldly after glancing at Richard first, "I didn't ask you. I was just commenting on Professor Lupine's disorganized teaching.

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," said Dean Thomas boldly, and the rest of the class murmured agreement. Snape was more menacing than usual.

"You guys are easy to please. Lupine hardly ever asks of you, I think you should be able to deal with Red Hood and Grindylow in first year. Today we're going to talk about, werewolves. 17

Hermione seemed unable to control herself, and was about to speak when Richard stopped her.

"I tell you all, turn the book to page three hundred and ninety-four." He looked around again. "You all! Now!"

Many in the class exchanged painful glances, some grumbled sullenly, and opened their books.

"Can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf?"

Everyone sat there in silence, motionless, except for Hermione, whose hands were held upright in the air as usual.

"Richard, tell me," Snape said to Richard, ignoring Hermione.

"A wolf is a wolf, and has nothing to do with people. Werewolves are people in normal times, no different from normal people, but they will transform into werewolves at 4.9 when the moon is full. When in animal form, werewolves are the same as real people. There is little difference in appearance between wolves, although werewolves will have a slightly shorter snout, smaller pupils and a tufted rather than bushy tail. The real difference between the two lies in their behavior. Real wolves do not Very aggressive, and real wolves don't attack humans except in special circumstances. Werewolves are almost exclusively human, and don't pose much danger to other creatures."

"Very good, if you hear everything, then write it down quickly, especially the last sentence, werewolves are only for humans." Hearing the answer he wanted, Snape nodded in satisfaction, and generously added Ravenclaw 10 points.

No one made a sound in class after that, and Snape stopped asking questions.

Everyone sat, taking notes on werewolves from their textbooks, while Snape paced back and forth between the desks to check on the work they'd done while Lupine was teaching the course.

When the bell finally rang, Snape didn't let them go.

"Each of you write a paper and give it to me on the method of identifying and killing werewolves. This topic should be written on two parchments and due on Monday morning.

Hearing the homework assigned by Snape, both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw made voices of dissatisfaction, but Snape ignored it, pushed the door straight out and left the classroom

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