My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 226 Hagrid Wins The Case

Hogwarts, inside the Gryffindor common room.

Harry was recounting the extreme tussle he'd just had with Snape, and how he'd confronted Snape head-on.

Ronald's heart surged immediately when he heard it, but he also became nervous when he heard that Snape had found the Marauder's Map.

"Later, did he discover the secret of the Marauder's Map?" At this critical juncture, seeing Harry paused, Ronald asked hastily.

"Of course not." Harry said with lingering fear.

"You don't know, I was scared to death at the time," said Harry's tense expression, Hermione and Ronald held their breath, and following Harry's next words, Snape's gloomy face seemed to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Time went back to when Harry was still in Snape's office.

"Is it written in invisible ink? Or, instructions to enter Hogwarts without going through a dementor?" Snape said to Harry coldly.

Harry blinked. Snape's eyes lit up. "Let me see, let me see," he muttered, taking out his wand, and laying out the map on the table. "Show your secrets!" he said, touching the map lightly with his wand. Nothing happened.

Harry clenched his fists to keep his hands from shaking. "Show!" said "Six Seven Zero" Nepe, tapping sharply on the map with his wand.

The map is still blank. Harry let out a long breath, feeling relieved. "The Dean, Professor Severus Snape, orders you to reveal the hidden information!" Snape said, tapping the map with his wand. As if an invisible hand were writing on the parchment, writing appeared on the smooth surface of the map.

Mr. Moonface greeted Professor Snape and begged him not to poke his oversized nose into other people's business. Snape froze. Harry stared dumbfounded at the words. Can't say anything. But the map didn't stop there, and a new text appeared under the first paragraph. Mr. Prongs agreed with Mr. Moonface, and would like to add. That was Professor Snape being an ugly idiot. If the situation were not so serious, it would be very interesting. But then there was, Mr. Padfoot was willing to express his surprise, how a fool like Snape could be a professor. Harry closed his eyes in fear. When he opened his eyes, the writing on the map was almost finished. Mr. Wormtail greeted Professor Snape, advising him to wash his hair, that ooze. Harry waited for Snape to throw a fit.

"In that case," Snape said weakly, "we'll take care of it."

He was pacing in front of the fireplace, grabbing a handful of shiny powder from a jar on the mantelpiece and sprinkled it over the flames.

"Lupin!" Snape yelled at the flame, "I have something to say!" Harry was completely bewildered, staring at the flame. A large shape appeared in the fire, spinning rapidly. A few seconds later, Professor Lupine crawled out of the fire, brushing ashes from his tattered robes.

"Did you call me, Severus?" Lupine asked gently.

"Of course I called." Snape said, and he walked back to the desk, his face contorted, "I just asked Potter to empty his pockets, he has this thing with him." Snape pointed to the parchment, The handwriting of Moonface, Padfoot, and Prongs on the parchment was still glowing.

An odd, mysterious expression came to Lupine's face, and he continued to look at the map.

Harry felt Lupine thinking quickly.

"This parchment must be full of evil. That should be your area of ​​expertise, Lupine. Where do you think Harry got such a thing?"

Lupine looked up, only half-eying in Harry's direction, warning him not to interrupt.

"Full of evil?" he repeated mildly. "Do you really think so, Severus? It seems to me like a piece of parchment that insults anyone who tries to read it. Childish, but Surely there's no danger? I think Harry got it from a store that specializes in joke material."

"Really?" Snape asked. His jaw stiffened with irritation. "You think the shop can supply him with such things? Don't you think he got it straight from the maker?"

Harry didn't understand what Snape was talking about. Lupine seemed to do the same.

"You mean, from Mr. Wormtail or one of these people?" he asked. "Harry, do you know any of these people?"

1 "I don't know." Harry said quickly.

"Look, Severus?" Lupine said, turning to Snape again. "I see it as a Widodo product.

As if there was no other way, Snape waved his hand, signaling for the two to leave.

"Okay," Lupine said, clapping his hands together and looking at everyone happily, "Severus, I'll take this back, okay?" He folded up the map and put it in his robes.

"Harry, come with me, I have something to say about the vampire paper I assigned. We're off, sorry, Severus."

They left the office, at which point Harry couldn't even look at Snape. He and Lu Hu walked to the front without speaking. Then Harry turned to Luhu.

"Professor, I..."

"I don't listen to explanations," Lupine said curtly. He glanced at the empty vestibule and lowered his voice.

"I happen to know that this map was confiscated by Filch years ago. Yes, I know it's a map," he said, as Harry looked surprised. "I don't want to know how this map got into your hands. However, I'm surprised you didn't hand it over. Especially after a student left information about the castle lying around last time. I can't let you keep it It's over, Harry."

Harry had already thought of this, because he was too eager to explain and had no time to protest.

"Why did Snape say I got it straight from the maker?"

"Because," Lupine hesitated, "because the people who made the map were probably trying to lure you out of school. They thought it would be fun."

"Do you know them?" Harry asked, eagerly. "We met," he said briefly. He looked at Harry more seriously than ever. "Don't expect me to cover it up for you again, Harry. I can't make you take Sirius Black seriously. But I thought what you heard when the dementor approached you would have a bigger impact on you. Your Your parents sacrificed themselves to keep you alive, Harry. It's not good to reward them that way, trading their sacrifice for a pocket of magic tricks."

Everyone was silent after listening to Harry's narration.

"I advised you to go. Lupine is right, it is stupid to do this, and we really shouldn't do it." Ronald said tremblingly.

Hermione didn't say anything, but the other three could tell she was content.

And at this moment, Harry's owl flew in through the window and landed on Harry's shoulder.

Harry opened it and saw that it was a letter from Hagrid..0

There was not much content in the letter, just asking Harry to take the others to his hut.

"By the way, today is Buckbeak's trial day." Hermione suddenly called out.

Hearing this news, Harry and Ronald panicked and stood up hastily, not thinking about the things just now.

After a while, several people came to Hagrid's hut, standing at the door, not knowing whether to knock or not.

Richard didn't care about these and pushed open the door directly, and several other people had to follow in.

Hagrid, who had been waiting indoors for a long time, heard someone coming in, turned around, and saw Richard and the others.

He went over and held Richard Harry and Ronald in his arms.

"It's great that you are here." The Japanese struggled to jump out of Hagrid's thick arms.

"You know what? We won, we won."

Everyone who heard the news also beamed with joy.

"Really? Hagrid, we won? How did they decide in the end?" Hermione, who was standing aside, asked hastily.

"Of course it's true. With the materials you prepared for me, they don't know how to refute." Hagrid sat down a few people and poured black tea for them

"What about Malfoy? Didn't he play any tricks?" Ronald asked too.

"No, I don't know, he didn't go to the trial court today, which made those committees very popular, and declared that we won the case in court, but they asked me not to teach you with Hippogriff It's gone." Hagrid said regretfully.

Hearing these two pieces of good news, Harry and the others were even happier.

"You say, why didn't Lucius Malfoy go? Didn't Draco say that his father was going to testify?" Ronald asked curiously.

"Then I don't know." Hagrid said, giving Richard a look.

"Maybe he got into a car accident on the way and was killed." Harry blessed.

"Never mind that, as long as Hagrid wins the case?" Richard said.

"By the way, didn't you guys go to Hogsmeade today? Why did you come back to 2.0 so early?" Hagrid asked.

After Harry and the others looked at each other, they told Hagrid all the recent events. Of course, those who eavesdropped in the Three Broomsticks definitely didn't tell.

Hearing their words, Hagrid immediately became serious.

"Harry, you shouldn't be doing this, you should listen to Hermione more, she's always right.

Hearing Hagrid's words, Hermione held her little head high.

"And Professor Lupine, he is your father's good friend, you should listen to him more." Before Hagrid finished speaking, Harry interrupted him hastily.

"What did you say, Hagrid? Professor Lupine is a good friend of my father's?"

"Yeah, at the time, your father and Lupine and Peter, and..., anyway, they were good friends, inseparable." Hagrid stopped talking quickly, but everyone else knew that his novel was about Sirius Black .

"But, but why didn't Professor Lupine ever say that?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Maybe, maybe it's because he thought it would cause you unnecessary confusion." Hagrid knew that he had slipped up again, and hurriedly started to see off the guests.

"Okay, you guys go back quickly, it's going to be dark soon, you can't be outside the castle when it's dark, that's it, let's go."

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