My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 212 The Three Broomsticks Bar

Britain, Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks.

"Merry Christmas!" The four little wizards toasted together in the bar.

Unlike other people who gulped down, Richard just took a shallow sip, and then gave up decisively.

He stood up by himself, walked to the bar, asked for a glass of canyon water, and brought it back.

"Don't you like butterbeer?" Hermione silently wrote it down after seeing it, and then asked curiously.

"Don't you think this butter beer is too sweet and a bit greasy?" Li Suo explained.

"Of course not, it tastes so sweet." Harry continued.

"All right, then, drink more. But watch your teeth."

"I feel, you look like my father." Hermione said suddenly.

This sentence made Richard cough non-stop, in fact, you can also call me that, Richard said secretly in his heart.

At this moment, a breeze blew through his hair and opened the broom door again.

"Harry, quickly put on your invisibility cloak, it's Professor McGonagall." Hermione also saw the person coming, and hurriedly said to Harry.

When Harry heard Hermione's words, he almost peed in fright, quickly put on the invisibility cloak, and carefully observed the direction of the door.

Professor McGonagall and Flitwick had just entered the tavern in a gust of snowflakes, followed by Hagrid, who was having a lively conversation with a dignified man wearing a dark green bowler hat and a thin striped cape. The man was none other than Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.

Both Ronald and Hermione immediately put their hands on Harry's head, pushing him hard against the table. With butterbeer dripping from his mouth, Harry squatted where people couldn't see him, clutching the empty glass tightly in his hand, watching the teachers and Fudge walk towards the bar, stop, then turn around and walk directly towards them.

Richard snapped his fingers directly.

The Christmas tree next to their table rose a few inches above the ground, moved sideways, and with a soft bang, fell right in front of their table, obscuring them.

Harry looked out through the thick foliage at the lower part of the Christmas tree, saw the feet of the four chairs at the adjacent table recede, and heard the teachers and Fudge take their seats, muttering and sighing.

Then he saw a pair of feet, wearing gorgeous turquoise high heels, and heard a woman's voice.

"A small glass of canyon water."

"Mine." Professor McGonagall's voice.

"Four pints of mead.

"Thanks, Rosmerta," Hagrid said.

"A sherry soda with ice and conch.

"This!" said Professor Flitwick, smacking his lips.

"Then yours is red currant rum, Minister."

"Thank you, Rosmerta, dear," said Fudge's voice. "I must say, it's good to see you again. You'll have a drink too, won't you? Come and sit with us."

"Okay. Thank you, Minister."

Harry watched the shiny high heels walk away and come back. His heart was beating up to his throat, which made him very uncomfortable.

How had it not occurred to him that this was also the last week of term for the teachers? How long would they be sitting here? If he was going back to school tonight, he'd need time to sneak back to Honeydukes.

"What brought you here, Minister" was Rosmerta's voice.

Fudge's stout lower body twisted on the chair, as if checking to see if anyone was eavesdropping. Then he said quietly: "What's going on but Sirius Black, dear? I dare say you've heard what happened at school on Halloween?"

"I heard the rumours," Ms Rosmerta admitted.

"Did you tell the whole tavern, Hagrid?" Professor McGonagall said angrily.

"Do you think Blake is still around here, Minister?" Ms. Rosmerta asked in a low voice.

"Sure," said Fudge curtly.

"Did you know that the dementors have raided my tavern twice?" said Madam Rosmerta, with a little sharpness in her voice. "Scares off my customers, it's bad for business, Minister."

"Rosmerta, dear, I'm just like you, and I don't like them either," said Fudge, a little uneasy.

"Necessary precaution, but you're right, I just met a few more. They're so pissed at Dumbledore, he won't let them into the castle grounds."

"I don't think they should be allowed in," said Professor McGonagall pointedly. "How do we teach with these horrible things floating around?"

"Listen, listen!" shrieked the diminutive Professor Flitwick, his feet dangling about a foot from the ground.

"And I heard that a little wizard in Hogwarts killed a dementor." Ms. Rosmerta said to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, "Is it true?"

"Of course, that's the pride of our Ravenclaw." At this moment, Professor Flitwick almost floated onto the table.

"Actually, this should be a mistake. You see Richard is often with Harry and the others, and what he does, so I think he should come to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall muttered softly.

"No, it's absolutely impossible. Richard is an integral part of Ravenclaw, just like the Muggles say that the West cannot lose Jerusalem." Professor Flitwick retorted excitedly

"Look, they're getting into a fight over you." Hermione whispered in Richard's ear.

And Richard felt his ears itch, and turned his head inadvertently.

This turn of the head made Richard feel that his lips seemed to touch something soft, like cotton candy, sweet.

And Hermione was startled by Richard's head turning, and then the touch on her lips told her what happened, she first glanced at Ronald, and found that Ronald was still staring at Ms Rosmerta, and because Harry was wearing an invisibility cloak, he couldn't Know if he has seen it.

Richard saw Hermione's panic-stricken expression was very cute, and unconsciously moved his face forward secretly, and his lips touched Hermione's little face that was about to smoke again.

Hermione hurriedly cupped her eyes as Richard fell asleep wolfishly.

At this time, Ms. Rosmerta's voice came again.

"You know, I still can't quite believe it," said Miss Rosmerta thoughtfully, "of all the people who have fallen into the ranks of villains, Sirius Black is the one I least expect to do, I mean, I remember when he was a kid at Hogwarts, if you had told me at that point what he would have been like, I would have said you drank too much."

"You don't know half the truth, Rosmerta," said Fudge stiffly. "Very few people know the worst of what he did."

"Worst?" said Ms. Rosmerta, her voice full of curiosity. "You mean worse than killing so many poor people?"

"Of course," said Fudge. "I can't believe it. What could be worse?"

"You said you remembered him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta," murmured Professor McGonagall, "do you remember who his best friend was?"

"Of course I do," said Ms. Rosmerta, with a faint smile. "They were inseparable, didn't they? The number of times I've seen them here, oh, they always make me laugh. A good pairing, Sirius Blake and James Potter!

There was a sudden 'clang' under Richard's table.

It was Harry, Richard and the others immediately realized that Ronald kicked him immediately.

"Exactly," continued Professor McGonagall, "Blake and Potter. The heads of their little gang. Both are very clever, of course, to be honest, very clever, but I don't think we've ever had anything like that before." A couple who can cause trouble. 11

"I don't know," Hagrid said with a smile and said exactly what Richard was thinking.

"Could Fred and George Weasley have some serious competition with them?"

"You'd think Black and Potter were brothers!" interjected Professor Flitwick in agreement. "Inseparable!"

"Of course they were inseparable," said Fudge. "Potter trusted Black more than he trusted any of his friends. They left school like that. When James and Lily married, Black was best man. Then They also called Blake godfather to Harry. Of course Harry didn't know. You can imagine how much it tortured him to know."

"Is it because Black later formed a gang with the mysterious man?" Rosmerta asked in a low voice. "It's worse than that, dear," Fudge continued in a low voice, lowering his voice. "Many people don't know that the Potters understand that You-Know-Who is after them. Dumbledore, of course, has been tirelessly against Mystery Man, he had many capable spies. One of the spies told Dumbledore about it, and Dumbledore told James and Lily right away. He advised them to hide. Dumbledore told them that their best chance was that The first spell of loyalty."

"How does that thing work?" Ms. Rosmerta asked, breathless with interest.

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat.

"It's a very complicated spell that involves magically hiding a secret in the soul of a living person. The secret is kept in the mind of the chosen one, or keeper, from where it is impossible to discover it, of course. , unless the Secret Keeper deliberately leaks. As long as the Secret Keeper refuses to speak, the Mysterious Man will search the village where the Potters have lived for many years, and will never find them, even if he crushes his nose on the glass window outside their living room Can't find it either!"

"So Black is the Potters' secret-keeper?"

"Naturally," said Professor McGonagall, "James Potter told Dumbledore that Black would rather die than tell where they were, and that Black himself was going to hide. That's all, and Dumbledore was worried. I remember him bringing up his own Come and be the Potters' secret keeper."

"Can't he trust Black?" Ms. Rosmerta gasped.

"He must have been among those close to the Potters who had been telling You-Know-Who about their whereabouts," said Professor McGonagall darkly. Much information has been given to You-Know-Who."

"But James insisted on using Black?"

"Yes," said Fudge heavily, "however, it has not been a week since the Fidelity Charm was cast . . .

"Has Black betrayed them?" Rosmerta asked.

"He did betray them. Black was tired of being a double-faced persona. Ready to publicly announce his support for You-Know-Who, as if intending to do so the moment Potter died. But, as we all know. You-Know-Who lost in Harry Potter Jr. Hand. He lost his powers and was so weak that he had to run away. This put Black in a dilemma. No sooner had Black exposed his traitor than his master fell. He had no choice but to run for his life.

"Dirty, stinking traitor!" Hagrid said, so loudly that the whole bar fell silent. .

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