My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 239: Banban Shows Its True Shape

hogsmeade shrieking shack

Just when the wolfdog brothers attacked Scabbers, Ronald, the little owner of Scabbers, couldn't help but argue.

"Well, Scabbers might have fought some other rat or something! He's been in our house for years."

"Twelve years, hasn't it?" Lupine said, "You never wondered how it lived so long?"

"We, we've been taking care of it!" Ronald said.

Hearing this, Snape also understood, and with a livid face, he directly snatched Banban from Ronald's hand.

Scabbers started screaming and writhing, and his little black eyes bulged out.

A bluish-white light emanated from Snape's wand, and for a moment, Scabbers was hanging in mid-air, its little black body writhing wildly, when Ronald yelped, and the rat fell, onto the floor .

Another blinding flash, and then it was like a quick shot of a tree growing. A head appeared on the ground, and its limbs stretched out. After a while, a man stood where Banban was just now, wringing his hands in fear.

The man was short, not much taller than Richard. His thin, light-colored hair was disheveled, with a large patch of baldness on the top of his head. His appearance is like that of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin appears dirty, almost like a patchwork of fur, and his pointed nose and small, watery eyes have the features of a mouse. He looked at everyone, short of breath and weak. Harry saw his eyes flick to the door and quickly retracted them.

"Oh, hello, Peter," Lupine said cheerfully, as if rats often turned into old classmates around him, "Long time no see."

"Snape," Peter Pettigrew's voice is also shrill. His eyes flicked toward the door again. "My friends, my old friends." 057

Snape said nothing at this point, seemed to be in a daze, and Black raised his wand arm, but Lupine grabbed his wrist and gave him a warning look. Then Lupine turned to Peter Pettigrew, and Lupine's voice was easy and casual.

"We were chatting, Peter, about what happened the day Lily and James died. You were screaming in bed just now, and you may have missed some details."

"Lupin," panted Peter Pettigrew, beads of sweat dripping down Peter Pettigrew's pale face, "you didn't believe him, didn't you, when he tried to kill me, Lupine."

"We've heard," said Lupine, his voice more indifferent. "I'd like to clarify a little thing or two with you, Peter, if you'd like to,"

"He's here again trying to kill me!" Peter Pettigrew suddenly screamed, pointing at Blake, using his middle finger because his index finger was broken. "He killed Lily and James, and now he's going to kill me, you must help me, Lupine.

Black's unfathomable eyes stared at Peter Pettigrew, his face more skeletal than ever.

"Until we figure out a few things, no one wants to kill you," Luhu said.

"Clear things up?" screamed Peter Pettigrew, looking wildly around again, his eyes on the boarded windows, and on the single door. "I know he's after me! I know he's coming back for me! I've been waiting twelve years for this!"

"Did you know that Sirius would escape from Azkaban?" Lupine frowned and said, isn't it true that no one has escaped before?"

"He's got tricks the rest of us can only dream of!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, "how else would he get out of there? I guess the man who can't even be named taught him some tricks! ’ Blake began to laugh, and a terrible, joyless laugh filled the room.

"Voldemort, teach me tricks?" Peter Pettigrew flinched, as if Black had whipped him. "What? Afraid to hear your old master's name?" said Blake. "I don't blame you, Peter. His men don't like you very much, do they?"

"Don't know, what are you talking about, Sirius," Peter Pettigrew muttered, sweating faster, his whole face now covered with sweat.

"You haven't been hiding from me for twelve years. You've been hiding from Voldemort's former supporters," Black said. I heard something in Azkaban. They all think you're dead, Peter, or you'll have to give them an explanation, and I've heard them screaming in their dreams, saying all kinds of things. It sounded like they thought the liar had tricked them. Voldemort went to Potter's house based on your information, and Voldemort missed there. Not all of Voldemort's supporters ended up in Azkaban, did they? There were plenty more here, biding their time, pretending they'd realized their mistake, if they got wind of it. Know you're alive, Peter. "

"Don't know, what are you talking about?" Peter Pettigrew said again, his voice higher than before. He wiped his face with his sleeve and looked up at Lupine, "You don't believe this madman, Lupine.

"I have to admit, Peter, I can't understand why an innocent person would spend twelve years being a mouse." Lupine said flatly.

"Innocent, but terrified!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, "If Voldemort's supporters are after me, it's because I got one of their best men into Azkaban, the spy, Sirius Black !"

Blake's face contorted.

"How dare you say that," he growled, sounding like a dog the size of a bear growling, the kind of dog he had become before. "Me, Voldemort's spy? When did I sneak around someone who was much stronger and more influential than me? But you, Peter, I really don't understand why I didn't recognize you as the one in the first place." Spy. You've always liked friends who are stronger than you, so they can take care of you, haven't you (cabj)? It's always been us, me and Lupine, and James."

Peter Pettigrew wiped the sweat off his face again, almost out of breath.

"I. Agent, you must be crazy, never, don't understand how you can say such a thing."

"It's just because of my suggestion that Lily and James let you be their secret keeper." Black said through gritted teeth, so fierce that Peter Pettigrew took a step back. "I thought that was the most perfect plan.. It was a clever plan. Voldemort would definitely come after me. I would never think that they would take advantage of a weak and stupid thing like you.. You told Voldemort that you could hand over the Potters to him, that must have been the happiest moment of your poor life."

"Enough is enough, I don't want to hear you dogs eat dogs anymore, but luckily I have the veritaserum prepared." Finally Snape couldn't hold back, he took out a bottle of potion from his arms, compared to the two Personally, he believes more in the potion that he relies on for survival.

And Peter Pettigrew was muttering distractedly, with the words "absurd" and "crazy" coming out of his mouth from time to time, his face was ashen at the moment, and his eyes were still gliding to the window and door.

"Professor Snape?" Hermione asked timidly, "Can I say a few words?"

"Mmm." Snape snorted.

"Well, Scabbers, I mean, this, this man, he slept in Harry's dormitory for three years. If he's working for You-Know-Who, how come he never tried to hurt Harry before?"

"Right!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, pointing at Hermione with his mutilated hand. "Thank you! Got it. Snape? I never hurt a hair of Harry! Why would I hurt him?"

"He'll know when he drinks the Veritaserum Potion." Snape wasn't tempted by Peter, "Come here quickly."

"No, I can't go there." Peter directly refused.

At this time, everyone in the room looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"I, I can explain." Peter said, pointing at Snape, "He's a Death Eater, if you don't believe me, you can make him roll up his sleeves and you can see his Dark Mark."

This time everyone except Richard looked at Snape with horrified eyes.

"He definitely wanted to help his companion, Sirius Black, kill me, and then put the blame on me." Peter continued.

After speaking, Peter looked at Lupine, and several other little wizards with provocative eyes, and of course the most important one was Richard Harris.

And Snape didn't explain at all, at this moment he looked at Peter like a clown.

"Pi, Mr. Peter, right?" Richard, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Harris, hello, you can just call me Peter." Peter recognized Richard at a glance, but he knew how terrifying the little wizard's strength was, as long as he believed his words, he would not be able tonight problem occurs.

"Why don't you want to deal with Snape's Veritaserum? Is there something you're hiding from us?"

"Of course not, mainly because Snape is a Death Eater and he will definitely help Black, what if he gave me poison.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Hearing Richard's words, Peter secretly rejoiced in his heart, what kind of talent is extraordinary, but he is just a little wizard, and he is not being played by himself.

At this moment, Richard suddenly took out a bottle of potion out of thin air, and opened it under Peter's bewildered gaze.

"I personally trust Mr. Peter, so I must return Mr. Peter's innocence. Fortunately, I also have a bottle of Veritaserum here. I am not a Death Eater after all. As long as Mr. Peter drinks it, everything will be the truth." Got it, we can go ahead and send Black back to Azkaban, too.

After speaking, Richard handed the potion in Peter's direction. .

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