My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 233 Banban Is Not Dead

Hogwarts Castle, fourth floor

The three of Harry walked cautiously down the Gunhilda corridor in Gosmoor at Hogwarts.

"If Snape sees me around there again, I'll be in big trouble." Harry said after looking around.

"That's right." Hermione agreed, "If he saw you..., how could you open the witch's hump?"

"You, tap it once and say: 'Separate left and right,'" Harry replied.

"Then you just stand here and don't go in, Ronald and I will go in."

After speaking, Hermione and Ronald came to the statue of the one-eyed witch.

"That's it, let's try it." Hermione tapped the statue lightly and said.

"Left and right separation."

Immediately the statue's hump opened, revealing a hole large enough for a thinner man to enter.

"I'll do it." Said Ronald quickly glanced back and forth in the corridor, then crawled his head forward into the hole, and then advanced in the hole.

After a while, Ronald stepped back again, "I found it."

Seeing the invisibility cloak in Ronald's hand, Hermione hastily dragged Ronald to Harry's side.

"Let's go back quickly, Richard should be here soon." Harry was ecstatic when he saw the lost Invisibility Cloak, but out of fear of Snape, he said hastily

When they returned to Gryffindor's lounge, they happened to pass Richard.

"What did you say? Richard just came and left without finding us?"

Neville, who saw the three of Harry, told them what happened just now.

"Forget it, dinner is coming soon, I'll look for him when it's dinner time." In desperation, that's all I can do.

It was time for dinner in a few minutes, Harry and the others went down to have dinner together.

During dinner, Hermione kept looking for Richard at Ravenclaw's table, but she never found it.

"Have you seen Richard?" Hermione asked Harry and Ronald.

Ronald, who was still gnawing on the chicken leg, muttered no, while Harry quickly looked in the direction of Ravenclaw and kept shaking his head.

"Where did he go, it's time for dinner, why isn't he here?" Hermione said slightly worried.

"Maybe he went back to sleep and wasted time, and you know how dead Richard is when he sleeps." Harry comforted, "After dinner, let's go to the Ravenclaw lounge to find him."

And our classmate Richard, where is he now?

In fact, he was on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, very close to Hogwarts Castle.

At this time, Richard was chowing down on a freshly roasted roast chicken.

And beside him, Hagrid's huge body was still tumbling the ingredients on the oven from time to time.

"Hagrid, your craftsmanship is awesome, you can open a restaurant even if you are not in Hogwarts in the future." ". " Richard gave Hagrid a thumbs up and praised him sincerely.

"That's right, I think so too." Hagrid laughed loudly, the successful conclusion of the final exam made this giant who was a professor for the first time very happy, just when Richard came to look for Harry, Hagrid kept him as His teaching assistant, although Richard didn't help Hagrid too much, but he solved the most difficult Malfoy, Hagrid was very grateful for this alone.

So Hagrid made a point of keeping Richard for a barbecue.

"If it wasn't for the damned Sirius Black, we could have called Harry and the others together." Hagrid said regretfully.

"It's okay, wait until next time, anyway, there is still a lot of time." Richard comforted, "Quickly look through it, why do I smell a paste?"

Immediately Hagrid was working again.

After Harry and the others had dinner, they immediately came to Ravenclaw's lounge. As Hermione was there, there was still no problem in answering questions.

After entering, they discovered that Li was not in the dormitory either.

All three of them panicked.

"Do you think Richard will go find the servant of the mysterious man?" Ronald guessed.

"How is this possible? He doesn't even know who that servant is and how to find it." Hermione said a little grumpily.

"And where does Richard go back?"

"He must have something to do, otherwise he would never have missed dinner." Recalling the memory of Richard, Harry surmised.

Hearing Harry's words, Hermione became even more irritable.

"Will he be taken?" Ronald's guess made Hermione jump.

"Catch Richard? How is this possible? No one in Hogwarts has such strength." After two adventures with Richard, Harry can be said to be the person who knows Richard's strength best in the whole school except Dumbledore.

"How about we go to Hagrid's? Maybe he went to Hagrid's," Hermione finally decided.

"But now you are not allowed to go out at night, you know Sirius..." Before Ronald could finish, he was interrupted by Hermione.

"I'll go by myself, you don't have to worry about it." After speaking, Hermione hurriedly ran towards the first floor.

Harry and Ronald hurriedly followed, but there was no sign of Hermione in the corridor at this time.

"What's wrong with her? You know Hermione always values ​​the school rules the most." Ronald asked in surprise, "Are we going too?"

"Of course, but I have to get the invisibility cloak first, you are waiting for me on the first floor."

After speaking, Harry hurried back to the dormitory and took the invisibility cloak to the front hall.

Harry hid the Invisibility Cloak under the front of his robes, and he had to keep his arms crossed to hide the bulge under the robes. They sneaked into an empty room near the vestibule and listened for a while until there was indeed no one around them. They heard the last two hurrying away across the auditorium, and heard a door close and Ronald poke his head out to look.

"It's all right," he whispered, "there's no one there, put on the cloak of invisibility."

The two walked close together so as not to be noticed. Under the cloak of invisibility they tiptoed through the auditorium and down the stone steps in front of the gate. Come to the door. The sun had gone behind the Forbidden Forest, and the afterglow was shining on the treetops.

They went to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door.

Immediately, someone opened the door from the inside, and Hermione's voice sounded, "Who is Richard?"

"It's us," Harry whispered, "we're wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Let us in, and we can take off the Invisibility Cloak."

"Why are you here?" Hermione whispered, but he stepped back and they walked in.

"Has Richard gone back?" Hermione asked expectantly.

"No, we're worried about you and Richard coming over. By the way, where's Hagrid?"

"I don't know, the door was open when I came, so I just walked in." Hermione said disappointedly.

"So what do we do now?" Ronald asked.

"Let's wait here, maybe Richard is with Hagrid, by the way, do you want some tea?"

As she said that, Hermione went directly to Hagrid's cupboard without waiting for Harry and the others to speak, and went to prepare teacups.

Just when she was about to take out a few cups, she accidentally bumped into a milk bottle inside, and she screamed.

`Ronald! I, I can't believe it, that's Scabbers!"

Ronald stared at her dumbfounded.

"what are you talking about?"

Hermione took the milk jug to the table and turned it upside down. Scabbers screamed in panic. Struggling to get back into the milk jug, it slipped onto the table.

"Banban!" Ronald called blankly, "Banban, what are you doing here?" He grabbed the struggling mouse and lifted it to a place where there was light. Banban looked embarrassed, thinner than before, and a lot of fur fell off, leaving patches of bare skin. It writhed in Ronald's hand, as if desperately trying to be free.

"It's all right, Scabbers!" said Ronald, "No cats! Nothing here will hurt you!

At this moment, Ronald didn't know how he was feeling. He had already accepted the fact that Scabbers was eaten. He was watching "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" recently, and was planning to get a new pet, but Now Ban Ban miraculously appeared in front of his eyes, feeling inexplicably lost.

Ronald mechanically stuffed Scabbers into his pocket, and the thing that made him even more uncomfortable now was whether he should apologize to Hermione, at that time he thought that Scabbers had been eaten by Crookshanks, and even got angry at Hermione.

But now Hermione is not in the mood to care about these things, she is still worried about Richard.

At this moment, something suddenly made some noise outside.

"Richard?" Hermione ran out in a hurry, followed by Harry and Bonn.

They ran to the door leading to the back garden, when Buckbeak appeared in front of them. Buckbeak chained behind a tree in Hagrid's pumpkin patch. Buckbeak turned his head from side to side and clawed the ground nervously.

Seeing this, Hermione was even more lost.

"Why don't we go to the Ravenclaw's common room and ask, maybe one of them knows where Richard is?" Harry suggested.

Hermione thought for a while, and felt that waiting here was not an option, so she nodded in agreement.

They stepped onto the sloping lawn. Go to the castle. Now the sun is sinking quickly, the sky is clear, purple in the gray, but there is still a tinge of red in the west. Ronald stood still.

"Oh, please, Ronald," Hermione began.

"It's Scabbers, it refuses, stays still."

Ronald bent down, trying to keep Scabbers still in his pocket, but the rat went berserk, screaming, writhing and kicking wildly, trying to bite Ronald's hand.

"Banban, it's me, you fool, it's Ronald. Please stay put and don't move." They walked forward.

Just two steps away, Ronald stopped again. "I can't hold it anymore, Scabbers, don't move.

But it was obvious that Ronald's reassurance had no effect, and the mouse was still screaming frantically. .

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