My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 227 Richard's First Divination Lesson

After leaving Hagrid's hut, the four of them walked on the lawn back to Hogwarts Castle.

"You say, why didn't Professor Lupine tell me?" Harry was still brooding over this question.

"Didn't Hagrid say that, Lupine is afraid that you will be sad when you call your father." Ronald replied.

But obviously this answer didn't satisfy Harry.

"It's not easy, think about Harry, if you knew that Lupine was your father's friend, would you ask him about your father's situation at Hogwarts, and who are your father's friends? What would he say, Sirius Black?"

Hearing Richard's words, Harry also understood that for their own safety, they are now unwilling to tell their father and Black's relationship.

Thinking of this, Harry's mood dropped a lot.

Time will not stop its footsteps because of anyone, and the cold winter has gradually turned into a warm spring because of time.

On this day, after having breakfast, Richard followed Ravenclaw's classmates up the marble stairs to the Charms classroom.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick was already standing on the podium.

But for some reason, Harry and the others didn't come. It wasn't until the class bell rang for a few minutes that Harry and Ronald hurried over.

"You're late, boys!" Harry pushed open the classroom door, and Professor Flitwick scolded.

"Come on, wand out, we're going to experience the power of the happiness spell today. We've been divided into groups of two." Harry and Ronald hurried to a table in the back row and opened their schoolbags.

Richard first directly gave Terry a happy spell, which made him laugh so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, and then walked to Harry and the others.

"Where's Hermione? Why isn't she here?"

"Hermione?" Harry and Ronald looked around in surprise, "It shouldn't be, she was with us just now, why is she gone now?"

"Maybe, maybe she went to wash her hands and ask what she was doing?" Harry said.

But Hermione didn't show up for the whole class.

At this time, the whole class was going to have lunch, everyone was smiling, and the happy spell gave them a great sense of satisfaction.

But while eating lunch, Richard took a special look at Gryffindor's table and found that Hermione was still not there.

Although he knew that Hermione was most likely due to the time-turner, he was still a little worried, so he went to the Gryffindor public rest with Harry after the beef meal

They passed the security midget, said the password to the Fat Lady "Dude Dude," and climbed up the hole in the portrait to the common room.

Once inside, Richard saw Hermione sitting at the table, fast asleep, with her head resting on an open textbook of arithmetic and divination. Richard sat down next to Hermione and bumped into her by accident.

"What, what?" Hermione said. Startled, she woke up, looking around in a panic. "Should we go? What class should we have now? Richard? Why are you here, isn't this the Gryffindor's lounge?"

"Divination, but there are still 20 minutes." Harry on the side heard Hermione's words. "Hermione, why didn't you go to Charms?"

"What? Oh, no!" screamed Hermione, "I forgot Charms!"

"But how could you forget?" Harry said, "You were with us until we walked outside the classroom door!"

"I can't believe it!" Hermione lamented. "Is Professor Flitwick mad? Oh. What to do, I've been thinking about other things and forgetting about them!"

"Do you know what's going on, Hermione?" Ronald said, looking down at the large book Hermione was using as a pillow. "I think you're breaking down. You want to do too much

"No, I didn't!" said Hermione, brushing the hair out of her eyes and staring hopelessly around for her bag.

"I just made a mistake, didn't I better go to Professor Flitwick and apologize and see you in Divination class!"

Saying that, Hermione was about to stand up, but was held back by Richard.

"Professor Flitwick, I went back and told him, don't worry, he will understand you, what you have to do now is not to take a divination class, anyway, you have given up, you should go to have a rest, otherwise you will not be able to do so in the next class." Can't go up."

After hearing Richard's words, Hermione still insisted on going to Professor Flitwick.

In desperation, Richard had to go with her.

When they came to the office door, Hermione didn't let Richard go in together, but chose to go in alone.

It didn't take long for Hermione to come out, looking extremely troubled.

"I can't believe I missed the happy spell lesson! I'll bet there's one in the exam. Professor Flitwick just hinted it's possible!"

"It's okay, let's go to practice in the evening." Richard comforted.

This made Hermione relax a little bit, because he was really worried about Hermione, so Richard decided to go to a divination class with her, anyway, he won't have any class, just in time to see the famous Hogwarts God stick.

Together they climbed the stairs into the dimly lit and stuffy tower classroom. There is a crystal ball on each small table, and the luminous crystal balls are filled with pearly self-colored objects.

Richard followed Hermione to Harry's table.

"Richard? Why are you here?" Harry asked in surprise when he saw Richard's appearance.

"Let me visit your divination class."

"I thought I'd start crystal ball class next term," Ronald mumbled, his eyes carefully searching for Professor Trelawney in case she was listening nearby.

"Don't complain, that means we're done learning palmistry." Harry also grumbled back. "She winces every time she looks at my palm, and I'm getting tired of it."

"Hello!" said the familiar indistinct voice, and Professor Trelawney stepped in from the shadows as usual. Parvati and Lavender were shaking with excitement, their faces illuminated by the milky light of the crystal ball.

"I decided to take the crystal ball class a little earlier than originally planned." Professor Trelawney sat down, with his back to the fire in the fireplace, and looked around after sitting down. Fate has informed me that your exams in June will be about spheres, so I am anxious to give you enough practice. "

Hermione snorted to express her disdain, and then said deliberately not to lower her voice, "Well, to be honest, 'fate has notified her' who will give the exam questions? Her! This kind of prophecy is really amazing!"

It's hard to say if Professor Trelawney heard her, because her face was in the shadows. She continued, however, as if she hadn't heard.

"Looking at a crystal ball is a very fine art," she said dreamily. "You are peering into this unfathomable sphere for the first time, and I don't expect any of you to see anything. We should start from Practice relaxing the subjective mind and the outer eye begins (Ronald started snickering uncontrollably and had to put his fist in his mouth to stifle the laugh). Doing so clarifies the sky and the superconscious. If we're lucky, you Some of them might be able to see something before class ends.

So they started. Harry felt that this was at least an extremely stupid thing to do, so he stared blankly at the crystal ball, trying to think of nothing, but this "very stupid" thought popped into his mind from time to time. Ronald kept secretly laughing, and Hermione kept tsk-tsk to express her impatience, which didn't help Harry to get rid of distracting thoughts.

"See anything?" Richard asked them after quietly looking at the crystal ball for a quarter of an hour.

"See, there's a burn mark on the table," Ronald pointed, "someone knocked over a candle."

"What a waste of time," Hermione murmured, "I could have practiced something else useful. I could have made up the lesson of the happy spell."

"Didn't see anything." Harry said honestly.

"Do you do this every class? That's great."

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione and the others looked at him in surprise, what's so good about it.

"What a perfect fishing class, I regret not choosing this one." Richard said angrily.

Hearing Richard's words, Hermione and the others were stunned, it turned out that they could still understand in this way.

At this moment, Teacher Trelawney came over with the rustling of the dress.

"Anyone want me to help explain what's looming in their crystal ball?" She walked, her bracelets crackling.

"I don't need help," whispered Ronald, "it's obvious 650, it's going to be foggy tonight."

Both Harry and Hermione burst out laughing.

"Now, really!" said Professor Trelawney, as heads turned in their direction, and Parvati and Lavender looked shocked and indignant. "You're messing with the vibes of the discerning!" She approached their table and looked at their crystal ball. Harry felt his heart sink, he knew for sure what was going to happen.

"There's something here!" whispered Professor Trelawney. She moved her face closer to the crystal ball, and her big glasses reflected two crystal balls. "Something is moving, but what is it?"

"My darling," Professor Trelawney gasped, looking at Harry, "from here, it's clearer than ever my darling, striding towards you, getting closer, that's ominous.

Hermione was a little agitated at this moment, and just about to say something, she was stopped by Richard. She turned her head to look at Richard, but she did see Richard's unusually serious face, and Hermione was frightened immediately, she knew Richard I have always disliked when someone is in class, no matter what class someone is making trouble.

Hermione watched Richard warily, then settled down.

The rest of the time ended with Professor Trelawney rambling on.

When get out of class was over, Hermione still looked at Richard carefully.

"Hermione, I remember I said that it doesn't matter whether you can accept the professor or not, but you can't disturb others. What did you want to do just now? Argue with Professor Trelawney?"

"I, I just thought she..." Hermione stammered.

"That's right, she..." Harry and Ronald said hastily.

"If you all think she doesn't have any ability and is delaying you, you can not take her class, or go to Professor Dumbledore and tell him your suggestion, instead of making a big noise in class."

"You must know how to respect others, respecting others is respecting yourself.

At this moment, a burst of applause came from the side, and several people looked in the direction of the sound.

Dumbledore's figure quietly appeared there. .

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