My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 211 The Second Journey To Hogsmeade

Time flies by like a white horse.

In the Quidditch match at the end of November, the Ravenclaw team miraculously defeated the Hufflepuff team. During the whole game, Cedric was sleepwalking, and he didn't even see the Golden Snitch who was close at hand.

Winning this game that should have been lost made Ravenclaw's junior wizards very excited, after all, they haven't won for a long time.

Compared with Ravenclaw, the Gryffindor Quidditch team is more excited. After all, Ravenclaw's victory over Hufflepuff is equivalent to helping Gryffindor force a wave of life.

Wood was full of energy again, and he was still working hard to train his team in the bitter cold and rain that continued into December.

Two weeks before the end of term, the sky suddenly cleared to a blinding egg white, and the muddy grounds were covered with a shiny frost one morning. inside the castle

There is a Christmas spirit everywhere.

Professor Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw, has been decorating his classroom with shimmering lights that are actually little fairies with wings constantly fluttering.

Students are happily discussing vacation plans.

Because Wilson and Olivia took Ariana to the grandmother's house in the beautiful country, Richard planned to spend his Christmas in Hogwarts. Hermione originally planned to go back, but "five-five-seven" saw Richard Even if he didn't go home, he canceled the plan to go back.

And Ronald also decided to stay at Hogwarts, Ronald said he couldn't bear to stay with Percy for two weeks, but Harry knew in his heart that he was doing this to be with him, and he was very grateful.

In the last week of term, I can go to Hogsmeade village again, except for Harry, everyone is very happy.

"We can get everything we want for Christmas there!" said Hermione, "Mummy and Daddy love the Fudge Mints from Honeydukes!"

Resentful that Harry was the only third year student staying at school again, he borrowed a copy of "Classifying Broomsticks" from Wood to read, and decided to spend the day learning about different styles of broomsticks. He had ridden one of the school brooms at team practice, an old Meteor, slow and wobbly, and he definitely needed to get a new broom of his own.

On Saturday morning, after Richard took Hermione and Ronald to say goodbye to Harry, they walked together on the path to Hogsmeade. At this time, snowflakes fell in the sky that had been clear this week.

The journey, which originally took about 30 minutes, was completed in less than 20 minutes under Ronald's constant urging.

After I came to Hogsmeade, because Richard and Hermione had finished shopping last time, there was not much new idea.” I followed Ronald directly to Honeydukes’ sugar shop.

After walking in, it was already full of Hogwarts students.

The store has rack after rack filled with the most fascinating candies imaginable. Chunks of buttery peanut butter, chunks of shimmering pink coconut sorbet, neatly arranged hundreds of assorted chocolates, a vat of all-flavored beans, a tub of sizzling bees, floating in the air sherbet drink.

Along another wall are 'special effects' candies of all kinds, Blowing Super Bubble Gum (which fills a room with blue bellflower-colored bubbles that won't pop for days), bizarre shard-like The Mao Mao tooth mint, the small black pepper urchin ("breathing fire out of your friend's nose!"), the ice mouse ("hear your teeth chatter and creak!"), shaped like Toad's creamy mints ("It literally beats in the stomach!"), crunchy sugar quills and exploding bonbons.

"Let's go there and have a look." Richard pointed to a sign hanging in the far corner of the shop 'unusual flavors'

Hermione and Ronald nodded in agreement after seeing it.

After the three came to the corner, Richard looked at a lollipop and asked Ronald.

"What do you think of this?"

Ronald looked carefully at the plate of lollipops that smelled of blood.

"Well, no, Harry won't want it, it's for vampires, I suppose," Hermione was talking.

"How about this?" Richard continued, as he thinned a can of balled roaches under Hermione's nose.

"I definitely don't want this." Suddenly a voice sounded beside the three of them.

"Ronald, I'm not asking about you, but about how to bring Harry?" Hermione still lowered her head and fiddled with the pile of cockroaches in the jar.

"I, I didn't say, Harry?" Ronald called suddenly.

And Hermione also noticed that Harry Potter who was supposed to be in Hogwarts Castle unexpectedly appeared beside them at some time.

"Harry!" screamed Hermione, "what are you doing here? How, how did you get here?"

"You learned to stealth!" Ronald asked curiously.

"Of course I didn't," Harry said. He lowered his voice so the sixth graders would not hear, "I have this."

As he said that, Harry took out a worn parchment from inside his robe, and whispered to the parchment with his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong."

Now, under Hermione's and Ronald's jaw-dropping eyes, a thin line of ink like a spider's web immediately began to appear from the place where the wand had just touched. These lines meet and intersect each other, extending to every corner of the parchment, and then writing begins to appear on the top of the parchment, in large curved green characters, they are: Supplementary Supplier of Magical Mischief Makers Moonface, Wormtail Gentlemen of Padfoot and Prongs proudly present the Marauder's Map showing Hogwarts Castle and the grounds in every detail. But what's really worth noting are the tiny ink dots that move along the map, each marking a name in tiny letters. Ronald leaned over to take a closer look. A small ink dot in the upper left corner shows Professor Dumbledore pacing the study; Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, is prowling the third floor, while the mischievous ghost Peeves is hopping around the prize room.

The map showed a series of passages they had never entered. It is these passages that lead to Hogsmeade village.

"Harry, how did you have this?" Ronald asked in amazement.

"It was Fred and George. They found a Marauder's Map from Filch in their first grade. It marked many mysterious places, and there were many stories from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. Secret passages, I came from these secret passages."

"How come Fred and George never gave it to me, I'm their brother!" said Ronald, furious

"But Harry won't take it for long!" said Hermione, as if the idea was ridiculous.

"He'll give the map to Professor McGonagall, won't he, Harry?"

"No, I won't pay!" Harry said.

"Are you crazy?" Ronald said, glaring at Hermione.

"Hand over such a good thing?"

"If I do, I'll have to say where I got it! Filch will know Fred and George got it!"

"But what about Black? He can use a passage on this map to enter the castle! The teachers will know!"

"He couldn't have come in through the passages," said Harry quickly, "there are seven secret passages on the map from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. Fred and George reckon Filch may know four of them... the rest Of the three, one has collapsed, and no one can enter through that passage. The Whomping Willow tree was planted at the entrance of one, and one cannot get out after entering. The one I just walked through is really very deep in the cellar. It's hard to see where the entrance to it is, so unless he knows there's this secret passage."

Harry hesitated, what if Black really knew about the notice? However, Ronald cleared his throat solemnly and pointed to a notice posted inside the candy store door.

Attention patrons by order from the Ministry of Magic: Until further notice, dementors will patrol the streets of Hogsmeade after sunset each day. This move is purely for the safety of the residents of Hogsmeade, and will be canceled once Sirius Black is arrested and brought to justice again. I hope that customers will finish their purchases before the evening, and finally wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

"See?" Ronald said calmly.

"There are dementors all over here, and I'd like to see how Black can break into the candy store under the circumstances. Anyway, Hermione, the candy store owner will always hear someone break in, right? They just Live above a candy store!"

"What do you think, Richard?" Hermione didn't know how to refute, and could only subconsciously look at Richard to the side.

"Me? I don't think it matters. What if Black came?" As soon as Richard opened his mouth, Hermione knew that she had asked the wrong person. After all, she knew that Richard never took Black seriously.

"But, but, Harry shouldn't be coming to Hogsmeade, he didn't hand in the signed application form! If anyone finds out that Harry is here, Harry will be in big trouble.

"Okay, Hermione, it's all right, didn't you see Harry with the cloak? Let him relax.

Hearing Richard's words, both Harry and Ronald nodded desperately, and Hermione had nothing to say.

The three paid off their candy bills and left the candy store to walk outside into the snowstorm.

At this time, Hogsmeade village looked like a Christmas card, the huts and shops were covered with a layer of crisp snow, and there were holly wreaths on the doors of every house, Shi Enchanted candles hung in clusters on the tree.

Ronald and Hermione enthusiastically introduced various shops in Hogsmeade to Harry.

"That's the post office."

"Zoko's shop is over there."

"We can go to the screaming shack."

"Wait, I'm really too cold." Harry was shivering from the cold. Although he was wearing an invisibility cloak, he didn't wear a cloak because he came out in a hurry. At this time, he could only lower his head to resist the cold wind.

"How about we go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer?" Richard suggested to the trio.

Harry couldn't be more willing, and the wind and snow were blowing violently, his hands were almost numb from the cold. So they crossed the road and, after a few minutes, entered the small hotel. It was crowded and noisy, warm and smoky, and a woman with a curvaceous figure and a pretty face was tending a group of rowdy wizards at the bar.

"I'll go get a drink, okay?" Ronald said positively with a blushing face.

The three of Richard walked to the back of the room, where there was a small empty table between the window and the beautiful Christmas tree, near the fireplace. Five minutes later, Ronald returned with four large mugs of hot, frothy butterbeer. .

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