My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 236 Lupine Also Gets Involved

Hogsmeade, Shrieking Shack.

Lupine looked at the wand extended by Richard, and his heart moved for a while, but when he recalled Richard's performance in the exam, let's forget it, it's scary that even if he doesn't have a wand, he can't beat it by himself.

But Black next to him didn't know, he struggled to stand up, and then desperately tried to take the wand from Richard's hand.

"Don't...." Before Lupine finished speaking, Black flew out like a rubber ball again.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, it's a conditioned reflex... Well, don't you understand? It's just a subconscious meaning. I didn't mean it. Why don't you try it?" Richard said meanly Blake said.

But, obviously, neither Lupine nor Blake are fools, and they don't know each other.

They can't beat them, they really can't beat them, but they are also very confused why Richard didn't directly subdue them. Forget it, let's finish what we want to do. If Richard wants to stop them, let's see if we can talk.

Thinking of this, Lupine spoke, with a strange voice, with a voice of suppressed emotion: "Where is he, Sirius?"

Harry glanced at Richard first, seeing that he had absolutely no intention of making a move or stopping him, so he quickly looked at Lupine again. He didn't understand what Lupine meant. Who was Lupine talking about? Then Harry turned to look at Black again.

Blake had no expression on his face. After a few seconds, he remained motionless. Then, very slowly, he raised his free hand and pointed it at Ronald. Harry was puzzled, and also looked at Ronald, who looked bewildered.

"But," Lupine murmured, watching Black intently, as if reading his mind, "why didn't he reveal the truth before? Unless," Lupine's eyes suddenly widened. As if looking at something other than Blake, and none of the rest, "Unless he's the one, unless you've changed without telling me?"

Keeping his gaze on Lupine's face, Black nodded slowly.

"Professor Lupine," Harry interrupted loudly, "what's going on."

But he never finished asking the question, because what he saw made his throat choke. Lupine put down his wand, walked over to Black, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up, Lupine hugged Black like two brothers.

Harry felt his stomach turn upside down.

"I don't believe it!" Hermione screamed.

Lupine let go of Black and turned to her. Hermione came to Richard's side, pointing at Lupine, eyes wide. "you you."


"you and him!"

"Hermione, calm down.

"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione screamed, "I've been covering it up for you, not even Richard.

"Actually, I already knew it." Richard said silently.

Immediately, all eyes turned to him, and Richard touched his nose.

And Lupine knew about it a long time ago, so he continued to talk to Hermione.

"Hermione, please listen to me! I can explain."

Harry felt himself shaking, not from fear, but from a new wave of rage.

"I trust you," he yells at Lupine, his voice shaking uncontrollably, "and you've been his friend forever!"

"You're wrong," said Lupine, "for twelve years I wasn't Blake's friend, but I am now, let me explain.

"No!" Hermione screamed, "Harry, don't trust him. He's been helping Black into the castle, and he wants you dead, he's a werewolf!" There was a silence. Now all eyes turned to Lupine, who, though rather pale, was calm. "That's not on par with your usual level, Hermione," he said, "I'm afraid it's only a third of your usual level. I haven't been helping Black into the castle all the time, and I sure don't want Harry to die." There was a strange look on his face trembling. "But I don't deny that I'm a werewolf.

Everyone else looked at Richard. After all, he just said it, and he already knew it.

"Yes, Professor Lupine is a werewolf. His wolfbane potion was first made by Professor Snape, and then I was the one who made it." Richard said casually.

Ronald tried to stand up again, but failed, and fell down again with a grunt in pain. Lupine walked over to him, looking very concerned, but Ronald said out of breath, "Get away from me, werewolf!"

Lupine stopped, motionless. Then, with an apparent effort, he turned to Hermione and said, "How long have you known?"

"It's been a long time," Hermione whispered, "after I did the paper assigned by Professor Snape.."

"He'll be happy," said Lupine dryly. "He's laying out the paper in the hope that any of you will understand what my symptoms mean. Did you check the moon chart and see that I always get sick at the full moon? Or do you know that Boggarts turn into silver balls when they see me, Moon?"

"Both things," Hermione said quietly. Lupine forced a laugh. "As far as I know, you are the smartest witch of your age, Hermione."

"I'm not," Hermione whispered. "If I had been a little wiser, I would have told everyone you were a werewolf!"

"But they already know," Lupine said. "At least the teachers. And your little boyfriend."

Dumbledore hired you knowing you were a werewolf?" Ronald gasped, "Is he crazy?"

"Some teachers felt that way," Lupine said. "He had to do a lot of work to convince certain teachers that I could be trusted."

"But he was wrong!" Harry yelled, "You've been helping him into the castle!" He pointed at Black, who had already walked to the edge of the bed and collapsed on it, Shi Song covering his face with trembling hands. Ronald dragged his injured leg away from them slowly.

"I haven't been helping Sirius all the time." Lupine said, "I don't know if you can give me this chance, and to be honest, even if Black is intact, the two of us together are no match for Richard, give us this chance .”

In the end, Lupine was almost begging.

"But you wanted to attack us as soon as you came in. If it wasn't for Richard, you might have killed us already." Harry said angrily.

When Lupine heard this, he first separated the wands of Harry, Ronald and Hermione, and then threw them back to their original owners.

Seeing Lupin's initiative to show weakness, the three little ones didn't know what to do, they all looked at Richard.

"Just say what you want. Is there anyone blocking your mouth." Richard nodded indifferently.

"Okay," Lupine said, slipping his own wand back into his belt.

Harry didn't know what to make of it..0 "If you hadn't been helping him," he said, casting an angry glance at Black. "How do you know he's here

"Map," Lu Hu said, "that Marauder's Map. I was looking at it in the office just now."

"Do you know how to use it?" Harry asked skeptically.

"Of course it will," Lupine said, waving his hand impatiently. "I helped draw it. I'm Moonface, a nickname my friends gave me at school."

"Did you draw it?"

"Importantly, because both you and Richard have been looking for each other tonight, I think you may have sneaked out of the castle tonight, so I have been paying attention to this map."

He started pacing up and down, looking at them. Some dust kicked up around his feet.

"You might be wearing your dad's invisibility cloak, Harry."

"How did you know I had that invisibility cloak?"

"How many times have I seen James hiding under that dress," Lupine said, waving his hand impatiently again. "The problem is, even if you wear the cloak, it will show up on the map. I watched you walk across the grounds into Hagrid's hut. Ten minutes later, you leave Hagrid and walk back towards the castle. But you have other companions."1

"What?" Harry said, "No, we didn't!"

"I can't believe my eyes," Lupine said, still pacing, ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map wasn't working. How could he be with you guys

"Nobody's with us!" Harry said.

"Then I saw another dot, moving quickly towards you, that dot marked Sirius Black, and I saw him collide with you, and I watched him pull two of you into the Whomping Willow go inside."

"One of us!" Ronald said angrily.

"No, Ronald," Lupine said, "two."

He stopped and looked at Ronald.

"You said can I see your mouse?" He asked flatly.

"What?" Ronald3.6 said, "What does Banban have to do with this matter?"

"Whatever it is," said Lupine, "may I see the mouse?"

Ronald hesitated, then reached into his robes. Scabbers appeared, shaking violently in despair. Ronald had to grab the long, bald tail to keep it from escaping. Crookshanks stood up on Black's lap, crying softly.

Lupine moved closer to Ronald. He looked at Ban Ban intently, and seemed to be holding his breath.

"What?" Ronald said again, holding Scabbers closer to him, looking terrified. What could my rat have to do with it?"

"It's not a mouse," said Black suddenly hoarsely.

"What do you mean? Of course it's a mouse."

"No, it's not," Lupine said quietly, "he's a wizard."

"It's an Animagus," said Black, "named Peter Pettigrew."

After a few seconds, Yinjia realized that this sentence was simply unbelievable.

Then Ronald said what Harry was thinking. "Both of you are mentally ill."

"Ridiculous!" Hermione said weakly.

"It's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk, and you'll know the truth once you try it." Richard said ambiguously. .

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