My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 222 Carnival After Victory

Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch

Harry grabbed the Golden Snitch tightly in his hands under the watchful eyes of everyone.

At this moment, Mrs. Hooch's whistle blew, and Harry turned around in mid-air, seeing six blurry scarlet things rushing towards him. And then the whole team hugged him so hard he almost fell off his broomstick. He could hear the cheers of the Gryffindor House students below.

Fred held him so tightly Harry felt as if his head was going to fall off. The whole team returned to the ground completely out of formation and in disarray. Harry got off his broom and looked up to see the Gryffindor supporters sprinting onto the field at full speed, with Ronald leading the way. Before he recovered, he was surrounded by cheering crowds.

"Win!" Ronald yelled, throwing Harry's arms into the air. "Win! Win!"

"Good job, Harry!" said Percy.

"Well done, Harry!" said Seamus Finnigan.

"Brilliant!" Hagrid's voice boomed over the throbbing heads of Gryffindor Yard.

"That's a nice Patronus," said a voice in Harry's ear. Harry turned and saw Professor Lupine, who looked both shocked and delighted.

"The dementors didn't affect me!" Harry said excitedly, "I didn't feel anything!"

"That's probably due to them, oh, not dementors." Professor Lupine said, "We'll see.

He led Harry out of the crowd until they were twenty minutes from where they could see the edge of the pitch.

"You scare Malfoy pretty badly," Lupine said.

Harry was dumbfounded. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, along with Marcus Flint, captain of the Slytherin team, were lying in a heap on the ground, all struggling to free themselves from their hooded black robes.

It was as if Malfoy had once stood on Goyle's shoulders.

Professor McGonagall stood looking down at them with a look of utter fury on his face.

"Despicable means!" she yelled. "Conspiracy to frame Gryffindor's Seeker. Obscenity and cowardice! You will all be punished and fifty points from Slytherin House will be deducted! I will tell Professor Dumbledore about it, Yes! Ah, here he comes!"

If there's one thing that can put a stamp on Gryffindor's success, it's this situation. Ronald squeezed his way to Harry's side, watching Malfoy scramble to free himself from his robes. Seeing that Goyle's head was still wrapped in his robe, he couldn't help laughing until he couldn't straighten his waist.

"Come on, Harry!" said George, pushing his way. "Gathering! Gryffindor Yard common room, now!"

"Okay, I'll ask Richard to go with me later." Harry said, Ronald stopped him quickly.

"He's from Ravenclaw, and you're calling him to join us in celebrating our defeat of Ravenclaw?"

Harry thought about it, so he didn't invite Richard, and followed the other players to lead, still wearing scarlet robes, walked out of the stands and returned to the castle.

When Richard returned to Ravenclaw's common room, he found a familiar figure sitting in the corner of the lounge, looking very lonely.

Richard walked over quietly, and it turned out to be Hermione who was trying to read a big book called "Life and Social Habits of a British Muggle Family".

"Have you not been to the game?" Richard asked Hermione.

"Of course I've been," said Hermione, looking up at Richard, before continuing.

"I'm glad Gryffindor won...."

Just at this time, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team also came back, and they all glared at Hermione when they heard Hermione's words.

"You guys fought well too," Hermione blushed suddenly, and laughed twice in embarrassment. "Everyone is fine, hahaha."

Even Richard, who had no interest in Quidditch, felt that Hermione's words were a bit objectionable, so he quickly brought her into his bedroom.

"Did I get you into trouble, will they blame you, or should I apologize?" Hermione said as she was about to open the door.

Richard quickly stopped her, "No, they were just a little upset at the time, nothing will happen later, you'd better sit here and read your book, by the way, aren't you Gryffindor celebrating today? Why are you here .”

"I just came here because they were celebrating, they were too loud, and I have to finish this book this weekend." Hermione raised the big book in her hand.

"You really didn't listen to what I told you." Richard rubbed his nose helplessly.

"How is it possible? I have listened to it. I plan to return the Time-Turner to Professor McGonagall after finishing this semester. I figured out that the divination class is useless at all. After removing a section, my time can be arranged It's on, you don't need to use the time-turner anymore."

Hearing what Hermione said, Richard stopped talking, took out a book and lay down on the bed and began to read.

Suddenly Richard thought that in the original book, Hermione was also a time-turner who gave up only after the third year, so does this wave mean that he did nothing?

Thinking of this Richard is a bit EMO.

Time passed slowly while the two were reading, and when Richard looked out the window again, he found that the sky had already darkened.

"Let's go, we have to go eat." Richard took out his pocket watch and said to Hermione after looking at it.

"It's already so late?" Hermione looked out the window in surprise, "But today's efficiency is really high, less than one-fifth of it is left. "Song will be finished in ten or so tomorrow morning."

"That's really good, I'll give you a reward." After saying that, Richard leaned towards Hermione.

When the two came out of the dormitory, Richard clutched his waist with a distorted face.

"How can you use such force, it's all purple."

"Yeah, but you can't just..." Hermione couldn't speak anymore with her red face.

The two came to the auditorium squabbling, and when they walked in, they suddenly found that basically no one came to eat at the Gryffindor table.

"They should still be celebrating, do you want to go back and celebrate with them?"

"Forget it, it's too loud." Hermione refused without hesitation.

Both came to Gryffindor's table to start the meal.

After dinner, Hermione refused Richard's invitation to go to the dormitory to read, and ran away with her book in embarrassment.

And Richard was full of regret, recalling the soft touch of his hand just now, and walked towards his dormitory with a weird smile.

When Hermione came to the Gryffindor common room, she saw that all the Gryffindor wizards were still celebrating their Quidditch victory.

Seeing bottles of butterbeer, fizzing pumpkin juice and several large bags of Honeydukes candies on the table, Hermione came to Harry curiously and asked.

"Where did these come from, why are there so many?"

"We got a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs," whispered Fred, who happened to hear Hermione beside Harry.

"Is that the map?" Hermione said in surprise, "Did you just sneak out? My God, it would be a disaster if you were caught."

"As long as you don't tell, no one will know about you." Ronald didn't know when he came to them. He still had a bit of a grudge against Crookshanks eating Scabbers, so he said directly.

Hermione gave her a hard look, then pushed everyone away, and went straight back to her dormitory.

The Gryffindor celebrations lasted until one o'clock in the morning before they were herded back to their dormitory by Professor McGonagall in a plaid dressing gown and hairnet.

Harry crawled into bed, drew the curtains to block out the moonlight, and lay down again, feeling as if he fell asleep right away, and he had a strange dream. He was walking through the woods, with the Firebolt on his shoulder, and he was following something silver and white. The thing snaked its way through the woods, and he could only catch glimpses of it between the leaves. He was eager to catch up with it, so he quickened his pace, but he walked faster, and the sign he was pursuing was also moving faster. When he started running, he heard the sound of hooves in front of him, and he also quickened his speed. Now he was racing on flat ground, and he could hear the running ahead. Then he turned a 887 corner and came to an open field, so...  

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...! No no no no no...!"

At this moment, Harry woke up suddenly, as if he had been hit in the face. He was completely lost in the darkness, he groped for the curtains around the bed, he heard movement around him, Seamus Finnigan's voice came from the other end of the room.

"What's the matter?"

Harry thought he heard the dormitory door closing. He finally found the opening of the curtain and pulled it aside. At the same time, Dean Thomas lit the lamp.

Ronald sat up on the bed, the curtain was pulled to one side, with a look of extreme terror on his face.

"Black! Sirius Black! With a knife!"


"Right here! What happened just now! Cut the curtain! Woke me up!"

"Are you sure you're not dreaming, Ronald?" Dean asked.

"Look at that curtain! I tell you, he was here just now!"

They all crawled out of bed, Harry was the first to reach the dormitory door, and they ran down the stairs at full speed. Doors opened behind them, and sleepy voices greeted them.

"Who was yelling just now?"

"What are you doing?"

Embers in the fireplace lit the common room, which was littered with party litter. The room was empty.

"Are you sure you're not dreaming, Ronald?"

"I tell you, I saw him!"

"Why are there so many voices?"

"Professor McGonagall wants us all to bed!"

A few girls came down the stairs, yawning in their dressing gowns. The boys also showed up one after another.

"Great, how about the party go on?" Fred Weasley said cheerfully.

"Everybody go back upstairs!" said Percy. He hurried to the common room. While talking, he pinned his Head Boys badge to his pajamas.

"Percy, it's Sirius Black!" Ronald said feebly, "In our dorm! With a knife! Woke me up!".

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