My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 221 Zhang Qiu Appears

Hogwarts, Gryffindor common room.

At this moment, there was silence in the lounge, and everyone looked at Ronald.

At the beginning, Hermione was still a little guilty, but later she also started to get a little angry. Who can prove that Crookshanks ate Scabbers? Is there any evidence?

Ronald was annoyed that Hermione never took Crookshanks' intentions to eat Scabbers seriously, never bothered to take a close look at Crookshanks. And at this moment, he still pretended to think that Crookshanks was innocent, and suggested Ronald to find Scabbers under all the boys' beds. And Hermione was furious that Ronald had no proof that Crookshanks ate Scabbers, that the yellow fur had probably been there since Christmas, and since the day Crookshanks jumped on Ronald's head in that magical zoo, Ronald has always been prejudiced against her cats.

When Harry was about to say something, he was stopped by Richard, and now Hermione was obviously getting angry, if Harry said something more, Hermione would definitely blow up.

"Well, Ronald. You've been saying how annoying Scabbers is," said Fred briskly, "and he's been out of energy for a long time, and he's wasted at ten o'clock."

It's probably better for it to die fast. It probably didn't feel it.

"Fred!" said Ginny indignantly. "Six eight zero"

"Scattered just eats and sleeps all day long, Ronald, you said it yourself." George said.

"He bit Goyle for us once!" Ronald said miserably, "Remember, Harry?"

"Yes, there is such a thing," said Harry.

"It was at its best," said Fred, with a smile on his face. "Let the scar on Gower's finger be kept as a permanent memory of it. Oh, well, Ronald, don't be sad anymore, just buy another mouse. What's the use of Yuan Tan?"

"Okay Ronald, I told you during the summer vacation that if Scabbers has anything to do, you can choose one at random in the Fantastic Beasts store. Of course I know it's hard to make up for your feelings for Scabbers, but this I can give you some sustenance."

"Listen to Ronald, you've made a lot of money." After hearing this, the twin brothers began to give Ronald ideas on what to buy.

At this time, Ronald also put Banban behind his head. Although his complexion was still not very good-looking, the corners of his mouth raised from time to time revealed his current mood.

Richard pulled Hermione aside to make her think carefully about what he had said to her tonight.

"Don't you believe me, do you think it's because I didn't like Crookshanks?" Hermione looked at Richard with a disappointed face, if Richard didn't believe herself, "Hermione's mind will collapse.

"Of course not." Looking at Hermione's face, Richard said hastily, he can't provoke her now.

"Actually, none of you know Crookshanks, and you don't even know Scabbers." Richard revealed a little information to Hermione, so that her focus could be shifted a little.

"Don't know Scabbers?" Hermione was indeed attracted by this sentence.

"What's wrong with Scabbers? Isn't it just a mouse? Why is it so special, and the Weasley family has raised it for so many years, what's so special about it?"

"Just wait and see, but I can tell you that if there is no one else, even if Banban stands there, Crookshanks can't do anything to it, and even you should not be its opponent

Hearing what Richard said, Hermione became even more curious, but there was nothing Richard could do if she didn't tell her.

It was too late, Richard didn't continue to stay here, but directly returned to his dormitory.

The next day was the weekend, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Quidditch week.

Early in the morning, Harry showed up in the auditorium with his Firebolt.

"Look, Harry's broom, is that a Firebolt?" A Gryffindor junior suddenly pointed at Harry's broom and shouted.

Under Wood's suggestion, Harry has never revealed the existence of the Firebolt. Even the Gryffindor Quidditch team, except Captain Wood, no one else knows what Harry's broom is.

After hearing the little wizard's exclamation, the entire auditorium erupted. Apart from the wizards from Gryffindor, the little wizards from the other three academies also came to watch the Firebolt.

Knowing that owning a Firebolt at Hogwarts is like having a Rolls Royce among a bunch of Mazdas.

Everyone seemed to agree that the Firebolt deserved some kind of honor, many in Gryffindor murmured excitedly. Harry was extremely satisfied to see the Slytherin team as if struck by lightning

"See his face?" Ronald said happily, looking back at Malfoy. He couldn't believe it! This is amazing!"

Wood, too, was pleased with the glory reflected in the Firebolt.

"Put it here, Harry," he said, placing the broom in the center of the table, carefully keeping its sign facing outward. Students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff quickly gathered around to watch. Even Cedric Diggory came over to congratulate Harry on getting such a nice broom in place of Nimbus.

"Surely you can handle that broom, Potter?" said a cold, drawling voice.

Draco Malfoy came up to take a closer look, with Crabbe and Goyle right behind him.

"Yeah, because of it." Harry said casually.

"Has many features, this broom?" said Malfoy, with a malicious gleam in his eye. "Too bad it doesn't carry a parachute, in case you get too close to the Dementor."

Crabbe and Goyle snickered.

"It's a pity you can't have another arm, Malfoy," said Harry, "otherwise it could have caught the Snitch for you."

Team Gryffindor laughed loudly. Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed as he walked away slowly. They watched him rejoin the rest of the Slytherin team, who must have put their heads together and asked Malfoy if Harry's broom was a Firebolt.

Soon it was time for the game, and Richard and Ravenclaw's classmates sat in the auditorium of his own college. After all, this time was a game of his own college, so he couldn't sit at Gryffindor's again. There is no time to look at the homework.

It was a cool sunny day with very little wind, so visibility should not be an issue this time around.

Soon the players from both sides began to play, and there was thunderous applause from the audience, and Richard also saw Harry's dream lover—Zhang Qiu for the first time.

Although they are both in the same college and Zhang Qiu is an Asian, Richard has never seen her for three years. At first he thought that this Zhang Qiu did not exist.

On the court, the Ravenclaw team was wearing blue jerseys, and the Gryffindor team was wearing red autumn clothes. They were already standing in the middle of the court.

Through the binoculars, Richard could clearly see that Harry seemed to be a little distracted after seeing Zhang Qiu. Is this relationship about to start?

"Wood, Davies, shake hands..0" Mrs. Hooch said briskly, and Wood shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain.

"Get on the broom and listen to my whistle, three, two, one,"

"They started, and the excitement for this tournament is Harry's Firebolt in the Gryffindor team. According to the book Classified Broomsticks, the Firebolt will be the first choice for the national team to compete in this year's World Cup.. .."

"Jordan, can you please tell us how the game is going?" Professor McGonagall's voice cut in. "Come on soon, professor, just to give a little background. By the way, the Firebolt has a built-in automatic brake and..." commentator Lee Jordan's voice was heard through the loudspeaker in.

To be honest, there is really nothing to watch in this match. Harry's advantage is too great. His speed is not comparable to Zhang Qiu's. In many cases, as long as the advantage of equipment is too great, it cannot be compensated by technology. Besides, Harry Zhang Qiu's flying skills are also on the field, so Richard has reason to believe that as long as the Golden Snitch appears on the field,

"The ball is here for Gryffindor, and Katie Bell of Gryffindor is rushing towards the goal." Harry flashed past Katie, looking around for a golden flash, while Zhang Qiu was chasing after him. She was undoubtedly a good pilot, and she kept passing in front of him, forcing him to change direction. "Li Qiaodan's commentary also became serious.

Harry urged the Firebolts to speed up as they surrounded the Ravenclaw's goal and Qiu Zhang fell behind. Katie scored the first point of the game, and Gryffindor's side of the pitch was boiling.

Soon Harry saw that the Snitch was close to the ground, passing quickly near a barrier, he rushed down immediately, Zhang Qiu would chase after him no matter what he saw. Harry picked up speed. Just when he was only ten feet from there, a Bludger was hit by Ravenclaw's batter, popped up, Harry changed direction, and almost missed it, and in the crucial 1.4 seconds, The Golden Snitch was gone.

Gryffindor supporters let out a disappointed "oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but Ravenclaw team cheered their batsman loudly from the pitch. George Weasley let off steam by hitting a second Bludger on the batter, who was forced to roll in mid-air to avoid it.

"Gryffindor is leading eighty to zero now, look how the Firebolt is going! Potter is really showing his speed now. Watch him turn, Chang's comet can't match it. In such a long time In the game, the precise balance ability of the Firebolt." Li Qiaodan's advertising commentary began again.

At this moment, Zhang Qiu suddenly screamed and pointed to the auditorium with his finger.

Harry wasn't distracted, he looked down.

Three dementors, three tall, hooded black dementors were looking up at him. Harry didn't stop to think. He reached one hand from his neck to the underside of his robes, quickly drew his wand and roared, "Chu God protector!" A huge silver-white thing emerged from the end of his wand. He knew that this thing shot directly at the dementor, but he didn't stop to observe, his sanity was still miraculously clear, he was still flying forward, and soon his fingers successfully closed on the jumping ball. .

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