My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 235: Screaming Shack

Hogsmeade, inside the screaming shack

Harry looked around. His eyes fell on a nearby wooden chair, a large piece of wood had been torn from the chair, and a leg was missing.

At this time, there was a creaking sound from above, and something was moving upstairs. Both looked up at the ceiling. Hermione gripped Harry's arm so tightly that Harry lost feeling in his fingers.

They crept out into the hall as quietly as possible. Climb the stairs that are about to collapse. Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, but not the floor, where something had been dragged up the stairs and left a broad, shiny mark on the floor.

They came to the dark landing.

The two "Knox" muttered words together, and then, the light at the end of the two wands disappeared.

One door is open. They sneaked past and heard movement behind the door, a low moan, then a contented cat purr, deep and loud. They exchanged a final look and nodded.

Harry gripped his wand tightly and kicked open the door.

A luxurious four-poster bed with dusty curtains all around, Crookshanks crouched on the bed and whined loudly with satisfaction at the sight of them. On the floor next to Crookshanks, Ronald grabbed one of his legs, stretched out unnaturally, and Harry and Hermione rushed to him.

"Ronald, are you okay?"

"Where did that dog go?"

"Not a dog." Ronald moaned. He gritted his teeth because of the pain. "Harry-, this is a trap.


"He's the dog, he's an Animagus..."

Ronald looked over Harry's shoulder. Harry turned quickly. With a snap, the man in the shadows closed the door behind them.

A clump of dirty, tangled hair hung down to his elbows, and he might have been a corpse if the eyes hadn't shone in their deep, dark sockets, the waxy skin clinging to the skeleton of his face, looking It looks like a skull. Grinning with his yellow teeth bared, it was Sirius Black.

"Expelliarmus!" he said hoarsely, pointing Ronald's wand at them. Both Harry's and Hermione's wands flew high in the air and were caught by Black. Then he took a step forward. He stared at Harry.

"I thought you'd come to help a friend," he said hoarsely. His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a long time. "Your dad would have done the same to me. You guys were brave enough not to go to the teacher. I'm grateful it makes things so much easier."

His taunts to his dad echoed in Harry's ears, as if Black had just yelled them out loud. Hatred boiled in Harry's chest, so there was no place for fear to stay. For the first time in his life, he wanted the wand back so badly, not to defend himself, but to attack and kill. He rushed forward, not knowing what he was going to do, but there were sudden movements on both sides of him, and both hands grabbed him and dragged him back.

"If you're going to kill Harry, you're going to kill us too!" Ronald roared loudly, even though the effort to stand up had made his face even paler, and he shook a little when he spoke.

Something flickered in Black's dark eyes. "Lie down," he said quietly to Ronald, "you're going to hurt that leg even more.

"Did you hear me?" Ronald said weakly, even though he was holding Harry painfully now to stand upright. "You must kill all three of us!"

"There's only going to be one murder here tonight," Blake said, his smile widening.

"Really?" At this moment, a voice familiar to Harry and the others sounded out of thin air.

Black's face changed, and before he could react, he flew out in an instant, and directly stuck into the wooden wall.

Is this beating people like hanging paintings?

Richard's figure also slowly appeared.

"Richard!!!" Hermione screamed, and rushed into Richard's arms, never wanting to come out again.

Harry and Ronald also screamed again and again, "I knew you would definitely come, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome."

At this moment, with a bang, Blake also fell from the wall, but he still didn't move, apparently he was knocked out.

Harry walked over cautiously, then picked up his wand from the ground, and pointed it at the unconscious Black, at this moment he didn't make a direct move, of course it wasn't his heart that softened

It was just Harry thinking about what magic to use to torture this demented murderer.

Thunderbolt explosion? Shattered bones? Torn apart?

Suddenly, Harry thought of the method Richard used to deal with trolls in the first grade, his eyes lit up immediately, he picked up a piece of wood on the ground, and prepared to use the polymorph technique to turn it into a rope.

But it's a pity that with his half-baked transformation technique, it's obviously not possible to do it.

"Harry!!!" Hermione also saw Harry's behavior and immediately guessed what he was going to do, "You can't do this! Even if he is a criminal, he is still a human being, not a troll."

When Ronald heard Hermione's words, he immediately thought, "No, Harry, absolutely not.

"He killed my mum and dad!" Harry yelled.

Seeing that Harry was about to lose control, Richard couldn't sit idly by, snapped his fingers, and the wand in Harry's hand flew over, and then Harry froze, unable to move

"Okay, Sirius is here, let's listen to what he has to say, even criminals should give people a chance to defend themselves."

Hearing Richard's words, Harry also calmed down, but he still stared fiercely at Sirius Black.

Seeing that Harry didn't speak, Richard took it as his acquiescing (nonsense, how to speak after being cursed).

He snapped his fingers again, and Black came back to life with a groan.

After slowly opening his eyes, seeing the situation in front of him, he fell silent, at this moment Richard broke Harry's petrification spell, and returned his wand to him.

After Harry got his wand, he pointed it at Black immediately.

Black sprawled against the wall, his thin chest heaving rapidly, watching Harry approach slowly, Harry's wand pointed directly at Black's heart. "Are you going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered.

Harry was standing in front of him, wand still pointed at his chest [looking down at him.

"You killed my parents," Harry said, his voice trembling slightly, but his wand hand was steady.

Black glared at Harry with his sunken eyes.

"I don't deny that," he said quietly, "but if you know the whole story... . . .

"The whole story?" Harry repeated, a loud thud in his ears. "You betrayed them to Voldemort, and that's all I need to know!"

0 for flowers...

"You gotta listen to me," said Blake, now with an urgent note in his voice, "if you don't, don't understand, you'll regret it.

"I know a lot more than you think," said Harry, his voice trembling even more. "You never heard her cry, did you? My mother, trying not to let Voldemort kill me, and you did that thing, you did."

Before the two of them could say anything else, a ginger-colored thing sprinted in front of Harry, and Crookshanks jumped onto Black's chest, crouching there not moving, right in the middle of his heart. Blake blinked and looked down at the cat. "Go away," he murmured, trying to push Crookshanks away.

But Crookshanks dug his claws deep into Black's robes and wouldn't budge. It turned its ugly face to Harry, looking at him with those big yellow eyes.

"Come here, Crookshanks," Lee called to the cat.

Hearing Richard's voice, Crookshanks immediately abandoned Black, walked to Richard's side with graceful catwalks, and kept rubbing at his feet.

Richard still used a cleaning spell on Crookshanks first, this guy was running around every day, and he didn't know if there were any fleas, so he must clean it first, and then hugged Crookshanks.

Crookshanks changed from his usual rudeness and let out a meowing clip sound.

Seeing that Crookshanks was gone, Harry also breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that Richard liked this cat very much, if it was only on Black, it would be difficult for Harry, luckily he is gone now

He's going to kill Blake. He has to kill Black. This was his chance, and it was a long few seconds, with Harry standing still, wand raised, and Black glaring upward at him. Ronald's harsh breathing came from near the bed, Richard and Hermione were quiet.

Then there was a new sound, muffled footsteps echoing on the floor, someone walking downstairs.

"Here we are!" Ronald yelled suddenly, "Here we are, Sirius Black, hurry up!"

Startled, Black jerked and Harry grabbed his wand convulsively, Fuck now! A voice in his head said, but there were thunderous footsteps, and Harry still didn't move.

The door of the room was knocked open in a flurry of sparks, and Harry turned quickly, when Professor Luhu burst into the room, his face pale, his wand raised, ready for any moment. His eyes flickered past Ronald lying on the floor, then tremblingly across the door, past Harry, who was still standing there pointing at Black with his wand, and then, his eyes flicked to Black, who was in the At Harry's feet, he collapsed and was bleeding, and finally saw Jinan and Hermione holding the cat.

It was a good thing he didn't have a wand, Lupine congratulated himself, and then cast the spell in a flash.

"Disarm!" Lupine yelled.

Harry's wand flew out of his hand again, as did the two Hermione was holding. Lupine nimbly grasped the three wands.

Then, then Lupine was stunned. It turned out that Richard had come to him at some point.

Looking at this little wizard who was a head shorter than himself, the pressure doubled.

"Professor, are you collecting wands? Do you want mine?" Richard held Crookshanks in one hand, and took out the wand from his wizard robe with the other hand, handed it to Lupine and

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