My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 234 Banban Ran Away Again?

In the night, the three of Hermione walked towards the castle, walking slowly so that all three could hide under the cloak.

Now the light fades quickly. By the time they reached the clearing, darkness had descended like a spell around them.

"Banban, don't move." Ronald said in a low voice, putting his hands on his chest. The rat was struggling frantically. Ronald stopped abruptly, trying to force Scabbers to stay deeper in his pocket.

"You stupid mouse, what's the matter with you? Hold still, ouch! It bit me!"

"Ronald, keep quiet!" Hermione whispered hastily, "We'll be in the front hall soon, there must be someone there by now."

Scabbers was obviously terrified, and it struggled with all its strength to break free from Ronald's grasp.

"What's the matter with it?" But Harry had just seen Crookshanks stalking towards them, lying low on the ground, his yellow eyes glowing eerily in the dark. Either it could see them, or it could have heard Scabbers' screams following them, Harry couldn't tell which was the case.

"Crookshanks!" groaned Hermione, "Don't come, go away. Crookshanks! Go away!" But the cat came closer.

"Scabbets, don't!" It was too late, the mouse slipped out of Ronald's fingers, fell to the ground and escaped. Crookshanks jumped and gave chase, and before Harry and Hermione could stop him, Ronald left the cloak behind and ran into the darkness. "Ronald!" Hermione lamented. She and Harry glanced at each other, then also ran away. They couldn't run fast with the cloak on, so they pulled off the cloak, and the cloak waved behind them like a banner. They went after Ronald, and they could hear his heavy footsteps running forward, and they could hear him yelling at Crookshanks.

"Let go of it, let go, Banban, come here." There was a blunt sound.

"Got got you! Let go, you stinky cat." Harry and Hermione almost fell on top of Ronald, slipping [just in front of Ronald] before stopping.

Ronald fell to the ground on his back, Scabbers was back in his pocket, his hands clutching the trembling mass tightly.

"Ronald, come on, get under the cloak," Hermione gasped.

But before they could hide themselves, or even take a breath, they heard the sound of huge paws stepping on the ground lightly, and something was coming towards them from the darkness, it was a pair of light-colored eyes with black fur big dog.

Harry reached for his wand, but it was too late, and the dog jumped, its front paws already on his chest. He rolled back quickly, and he felt its hot breath and saw the inch-long teeth, but the dog pounced too hard and rolled over him. Dazzled, Harry felt as if his ribs were broken, and as he tried to stand up, he could hear the dog whirling in circles, ready to attack again.

Ronald stood up. The dog sprang at them again, Ronald pushed Harry aside, and the dog bit Ronald's outstretched arm. Harry lunged forward and grabbed a handful of the dog's hair, but the dog dragged Ronald away effortlessly, as if Ronald were a rag doll.

Then something came out of nowhere and hit Harry in the face so hard that Harry fell again. He heard Hermione scream in pain and also fell to the ground. Harry fumbled for his wand, blinking blood from his eyes. "Lumos!" he whispered.

The light from the wand made him see a thick trunk, and they were chasing Scabbers well into the shadow of the Whomping Willow. The branches of the tree were shaking, as if in a strong wind, and the branches (caba) swayed back and forth, preventing them from going any further.

There, right next to the root of the tree, was the dog, dragging Ronald back into a big opening in the root of the tree.

Ronald fought furiously, but his head and torso were out of sight.

"Ronald!" Harry yelled, trying to follow in, but a big branch came down and Harry was forced to back up again.

Now all they could see was Ronald's legs, which were holding on to a tree root in an attempt to stop the dog from dragging him further into the ground. Then there was a terrible bang, like a gunshot, and Ronald's leg snapped, and in the blink of an eye, his feet were no longer visible.

"Harry, we have to get help." Hermione said anxiously, she was also bleeding, and the Whomping Willow had cut her shoulder.

"No! That thing is big enough to eat him, we don't have time!"

"No one helps, we can't deal with it anyway!"

Just then another twig came at them, twigs twisted together like fists.

"If the dog can get in, so can we," gasped Harry, running back and forth, trying to find a passage between the viciously waving branches, but he couldn't get an inch without getting beat up by them. Can't get close to the root of the tree.

"Oh, where the hell are you, Richard?" Hermione whispered frantically, bouncing around unsteadily.

And what about Richard now? He's still eating BBQ and singing with Hagrid.

Suddenly, Richard fell silent as if he heard something.

"What's the matter? Richard." Hagrid asked strangely.

"I think I heard Hermione calling me." Richard said to Hagrid while listening to the voices around him.

Hearing Richard's words, Hagrid also fell silent, listening to the movement around him, but after a while, he spoke.

"I didn't hear anything except the wind. Are you thinking about her? I used to be like this. When I was alone, I often heard your knocking on the door, but every time I opened the door, there was nothing." Hagrid took another sip of his drink as he spoke.

Is this really the case? Richard couldn't help thinking about it.

It didn't take much time, so he decided to go back first. After all, he came out to find Harry and the others, and looking at the time, they should also go to the Whomping Willow in the original book.

"Alright Hagrid, it's getting late, I'll go back first." Richard said goodbye to Hagrid.

At this time, Hagrid also noticed the sky and said quickly.

"Yes, you should really go back, I shouldn't have left you to play like this, but I don't know why, it's always hard for me to see you as a little wizard." Hagrid first put the fire in the fire It was extinguished directly, and then stood up, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Seeing Hagrid's staggering pace, Richard quickly stopped him, "Forget it, you should go back to drink some water and take a rest, if you send me back, I'm afraid you will fall asleep on the way. "

Hearing Richard's words, Hagrid didn't force him to send him off. After all, this is Richard Harris. If he meets Sirius, he can't blame others.

Richard staggered towards Hogwarts Castle alone.

After coming to the front hall, Richard walked directly to the Gryffindor common room without stopping.

In the common room of Gryffindor, Richard learned that Hermione and the others did not come back. In order to avoid accidents, Richard hurriedly walked towards the Whooping Willow without taking a rest.

Now the time is back to when Hermione just let out the cry of the soul.

Here at the Whomping Willow at Hogwarts, Crookshanks dodges between the branches like a snake before it rests its forepaws on a knot in the tree's hand.

All of a sudden, the tree seemed to have turned into marble, it didn't move anymore, all the leaves were still.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione murmured, undecided. Now she was gripping Harry's arm so hard it hurt. "How does it know?"

"It's friends with that dog," Harry said darkly, "I've seen them together, come on, wand held still."

Within seconds they were at the side of the trunk, but before they could reach the opening Crookshanks slipped in with a flick of his bottlebrush tail. Harry followed inside. He rushed his head forward and crawled in, then slid down a dirt slope until it turned into a very low tunnel. Crookshanks was not far ahead, its eyes gleaming in the light from Harry's wand.

"Go here," Harry said. He hunched [following Crookshanks forward.

"Where is the exit of this tunnel?" Hermione asked breathlessly behind Harry.

"Don't know, the passage is marked on the Marauder's Map, but Fred and George say it's never been traveled. The road disappears at the edge of the map, but it looks like it ends at Hogsmoor Decun."

They went on as fast as they could, bent almost as far as they could go, Crookshanks in front of them, tail bouncing up and down, appearing and disappearing. The passage was endless, and felt at least as long as the one to Honeydukes. All Harry could think about was Ronald, and what the big dog would do to Ronald, his breath was short of breath, his chest hurt because he was running forward with his head down and stooped, and then, the tunnel started to go up, and went a little further , the terrain became crooked and Crookshanks disappeared. However, through a small opening, Harry could see a faint ray of light.

Harry and Hermione stopped, took a breath, and moved sideways. Both raised their wands to shine their way, to see what was ahead.

It was a house, a messy, dusty house. The wallpaper was peeling off the walls, the floor was stained all over, pieces of furniture were broken and looked like they had been broken in, the windows were boarded up.

Harry glanced at Hermione, who looked tired, but she nodded.

Harry forced his way out of the cave and looked around. There was no one in the room, but a door to the right was open, leading to a dark passage. Hermione grabbed Harry's arm again suddenly, her large eyes scanning the boarded windows.

"Harry," she whispered, "I think we're in the Shrieking Shack."

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